Qedit 6.6 for HP-UX

User Manual

Doc-To-Help Standard Manual

by Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.



Program and manual copyright © 1977-2024 Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given.


Qedit and Suprtool are trademarks of Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.


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Qedit 6.6 for HP-UX. i

User Manual. i

Contents. i

Welcome to Qedit. 9

Introduction. 9

Documentation. 10

User Manual 10

Printed Documentation. 10

Additional Software. 10

Qcat 10

Qaccess. 11

Compare. 11

Notation. 11

Highlights. 13

Highlights In Version 6.6. 13

Highlights In Version 6.5. 13

Highlights In Version 6.3. 13

Highlights In Version 6.2. 14

Highlights In Version 6.1. 14

Highlights In Version 6.0. 14

Highlights In Version 5.9. 14

Installing Qedit/UX. 16

General Installation Notes. 16

Who Should Use These Instructions?. 16

Summary of Installation Steps. 16

Step 1: Log On as Root. 16

Step 2: Create Robelle Directory. 17

Step 3: Restore Files. 17

Step 4: Set Up PATH (Optional) 17

Step 5: Start the Qedit for Windows Server (optional) 17

Getting a Quick Start with HP Full-Screen Editing. 19

Introduction. 19

Starting Visual Mode. 20

Screen Layout. 21

Home Line. 22

Status Line. 22

Text Lines. 22

Template Line. 22

Special Indicator Columns. 23

Using Your Keyboard. 23

Moving the Cursor 23

Editing the Text Lines. 24

Control Functions. 24

Reflection for DOS Keyboards. 25

Other PC Keyboards. 25

Function Keys. 26

Browsing Through Your File. 27

Cut-and-Paste. 28

Cutting Operations. 28

Pasting Operations. 29

Resetting Cut-and-Paste. 29

Copying a Block of Text 29

Cut-and-Paste Between Files. 30

Dividing and Gluing Operations. 31

Dividing Lines in Visual Mode. 31

Gluing Lines in Visual Mode. 31

Excluding Lines From Visual Mode Display. 32

Justifying Lines in Visual Mode. 32

Renumbering Lines. 33

Inserting Blank Lines. 33

Hold Files. 33

Marking Changes Without Using Line Numbers. 33

Paste from a Non-Qedit File. 34

Home Line Commands. 34

Finding Strings. 35

Changing Strings. 35

Help on Visual Mode. 35

Formatting Paragraphs. 36

Undoing Changes in Visual Mode. 36

Refreshing the Screen. 36

Other Line Mode Commands. 37

Truncated Home Line. 37

Exit from Visual 37

Getting a Quick Start with VT Full-Screen Editing. 39

Introduction. 39

Home and End keys. 39

Starting Screen Mode. 40

Troubleshooting. 40

Screen Layout. 40

Status Line. 41

Text Lines. 41

Message Line. 41

Using Your Keyboard. 42

Moving the Cursor 42

Editing the Text Lines. 43

Control Functions. 44

Browsing Through Your File. 44

Cut-and-Paste. 45

Resetting Cut-and-Paste. 45

Copying a Block of Text 45

Splitting and Joining Lines. 46

Getting a Quick Start with Line Mode Editing. 47

Introduction. 47

Adding Lines to a File. 47

Looking at the File. 48

Browsing the File. 49

Searching the File. 49

Editing Lines. 50

Global Changes. 52

Copying Lines. 53

Moving Lines. 53

Deleting Lines. 54

Help Command. 54

Saving the File. 55

Open and Shut for Instant Access. 55

Running Qedit under HP-UX. 57

Running Qedit. 57

Visual Mode for HP Terminals. 57

Screen Mode for VT Terminals. 58

Edit Several Files at Once. 58

How to Edit Several Files?. 59

Starting a New Scratch File. 59

Configuring Different Shells. 59

Bourne and Korn Shells. 59

C Shell 60

Setting Up a PATH for Qedit. 60

Bourne and Korn Shells. 60

C Shell 61

Control Characters and stty. 61

Qeditmgr Configuration Files. 61

Default Set Commands. 62

On-Line vs. Batch Access. 62

Command Line Options. 62

Initial Command Line:  -ccmdstring. 63

Editing a Single File:  -s. 63

Exit with Verify:  -v. 63

"Discard Changes?" on Exit 63

HP-UX Notes. 64

EDITOR Variable. 64

Scratch File. 64

Hold Files. 65

Shell Commands. 65

Shell Command History. 66

Tab Stops. 67

Hardcoded File Names. 67

/opt/robelle/qeditmgr 67

$HOME/.qeditmgr 68

/opt/robelle/help/qedit 68

Visual Mode. 68

Variables that Drive Qedit 68

Setting Variables in Your Shell 69

RCRTMODEL Variable. 69

RPCVERSION Variable. 72

RCRTWIDTH Variable. 73

Function Key Labels. 73

RCRTSTRAPSGH for Handshaking. 73


QEDCURWFILE Variable. 74


ROBELLE Environment Variable. 75

Converting Qedit Files with qcat. 76

Differences Between MPE and HP-UX. 76

Open/Shut 76

Current "*" File Name. 76

Missing Features. 76

Qedit for Microsoft Windows. 79

Introduction. 79

Server Process. 79

HP-UX 10.0. 79

Port Number 81

Log Files. 81

Console Messages. 81

Access Log. 82

Error Log. 82

Trace Log. 82

Log File Names. 82

Qedit Issues and Solutions. 85

Running Qedit with Reflection. 85

Alt-Y vs. :Reflect 85

Form Feed Causing Return/Line Feed. 86

Completion Codes. 86

Controlling the PC. 86

Accidental Exit from Reflection. 86

Changing the Exit Keystroke. 87

Files without NewLine Characters. 88

Lines, Strings and Ranges. 89

Qedit Commands. 91

Introduction. 91

General Notes. 91

Abbreviations. 91

Uppercase or Lowercase. 92

Multiple Commands per Line. 92

Comments on Command Lines. 92

Stopping Commands with Control-Y. 93

Implicit Commands. 93

Function Keys. 93

Shell Commands. 94

Calculator Commands. 94

Add Command [A] 95

Add (Adding New Lines) 95

Add (Adding a String as a Line) 97

Add (Copying Lines within a File) 97

Add (Moving Lines within a File) 98

Add (Copying Lines Between Files) 99

Append Command [AP] 101

Backward Command [BA/F5] 102

Before Command [B] 103

CD Command [CD] 105

Change Command [C] 106

Change (Changing Strings) 106

Change (Changing Columns) 109

Close Command [CL] 111

Colcopy Command  [COL] 112

Colmove Command  [COLM] 115

Delete Command [D] 118

Destroy Command [DES] 120

Divide Command [DI] 121

:Do Command [DO] 122

Exit Command [E/F8] 123

Find Command [F/F4] 124

Findup Command [FINDU/F3] 126

Form Command  [FORM] 127

Forward Command [FO/F6] 128

Garbage Command [GAR] 129

Glue Command [G] 130

Help Command [H/?] 131

Hold Command [HO] 132

Justify Command [J] 134

Keep Command [K] 141

List Command [L] 145

:Listredo Command [LISTREDO/F7] 158

:Listundo Command [LISTU] 159

LS Command [LS] 160

Lsort Command [LSO] 161

Merge Command [ME] 162

Modify Command [M] 164

New Command [N] 177

Open Command [O] 178

Proc Command [P] 182

Q Command [Q] 183

:Redo Command [REDO] 184

:Reflect Command [REFLECT] 186

Renumber Command [REN] 188

Replace Command [R] 189

Set Command [S] 190

Account 192

Alias. 192

Autocont 194

Check. 195

Decimal 195

DL size. 196

Editinput 196

Expandtabs. 197

Extentsize. 197

Extprog. 197

Filename. 198


Halfbright 198

Hints. 199

Hppath. 199

Increment 199

Interactive. 199

Justify. 200

Keep. 200

Language. 203

Left 206

Length. 207

Lib. 207

Limits. 207

List 208

Maxdata. 208

Modify. 208

Open. 211

Pattern. 211

Priority. 212

Prompt 212

Redo. 212

Right 214

RL file name. 214

Shift 214

Spell 214

Statistics. 215

Stringdelimiters. 215

Tabs. 216

Term.. 217

Text 217

Totals. 219

UDC. 220

Undo. 220

Varsub. 220

Visual 222

Warnings. 235

Whichcomp. 235

Window.. 235

Work. 236

Wraparound. 238

X. 238

Zip. 243

Shut Command [SH] 244

Spell Command [SP] 245

Text Command [T] 246

Undo Command [UN] 252

Up Command [UP/F2] 254

Use Command [U] 255

Verify Command [V] 256

Visual Command [VI/F1] 257

Words Command [W] 260

Zave Command [Z] 261

ZZ Command. 262

Calculator Command [=] 263

Troubleshooting and Error Messages. 267

Introduction. 267

Messages. 267

Quit Errors. 270

Errors in Visual. 270

Using Visual with X.25. 270

Using Visual on HP-UX. 270

Terminals Supported by Visual 270

Problems with 700/9x Terminals. 271

Visual Error Messages. 271

File Formats. 275

Introduction. 275

Qedit Workfiles. 275

Original Format Workfiles. 275

Jumbo Workfiles. 276

External Files. 277

Regular Expressions. 281

Introduction. 281

Metacharacters. 281

Character Class. 283

Escape Character. 285

Escaped Sequences in Regular Expressions. 286

Backreferences in Regular Expressions. 287

Escaped Characters in Replacement String. 288

Qedit Glossary. 289

Introduction. 289

Terms. 289

Abbreviating. 289

Batch. 289

Calculator 290

Column. 290

Command. 291

Control Character 291

CRT. 292

Current Line. 292

Defaults. 292

External File. 292

File Names. 293

Full-Screen Editing. 293

Hold File. 293

J Option. 294

Jumbo Files. 294

Keep File. 294

Language. 294

Left 295

Length. 295

Line. 295

Linenum.. 295

Margins. 296

Memory Lock. 296

Patterns. 297

Quiet-Q Option. 298

Range. 298

Rangelist 298

Relative Line Numbers. 300

Right 300

Shifting. 301

String. 301

Tab. 301

Template-T Option. 302

Visual Editing. 302

Window.. 302

Workfile. 303

Special Characters. 304

? Means Help, Nonprinting Characters, Alphanumeric (in Patterns) or Optional (in Regexp) 304

$ Means Hex, Memory Lock, List Option, Previous File or End-Of-Line (in Regexp) 304

^ Means Findup, Control-Char, Start-of-line (in Regexp) or Negate (in Regexp) 305

. Means Nonprinting, Reset, Decimal Point or Any Character (in Regexp) 306

! Means Shell Script or Too Long. 306

% Means Octal or String. 306

* Means Current, Refresh, Multiply or Quantifier (in Regexp) 306

\ Means Previous, String, Literal Match (in Regexp) or Special Characters (in Regexp) 307

/ Means Prompt, Range Delimiter, Stop, Exit, or Divide. 308

[ Means FIRST, [default] or Start Class (in Regexp) 308

] Means LAST or End Class (in Regexp) 309

{ } Are for Comments or Indentation. 309

@ Means ALL. 309

& Means Literal Match. 310

: Means Shell Commands or String. 310

; Means Multiple Commands. 310

, Means a List 311

= Means Copy or Calculate. 311

< Means Move, I/O Redirection or Backward Page. 311

> Means Forward Page, I/O Redirection, Modify or Qhelp. 311

" Means String. 312

( Means Start Parameter, Command or Subpattern (in Regexp) 312

) Means End Parameter, Command or Subpattern (in Regexp) 312

+ Means Ahead Some Lines, Add or Quantifier (in Regexp) 313

- Means Back Some Lines, Minus or Range (in Regexp) 313

# Means Numeric Pattern. 314

~ Means Spaces (Pattern), Recent Page or Field. 314

How to Contact Robelle. 315

Support. 315

Index. 315


Welcome to Qedit


Welcome to Qedit, the fast, full-screen text editor for MPE and HP-UX. To get into Qedit/UX, enter this command:


Qedit version 6.6 has screen-editing, function keys and commands:


































































Function Keys:

F1 Upd Next/Visual

F2 Roll Up

F3 Findup

F4 Find

F5 Backward

F6 Forward

F7 Do ===>

F8 Exit



Qedit comes with a User Manual and a Change Notice. You may have received printed copies of these. If you wish to have printed copies, you can order them by filling out the form on our web site.

They are also available as PDF or HTML files. You can download the files from the Robelle web site at: http://www.robelle.com/library/manuals/.

User Manual

The user manual contains the full description of all the Qedit commands, as well as usage tips. The manual is up-to-date with all the latest changes incorporated in Qedit.

Printed Documentation

The latest user manual and change notice are available in Adobe PDF format. If you do not already have the Adobe Acrobat reader, you can get a copy from http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html. If you wish to have printed copies, you can order them by filling out the form on our web site.

Additional Software

Qedit comes with additional software:

·         qcat for converting Qedit files,

·         qaccess archive library for reading Qedit files, and

·         Compare/UX for comparing two text files.


Qcat is a filter program similar to cat and zcat. Qcat reads a set of Qedit files and prints the lines on standard output. Type man qcat for more information.

qcat QeditFile > TextFile


Qaccess is an archive library for reading Qedit files. It has two parts:

·         a header file qaccess.h in /opt/robelle/include,

·         and an archive library qaccess.a in /opt/robelle/lib.

Type man qaccess for more information.


Compare/UX compares two text files (Keep or Qedit format) and prints out the differences. The basic comparison unit is a line. Compare/UX identifies three types of differences:

·         lines that are in the first file but not in the second;

·         lines that are in the second file but not in the first;

·         and lines that are in both files, but don't match.

Type man compare for more information.


This manual uses a standard notation to describe commands. Here is a sample definition:

VERIFY         [ @ | ALL ]

[ keyword ...]

1.      UPPERCASE - If the commands and keywords are shown in uppercase characters in a syntax statement, they must be entered in the order shown (example: ALL). However, you can enter the characters in either uppercase or lowercase.

2.      Lowercase, highlighted - These are "variables" to be filled in by the user (example: keyword). The variables may be highlighted by underlining or italics. Each such "variable" is defined elsewhere (see the "Qedit Glossary" on page 289 when you have trouble). In the Help command, highlighting is not available, so these variables appear simply in lowercase.

3.      Brackets - enclose optional fields (example: [ALL]).

4.      Braces - enclose comments which are not part of the command. However, braces and comments are accepted in actual Qedit commands.
/listq filename {Q means without line numbers}

5.      Up lines - separate alternatives from which you select (example: SET CHECK [ON|OFF]). The choices are sometimes listed on several lines without "up lines".

6.      Dot-dot-dot (...) - indicates that the variable may be repeated many times in the command.

7.      Other special characters - literal symbols that must appear in the command as they appear in the manual (for example, "=" in Add linenum = rangelist).

In examples, there is an implied Return key at the end of each line.

In examples in our documentation, we generally show Qedit commands preceded by the Qedit "/" prompt. However, in Qedit/UX the default prompt is actually "qux/". Note that you can change the prompt string with Set Prompt.

Control characters, generated by holding down Control while striking another key, are either spelled out (e.g., Control-H) or abbreviated with a circumflex prefix (e.g., ^H).

