Qedit 5.9 for HP e3000

Change Notice

Doc-To-Help Standard Manual

by Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.


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Qedit and Suprtool are trademarks of Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

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Introducing Qedit 5.9                                                                                                 1

Introduction........................................................................................................... 1

Highlights In Version 5.9......................................................................................... 1

Highlights In Version 5.8......................................................................................... 1

Highlights In Version 5.7......................................................................................... 2

Compatibility........................................................................................................ 2

Unresolved Externals on MPE/iX 4.0............................................................. 2

CPU Serial Number (HPSUSAN).............................................................................. 2

Compatibility Mode vs.Native Mode......................................................................... 2

Known Problems.................................................................................................... 3

Underscore in INFO= String......................................................................... 3

Nested Command Files................................................................................ 3

Documentation....................................................................................................... 3

User Manual.............................................................................................. 3

Change Notice............................................................................................ 4

Installation                                                                                                                   5

Overview............................................................................................................... 5

Instructions............................................................................................................ 5

Installation Assistance............................................................................................. 5

Enhancements Since Version 5.6                                                                         7

Introduction........................................................................................................... 7

Qedit for Windows                                                                                                     9

Introduction........................................................................................................... 9

Server Process........................................................................................................ 9

Logon Sequence......................................................................................... 9

Firewall Protocol and the Server.................................................................. 10

QEDSERVMODE JCW............................................................................. 10

Bugs Fixed Since Version 5.7                                                                               11

Introduction......................................................................................................... 11


Introducing Qedit 5.9


Qedit is our fast and efficient full-screen editor and development home base for HP e3000 systems (MPE/iX and MPE V). One of our objectives for Qedit is to give PowerHouse and COBOL developers all the necessary capabilities to perform their work from a single program.

We are constantly enhancing Qedit with new features and fixes requested by users. Not only does this change notice include a description of Qedit's enhancements, it includes detailed installation steps and a list of other changes for host-based Qedit. This change notice also includes a description of the server portion of Qedit for Windows.

Host-based Qedit is also available for HP-UX, with virtually identical features. If you would like more information, please contact Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

Highlights In Version 5.9

The following changes have been made in Qedit 5.9.

á       UDCÕs would stop working properly if a Calc command longer than 138 characters was entered.


Highlights In Version 5.8

This is an overview of all the changes implemented in this version.

á       Text command. The text command would fail with Integer Divide by Zero error when texting in some variable length or bytestream files.

á       Regular Expressions. Qedit would improperly report the error "String longer than maximum allowed" if the expression specified is longer than the window of the rangelist.


Highlights In Version 5.7

This is an overview of all the changes implemented in this version.

á       MPE commands with long Info= string do not cause stack corruption anymore.

á       A rangelist can now have an AND keyword with up to 10 search strings. All strings must be found on a single line for the line to be selected. Each string can have its own search window.

The following enhancements have been implemented in the Qedit for Windows server.

á       The server correctly returns error 90 when the modified record length is greater than the maximum allowed in the current workfile.


Qedit commands are added to the Redo stack before variable substitution occurs (Set Varsub On) i.e. with the variable name. So, if the variable value changes between the time the command is entered and the time it is retrieved from the stack, the results may be different. It's also important to note that commands related to Redo stack operations such as Listredo, Do, Before can not have trailing comments enclosed in curly braces anymore. The comments are not removed and likely cause a syntax error.

Unresolved Externals on MPE/iX 4.0

If you try to run Qedit on MPE/iX 4.0, you might get the following errors:


UNRESOLVED EXTERNALS: _thread_set_error  (LDRERR 512)

UNRESOLVED EXTERNALS: thd_lock_lang_mutex  (LDRERR 512)

UNRESOLVED EXTERNALS: thd_unlock_lang_mutex  (LDRERR 512)

These messages indicate some routines missing from the C library. If you are not planning to upgrade to a more recent version of MPE/iX, you should contact Robelle technical support. We can provide you with an additional file that will fix these problems.

CPU Serial Number (HPSUSAN)

Qedit runs only on CPUs whose serial numbers (the "showvar hpsusan" number on MPE/iX) have been encoded. If it fails to run and you see an "invalid HPSUSAN" error message, call Robelle for assistance.

Compatibility Mode vs.Native Mode

Throughout this change notice and in all the Qedit documentation, there are references to compatibility mode and native mode. If you are on a Classic HP e3000 (that is, not on MPE/iX), you can use the compatibility-mode version of Qedit. Our installation jobs will automatically install the correct version of Qedit for your machine.

Qedit works on both MPE/iX and MPE XL. Any reference to MPE/iX in our documentation can also be considered a reference to MPE XL, and vice versa.

Known Problems

Underscore in INFO= String

The underscore character can be used as a string delimiter and as as valid character in a Posix filename. If you enter a filename containing an underscore in the INFO= string parameter, Qedit interprets the underscore as a string delimiter. For example, if you enter:

run qedit.pub.robelle;info='-c "t my_history;vi"'

This command should start up Qedit, have it open the Posix file called my_history and go into full-screen mode automatically. However, since the underscore is seen as a string delimiter, whatever follows is basically ignored during command processing. Thus, the file is opened but Qedit stays at the line-mode prompt.