When Qedit asks you a question, the default answer is shown in [brackets]. The default is the answer that Qedit will assume if you press only the Return key.


  Highlights In Version 6.6

This is an overview of all the changes implemented in this version.

·      Visual Mode for HP terminals has been added to Qedit/Open. (Linux Only)

·      Qedit visual mode has been ported and added to the Linux version. (Linux only)

Highlights In Version 6.5

This is an overview of all the changes implemented in this version.

·      Visual Mode for HP terminals has been added to Qedit/Open. (Linux Only)

·      Qedit visual mode has been ported and added to the Linux version. (Linux only)

·      The behaviour of regexp window has been fixed in one corner case. (All platforms)

·      Help files are now working in Qedit/Open. (Linux Only)

·      Hold files are now working in visual and in other areas of Qedit/Open.

·      An issue was fixed when Qedit repainted the updated screen incorrectly after a block copy or move is now fixed.

·      Set vis above can only be 0. This is a temporary. (Linux Only)

·      Set Vis BlockEmulation has been turned on by default. (Linux Only)

Highlights In Version 6.3

·         Qedit for HP-UX now writes out the size of a fixed length file when making a file fixed length, with set keep var off.  It will also write out a file as to whether or not Line Feeds are on or off.  The files are local to your working directory under the names .qxrecsize and .qxlf.

·         The Qedit Server now supports login via PAM and which supports LDAP.

 Highlights In Version 6.2

This is an overview of all the changes implemented in this version.

·         The Qedit for Windows Server would not honour an administrative lock and other reasons why an account would not be accessible.

 Highlights In Version 6.1

This is an overview of all the changes implemented in this version.

·         The Verify command incorrectly parsed certain entries near the end of the verb table such as ZZ, String etc.

·         The Calendar intrinsic is being phased out of Qedit and all Robelle products, which will help all products run past 2028.


Highlights In Version 6.0

·           Qedit on HP-UX now has the command set compatvarsub on which does not replace $-variables that are not defined with spaces. It simply passes the $token, thru to the Qedit command interpreter if the variable is not defined.


Highlights In Version 5.9

·           Qedit now recognizes files with the extension of .COB and .cob as Cobol files on HP-UX.

·           Qedit now support long user names on HP-UX 11.31, implemented by lugadmin.

·           Qedit now supports the HP-UX Long Password feature on HP-UX 11.31. Error messages have been improved for login issues.

·           Qedit would return a status code of 123 upon exit even if an error had not occurred.




Installing Qedit/UX

General Installation Notes

Here we describe how to install and configure Qedit. The following are general notes about installing Qedit.

Who Should Use These Instructions?

The system manager should use the following installation instructions to install Qedit/UX. No one can be using Qedit/UX during the installation. The installation should only take a few minutes.

Summary of Installation Steps

To install Qedit/UX, follow these steps:

1.      You must log on as root.

2.      You must create the correct directory structure.

3.      Qedit/UX and its associated files must be restored from the distribution tape.

4.      You can set up a PATH for Qedit/UX or copy it to an existing directory in your PATH. (optional step)

5.      If you have the Qedit for Windows server, you need to start the daemon process. (optional step)

Step 1: Log On as Root

There are two ways to log on as root:

1.      Exit from HP-UX and log on with root as the user name.

2.      If you are already logged on, you can execute this command:

su -

In either case, you have to supply the user password for root.

Step 2: Create Robelle Directory

Qedit/UX is installed in /opt/robelle. Before restoring the Qedit/UX files you must first create the /robelle directory.

mkdir /opt/robelle

Step 3: Restore Files

Use the following command to restore the Qedit/UX files from the distribution tape:

tar xv /opt/robelle

This command assumes your tape device is /dev/rmt/0m. If it is not, you need to specify your tape device by using the "f" option in the tar command. For example, if your tape device is /dev/rmt/1m, you need to use the following command to restore the files:

tar xvf /dev/rmt/1m /opt/robelle

Once the files have been restored, you can run the new version of Qedit/UX:


Step 4: Set Up PATH (Optional)

You invoke Qedit with this command:


If you just type


to invoke Qedit/UX, you must either add /opt/robelle/bin to your PATH or copy /opt/robelle/bin/qedit to a directory that is currently on your PATH. Similarly, the man pages for Qedit are found in /opt/robelle/man/man1/qedit.1. To make the man pages available to everyone, you can either add /opt/robelle/man to your MANPATH or you can copy the man pages to a directory that is currently on your MANPATH.

Details of how to set up either PATH or MANPATH on a system-wide or user basis can be found in the chapter "Running Qedit under HP-UX."

Step 5: Start the Qedit for Windows Server (optional)

If you have the Qedit for Windows server software, you must start the Qedit/UX daemon process before any Qedit clients can connect to your HP-UX machine. To allow users to connect to the Qedit/UX daemon process, you must log on as root and issue this command:

qedit -d

The Qedit server process requires three log files. By default, these files are located in the following directory:


If you have moved Qedit to a different directory, Qedit tries to identify its current location and adjust the location of the log files. If it is not able to correctly identify its location, it will default back to /opt/robelle.

If you wish to explicitly identify the logfiles location, you can perform the following steps:

1.      Set the ROBELLE environment variable with the new directory name before you start the Qedit server process.

2.      Make sure the new directory has exactly the same structure as the /opt/robelle directory.

Getting a Quick Start with HP Full-Screen Editing


Qedit aims to provide everything an MPE or HP-UX programmer could need to write COBOL, PowerHouse, or other programs, and to prepare documentation. Therefore, Qedit has Line mode for batch editing and full-screen mode for interactive editing. On HP terminals, Qedit's full-screen mode is called Visual mode. On VT terminals, Qedit’s full-screen mode is called Screen mode. See “Getting a Quick Start with VT Full-Screen Editing” on page 39.

This feature does not work on the hpterm terminal emulator at the moment.

As of HP-UX 11.0, HP has dropped support for block-mode terminals. For this reason, full-screen editing as implemented on HP3000 computers only works on HP-UX versions earlier than 11.0. On HP-UX 11.0 or later, full-screen editing is available in Screen mode (Set Visual Screen On) on VT-type terminals or in Visual Blockemulation emulation (Set Visual Blockemulation On) on HP-type terminals.

As its name implies, Blockemulation emulates block-mode operations by reading each line one by one instead of reading the whole screen in a single operation. Depending on the type of connection, this process might take a few seconds as the cursor moves down the screen.

Qedit's Visual mode is a powerful but friendly full-screen editor designed specifically for programmers. It gives you full access to the editing capabilities of your terminal in block-mode, with low system overhead. You can move, copy, mark and delete blocks of text with Visual's cut-and-paste functions, and page backward and forward through your file with function keys. To use Visual mode, you must have an HP terminal or an HP terminal emulator (e.g., Reflection from WRQ).

In Visual mode, you have access to all Line mode commands (including UDCs, command files, compiling, linking and running programs, shell scripts, and string searching and changing). Qedit's search and replace functions aim to be simple, fast and powerful (e.g., ignore embedded words, etc.). The Undo command allows you to cancel any previous edits to your file, working back to the state at which you started. Using the optional Open and Shut feature, you can switch between files instantly.

Visual mode is a good introduction to the HP operating systems for users who don't work on HP computers all day. Those who may particularly benefit are novice users, or users who run Qedit only to update a report skeleton once a week. These occasional users no longer have to memorize editing commands. Visual mode provides a familiar environment where novices can make changes to the entire screen, just as they do on PC editors. You can even configure some electronic mail packages (HPDesk, elm), to put your users directly into Visual mode when they edit a message.

Starting Visual Mode

After you have invoked Qedit, and Texted or Opened a file, you switch from Line mode to Visual mode by typing VI or pressing F1. If you don't have a file open, Qedit opens a scratch file and, if empty, fills it with a screenful of blank lines.

VI [ linenum | "string" ] or press F1

(Default: linenum = *)

Whereas in Line mode you type in command and text lines ending each with a Return, in Visual you edit a full screen of text in block-mode using the terminal keyboard. Since your terminal is off-line from the computer, you can use its cursor and editing keys. You edit by moving the cursor around the screen, inserting and deleting lines and characters. Press Enter to save your changes. To move through the file, you have the convenience of eight function keys, such as F6 Forward One Page.


Visual mode in Reflection for Windows, showing cut-and-paste indicators

You copy, move, hold, and delete blocks of text easily by placing "cut-and-paste" indicators at the start of the line. You may type Line mode commands at the home line ===> and execute them via the Enter or the F7 key. Combining the cut-and-paste functions with the Open and Shut commands, you can also copy and move text quickly between different Qedit files. Use the ZZ cut-and-paste indicator with any command to mark text easily.

The Set Visual command controls how Visual mode operates and allows great latitude in configuring Visual to your own liking. For example, you can choose to have automatic update; decide where the current line or cursor appears; and select how many lines will carry over when you page up or down.

When you are done, exit Visual mode using F8, then Keep or Shut your file. Press F8 again to leave Qedit.

Screen Layout


Okay  1691.75  WFILE.DOC.TACCT  "verify"(u)  Move Ready

 *  procedure abc;

+1  begin

+2      integer def;

//  ....+....10...+....20...+...


The screen starts with the home Line, followed by the status Line, several text Lines, and ends with the template Line. Columns 3 and 4 of text lines sometimes contain special characters and are called the indicator columns.

Home Line

You type commands, search for strings and for line numbers after the ===> on the home line.


These are executed when the F7 or Enter key is pressed.

The home line is also used by Qedit to print error messages. You must clear the error message by pressing the F7 or Enter key before you can type another command in the home line.

Status Line

The second line shows the status, the current line number (i.e., that of the * line), the name of the file you are editing, the current string with its window, and any pending cut-and-paste task.

Okay  1691.75  WFILE.DOC.TACCT  "verify"(u)  Move Ready

If you have Texted a file into Qeditscr, the status line shows the name of the Text file, which is also your default Keep file.

Text Lines

By default you see the * (current) line and 19 lines after it. Each line is prefixed by the relative line number, and two columns for special indicators.

 *  procedure abc;

+1  begin

+2      integer def;

Use Set Vis Above and Set Vis Below to adjust the number of lines shown above and below the current line.

Template Line

The last line has // and a column template. The // signals end-of-screen to Qedit and must not be erased.

//  ....+....10...+....20...+...

Visual uses more than 76 columns for text on Reflection, Qcterm, a 2393/97, 2626, or 700/9x terminals.

Special Indicator Columns

Qedit leaves columns 3 and 4 of the text lines for you to enter cut-and-paste operators (i.e., MM, CC, HH, etc.). Also, Qedit may print one of two special indicators in these columns:


line extends beyond the visible right margin


line contains control characters, shown as dots

An ! means the line extends beyond the right terminal margin. To shift the screen image left, type Set Left 55 at the Visual home line and press F7.

A ? means the line contains nonprinting characters such as Nulls, Escapes, Bells, Tabs or possibly Roman-8 extended characters. Qedit replaces these characters with dots (.) in Visual mode, and does not allow you to make changes. These ? lines are not updated when you press Enter.

To edit Bells, Escape sequences, Tabs, ShiftOuts and ShiftIns in Visual, use Set Vis Bell, Set Vis Esc, Set Vis Tab, Set Vis SO and Set Vis SI. All these specify substitute characters to be shown instead of dots. To edit other control codes, use Modify or Change from the ===> line. If you turn Set Editinput Extend Off, Qedit regards Roman-8 characters as nonprinting noise and show them as dots.

Using Your Keyboard

In Visual mode, the keyboard gives you the power to move around the screen, edit text, and control the flow of Qedit.

Moving the Cursor

You move around the screen using the cursor keys and others:


Cursor Left

Move one space to left


Move one space to left

Cursor Right

Move one space to right

Cursor Up

Move one space up

Cursor Down

Move one space down


Down to next line, back to column 5

Home Up

Move to ===> line


Move to bottom of screen


Move to next right Set TAB column


Move to next left Set TAB column

Prev Page

Only moves around terminal memory

Next Page

Only moves around terminal memory


Editing the Text Lines

You revise the screen image using these keys:


Space bar

Move cursor right and erase character

any char

Overwrite cursor and move it right

Del Char

Remove character at current cursor

Ins Char

Enable "insert"; use again to disable

Ins Line

Insert blank line above current line

Del Line

Delete line at current cursor

Clear Line

Erase to the end of the line

Clear Display

Avoid! Recovery: Home Up,*,F7


To save the changes you have made on the screen,



Send screen image to Qedit, update file


Control Functions

To return from Visual mode to Line mode:



exit from Visual


Some other keys:



Useless in Qedit


Do not use in Visual


Disabled in Visual


Use if screen locks up, press Enter


First key of Escape sequences


Does not delete anything!


Reflection for DOS Keyboards

If you are using a PC with Reflection for DOS, you need to map the PC keys into the HP keys.

Note that the PC keyboard has two keys labeled Enter, which are used differently in Qedit. The Enter key above the Right Shift key is called the Return key in this manual, and is used to execute commands in Line mode. In Visual mode, this key moves the cursor down by one line. The other Enter key (on the numeric keypad) is called the Enter key, and is used to update the screen in Visual mode.

Here are the default Reflection keystrokes for common functions:


Terminal Keyboard

Reflection Key Sequence


Enter on the numeric keypad. If that doesn't work, try the "+" on the numeric keypad, or try Shift-F10

Home Up




Ins Line


Del Line


Clear Line


Clear Display

Alt-J (avoid in Visual!)

User keys


System keys

F10 (then F7 for help)


Additional Functions

Reflection Key Sequence

Begin Line (Column 1)


End Line


Help about Reflection





Other PC Keyboards

AdvanceLink is similar (Alt-H is help, Alt-I is Insert Line, Alt-D is Delete Line), but Clear Line is Alt-L, and Enter is Alt-F3. Other terminal emulators have their own keystrokes for common functions. See your emulator's manual for details.

Function Keys

Much of the convenience of Visual mode is due to the power built into the eight user function keys: F1 through F8.


Update and go to next page


Roll Up Screen n lines, as per Set Vis Roll


Findup (search back for current string)


Find (search ahead for current string)


Backward One Page


Forward One Page


Execute command typed in ===> line


Exit from Visual back to Line mode


F1: Update and Go to Next Page

Qedit reads the current page and updates the file, then displays the next page. The F1 key combines the Enter key and F6 (Forward) in a single key. However, F1 does not execute any command typed in the home line as the Enter key would.

F2: Roll Up Screen

Qedit clears the screen and displays a new one that is rolled up n lines (default: 6), where n is controlled by Set Vis Roll.

F3: Findup - Previous String

Qedit searches backward in the file, starting from the * line, until it finds a line that contains the current string. Qedit clears the screen and displays a new page, with * positioned at the line that contains the found string. Visual also displays the target string on the Status line.

Before you can use F3, you must establish the string for which to search. Type the string in quotes prefixed by a circumflex (^"string") at the ===> on the home line and press F7, to do the first Findup.

F4: Find - Next String

Qedit searches forward in the file, starting from the * line, until it finds a line that contains the current string. Qedit clears the screen and displays a new page, with * positioned at the line that contains the found string. Visual also shows the target string on the Status line.

Before you can use F4, you must enter the target string. Type the string in quotes ("string") at the ===> on the home line and press F7, to do the first Find.

F5: Backward One Page

Qedit clears the screen and displays the previous page. By default, the top line of the original screen becomes the bottom line of the new screen. Use Set Vis Carry to change the number of lines carried over to the new screen.

F6: Forward One Page

Qedit clears the screen and displays the next page. By default, the bottom line of the original screen becomes the top line of the new screen. Use Set Vis Carry to change the number of lines carried over to the new screen.

F7: Execute a Command

Use the F7 key to execute commands. The current screen is not updated, unless you have Set Vis Update On. Type whatever command you want to execute after the ===>. This includes "strings" to find, Qedit Line mode commands such as Open or Justify, shell commands, calculator commands (=5/6), and special Visual commands (e.g., * for Refresh, ? for Help). Then press F7. Qedit reads only the home line and executes the function. To first save your screen changes and then execute, use Enter instead of F7.

See the section "Home Line Commands" for complete details.

F8: Exit from Visual

To return from Visual mode to Line mode, use the F8 key. Press F8 again once you are in Line mode to exit Qedit and return to HP-UX. If for some reason F8 fails to exit from Visual, type / at the ===> and press F7 or the Enter key. This should get you back to Line mode.

Browsing Through Your File

Line Number. Move to a specific line (e.g., to line 45).

===>45 F7

> and <. Move ahead or back a page. Use with a number to move several pages (e.g., ahead 3 pages).

===>>3 F7

+ and -. Move forward or backward any number of lines (e.g., back 200 lines). If you do not specify a number, the default is the number of lines configured by Set Vis Roll.

===>-200 F7

~ The Tilde Key. Return to the "most recent" screen. If you jump from line 1500 to line 451, ~ sends you back to 1500. This is handy if you jump briefly to another part of your file to check something then want to get back to your original location.

The tilde is also available from line-mode but it has to be enabled by removing it from the list of string delimiters. In order to do this, you could do the following:

/V stringd

Set STRINGDelimiters "|\~{}[]_@?!#>%&:'"

/S stringd "|\{}[]_@?!#>%&:'"

Notice that tilde has been removed from the delimiter list entered on the Set command.

===>~ F7

FIRST and LAST. Move to start or end of file.

===>first F7

Scrollup Character. This character can be entered in the cut-and-paste columns to scroll up in the file. A single character scrolls the number of lines defined by Set Visual Roll. If the character is entered more than once, Qedit scrolls up that many times the number of Roll lines. For example, enter 4 minus signs anywhere to scroll 4 X Roll lines. The default scrollup character is a minus sign. It can be changed to something else with Set Visual Scrollup.


It is never necessary to remember line numbers in full-screen mode. Visual allows you to mark, hold, move, copy, replicate, or delete a block of text, all visually. This is called "cut-and-paste" and is done by putting special indicators in the two blank columns at the left of each text line before you press the Enter key. For example, DD indicates a block of text to be deleted.

Cutting Operations

Order Is Not Important (But One at a Time). You can enter the indicators in any order and on different screens, but 10,000 is the maximum number of lines you can cut. When you have defined a complete cut-and-paste task, Qedit completes the task and removes the indicators. You can only perform one cut-and-paste task at a time.

Single Line

Block of Text




Move line or block of text



Copy line or block of text



Delete line or block of text



Hold a line or block of text



Append block of text to Hold file



Justify a block of text



Mark a line or block of text


Pasting Operations



Insert text "after" this line (or use F for "following")


Insert text "before" this line (or P for "preceding")


Insert Hold file after this line (or use FH)


Insert Hold file before this line (or use PH)


Insert Hold0 file after this line (or F0)


Insert Hold0 file before this line (or P0)


A line to be replicated after itself


A line or block to be replicated n times (max. 9). (See "Copying a Block of Text" below.)


Display Enhanced. When the cut-and-paste task is partly defined, Qedit highlights the indicated lines and adds a warning to the status line.

Resetting Cut-and-Paste

You can cancel a pending cut-and-paste task (if you have not pressed the final Enter) by entering a period (.) in the ===> line and pressing F7.

===>. F7

Copying a Block of Text

Paste One Copy at a Time. Suppose you want to copy a section of text from one place in your file to another. Here is one way to do it. First, locate the screen containing the start of the block that you want to copy, using a string search via the home line. Move the cursor down to the first line you want to copy, then press Cursor Left twice and type "CC" in the blank columns provided. Press Enter and you should see that line highlighted in inverse video.

Second, find the end of the text section and mark the last line with another "CC". After you press Enter, you should see the entire block highlighted.

Third, go to the screen where you want to insert a copy of the text. Move the cursor down to the line before the desired insertion point, Cursor Left once and type "A" (for after). Press Enter and the block should appear.

Paste Multiple Copies at Once.

When working with a block of text, you can use the same cut-and-paste codes to mark the beginning and the end of the block (i.e., HH on the first line of the block and HH again on the last line). The only exception to this is the block replication code.

In this case, you would use RR to mark the beginning of the block and Rn to mark the end of the block, where n represents the number of times you want that block replicated. For example, to have the same block replicated five times, you would enter R5. The new blocks are inserted immediately after the last line of the copied block.

The original lines marked for replication are written to the Hold0 file.

Cut-and-Paste Between Files

Using Visual mode's cut-and-paste functions, you can copy and move blocks of text between files.

You can only edit one file at a time in Qedit, but you can switch quickly between different Qedit files by Opening and Shutting them.

/o file1

Open file1  List * = 20

/o file2               {implicitly shuts file1}

Shut file1

Open file2  List * = 48

/o *                   {open the last file that was shut}

Shut file2

Open file1  List * = 20

/o *                   {open the second file again}

Shut file1

Open file2  List * = 48

Note: The * shortcut refers to the last Qedit file that was shut.

Now, to copy a block of text from file1 to file2, use HH twice (just as you would use CC) to hold the block in file1. Then, open file2, and use AH or BH to paste in the text from the Hold file. To move a block from file1 to file2, use the DD function to delete the block of text from the first file. The deleted block is stored in a temporary Hold file called Hold0 (Hold-zero). Now immediately open file2 and use A0 or B0 to paste in the text from Hold0.

Dividing and Gluing Operations

 Single line



a single line to be diVided


a single line to be glued


a single line to be glued with a space inserted


 Block of text



begin or end of the block to be diVided


begin or end of the block to be glued


Dividing Lines in Visual Mode

To divide a line, use the V (diVide) cut-and-paste function in column 3 or 4, then insert the special field separator ("~") at each division point in the line. The default field separator is tilde ("~" ), but you can override this with Set Vis Field. If no "~" is found in the line, a blank line is added after the line.

What about dividing all the lines in a range? Use VV to mark the start and the end of the line range, then place the field separators in the first line of the range. Every line of the range is divided at the specified field columns. If no "~" is found, a blank line is added after each line.

When marking several division points, insert them into the first line of the block from right to left. As you insert them, they shift the following text to the right one space each. Otherwise, if you insert them from left to right, it is difficult to select the proper division point for subsequent fields.

Gluing Lines in Visual Mode

To Glue the next line to the current line, use a G in column 3 or 4. To Glue two lines with a space inserted at the joint, use GJ in columns 3 and 4.

To glue "pairs" of lines within a block, use GG to mark the start and end of the block.

By default, G and GG append text after the last nonblank character in a line, but it is also possible to glue text to specific columnar fields. You do this by inserting a field separator at the start of each field (mark the first line only). The default field separator is the tilde ("~"), but you may override this with Set Vis Field. If you specify three fields, G glues the next three lines to the first line. GG glues the next three lines to the first line, and then go on to the next group of four lines. If the precise column number where each field starts is important to you, insert the field separators from right to left, since each one that is inserted shifts the column numbers that follow off by one more.

Excluding Lines From Visual Mode Display

The XX indicators are used to mark lines that you do not want displayed in full-screen mode. Once marked, the block of text is replaced with a single line.

--- Excluded Area --- 10/34.5

This line shows the line numbers which are currently excluded. An excluded area setting is saved in the workfile so it's preserved across Open/Shut commands. To reset the excluded area and see the original lines again, type .xx on the Homeline and press Enter or F7.

The excluded area can also be defined using Set Visual XX. The current excluded area is displayed on the Verify Visual output.


The Excluded Area line must not be removed, altered or used in any way. This also means that you can not enter any indicators in the cut-and-paste area. If you wish to paste lines before or after the excluded area, you should use the appropriate cut-and-paste indicators on the line that immediate precedes or follows the Excluded Area line.

An excluded area can not be included in any other block operation such as ZZ, CC, MM or other XX.

If any of these rules are broken, Qedit displays an appropriate error message.

Justifying Lines in Visual Mode

Justification in text alignment is available in full-screen mode. To justify a block of text, simply mark the first and last lines in the block with the JJ indicator. If Qedit uses any justify default settings, they are defined by the Set Justify command. If there are no default settings, Qedit assumes the text should be justified within the current display width.

The justified lines are written to the Hold0 file. A single J indicator is not valid.

Renumbering Lines

When the insertion point is on the current screen, Qedit renumbers the screen if needed (and if Set Vis Renum is ON).

Inserting Blank Lines

When entering a lot of new text, it is tiresome to keep pressing Ins Line for each new line. To insert a block of 10 blank lines quickly, press Ins Line to create one blank line, Cursor Left twice, type R9, and press Enter. This reproduces nine copies of the blank line immediately after it (as well as updating the paragraph you just finished typing). Repeat as needed.

Hold Files

Visual has both an implicit and an explicit Hold file.

The Implicit Hold0 File. Any block processed by the CC, MM, JJ, RR, or DD indicators is also written to a disc file called Hold0 (Hold-zero). This allows you to copy the lines back into your workfile using A0 or B0 (add from Hold0, After or Before the line on which you place the indicator).

The Explicit Hold File. The HH indicator writes a block to the Hold file without moving or modifying it. Use H for a single line. To copy the line(s) back into your workfile, use AH or BH. You may need a Hold file when creating a file that you want to compile, or when using the Use command. You must use HH (instead of CC) for copying text from one file to another.

When HH is used to mark the beginning and end of a block, it copies the block of text to the explicit Hold file. With the HH indicator, the current contents of the Hold file are erased and replaced with the marked lines.

If you want to append a block of text to the Hold file, you can use the HJ indicator. HH or HJ can be used to mark the first line. However, HJ must be used to mark the last line. You cannot hold-append a single line of text, which means you can append only two or more lines. With the HJ indicator, the current contents of the Hold file are preserved and the block of text is appended to it.

Marking Changes Without Using Line Numbers

The ZZ indicators mark a group of lines that you want Qedit to remember. Use Z to mark a single line. Note: "Z" for a single line is valid only in Visual mode; in Line mode, use "ZZ" to mark a single line. See the ZZ command in the "Qedit Commands" chapter for further information. Once marked, the lines are displayed at half-bright intensity and you can refer to them in any home line command by using ZZ where the line numbers are expected. This is especially useful when listing lines to the printer, changing or appending strings, and formatting text:

===> list $lp zz  F7

===> change "bob"Robert" zz  F7


===> verify zz  F7        {check current ZZ range}


===> zz off  F7           {cancel ZZ range}


Paste from a Non-Qedit File

If you want to copy text into your current workfile from another file that is not a Qedit file, you cannot use the methods described above. You cannot Open the second file if it is not in Qedit format. Instead, use the List command to find the portion of text that you want to add from it (without Shutting the first file). Then, use the Add command to paste in the text.

===>list xxx

===>add * = xxx 10.7/22.9

Home Line Commands

All Qedit commands are supported in Visual mode. To do a command, such as Listf or ls, press the Home Up key to reach the home line, then type your command after the ===> and press F7 or Enter. To execute a command, such as Change, on a subset of the file, first use the ZZ cut-and-paste indicators to mark the subset and then use ZZ in the command. After most ===> commands, Qedit prompts you for more commands ("Next command [Visual]"). Type in more commands, or return to your Visual screen above, by pressing the Enter or Return key.

Qedit accepts each command, executes it and goes back to the "Next command" prompt. There are a few exceptions to this process. By default, when you enter an Open command, Qedit assumes you want to edit the file immediately and switches into full-screen mode automatically. If you wish to disable this feature, enter Set Visual Editonopen Off.

If the tilde has been removed from the list of string delimiters (see Set Stringdelimiters) and you enter a tilde "~" at the "Next command" prompt, Qedit uses the current line number associated with the tilde, makes it the current line and goes back into Visual immediately.

Finding Strings

To search for a string, simply type it in quotes at the ===> line and press F7 or Enter.

===>"string"  F7

Qedit will find the next line containing that string, display the page around it, and show the target string in the Status line. To find the next occurrence of the same string, press F4.

To find the previous occurrence of a string, prefix the string with a circumflex.

===>^"string"  F7

To find the next previous occurrence, press F3.

You may delimit strings with any of the following characters:





Vertical line, Up-line


Quotation mark


Apostrophe, Single quote




Percent sign


Reverse slant, Backslash


You may use single quotes (') if you do not have Set Decimal On. Note that, with this syntax, Qedit permits a few less characters in Visual mode than it does in Line mode because Visual mode uses these characters for other purposes. For example, the question mark is used to get quick help about Visual mode, instead of as a string delimiter. If you insist on using other delimiters, you should use the Find command on the ===> line.

===>F :string:     F7

Changing Strings

You can change strings on the screen by entering a Change command on the ===> line.

===>c "niether"neither" */*+19  F7

Help on Visual Mode

To get help, press Home Up, type ? and press F7 or Enter.

===>?  F7

The ? command gives a one-screen summary of Visual mode. For complete on-line help on Qedit, including Visual, type HELP in the ===> line and press F7 or Enter.

===>help  F7

For help on a specific command, type HELP [command name]. See the Help command in the "Qedit Commands" chapter. To get out of help, press F8.

Formatting Paragraphs

To format a screen paragraph, mark the paragraph with ZZ cut-and-paste indicators, then use a Justify command that includes a ZZ. For example:

===>justify both margin 68 zz  F7

If every paragraph ends with a blank line, you can Justify a paragraph by using the relative line number on the screen. Justify will start at that point and continue until it finds a blank line:

===>justify both margin 68 *+2  F7

For more information on Justify, see the Justify command in the "Qedit Commands" chapter.

Undoing Changes in Visual Mode

After you have made some changes to your screen in Visual mode and updated the file by pressing Enter, you may decide you don't want those changes after all. You can use the Undo command to cancel these changes.

All of the changes you make on the screen before pressing Enter, are treated by Qedit as one "undo-able" command, except for cut-and-paste operations. Qedit always executes a cut-and-paste last after updating the file with any other changes, no matter what order the changes were made in. This means that you can choose to undo just the cut-and-paste operation, or undo it and all of the other changes. You can continue undoing your previous changes until the file is back to its original state.

Refreshing the Screen

If you make changes to the screen, then decide not to keep them before you press Enter to update your screen, how do you get your original text back? You refresh the screen by typing a * on the home line, then pressing F7, F1 or Enter (or any function key with Set Vis Update On). Use the Undo command if you press Enter and then decide that you don't want to keep your changes.