We hope to have a permanent fix in a future release. In the meantime, the workaround is to explicitly identify the underscore as being part of the filename. You can do this in different ways. Here are two examples.

run qedit.pub.robelle;info='-c t $file \my_history\;vi"'

The $file keyword and the backslash characters are used to clearly identify the filename. The other approach is remove the underscore from the list of valid delimiters using the Set StringDelimiters command.

run qedit.pub.robelle;info='set stringd posix;-c "t my_history;vi"'

The $file approach is simpler as it only affects that particular command. The Set StringDelimiter approach should be used with caution as it might affect other commands during the edit session.

Nested Command Files

Starting with Qedit 5.4.11, complex command files with multiple levels of nesting can cause an abort. In some of the cases we have seen, the problem only occurred when the Defer option was used. The workaround is simply to disable the feature with Set Open Defer Off. We are investigating the problem and will fix it as soon as possible.


User Manual

The user manual contains the full description of all the Qedit commands, as well as usage tips. The manual is up-to-date with all the latest changes incorporated in Qedit. To see only the changes in the latest version, see the "What's New" section of the manual, or see the change notice.

You can download the files from the Robelle web site at http://www.robelle.com/library/manuals/.


Change Notice

For a complete description of the latest changes made to Qedit, the installation instructions, and any compatibility issues, see the change notice that was included with the release.




We have two types of Installations, Tape and Download. We provide links to the Installation instructions on our web site for each type of Install.


If you received a production release tape from Robelle, then you can install using the instructions on this web page: 


If you downloaded the Qedit production release from our web site then the instructions can be found here for the ftp download method:


and here for the WRQ download method:


Installation Assistance

If you have any questions about the upgrade process or run into any problems, please call us. Technical support is available on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific time at 800.453.8970 or you can e-mail your question to support@robelle.com.

Enhancements Since Version 5.6


With every release we provide Qedit users with new features. Major enhancements since the last major release include:

á       A rangelist can now have an AND keyword with up to 10 search strings. All strings must be found on a single line for the line to be selected. Each string can have its own search window. [5.6.10]

The following sections describe the new enhancements to Qedit since the last major release. The number in brackets at the end of each section indicates the version in which the feature was first introduced.

Qedit for Windows


Qedit for Windows lets you edit local MPE/iX and HP-UX files from a single MS Windows program. It consists of a Windows editing client and either an MPE/iX or HP-UX editing server that work together to edit your host files. To take advantage of Qedit for Windows, you need both parts: the client and the server.

Qedit for Windows uses the popular TCP/IP protocol for communicating between the client and the server (this is the same protocol that you use to access the Web). Configuring the Qedit server software requires creating the correct TCP/IP environment for Qedit for Windows.

Server Process

By default, the Qedit server uses the MPE/iX Remote Process Management (RPM) service to start each server session. With RPM, the client sends a program name and an Info= string along with logon information to the RPM listening process. The RPM listening process then validates the user logon and starts the specified program with the Info= string. The server process is seen as an MPE/iX session, but the process is not included in your user limit. The Qedit server software is not available for MPEV.

Logon Sequence

When you use an MPE/iX connection to open a file in Qedit for Windows, this is what happens:

1.     A new host session is started, and the user name and passwords are validated (this includes additional logon processing by products such as SECURITY/3000).

2.     The Qedit client asks RPM on the host to run the Ci.Pub.Sys program with an Info string. For example,

qedit.pub.robelle "-d<ip-address>"

The "<ip-address>" is the IP address of the Qedit client.

3.     The Qedit process starts, and it verifies that you are authorized to use Qedit in server mode.

4.     Any system-wide Qeditmgr files are always processed. Processing of account and group Qeditmgr files is optional and must be enabled in the client.

5.     The requested file is opened.

6.     A response is sent to the client.

It is important to note that logon UDCs are not executed as part of this process. Any environment variables or file equations that are set up as part of a logon UDC will not be applied in the Qedit server process.

Firewall Protocol and the Server

The default protocol is usually sufficient at most sites. However, some customers use firewall devices to further restrict access to their HP e3000. The default protocol might not work at some of these sites. For this reason, the server offers a Firewall protocol.

In order to use this protocol, a Qedit listener has to be running at all times. You should add this job to your system startup procedure:

:stream qserver.qeditjob.robelle

If the job is not running, all new connection requests are rejected. Currently, the only way to stop the job is to abort it.

With this setup, the server runs as a listener similar to a UNIX daemon. It waits for incoming connection requests on a specific port number. Like the HP-UX server, the default port number is 7395. If you want to use a different port, you have to modify the Qserver job stream.

Upon receiving a request, the listener passes the information down to RPM, which then takes over.


The Qedit server process always executes the commands in the system-wide Qeditmgr files (e.g., Qeditmgr.Pub.Sys). Processing of the account and group Qeditmgr files can be enabled in the client. To indicate that you are using the Qedit server in either the server or the nonserver mode, which are not exactly the same, we provide a JCW called QEDSERVMODE. QEDSERVMODE is set to zero (0) if you are in nonserver mode, and nonzero if you are in server mode. If you are using the Qedit server, you should modify your Qeditmgr file so that few, if any, commands are executed in server mode. For example,

if Qedservmode = 0 then

   set extprog mpex.pub.vesoft


Bugs Fixed Since Version 5.7


This release fixes a number of bugs. The number in brackets at the end of each section indicates the version in which the problem has been fixed.

á       UDC commands would stop working after a calc command greater than 138 characters. (5.9)

á       Regular Expressions. Qedit would improperly report the error "String longer than maximum allowed" if the expression specified is longer than the window of the rangelist. (5.7.10)

á       Text command. The text command would faile with Integer Divide by Zero error when texting in some variable length or bytestream files. (5.7.11)