If you insert so many new lines that you push the column template line right off the bottom of your screen, don't worry -- it's not really gone. Qedit won't update your screen without the template line, however. Press Next Page (Pg Dn) to pull up the next screen of display memory. You have a problem only if you inserted so many lines that you pushed the template line right out of display memory, and even then you can still recover your changes. See the Errors in Visual section of Appendix E, regarding qscreen.

Screen Refresh is particularly useful if you've pressed Clear Display by accident.

===>*  F7

When using Set Vis Update On to automatically update the screen, use *> F7 or *< F7 to move ahead or back one page, without updating the current page.

Other Line Mode Commands

You may enter any Line mode Qedit command in the ===> line, including Opening another file, and calculator commands (=). The ZZ cut-and-paste indicator can be used to mark a group of lines for use in any Qedit Line mode command.

===>list $char zz  F7

Truncated Home Line

When editing a file with short records (e.g., Set Lang Text, Set Len 20), the right margin of terminal display memory is set to match the record length. This means that when typing home line commands you wrap the status line at the same width as the records (very inconvenient if the record length is 3 bytes!). You can, however, cursor past the right margin to type a longer command. Therefore, Qedit expands the right margin when you use F7 to execute the home line command, making it possible to execute a long command even when the data length is short. Qedit cannot expand the right margin if you press Enter (and may cut short your command).

Exit from Visual

If your function keys do not work for some reason, you may not be able to use F8 to exit from Visual. Instead, press Home Up, type / and press Enter. This updates your current screen and returns you to Line mode.

===>/  F7

Getting a Quick Start with VT Full-Screen Editing


Qedit's full-screen mode on VT terminals is called Screen mode, which works with most VT terminals (i.e., VT100 and VT220). To use Screen mode, you must have a VT terminal or terminal emulator, and you must have a terminfo entry for your VT terminal in your configuration (use untic vt100 or untic vt220 to check your terminfo entries).

Screen mode differs from Visual mode by not relying on the block-mode feature of HP terminals. It enables you to page forward and backward through your file, as well as to move, copy, mark and delete blocks of text with Screen mode's cut-and-paste functions.

Screen mode is a good introduction to the HP operating system for users who don't work on HP computers all day. Those who may particularly benefit are novice users, or users who run Qedit only to update a report skeleton once a week. Screen mode provides a familiar environment where novices can make changes to the entire screen, just as they do on PC editors. You can even configure some electronic mail packages (e.g., HPDesk, elm) to put your users directly into Screen mode when they edit a message.

Home and End keys

On PC's running a terminal emulator, the Home and End keys correspond to the Home and End keys on your keyboard. On VT100 terminals, these keys correspond to keypad-7 for Home and keypad-1 for End because there are no keys labeled Home and End. In addition to the keypad equivalents, VT220 terminals also correspond Home to the Find key and End to the Select key.

Starting Screen Mode

After you have invoked Qedit, and used Text or Open to access a file, you can switch from Line mode to Screen mode by typing "vi." If you don't have a file open when you type "vi", Qedit will open an empty scratch file and fill it with a blank line.

In Line mode you must type command and text lines, and press Return after each line. In Screen mode you can edit a full screen of text by moving the cursor around the screen, inserting and deleting lines and characters, and joining and splitting lines. To move through the file, use PF3 and PF4 (or the Prev and Next keys if you have a VT220 or above).

You can perform additional editing functions by using control-key sequences. For example, to mark the first line in a cut-and-paste operation, press ^L. When you are finished editing, use ^E to exit Screen mode.


If your TERM environment variable is set to a VT terminal, Qedit will automatically use Screen mode when you type "vi." If you are running Reflection with HP and VT emulation, and Qedit is still using Visual mode, you should check the following items:

·         The RCRTMODEL environment variable is set to 0.

·         The TERM variable has been exported. Use export to see a list of your exported variables.

·         The value used in your TERM variable is a valid terminfo entry. Type in untic $TERM or untic terminfo value to check this.

You can also manually put Qedit into Screen mode by typing in the following command:

set vis screen on

Screen Layout

The screen starts with the Status Line, several Text Lines, and ends with the Message Line.


Qedit Full-screen editing (Reflection in VT220 emulation mode)

Status Line

The first line shows the current line number and column location of your position in the file, the insert/replace mode, and the name of the file you are editing. For example,

L 11  C 5     I               monthly.report

Text Lines

By default, the number of lines on the screen is LINES-2. The default value of LINES is specified in the terminfo entry for your terminal. You can override terminfo's default value by setting the shell environment variable LINES.

Message Line

The last line on the screen is the message line. When you first enter Screen mode, this line displays a list of commonly used control keys. As you edit a file, Qedit uses this line to display messages about your editing operations. After a message is displayed, it remains on the screen until you move to another screen (e.g., by scrolling or by paging forward or backward). Then the list of commonly used keys will appear in the message line again.

Using Your Keyboard

In Screen mode, the keyboard gives you the power to move around the screen, to edit text, and to control the flow of Qedit.

Moving the Cursor

You can move around the screen by using the cursor keys and the numeric keypad.

VT100 and up

VT100 keystrokes:



Cursor Left

Move one space to left

Cursor Right

Move one space to right

Cursor Up

Move one space up

Cursor Down

Move one space down


Display help screen


Previous page of text


Next page of text


Go to beginning of line


Go to end of line

Home Home

Go to beginning of file

End End

Go to end of file

Keypad Layout

VT100 keystrokes:

[ 7]


[ 8 ]

Cursor Up

[ 9 ]

Previous Page

[ 4 ]

Cursor Left

[ 5 ]

Toggle Wordmove

[ 6 ]

Cursor Right

[ 1 ]


[ 2 ]

Cursor Down

[ 3 ]

Next Page

[ 0 ]


[ . ]



VT220 and Up

VT220 keystrokes:



Prev Page

Previous page of text

Next Page

Next page of text






Toggle insert/overwrite mode


Delete current character

If you are using a modem to access your HP-UX computer, you can try pressing ^O to toggle the fast scroll option. This option, whose default is Off, may speed up single-line scrolling operations. However, the screen update with fast scroll may be visually annoying.

The toggle WordMove feature selects whether the left and right cursor keys will move by characters or by words. This feature is useful if you have a slow connection to your host machine.

Press keypad-5 to move by word. Qedit defines a word as a sequence of alphanumeric characters or a sequence of punctuation characters. For example, the line "if (a==b)" contains 6 words: if, (, a, ==, b, and ). Press keypad-5 again to move by full words. Qedit defines a full word as a sequence of non-blank characters. For example, "if (a==b)" contains these 2 full words: if and (a==b). Press keypad-5 once again to return to move by single character.

Editing the Text Lines

You revise the screen image by using these keys:




Insert mode: split line at current position

Overwrite mode: move to start to next line


Delete previous character

Insert mode: rest of line shifts left

Overwrite mode: rest of line unchanged

At start of line, join line to previous line


Toggle insert/overwrite mode


Delete character at current cursor location, rest of line shifts left


Insert blank line above current line


Delete line at current cursor


Search and Replace


Undo changes to current line before you move cursor off the line

In Search and Replace, Qedit asks you three pieces of information: the string to search for, the string to replace with, and the search options. The search options are the same as the ones in the Find String function, which is documented in the following section.

Control Functions

To return from Screen mode to Line mode:




Exit to Line mode

Browsing Through Your File




Go to a particular line


Find string


Find next

You can go to a specific line number by pressing ^G. The first line in the file is line 1. You can quickly go to line one by pressing Home twice. Similarly, you can go to the last line by pressing End twice. The Home key equivalent is keypad-7 (or Find on VT220), and the End key equivalent is keypad-1 (or Select on VT220).

You can also go to a line by searching for a string. Press ^F to begin searching. Qedit will ask you for two pieces of information. First, you need to enter the string you want to search for. Second, you need to enter the search options. The search options are as follows:




Ignore type case of words

Default: case-sensitive


Specified string is a pattern

Default: not to use patterns.


Search string must be a "word" (surrounded by blanks or punctuation)

Default: string can be anywhere in line


Start searching from line 1

Default: start from current line

To search for the next occurrence of a string, press ^A. Once the last string has been found, Qedit will not return to the start of file.





Begin marking a block of text

press once to mark by complete lines

press again to mark by partial lines

press again to cancel marking line


Copy marked lines to Hold0 file


Cut marked lines to Hold0 file


Paste lines from Hold0 file before current line

Screen mode's model for cut-and-paste is similar to the cut-and-paste of Microsoft Windows. First you mark a block of text. Then you either copy or cut the text to a "clipboard." The copied text remains in the file, but the cut text is deleted. To paste the text, put the contents of the clipboard into the new location.

If you have not marked a block of text when you perform a copy or cut, the current line will be copied or cut.

When you start marking a block, Qedit will highlight lines as you move through the file. The highlighted lines are your marked block. When you press Ctrl-L to begin marking, Qedit highlights the entire line. This means the whole line will be inside the marked block, regardless of the horizontal location of your cursor. If you press Ctrl-L again, Qedit highlights only part of the line, from the position of your cursor when you first pressed Ctr-L to your current cursor position. Press Ctrl-L a third time to cancel your marked block.

Resetting Cut-and-Paste

You can cancel the current marked block by pressing ^L.

Copying a Block of Text

Suppose you want to copy a section of text from one place in your file to another. Here is one way to do it:

1.      Use a string search to locate the start of the block. Move the cursor to the first line you want to copy and press ^L. You should see the current line highlighted.

2.      Go to the last line you want to mark and press ^C.

3.      Go to the screen where you want to insert a copy of the text.  Move the cursor to the line after the desired insertion point and Press ^V to add the block.

Splitting and Joining Lines

To split a line, move the cursor to the position where you want the new line to start. Make sure you're in insert mode and then press Return.

To join two lines, move the cursor to the beginning of the second line, and then press Backspace.

Getting a Quick Start with Line Mode Editing


You don't have to learn every command in order to use Qedit. With just a few of the basic functions, you can take care of editing job streams, programs, memos, or big text files. First, find out how to run Qedit on your system. Your system manager may have set up an easy way to access Qedit (try typing qedit). Look for a slash prompt (/ on MPE or qux/ on HP-UX), which tells you Qedit is ready to go.

This introduction will make the following activities familiar to you: adding lines to a file, looking at the contents of files, searching files for specific characters, changing one line or many lines, deleting, moving, and copying lines, and saving files. In the examples to follow, watch for comments on the right-hand side, enclosed in curly braces. Whatever you see in { } is an explanation, not part of the command, although Qedit will accept it. Press Return after each command line. When you finish your session, getting back out of Qedit is easy. Type Exit, and press the Return key:


Adding Lines to a File

You add text with the Add command. Qedit numbers each line you add. Pressing Return at any spot in the line moves you to a new line. This means that you can put a blank line into your text if you press Return twice in a row. Qedit continues to add your lines of text until you type // (two slashes) at the beginning of a new line and press Return. Try typing Add right now, and Qedit moves the cursor and prints some identifying information:

/add                          {remember to press Return}

 QEDITSCR                     {Qedit displays this line}

 Temporary File List * = 1    {and this line too}

  1  _                        {go on, Qedit is waiting for you}

Continue to "add" by typing in this example:

  1    MEMO TO: Drama Staff, News Simulation Dept.


  3    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Dept.


  5    Please check your in-baskets daily and

  6    respond to your fan mail within a week.

  7    //                     {stop adding for now}

/                             {Qedit is waiting again}

You can add lines anywhere in the file by typing Add followed by the line number where you want to start your insertion. For example, if you decide to date this memo, type at the slash prompt:

/add 2

  2.1  DATE:  November 18, 2000


  2.3  //


You have added line 2.1 for the date, and line 2.2, which is blank. Line 2.3 is not put into your file, since typing the double slash stopped the adding. Notice that Qedit used line numbers that would fit between line 2 and line 3. Now, if you want to see what the whole thing looks like, type List ALL at the slash prompt.

/list all

  1    MEMO TO: Drama Staff, News Simulation Dept.


  2.1  DATE:  November 18, 2000


  3    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Dept.


  5    Please check your in-baskets daily and

  6    respond to your fan mail within a week.


Looking at the File

The command for looking at the file is List. But you can do much more than List ALL. For example, you can list a file you're not even working on. Our sample memo is a temporary file, in your group, named Qeditscr, but you could look at a file in another group now without harming the memo by typing, for example:

/list /etc/profile

The file /etc/profile may be scrolling by on your screen, but don't panic. If you change your mind about looking at it, you can stop the listing by holding down the Control key and pressing "Y".

You may choose to look at just a small part of the file. To prove that the memo, although temporarily gone from your screen, is not lost forever, look at two lines of it:

/list 3/4

  3    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Dept.


Instead of listing all, you limited the range of lines to be listed. A range of lines, called a rangelist, can have specific line numbers (such as 3 in the above example), words like "first" and "last", relative line numbers such as -3 (means the third line back) or +10 (tenth line ahead), or a combination.

/list first/2,+1,last-2

  1    MEMO TO: Drama Staff, News Simulation Dept.




The slash / separating the numbers (or words) symbolizes the word "to". Rangelists can also contain strings. See the section on strings (called Searching the File), or the "Glossary" for definitions of rangelist and string.

Browsing the File

If you want to browse through the file, the command you need is LJ. LJ stands for List-Jump. Qedit shows you a screen of text, prints


at the bottom of the screen, and waits for you. If you press Return, Qedit displays the next screen. You can stop browsing by pressing Control-Y, typing NO or just N, or by typing //. Also, you can type any command, and Qedit stops browsing to execute it. To request a List-Jump:

/lj 6                     {begin browsing at line 6}

/lj /etc/profile          {browse configuration file}

Searching the File

So far, you typed line numbers to specify which lines you wanted to see. There is another way to list lines, and that is to specify an identifying string. Put anything in quotes and it's a string. Qedit lists all the lines that contain that exact same "anything".

/list "your"

  5    Please check your in-baskets daily and

  6    respond to your fan mail within a week.

2 lines found

There are two occurrences of "your" in the file, one on line 5 and one on line 6.

Strings can help you find a particular place in the file quickly.

With the commands Find and Findup, you can go to the next consecutive location of a string. Find searches the file from your current location to the end. Findup searches backwards from where you are to the beginning. So in order to search a file for a date scattered throughout it, type:

/find "January 18"       {search forward from current line}

 Or, search back through the file with

/findup "January 18"

Qedit displays the next line containing "January 18". To search again for the same string, just type Find (or Findup). You can abbreviate "Find" to "F" and "Findup" to "^".


To search for a different string, just type F "new string".

Editing Lines

Suppose you want to change the date of your memo. You could do it the slow way, first deleting the line, then adding a replacement line with the new date. But instead of all that retyping, try the Modify command. Modify has a lot of power. Here's how to use it:

1.      Type M and the line number.

2.      Qedit displays the line, and you move along on the line below it by pressing the space bar.

3.      Stop at the point where you want to make your correction.

4.      Type in the change to be inserted and press Return.

5.      Qedit displays the entire corrected line for your approval. Make another correction if you want, and when satisfied, press Return again to accept the corrected line and get back to the slash prompt.

An example:


  2.1  DATE:  November 18, 2000

                        9        {move with the space bar}

                                 {press Return}

  2.1  DATE:  November 19, 2000  {press Return again}

Here is a partial list of special things you can do with Modify:



insert text Before this column


DELETE text from this column onward


add text after the LAST column in the line


OVERWRITE (or replace) columns


TRAVEL over the line without changing it


GOOFED. Put the line back the way it was, please


Note: The little symbol ^ is a shorthand way of saying that you hold down the Control key (on some keyboards abbreviated Ctrl) while at the same time pressing the letter. For example, ^B (or Control-B): keep the Control key down with one finger while with another, type a B. These symbols won't show up on your screen.

HP-UX reacts to certain control characters which might conflict with the Qzmodify codes. For example, control-D sends an end-of-file signal to HP-UX but is also the delete character in Qzmodify. You should use the HP-UX stty program to change the default end-of-file signal. Please see the section "Control Characters and stty" on page 61 for more details.

This command is easy to use but awkward to describe; you'll understand how to use it much faster if you give it a try. Let's take a typical example, and modify line 5 of our memo. Begin by typing "m5" and, of course, pressing Return. Then, to replace "daily" with "every day", our first step is to delete the word. Use the space bar to move to the column under the "d" in "daily". Press ^D (you won't see anything, remember), then space across all the columns you want to delete. Don't press Return yet.

The second step is to insert the two new words. Press ^B and type "every day". Now press Return to see the line with the revisions.

Qedit lets you see your revisions and continue modifying with as many different changes as you can fit into one pass, before you press Return. In order to make changes at different locations in a line, press ^T to space over the intervening characters without disturbing them. If you goofed, press ^G instead: you'll get your original line back.

The final step is to accept the revisions by pressing Return one last time.

If your fingers are so trained to MPE's style of Modify (e.g., D for delete) that you cannot remember to use the Control key, do not despair. As with most things in Qedit, there is a configuration option to solve this problem. The command Set Mod HP instructs Qedit to accept HP-style modifies (i.e., MPE modifies such as D and I), instead of Qedit-style. See the Modify section of the Set command.

Global Changes

There is another way to modify lines in your workfile. The Change command allows you to make changes throughout the entire file, without the bother of working on each line one by one. For example, with one Change command to your memo, you can replace all the colons with dashes.

/change ":"-" all

  1    MEMO TO- Drama Staff, News Simulation Dept.

  2.1  DATE-  November 19, 2000

  3    FROM-    Marie Reimer, Publicity Dept.

3 lines changed

Using the Change All command is a one-way street. If we now decide we don't like the dashes and want to get the colons back, observe what happens to Line 5.

/change"-":" all

  1    MEMO TO: Drama Staff, News Simulation Dept.

  2.1  DATE:  November 19, 2000

  3    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Dept.

  5    Please check your in:baskets daily and

4 lines changed

This second Change command has gotten us into hot water. Luckily, Qedit has an Undo command that takes your file step-by-step backwards to put it back to the way it was. See the Undo command in the "Qedit Commands" chapter.

CJ Command

If you're not sure what the consequences of a global change will be, use the CJ command. CJ stands for Change-Jump. Qedit shows you each line it means to change, and waits for you to approve, to change your mind, or to modify that line. Then Qedit jumps to the next occurrence of your string, and repeats its question until you have dealt with all occurrences of the string in the file. To accept the default answer of NO (i.e., don't replace the string), shown in square brackets, just press Return.

/cj":"-" all

  1    MEMO TO: Drama Staff, News Simulation Dept.

Change okay (Y,N or Modify) [No]:  {press Return}

  2.1  DATE:  November 19, 2000

Change okay (Y,N or Modify) [No]:  {press Return}

  3    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Dept.

Change okay (Y,N or Modify) [No]:  {press Return}

  5    Please check your in:baskets daily and

Change okay (Y,N or Modify) [No]:Yes

1 line changed

You can use the handy ^Y to stop in the midst of change-jumping just as you used it to stop listing.


You can also specify individual lines or a rangelist to Change. For example,

/change "Dept."Department" 1/3

  1    MEMO TO: Drama Staff, News Simulation Department

  3    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Department

2 lines changed


/change "Drama Staff, "" 1  {changes string to nothing}

                            {i.e., deletes it}

  1    MEMO TO: News Simulation Department

1 line changed

Copying Lines

Copying lines is a variation of the Add command. One reason we might want to copy lines is to make a general-purpose form out of our memo. We can keep a sample memo form at the beginning of the file, then copy it to the end of the file and fill it in whenever we need to communicate. This is how to do it:

/add last = first/4

  7    MEMO TO: News Simulation Department


  9    DATE:  November 18, 2000


 11    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Department


6 lines COPIED

Qedit copies the rangelist (first/4 = first line to line 4) after the indicated line (here, last line in file). To accomplish our goal of placing the sample memo template at the beginning of the file, we'll have to move the first six lines so they follow our new sample. Before we try moving lines, a last tip on copying: you can copy lines from an external file by including the file name in the command, placed after the equals sign and right before the rangelist.

Moving Lines

Moving is very similar to copying; it's another form of the Add command. But, instead of using the equals sign, use the less-than sign. You can specify:

/add 12 < 1/6

 13    MEMO TO: News Simulation Department


 15    DATE:  November 18, 2000


 17    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Department


 19    Please check your in-baskets daily and

 20    respond to your fan mail within a week.

8 lines MOVED

Qedit moves the rangelist (in this case, lines 1 to 6) after the indicated line (in this case, 12). In case you were wondering, we could have used "last" instead of the number "12". You can add, move, or copy lines to any spot. In fact, we could have copied the first six lines to the beginning of the file in the first place, but then we wouldn't have had this fascinating "move" example. The result of this particular move is

/list all

  7    MEMO TO: News Simulation Department


  9    DATE:  November 18, 2000


 11    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Department


 13    MEMO TO: News Simulation Department


 15    DATE:  November 18, 2000


 17    FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Department


 19    Please check your in-baskets daily and

 20    respond to your fan mail within a week.

Deleting Lines

To demonstrate the Delete command, we'll get rid of our memo template. On some systems, Qedit asks for confirmation before deleting a large number of lines. If so, you can cancel the deletion just by pressing Return; to confirm the deletion, type "yes" and press Return. The abbreviation for Delete is simply D :

/d first/12

  7   _MEMO TO: News Simulation Department

  8   _

  9   _DATE:  November 18, 2000

 10   _

 11   _FROM:    Marie Reimer, Publicity Department

 12   _

DELETE 6 lines [no]? yes

If you typed "yes" without due consideration, you now have a chance to take it back. Press Control-Y, and Qedit saves your bacon with the message "Undeleted!" But you must press Control-Y immediately: if you do anything else between the deletion and the rescue, Qedit will commit to the deletion. However, in this situation the Undo command can bring your lines back, even if you have made more changes. You must undo each change to the file in reverse order. See the "Qedit Commands" chapter of the manual for details.

Help Command

On-line help is available on every topic in Qedit. After you've become an expert with the commands introduced here, you can use Help to teach yourself all sorts of amazing new commands. To get Help, type a question mark or the word HELP.




Qedit responds with a list of its commands, and at the bottom of the screen, a list of keywords. Type the keyword of the topic in which you're interested. For example, one of the keywords is "Full-Screen". Get an introduction to full-screen mode by typing:


Did you notice that the Help prompt is different from Qedit's regular prompt?

When you asked for Help, Qedit filled your screen with lists. To learn about some of the commands in the list, (e.g., the Add command), type the keyword:


and Qedit gives you some general information on the topic of commands. At the bottom of the screen is a list of keywords. Type the one in which you're interested:


Qedit responds with further information. You can backtrack your route and look at all the other possibilities too. Pressing Return takes you back one step at a time.

To exit from Help, press the Return key until you see the regular Qedit slash prompt again.

Saving the File

There are two commands that preserve your work: Keep and Shut. First, invent a name for your file. Naturally, two files cannot have the same name. The name must be a valid HP-UX file name. We've been working on a temporary file. To save it, name it:

/keep myfile1

When you want to work on Myfile1 again, type:

/text myfile1

and Qedit will copy Myfile1 for you to use. If you make changes to the file, remember to Keep it again before you leave Qedit to make the changes a permanent part of the file.

Open and Shut for Instant Access

Only Qedit files can be opened and shut. It is much faster to use the Open command than it is to use the Text command, because you make changes directly to the Open file. With a Text file, you must wait for Qedit to make a copy to which you make your changes.

Using the Shut command saves the current scratchfile as a permanent Qedit workfile. In the case of a scratchfile, the name of the new workfile must not exist. You can Shut a new file, or a file that you made a copy of (with the Text command). Name the file as described above.

If you are working on a Qedit workfile, Qedit renames it before closing.

qux/t myfile1

'Language' is now DATA                 {copy of myfile1 in scratchfile}

20 lines in file

qux/sh myfile1

Retained existing file for you.        {myfile1 already exists. No change.}

qux/sh myfile1.work                    {renamed to myfile1.work}

qux/open *

Open /home/user1/myfile1.work Current = 1 Margins = 1/80

qux/sh myfile1.newwork

File renamed.

A workfile looks like any other file from the outside. For example,

ll myfile1*

-rw-rw-rw-   1 francois   users          533 Aug 17 18:33 myfile1

-rw-rw-rw-   1 francois   users        16384 Dec  8 07:15 myfile1.work

However, you can use the HP-UX file command to determine the file type. In order for file to recognize Qedit files, you need to edit /etc/magic.

login as root

$ cd /etc

$ qedit

qux/Text magic

qux/Add last

0\tstring\tQEDIT\tQedit                {\t indicates tab characters}


qux/Set Decimal On

qux/Change "\t" '9 *                   {change \t to actual tab characters}


You can now use the file command on these files.

$ file myfile1*

myfile1:       ascii text

myfile1.work:  Qedit

Running Qedit under HP-UX

Running Qedit

To run Qedit for HP-UX, type this command:


Qedit. Copyright Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. 1977-2001.

(Version 5.7) Type ? for help.


Qedit prints its version number and prompts with "qux/". You type commands, ending each with Return. For example, to edit a file enter a Text command:

qux/text filename

To save your edits, use the Keep command.

When you start Qedit, you are initially in Line mode (you type command and text lines, ending each with the Return key). Qedit has two full-screen modes: Visual mode for HP terminals and Screen mode for VT terminals.

Visual Mode for HP Terminals

Full-screen editing as implemented on HP3000 computers only works on HP-UX versions earlier than 11.0. On HP-UX 11.0 or later, full-screen editing is available in Screen mode (Set Visual Screen On) on VT-type terminals or in Visual Blockemulation emulation (Set Visual Blockemulation On) on HP-type terminals.

As its name implies, Blockemulation emulates block-mode operations by reading each line one by one instead of reading the whole screen in a single operation. Depending on the type of connection, this process might take a few seconds as the cursor moves down the screen.

On HP terminals, Qedit's full-screen mode is called Visual mode. The function keys give you eight quick functions: F1 = Visual, F2 = Roll up, F3 = Findup, F4 = Find, F5 = Browse backward one page, F6 = Browse forward, F7 = Listredo, and F8 = Exit.

Press the F1 key or use the Visual command to switch to full-screen mode, where you can edit a full screen of text with the terminal keys. The Enter key passes the revised screen back to Qedit, and the F7 key executes any Line command that you type on the home line. If you have an HP terminal or emulator, you will want to export RCRTMODEL so that you can use advanced screen features. See "Variables that Drive Qedit."

To return from Visual mode to Line mode, press the F8 key. To save your changes to the Text file, use the Keep command. To get out of Qedit, type Exit or press F8 again.



If you forget to Keep your changes, Qedit asks if you want to "Discard your changes?" or stay in Qedit to save them.

Screen Mode for VT Terminals

Screen mode differs from Visual mode by doing edits to a line right away, instead of waiting for a screenful of changes. Use PF1 for Help, PF3/PF4 to browse back and forth in the file. You can enter new text right away (there is no concept of command mode vs insert mode like there is in vi). Perform edit operations with control-key sequences. To exit Screen mode, press ^E.

Edit Several Files at Once

Qedit's primary scratch file is called "Qeditscr." By default, this file is created in /var/tmp (/usr/tmp is the default on older versions of HP-UX) or the path name specified in the TMPDIR environment variable. The scratchfile name is qscr.xxxxxxxxx where "xxxxxxxxx" is a random string generated by the HP-UX tempnam routine.

 If you want to move scratch files to a different directory, you can set the TMPDIR environment variable.


export TMPDIR

Keep in mind that Qedit works with absolute filenames and these names can not have more than 240 characters. Whenever you use the default options for Opening or Texting a file, your work will be in the Qeditscr scratch file.

How to Edit Several Files?

What if you want to edit two or more files and copy lines between them? You could Text the first file, Hold the selected lines, Keep your changes, then Text the second file and insert the lines. However, if you are doing numerous edits, the constant Text and Keep operations are inconvenient.

It is faster to Text each file into an extra scratch file of its own. Then use the "Open ?" or the "Open *-n" command to switch quickly between them. By default, Text always copies the file into the Qeditscr scratch file. However, Qedit can supply up to eight extra scratch files. To Text a file called abcd into an extra scratch file, type:

qux/text abcd,new

When you Exit, Qedit checks whether you have any unsaved edits in any of your scratch files. If there are some unsaved edits, Qedit prompts you to "Discard?" them or to stay in Qedit to save them with the Keep command.

Starting a New Scratch File

Sometimes you start editing a new document and have nothing to Text to create the extra scratch file. In this case, use the New command without parameters.


Qedit creates a new extra scratch file and assigns it a sequential number (1,2,3...). If you use an Open ? command, you would see "Extra Scratch file #2" in the list of files. If you do a Keep or Set Keep Name command, you would see the Keep file as the Text name in Open ?.

Configuring Different Shells

When you log on to HP-UX, a program is run called the shell. The shell program interprets commands, executes them, and controls command execution. Making configuration changes requires that you know which shell you are using and what files are automatically executed.

Bourne and Korn Shells

The Bourne and Korn shells execute the file /etc/profile when you log on to HP-UX. They then look for a file in your home directory called .profile. If it exists, it is executed. If you use SAM to add new users, the file /etc/d.profile is automatically copied to the home group of the new user. If you want to make global changes to the commands executed at login time, you should change two files:

/etc/profile                           {always executed at login}

/etc/d.profile                         {default .profile for new users}

C Shell

The C shell executes the file /etc/csh.login when you log on to HP-UX. It then looks for the file .login in your home directory. If it exists, it is executed. Next, the C shell executes the file .cshrc in your home directory (also executed any time you invoke a new copy of /bin/csh). If you use SAM to add new users, the files /etc/d.login and /etc/d.cshrc are automatically copied to the home group of the new user. If you want to make global changes to the commands executed at login time, you should change these files:

/etc/csh.login                         {always executed at login}

/etc/d.login                           {default .login for new users}

/etc/d.cshrc                           {default .cshrc for new users}

Setting Up a PATH for Qedit

You can invoke Qedit with the command:


If you want to be able to just type


to invoke Qedit/UX, you must either add /opt/robelle/bin to your PATH or copy /opt/robelle/bin/qedit to a directory that is currently on your PATH. Similarly, the man pages for Qedit are found in /opt/robelle/man/man1/qedit.1. To make the man pages available to everyone, you can either add /opt/robelle/man to your MANPATH or you can copy the man pages to a directory that is currently on your MANPATH.

Bourne and Korn Shells

See the discussion above about the files automatically executed by the Bourne and Korn shells. The easiest way to change the two PATHs for all users on your HP-UX machine is to log on as root and add these two lines to the file /etc/profile after any existing PATH or MANPATH statements:



Remember to delete any PATH or MANPATH settings in /etc/d.profile, so that new users do not override your changes. You also have to warn existing Bourne and Korn shell users to change the .profile file in their home directories.

C Shell

See the discussion above about the files automatically executed by the C shell. The easiest way to change the two PATHs for all users on your HP-UX machine is to log on as root and add these two lines to the file /etc/csh.login after any existing path or MANPATH statements:

set path=($path /opt/robelle/bin)

setenv MANPATH "$MANPATH":/opt/robelle/man

Remember to delete any path or MANPATH settings in both /etc/d.login and /etc/d.cshrc, so that new users do not override your changes. You also have to warn existing C shell users to change their .login and .cshrc files in their home directories.

Control Characters and stty

Most HP-UX users have Control-D configured as the end-of-file character and Control-C as the interrupt character. If you use Robelle-style modify, you must reassign Control-D to a different control character. If you are a former MPE user, you may wish to assign Control-Y as your interrupt character. A standard shell configuration file (.profile for Bourne and Korn shells and .login for the C shell) usually contains a line like:

stty erase "^H" kill "^U" intr "^C" eof "^D" swtch "^Z"

To change both the end-of-file and interrupt character, you should change the "intr" and "eof" control keys as follows:

stty erase "^H" kill "^U" intr "^Y" eof "^E" swtch "^Z"

Note that the end-of-file signal is required by many programs. Many introductory books on UNIX assume that Control-D generates an end-of-file. You have to remember to now use Control-E (at least Control-E is easy to remember since end-of-file starts with the letter "E").

Qeditmgr Configuration Files

When you run Qedit, it automatically "uses" two configuration files if they exist: /opt/robelle/qeditmgr and .qeditmgr in your home directory. The system manager usually creates /opt/robelle/qeditmgr and puts Qedit commands in it to set Qedit options. To check the options for your site, List this file.

If you want a personal Qeditmgr file, create the file .qeditmgr in your home directory. This file is in addition to the global Qeditmgr file which is always executed first.

Default Set Commands

Qedit treats the Qeditmgr file exactly like a usefile, so Qeditmgr can include any Qedit commands. The Set commands let you configure Qedit so it has the ideal defaults for your shop (e.g., Set Lang Cobol ...). Here is a typical Qeditmgr file:

{These are default qedit values for all users:}

set lang cobolx all on

set x date list off                    {mark changed lines with date}

set check on                           {verify delete/format of >5 lines}

set list page on                       {lp listings interpret $page}

z=list */last                          {define z command}

For details on Set commands, refer to the "Qedit Commands" chapter.

If one set of defaults is not appropriate for everyone on your system, it is possible to set up personal Qeditmgr files in each user's home directory. See the chapter "Running Qedit on HP-UX" for details.

On-Line vs. Batch Access

You normally run Qedit as an on-line session. You type Qedit commands on your terminal and Qedit prints responses on your terminal. If you redirect stdin or stdlist, Qedit assumes that it is in batch.

Qedit in batch is almost identical to Qedit on-line, except for answering questions. When Qedit asks a question in batch, no one is there to answer it. Therefore, Qedit does not expect an answer from stdin. Qedit assumes that you want your batch task to complete, so it always selects the option that will complete the command successfully. This is normally a "YES" answer, as in "yes, clear the file" or "yes, upshift the line". Qedit prints the question on stdlist, as well as the answer that it has selected for you.

When Qedit encounters an error in batch, no one is there to correct it. Therefore, Qedit normally aborts. However, you can use Set Autocont On to override this abort, instructing Qedit to keep processing after errors in batch.

Command Line Options

You can invoke Qedit/UX with options, or an initial file name to edit, or both (or neither). The syntax for invoking Qedit/UX is:

qedit [-csv] [filename]

See below for suggestions on setting the EDITOR environment variable so that Qedit is automatically invoked as your editor from other tools like elm.

Initial Command Line:  -ccmdstring

You can specify commands to be executed using the -c option before the file name. The -c is followed by commands to be executed. There must be no space between the -c and the command list.

If those commands contain a space, they must be enclosed in single or double quotes; otherwise, the quotes are optional. When both -c and a file name occur, the –c commands are executed after the file is accessed for editing. Here are some examples:

qedit -cvisual myfile

qedit -c"visual" myfile

qedit -c'set vis ab 3 bel 12;visual' myfile

qedit -c"text abc;use fixit;k,y;e"

Editing a Single File:  -s

Sometimes you want to invoke Qedit for a specific purpose, such as writing a message in elm. You are using Qedit as a dedicated tool for a specific purpose. In these cases, specify -s and a file name. You can only edit that file and it will be saved on exit. You will not be allowed to edit any other files.

qedit -cvisual -s myfile


Save your changes (yes/no)?

Exit with Verify:  -v

Some users find that they Exit from Qedit inadvertently by pressing F8 too many times. To require user approval on Exit, use the -v option.

qedit -v


Okay to exit [no]:


"Discard Changes?" on Exit

Qedit needs to purge your random-named scratch files when it terminates. But you may not have saved your editing work yet. In that case, Qedit asks you "Discard changes?" and will not Exit/Purge unless you answer Yes:

qedit myfile



Discard your changes [no]:


HP-UX Notes

This section describes features of Qedit/UX that interact with the HP-UX environment.

EDITOR Variable

HP-UX utilities that invoke an external editor use the variable EDITOR to determine which editor and run-time options are invoked. The electronic mail tool elm is an example of a utility that uses an external editor to write all messages.

If you want to use Qedit as your standard editor, you need to set the EDITOR variable. We recommend using the -s option for application use. If you wish to immediately go into Visual mode, you should specify -cvisual as part of the variable string. The following example sets the EDITOR variable to invoke Qedit and put you into Visual mode:

Bourne and Korn shells:

$EDITOR="qedit -s -cvisual";export EDITOR

C Shell:

%setenv EDITOR "qedit -s -cvisual"

Scratch File

When Qedit needs a disposable scratch file (e.g., for Text or Add), it creates a Qedit format file in /var/tmp by default (/usr/tmp is the default on older versions of HP-UX) or the path name specified in the TMPDIR environment variable. The scratchfile name is qscr.xxxxxxxxx where "xxxxxxxxx" is a random string generated by the HP-UX tempnam routine.

Keep in mind that Qedit works with absolute filenames and these names can not have more than 240 characters.

Because all HP-UX files are permanent, Qedit must purge this scratch file when you exit Qedit. If you have made any changes, Qedit asks whether you want to discard the changes that you have made.

Hold Files

Qedit has two Hold files: Hold and Hold0. The first one is created using the Hold command or with HH/HJ in Visual mode.

Lines are written to the Hold0 file every time you move or copy with the Add command (MM, CC, and DD in Visual mode) or justify (JJ) or replicate (RR) lines in full-screen mode.

By default, these Hold files are created in /var/tmp (/usr/tmp is the default on older versions of HP-UX) or the path name specified in the TMPDIR environment variable. The Hold files are called qholdxxxxxxxxx (explicit Hold) and qholdxxxxxxxxx.0 (implicit hold file) where "xxxxxxxxx" is a random string generated by the HP-UX tempnam routine.

If you want to have these files in a different location, you can set the TMPDIR environment variable to the new path name.


export TMPDIR

Keep in mind that Qedit works with absolute filenames and these names can not have more than 240 characters. So that you don't have to remember these names, you can refer to these files as Hold or Hold0 in Qedit commands. For example,

/hold 50/60                            {save lines in the Hold file}

/open report.cob                       {switch files}

/aq last=hold                          {lines copied from the Hold file}

The value of TMPDIR can be a relative or absolute path. Internally, Qedit always uses the absolute path. It converts the relative path if needed.

You cannot use Qedit to look at files in your current directory called hold or hold0, unless you qualify them with the directory or a relative path name, as in ./hold.

The Hold files are removed when you exit Qedit.

Shell Commands

You can execute shell commands by typing them at anywhere you can type a Qedit command. If Qedit determines that it is not one of its own commands, it assumes it's a shell command and tries to execute it as such. If the shell command matches an existing Qedit command, you must precede it by a colon (:) or an exclamation mark (!). Shell commands are executed by your default shell (the one configured in /etc/passwd for your user name).

If you want to enforce the use of the colon or exclamation mark prefix, you can enter Set Limits Colonreq ON.

Shell commands are executed by a child copy of your shell. Child shells cannot change environment variables in the parent's environment. To change the value of an environment variable, you must first exit Qedit.

Shell Command History

If you use the POSIX or Korn shell, you have access to a shell command history function. By default, the shell saves the last 128 commands you have entered. The default name is .sh_history and is located in your home directory. If you want to use a different file name, change the HISTFILE environment variable. If you want to change the number of commands saved, change the value of the HISTSIZE variable.

Normally, you recall commands from the history stack by using the fc command. This command calls up the default shell editor that works like the vi editor. You can instruct the shell to use Qedit/UX as your command line editor instead.

The first step, which is probably the most important one, is setting the FCEDIT variable. This variable specifies which editor you want to use to modify the commands. The default editor is /bin/ed. To change the editor, use

FCEDIT='qedit "-c m ;k,yes;e"'

export FCEDIT

The export command is not mandatory, but it is good practice to include this command in case you start up another shell process. Also note that the quotes are very important. You begin with single quotes and enclose the Qedit/UX commands in double quotes.

In the next step, you can use the fc command to recall commands. It has a fairly simple set of arguments. You can also create your own set of commands using aliases.

A typical set of commands would include:

alias listredo="fc -l"

alias redo=fc

alias xeq="fc -e -"

NOTE: You cannot use "do" because it is a shell-reserved keyword. The xeq command is used instead.

The listredo command simply lists the most recent commands in the history stack. Its default (no argument) setting lists the last 16 commands.

When you use one line number as the argument, listredo lists all the commands from the specified line on. When you enter a few characters as the argument, the list starts with the last command that has these characters.

listredo 100                           {list all commands starting with number 100}

listredo c@                            {list all commands starting with a "c"}

With two line numbers, listredo lists all commands between these two lines.

listredo 100 105                       {list commands 100 to 105}

The redo command recalls one or more commands and allows you to modify them before executing them. It uses similar syntax to listredo. If you do not specify an argument, redo recalls the last command you have entered. If you specify a command number, it recalls that particular entry. If you enter a string, it recalls the most recent command starting with that string. If you enter 2 numbers, it recalls all the commands between these 2 numbers and allows you to modify them, one by one.

The xeq command recalls one or more commands and executes them immediately. It works the same as the redo command. The only difference is that you are not able to modify the commands.

Tab Stops

The default Qedit/UX tab stops are every 8 characters. You can override this using Set Tabs Stop n (every 2 to 15 characters). If you Exit from Qedit with the tabs set to anything other than Set Tabs Stop 8, Qedit resets your terminal to the default tab stops.

When you Text or List a file with tab characters in it, Qedit/UX does not expand them to spaces. If you want to edit lines containing explicit tab characters, see Set Vis Tab. If you want to expand tabs into spaces when Texting a file, use the Expandtabs option:

/text abcwork,expandtabs

Hardcoded File Names

Some file names are hardcoded into Qedit. This section describes these file names for Qedit/UX.


This is an optional file that is designed to contain configuration commands. You cannot change this file name. Even if you move Qedit/UX to a different directory, Qedit/UX still looks for /opt/robelle/qeditmgr as the default configuration file.


In addition to the system wide /opt/robelle/qeditmgr, each user can have a personal (optional) configuration file. When you invoke Qedit/UX, it reads commands from the file .qeditmgr in your home directory.


This is the name of the Qedit/UX help file. You can override this name, using Set Filename Help:

/set filename help /usr/local/help/qedit

Visual Mode

Qedit has a Line mode and two full-screen modes: Visual mode and Screen mode. Visual mode is designed for HP terminals such as the 700/92, PCs running an emulator such as Reflection, or "hpterm" running on a UNIX workstation or X-terminal. If you are using another brand of CRT or a generic terminal emulator (ANSI, VT100), Visual mode will not work. Screen mode is designed for VT terminals, such as VT100 and VT220. Other terminal types may also work with Screen mode.

By default, Qedit assumes that you have an HP-compatible terminal. However, you can direct Qedit to identify your HP terminal by exporting the variable RCRTMODEL with value 2. Or you can export three variables that define the version of your terminal (see Variables that Drive Qedit).

Variables that Drive Qedit

Qedit has a number of environment variables that allow you to configure and direct the execution of Qedit. These variables identify the type of HP terminal you have, the default function keys, the default settings for the terminal G and H straps, and other options.

When you run Qedit, it must identify the type of terminal that you are using and determine what function-key labels to display. Qedit does status requests to detect the model number and the current width of display memory. This information is used to enhance the functioning of Qzmodify, Visual, Help and List. Qedit locks the keyboard during terminal identification and discards any user input that manages to get through. However, if you have Reflection typeahead enabled, Qedit cannot lock the keyboard; be careful not to type during terminal identification in this case.

Qedit sets three variables to remember your terminal state: RCRTMODEL, RPCVERSION and RCRTWIDTH. If you run Qedit and these variables are already set, Qedit does not need to do the status requests of your terminal. To reset these variables and force Qedit to re-identify the terminal, use the Set Visual Stop command. You can set a fourth variable, RCRTSTRAPSGH, to request nondefault handshaking in Line mode. The fifth variable, RLABELDEFAULT, is described under "Function Key Label

Setting Variables in Your Shell

You must set and export environment variables before you invoke Qedit. The syntax for setting environment variables depends on which shell you are using.

Bourne (sh) and Korn (ksh) shells:

$export RCRTMODEL=2

In some versions of the POSIX shell, you might have to split the previous command in two:



C shell (csh):

%setenv RCRTMODEL 2

Remember to always type the variable name in uppercase letters. The Bourne and Korn shells do not allow spaces before the "=". To check your environment variables use:

Bourne (sh) and Korn (ksh) Shells:


C Shell (csh):



If you use either an HP terminal (e.g., 239x and 700/9x series) or a terminal emulator such as Reflection, you can get Qedit to identify the terminal type automatically by setting an environment variable. If you use a VT terminal, you should either not set the variable at all or set it to zero.

If you set the environment variable RCRTMODEL to 2 and export it before running Qedit, Qedit can identify your terminal, Reflection emulator or Qcterm emulator automatically. This includes the terminal ID number such as 70092 or 2392 and the Reflection or Qcterm version number such as 430. For Reflection, Qcterm and 700/9x terminals, Qedit also determines how many columns of display memory you have set originally. On a PC with Reflection, Qedit detects whether your combination of VGA adaptor and Reflection version is likely to switch into 132-column mode whenever more than 80 columns of display memory are requested.

Qcterm version 2.0 or higher is required to use Qedit's Blockemulation mode.

Qcterm emulates a 700/92 terminal but can display 200 columns as well as 80 or 132 columns normally available on a 700/92 terminal.

export RCRTMODEL=2                     {sh/ksh}


Qedit/UX. Copyright Robelle Solutions Technology Inc. 1977-2000.

qux/verify visual                      {e.g., Crt=7009,Col=132}

Qedit takes advantage of any features that it finds, such as widening display memory, enabling wordwrap if you have done Set Vis Wordwrap On, enabling Limited-Immediates in block-mode, resetting display memory to the width it had at startup, etc.

Instead of setting RCRTMODEL to 2, you can set it to the actual terminal ID number, such as 2392. RCRTMODEL can have any of these values:





Assume that you are using a 2392-style HP terminal


Not using an HP terminal, don't check it


Interrogate the terminal to identify it


This terminal or emulator is not fully-compatible with an HP terminal


This is a newer HP terminal with labels


This terminal can have up to 160 columns of display


A 700/9x terminal with 132-column ability

You would also set the RPCVERSION and RCRTWIDTH variables to describe the rest of your terminal's attribute. When you use rcrtmodel=2, you don't set RPCVERSION or RCRTWIDTH. Qedit does not update your environment variables with the identity that it finds since a child process cannot change the parent's environment on HP-UX.

Type 1234 Terminal or Emulator

Set the RCRTMODEL to 1234 if the terminal or emulator you are using does not support all the standard HP terminal features. For example, you should use this setting with hpterm. hpterm is a UNIX terminal emulator running under the X window system. It's a basic 2392 emulator. hpterm will not identify itself to Qedit, nor let Qedit change the display width by Escape sequence (although you can configure the display width manually).

You need an X-windows server. A Unix/Linux workstation usually have this, or you can download and install one of the existing X-window systems available for Microsoft Windows such as X-win32 from Starnet Communications (www.starnet.com) or Winaxe from LabF.com.

If you are not already familiar with hpterm, you should be able to start hpterm with:

/usr/bin/X11/hpterm -display -ls

where is your PC's IP address. The "-ls" argument requests that /etc/profile and .profile be executed so your environment is set as if you used login.

When RCRTMODEL is set to 1234 before you run Qedit, Qedit functions in the following way:

1.      It accepts hpterm as an hp terminal that is capable of more than 80 columns of display memory and of doing full-screen mode. At the moment, hpterm cannot support the line-mode Visual strategy for HP-UX  11 (Blockemulation). Qedit actually accepts any hp terminal emulator  without question, so this option may be useful with other emulators.

2.      If you set RCRTWIDTH to some value between 81 and 256, Qedit accepts it as the manually set display width.

3.      If you do not set RCRTWIDTH, Qedit attempts to sense the current display width of hpterm and sets the jcw itself. The maximum width is 256 columns.  Qedit can support up to 999 columns but, in these instances, the width has to be entered using the RCRTWIDTH variable or the Set Term Columns command.

4.      Qedit sets the option that eliminates changes to display width: Set MarginFixed On.

This option also ensures that the right margin is always set at the right edge of the display width. Normally the right margin is set at the last valid column of the file, which might be less than the display width. You can use this option with other emulators if you wish to stop Qedit from changing the display width.

Please read the section on Set Visual Marginfixed to learn about its advantages and disadvantages.

5.      The only way to change the display width with hpterm is manually.  If you use the Set Term Columns command to specify a new width, Qedit prints the following message and waits for you to change the width manually:

Please change display width and press Enter:

Qedit does not verify that you have done this correctly, so if you make a mistake, do another Set Term Columns command to fix the width.

6.      Set Visual Stop normally resets all the jcws to their default state, forcing Qedit to re-identify the terminal. However, for hpterm, the RCRTMODEL and RCRTWIDTH jcws are not reset, since the terminal cannot  be identified automatically. If you wish to stop using 1234 mode, you must reset RCRTMODEL to 0 manually.

7.      Set Visual Widen should normally be set to 76 or 80 (default) with hpterm. Otherwise you will not be able to use the extra columns beyond 80.


RPCVERSION contains information about the terminal emulator e.g. Reflection or Qcterm. If you are not using a terminal emulator, you can set RPCVERSION to 1. If you omit it or set it to 0, but you do set RCRTMODEL to 2, Qedit attempts to identify which (if any) version of the emulator you are using.

If you are using Reflection, the version number has a direct impact on Qedit's behavior in full-screen mode. Qcterm's version currently does not have any impact. If you always use the same version and emulator, set RPCVERSION to the value determined by this chart:

wXyyy, where

       w=0   for display width can be expanded

         1   for display width cannot be expanded

         2   for 132-column VGA in DOS Reflection

       X=0   for DOS Reflection

         1   for Macintosh Reflection

         2   for Windows Reflection

         5   for Qcterm

     yyy=version number (420 = 4.20)

For example, R1 for DOS version 4.30 with a 132-column VGA adaptor would be 20430.

You cannot do the :Reflect command if Xyyy equals 150 or 200. This same value is shown in Verify Visual as {Reflect=420}; if it says "Col=80 max", this PC emulator was unable to make display memory wider.


Most HP terminals have 80 columns of display memory. However, 700/9x terminals can switch into 132-column mode and Reflection emulators can have as many columns of scrollable display memory as you wish. If you do not set RCRTWIDTH, Qcterm emulates a 700/92 terminal but can display 200 columns as well as 80 or 132 columns normally available on a 700/92 terminal.

Qedit will query the terminal to see how wide display memory is at startup. Qedit must determine the width of display memory in order to properly fold listings of lines that will overflow that width, and to reset the width after it has been changed.

To change the Line mode display width while within Qedit, do Set Term Columns.

Function Key Labels

You can set the RLABELDEFAULT variable to specify what function key labels appear upon entry into Qedit.




don't care


terminal lacks labels


show user keys


show modes keys


no keys -- blank


F1 to F8 labels


Qedit's labels

If you wish to use Qedit's function keys in Line mode, set the RLABELDEFAULT variable to 6 before running Qedit. You must have the G and H straps set to "yes" for the function keys to work.

RCRTSTRAPSGH for Handshaking

The G and H straps of the HP terminal control datacomm handshaking. If you pull up your Terminal Config screen, it should look something like this:

InhHndShk(G) YES      Inh DC2(H) YES

Since these are "inhibit" straps, YES actually means "no, don't do the handshake."  G and H control whether the terminal waits for a DC1 and/or DC2 prompt character from the computer before sending input (such as on terminal status requests, or upon pressing Enter in block-mode). If the straps are configured incorrectly, the symptom is a hung terminal (i.e., the terminal is waiting for a prompt that is never going to come, or the terminal sent the data before the computer was ready because it didn't wait for the prompt).

To override the G and H strap settings of your CRT, use the RCRTSTRAPSGH variable. The default value for Qedit/UX is 3, which means no handshake (G=YES, H=YES, inhibit both). A value of 0 means use handshaking and may be necessary if you "shl" to an MPE system and use terminal-based typeahead. Unfortunately, a 0 value makes function keys lock up in Line mode Qedit/UX.

The valid values for the RCRTSTRAPSGH variable are as follows:








(handshaking active)












(default for HP-UX)


If the QEDITMGRTRACE variable is set to a nonzero value, Qedit prints tracing messages for the Qeditmgr configuration files. The trace includes the name of each Qeditmgr file that Qedit attempted to open, each command executed from the file, and command line arguments used to invoke Qedit.


Qedit updates a variable, QEDCURWFILE, with the name of your current or last workfile. This gives you the ability to reference the current workfile easily from within a shell script without having to pass it in as a parameter.


When the Qedit for Windows client establishes a new connection, it transmits information about the passwords included in the request. Qedit updates two variables with the information: QEDSTOREDPWD and QEDPROMPTEDPWD. The first variable indicates which passwords are stored with the connection. The second variable indicates which passwords are prompted for.

Values for these variables only have one character: the letter U representing the user password. Since there is only one password, the letter can only appear in one. The other variable in this case is not created at all. For example, if the password is stored with the connection, QEDSTOREPWD will have a value of U and QEDPROMPTEDPWD will not exist at all.

This gives you the ability to reference these variables from within a shell script.

ROBELLE Environment Variable

Qedit looks for the files it needs in the /robelle directory. Normally, Qedit is installed in /opt/robelle. For example, the Qedit server expects to find its log files in a subdirectory called log/qedit. It would expect to find the error log file in


which is the default full path name of the error log. If you install Qedit in a directory other than /opt/robelle, Qedit should be able to determine the new location and adjust the path for its support files (e.g., online help for host-based Qedit, log files for the server).

If Qedit is unable to correctly determine its current location, it is going to revert back to /opt/robelle.

If you wish to use a specific path explicitly, you need to set the ROBELLE environment variable to the new directory. For example,


export ROBELLE

There are two limitations to the path name: the full path name of the file must be no more than 240 characters, and the path name to the /robelle directory must be no more than 219 characters. A slash mark (/) is optional at the end of your ROBELLE environment variable. To set up the log files in the new directory, you have to manually create the "log" or "help" subdirectory in the alternate search path.

So, in order to determine the location of support files, Qedit goes through the following:

·         Uses the ROBELLE variable, if it exists.

·         If the ROBELLE variable does not exist, Qedit tries to identify the location it is running from and, if successful, determines the location based on that information.

If the information from the previous steps is not available, Qedit assumes the files are in the /opt/robelle directory.

Converting Qedit Files with qcat

Qcat is a filter program similar to cat and zcat. Qcat reads a set of Qedit files and prints the lines on standard output. Type man qcat for more information.

qcat QeditFile > TextFile

Differences Between MPE and HP-UX

We have tried to make the MPE and HP-UX versions of Qedit as compatible as possible. This section describes how Qedit/UX is different from Qedit/MPE.


Qedit/UX uses three forms of workfiles: original, Jumbo, and Wide-Jumbo. The Wide-Jumbo format is new and is used for most files on which you use the Text command. On HP-UX, the original format is unable to save some information about your file (due to technical differences in how the Qedit workfiles are stored on MPE versus HP-UX). Once you shut an original file, the following is lost:

·         The name of the file from which you texted.

·         The current line number.

·         The ability to immediately reopen the file and "Undo" changes.

·         The settings for Set Left and Set Right.

For these reasons, Wide-Jumbo workfiles will be the standard in Qedit/UX.

Current "*" File Name

Qedit/UX does not allow substitution of the current file name into shell scripts and commands, because the asterisk (*) is an important substitution character in HP-UX. For example,

/cc *

cannot compile your current file. Instead, it compiles all files in your current directory.

Missing Features

The following features do not work in Qedit/UX:

·         Beginfile/Endfile commands.

·         Hints are not available.

·         Verify to a line printer.

·         Any MPE-style command such as :Pause, :Run, etc.

·         Proc command, except for Up and Down.

·         I/O redirection of Qedit commands.

·         Spell and Words commands.

·         Out= option of the Listredo command.

·         User Defined Commands and command files.

·         The QEDITCOUNT variable

Qedit for Microsoft Windows


Here we describe Qedit for Windows. Qedit for Windows client lets you edit local MPE/iX and HP-UX files from a single MS Windows program. It consists of a Windows editing client and an MPE/iX or HP-UX editing server that work together to edit your host files for you. To take advantage of Qedit for Windows, you need both the Qedit client and the Qedit server.

Qedit for Windows uses the popular TCP/IP protocol for communicating between the client and the server (this is the same protocol that you use to access the Web). Configuring the Qedit server software requires creating the correct TCP/IP environment for Qedit for Windows.

Server Process

Qedit clients can connect to Qedit/UX only if the Qedit/UX daemon process is running (the Qedit/UX daemon process cannot be started from inetd). This process listens for connections on a registered port number (described below). To allow users to connect to the Qedit/UX daemon process, you must log on as root and issue this command:

qedit -d

The Qedit/UX daemon process should always be running, so it is a good idea to automatically start the daemon as part of the system startup process. On HP-UX 9.0, this is done by adding the following command to the file /etc/rc:

/usr/robelle/bin/qedit -d

HP-UX 10.0

On HP-UX 10.0, you do not modify the startup shell script. Instead, you need to create a number of files. HP-UX 10.0 documentation states that the following characters cannot be used as part of the file names: [.,~#]. Otherwise, you can choose any name for these files, as long as the names are consistent throughout the process. In our example, we use qedit_server.

You first need to create a control file in /etc/rc.config.d. This file sets a control variable that will be checked by the startup script. If the control variable is set to 1, the server will start; if it is not equal to 1, the server will not start. We will use QEDIT_SERVER as our variable name. The /etc/rc.config.d/qedit_server control file will now contain the following:

# ****** File:  /etc/rc.config.d/qedit_server ******

# Qedit for Windows server configuration.


# QEDIT_SERVER:    Set to 1 to start

#                  Qedit for Windows server



Next, you need a shell script that will actually start the server. You should make a copy of a file called /sbin/init.d/template.

cd /sbin/init.d

cp template qedit_server

Modify the file so that it contains the necessary commands to start the server. You have to change all occurrences of CONTROL_VARIABLE to the variable name you used in the control file (i.e., QEDIT_SERVER).

You also need the execute command for the server program. Insert this command in the section after the 'start') string. The section looks like this:



      # source the system configuration variables

      if [ -f /etc/rc.config ] ; then

              . /etc/rc.config


         echo "ERROR: /etc/rc.config defaults file MISSING"



      # Check to see if this script is allowed to run...

      if [ "$QEDIT_SERVER" != 1 ]; then




      # Execute the commands to start your subsystem

         /opt/robelle/bin/qedit -d



Finally, you need a symbolic link to specify when the script in /sbin/init.d will be executed at boot time. Typically, you would start the server as the last step at run level 3. Get a list of all the startup files in /sbin/rc3.d with

ls /sbin/rc3.d/S*

Link names in this directory follow a set of conventions. The names start with the letter S or K. S links are startup scripts; K links are shutdown or "kill" scripts. The next three characters in the name represent an execution sequence number. This number must be 3 digits, and its value should be a number greater than the highest value on the ls listing. For example, if the last link is called S100nfs.server, you could use S111qedit_server. Create the symbolic link with

ln -s /sbin/init.d/qedit_server /sbin/rc3.d/S111qedit_server

For the time being, you do not need a "kill" link.

Port Number

By default, Qedit/UX listens on port number 7395. This port number has been registered with the Internet Naming Authority, so you should not have any conflicts with other HP-UX tools for the same port number. If there is a conflict, you can start the Qedit server process with a different port number. For example,

qedit -d5678

tells Qedit to listen to port number 5678 instead of the default number (7395). If you change the port number on the Qedit/UX server, you must also change the port number on every Qedit client to the same value (5678 in this example). Client port numbers can be changed in the Server dialog box of the Option menu.

If you want listings from netstat and other networking tools to identify the port number as "qwin" instead of just "7395", you have to change the /etc/services file so that it includes the Qedit port number.

qwin    7395/tcp     #Robelle Qedit for Windows

Log Files

The Qedit server can only communicate with Qedit clients. To help system managers see what is happening with the Qedit process, Qedit for Windows writes to three log files: the access log, the error log, and the trace log.

Console Messages

.inx .inx If Qedit cannot access any of its log files, it writes the log message to the system console. You can also enable console logging with the Debug command in the Option menu of the Qedit client. If someone is having trouble establishing a Qedit for Windows connection and the Qedit log files on the host do not include a message for this connection, check the system console. If Qedit was unable to open the log files, it probably reported the message on the system console.

Access Log

Every time a Qedit client makes a connection to the server process, an entry is written to the access log file in which the IP address of the client is logged. Qedit attempts to find the symbolic name of the client IP address by reverse name DNS lookup. If this lookup is not enabled, Qedit writes the numeric form of the IP address to the log file.

Error Log

Any error conditions encountered by the Qedit server process are written to the error log file. If you suspect a problem between the client and the server, start your diagnosis by looking at the end of this log file.

Trace Log

By default, Qedit does not log messages to the trace log file.  However, you can enable trace file logging by using the Debug command in the Option menu of the Qedit client. The trace log file can grow to become very large because Qedit messages are constantly being added to it. These messages assist in understanding the communication between the Qedit server process and the Qedit client. In many cases, their detailed information is the only way to diagnose a problem.

Log File Names

By default, the Qedit server assumes that the log files are located in this directory:


If you have installed Qedit in a different directory, Qedit should be able to detect its new location automatically and adjust the log files location accordingly. If you prefer, you can explicitly change the default directory of the log files by using the ROBELLE environment variable. The three log files are called:




Like most UNIX log files, these files will continue to grow until you run out of disc space. We recommend archiving the log files in a separate directory and saving them each week. After archiving, you can remove everything from the log files with these commands:

cp /dev/null  access.log

cp /dev/null  error.log

cp /dev/null  trace.log


Qedit Issues and Solutions

Running Qedit with Reflection

Walker Richer & Quinn produces Reflection, the well-known terminal emulator for IBM PCs, which can be combined with Qedit in a number of useful ways. See also the section Variables that Drive Qedit in the "Running Qedit under HP-UX" chapter.

Alt-Y vs. :Reflect

Q: Why do some Reflection command files work fine when I execute them from the Alt-Y command line, but go screwy when I execute them using Qedit's :Reflect command?

A: Qedit's :Reflect command sends an escape code to Reflection to invoke the command, then Qedit waits for Reflection to send back a status code to indicate when the command is finished. While Qedit is waiting for the result code from Reflection, it isn't capable of executing other Qedit commands - it's already executing a Qedit command! The only thing that Qedit is capable of doing while it's waiting is to execute any shell commands that Reflection might send to the HP 9000. The reason why shell commands must be accepted is that Reflection sends a command to execute unxlink2 whenever a file transfer is requested.

As long as the command or command file doesn't attempt to transmit any data to the HP 9000, :Reflect will probably work the same way as Alt-Y.

For example, here is a Reflection command file that works from Alt-Y, but not from :Reflect.


; This command file gets me out of Qedit, logs me off

; the HP 9000 and exits from Reflection.


transmit "exit^M"

wait 0:01:00 for "[no]:"

transmit "yes^M"

wait 0:01:00 for "$"

transmit "exit^M"

wait 0:01:00 for "terminated>"

wait 0:00:05


Form Feed Causing Return/Line Feed

In Modify, the Lengthen control code (Control-L) means edit the end of the current line. However, in recent versions of Reflection, ^L is executed by the PC as you type it and causes a Return/line feed. If this is happening to you, you can change the default in Reflection. Press Alt-Y for the Reflection command line, type Set Do-Form-Feeds No, press Return, then type Save and press Return again to save the new default to your current configuration file.

Completion Codes

If you are using version 2.00 or later, Qedit automatically enables completion codes on Reflection commands. If these have been disabled with Set Disable-Comp-Codes YES, you will find that your terminal hangs when Qedit attempts to execute a Reflection command; just press Return to get out of this situation. To avoid this situation, you press Alt-Y, type Set Disable-Comp-Codes NO, press Return, then type Save and press Return again to save the new default to your configuration file.

Controlling the PC

The Reflect command allows you to execute any Reflection PC command from within a Qedit usefile or shell script. This allows you to do things like automatically download and upload files and run programs.

For more details, see the :Reflect command.

Accidental Exit from Reflection

If you use Reflection for DOS, and you press Alt-X while in Visual mode, some versions of Reflection allow you to recover.

Get back into Reflection. Your usual method is okay, unless you use a command file that performs other deeds, such as logging you on. A command file would send the logon commands to a puzzled Qedit session, so use "r1" at the DOS prompt instead. Back in Reflection again, press Alt-M for the Modes function keys. Ensure that none of the labels on the display show an asterisk (i.e., are activated) except for the Remote Mode key.

Press Return or Enter -- Qedit accepts either one. If you're back in your Visual mode session, Qedit prints the status line with an error. It might be No // at the end, so no UPDATE (see qscreen) or maybe Read error on CRT. Try again or reduce speed. Type an asterisk after the home line arrow (===>), and press F7. If the function keys are properly defined for Qedit, your file appears. Any changes you made to the screen between your last update and the time you pressed Alt-X are lost. The qscreen file is of no use in this case. Sometimes Qedit is slow to display the status line and error message. If you see some flashing on the screen that hints at activity, be patient. But if nothing happens when you press F7, or if random characters appear right after the asterisk, it probably means that F7 is not defined properly. But we can fix that.

Display the menu to define the function keys by pressing Ctrl-F9. To set these back to the default values, press F3. The labels become F1, F2, F3... Press F9 to activate the changes and go back to your regular screen. Pressing F7 should now work; then press Return. Qedit may display an error message, such as "UNKNOWN COMMAND NAME", but you will still get your file back. Again, changes to the screen after the last update will have vanished.

In the worst case, you will not be able to recover. Log on from scratch. When you open your file, Qedit will display the message: Warning: Recovery. Your file will be current up to your last update.

Changing the Exit Keystroke

The Alt-X keystroke for exiting from Reflection back to DOS is too close to the Alt-D (delete line) and Ctrl-X ("re-think") keys. Accidentally pressing Alt-X and shutting down Reflection in the middle of a Visual screen is pretty disastrous. WRQ has added a "remappable keyboard" in Reflection that allows the user to specify which keys perform what functions. The exit-to-dos function can be activated by a different, harder-to-type key sequence.

To remap your keyboard in Reflection for DOS, first create a DOS file called REMAP.KBM with the following lines:



alt x       = null

alt ctrl x  = exit-to-dos

Then activate the changes by typing C:> KEYMAP REMAP.KBM R1.CFG at the DOS prompt. See your Reflection user manual for full details. Reflection for Windows also has a remappable keyboard, but uses a different method of configuring it. See your Reflection for Windows on-line help or user manual for details.

Files without NewLine Characters

On UNIX, files can contain NewLine (nl) characters at the end of each line. However, the NewLine characters are optional. Some files have them. Others don't.

Qedit/UX requires that lines be separated by a NewLine (NL) character. If that's not the case, Qedit/UX assumes the file does not contain anything. Thus, the Text command might display:

/Text longfile

'Language' is now DATA

0 lines in file

If you run into this problem, you have to find a way to insert these NewLine characters in appropriate places and break the file into manageable pieces.

Starting with version 5.3.13 of Qedit/UX, you can use the Length option of the Text command. This option allows you to specify the maximum size in bytes of each line. The file will be split in a number of same-size lines except the last one if the total size of the file is not evenly divisable by the specified length.

If the file contains Newline characters, these characters are processed as data. You should be very careful when editing such files. If you inadvertently remove one or more of these characters, other programs might have problems using the file again. Since Newline characters causes terminals to move to the next line, we recommend that you use the $Char or the $Hex option on List commands.

For example, to break a file into 80-byte lines, you should use:

/Text longfile,length 80

Another way to accomplish this is by using the fold command.

fold -w 80 longfile > shortfile

In this example, the file longfile is broken down into fixed-length lines, each line containing a maximum of 80 bytes. The result is written to a new file called shortfile. It is then possible to edit the new file using Qedit/UX.

Once you have made all the necessary changes, you can put the short lines back together by removing the NewLine characters. You can use the UNIX awk to perform this operation.

awk -v ORS="" '{ print $0 }' shortfile > longfile

The Output Record Separator (ORS) argument is used to specify the character to be inserted between lines. In this case, you don't specify any.

Because of a limitation in awk, you cannot assemble lines with more than 3,071 bytes. So, you have to remember not to exceed this maximum in the fold command.

Another option is to use the UNIX tr command and remove all Newline characters.

tr -d "/n" < shortfile > longfile

Lines, Strings and Ranges

Character strings can be used of line numbers to qualify lines on most commands. In its simplest form, a command can have a single string using all the search window defaults.

/List "enhancement"

The search string can be further qualified using temporary window settings as in:

/List "enhancement" (Upshift 20/50)

This example searches for the word enhancement regardless of the case used in columns 20 to 50.

Qedit allows up to 10 search strings on a single command. Individual strings are separated from each other with the OR keyword. Each string can have its own temporary window.

/List "enhancement" (U 20/50) or "bug" or "customer" (1/30)

The search range can be different depending on the command it is used on. For example, a List command searches all the lines in the file by default while a Find command starts from the current line. The search range can be specified on individual commands using a rangelist. A rangelist is often specified using line numbers (absolute or relative), special keywords (First, Last, All) or characters (@, *, [, ]). To define a block of lines, the user can enter 2 line numbers separated a slash "/" e.g. 1/6.

It is also possible to define a block of lines using a string range. This syntax allows the use of strings to define the start and end of the range. A string range can also be combined with a numeric line range to further define the block. Here are some examples:

/List "start-proc" / "end-proc"

/Change "a" "b" "start-proc" / "end-proc"

/Delete "start-proc" / "end-proc" 20/100

The List command above finds the first occurrence of start-proc in the file and uses it as the range start location. It then finds the first occurrence of end-proc starting from the start location. It uses that line as the range end location. Finally, it lists all the lines between the 2 locations. By default, List starts at the beginning of the file.

The Change command above replaces all occurrences of the letter a with a b in the lines between (and including) start-proc and end-proc. By default, Change starts at the current line.

The Delete command above removes all the lines between (and including) start-proc and end-proc found in lines 20 to 100. By default, Delete starts at the beginning of the file.

A string range does not behave like a rangelist e.g. 1/20 in all cases. For example, the first statement is not a valid construct with the second statement is.

/Delete "bug" "start-proc"/"end-proc"

Error: Linenum

/Delete "bug" 10/30

You can use the Find command and the ZZ marker to work around the problem. If you enter a simple strings on a Find command, Qedit stops at the first string occurrence and sets the current line. You can then perform any  operation on that line or use it as a starting point. If you specify a line range, the Find command sets the ZZ marker to the block of lines. You then use the ZZ marker on subsequent commands.

/F "start-proc" first

   5     Start-Procedure.


/F "start-proc"/"end-proc" first

Lines 5/11 saved in ZZ

/Delete "bug" zz

    8    _bug-display-section.

1 line Deleted!    

Qedit Commands


Qedit operates in Line mode or Visual mode, depending upon the type of terminal. The same commands are used in both modes. In Line mode, you do everything with commands. In Visual mode, you do most editing with built-in functions of your terminal, but use commands for some things. Line mode commands work in Visual mode, and Visual mode function keys work in Line mode.

Here we describe the Qedit commands in alphabetic order. For each command, we show both the longest and the shortest name that Qedit can recognize, as in Add [A]. Highlighted terms (e.g., linenum) and jargon words (e.g., "workfile") are defined in the "Glossary". The Visual command is described only briefly in this section: see the chapter "Getting A Quick Start with Full-Screen Editing" for full details.

General Notes

Here are general guidelines that apply to using the Qedit commands.


Each Qedit command has a name such as List that you can abbreviate to any leading subset. Thus, L means List. Some commands require more than one letter: GARbage, DEStroy, RENumber, SHut, VIsual. You may append option letters to the command: Q, T, or J. Q means "quiet", T means "template", and J means various things, depending on the command.

list all     {fully spelled out}

l @          {maximal abbreviation}

lq           {list quietly}

listqt       {list quietly, with template}

lqjt         {list quiet, jumping, with template}

list $       {most recent external file name}


s dec on     {Set Decimal command}

sh           {Shut command}

Uppercase or Lowercase

You can enter the commands in uppercase or lowercase. Shell commands such as ls and cd can only be in lowercase. These commands are identical:

LIST ALL    {uppercase}

list all    {lowercase}

Multiple Commands per Line

You can enter several commands on a single line, if you separate them with semicolons. The maximum command line is 256 characters, and \ is not supported for continuation. If you want to have an HP-UX command or a calculator command in the stack, you should enclose it in parentheses. This prevents Qedit from passing the rest of the line as parameters. For example,

List 5;!find . -name testfile -exec cat {} ;     {fails}

List 5;(!find . -name testfile -exec cat {} ;)   {works}

If the syntax requires semicolons and parentheses, you have to put the problematic command in a shell script and use it in the command list instead.

Any error causes Qedit to flush the remaining commands in the line.

list 505;add *-1   {list line 505; add just before it}


When combining Qedit commands, be certain to use the same quote character in all the commands.





Comments on Command Lines

You may annotate Qedit commands by putting comment text in curly braces at the end of the line:

keep sample,yes    {update disc file}

Such comments are recognized at the "/" prompt, in usefiles, as well as Visual's home line and Next? prompt and List's More? prompt.

Stopping Commands with Control-Y

You can stop most Line mode functions by pressing the Control-Y key. For example, to stop an inadvertent List ALL, use Control-Y. To stop the Add, Modify, or Replace commands, use either Control-Y or two slashes (//).

Implicit Commands

Some commands have no alphabetic name. In Line mode, pressing only Return means display the next line and a backslash (\) means display the previous line, $ means enable Memory Lock and $- means disable Memory Lock. In either mode, ? means Help, any line number means go to that line, a string means display the next line with that string, and "^" means search backwards for a string:



find and display line 55 or higher


find and display first line


display the next 5 lines


display the previous line


move current line back 5 lines


display next line with string


display previous line with string


turn on memory lock at this line


turn off memory lock


Function Keys

Qedit accepts the eight user function keys of HP terminals as one-keystroke abbreviations for useful functions:



Go into Visual; Update/Getnext if in Visual


Roll the screen up 6 lines; browse


Findup (find previous line with current string)


Find (find next line with current string)


Browse Backward One Page


Browse Forward One Page


Listredo (line) or execute ===> line (Visual)


Exit from Qedit or Exit from Visual to Line mode


^1 through ^8 are another way of invoking the user function keys in Line mode.

Shell Commands

Qedit accepts most HP-UX commands and scripts. If the shell command matches an existing Qedit command, you must precede it with a colon (:) or an exclamation (!). See Running Qedit on HP-UX for more details.

Calculator Commands

Any command that begins with an equal sign (=) is treated as a calculator expression. This feature can be used to compute temporary values and do conversions from one number base to another.


Result= %000100

Add Command [A]

Adds lines into the workfile. There are five varieties of Add that cover all the ways you can add lines into a Qedit workfile:



Add new lines to your workfile from Stdin.


Add a new line from the command prompt.


Copy lines from one place to another.


Move lines from one place to another.


Bring lines in from an external file.


Add (Adding New Lines)

Add some new lines from the terminal keyboard. Insert them at a given line number or after it.

ADD [ linenum ]

(Q=no linenums, J=justified, T=template)

(Default: linenum = *)

The linenum parameter specifies where to add new lines and also determines the increment between new lines. If linenum is 9.1, lines will be incremented by 0.1; if 9.01, then 0.01. If linenum already exists, Qedit increments it and begins adding after the existing line. If linenum is 0, Qedit adds new lines before the first existing line in the file. If you don't say which linenum, Add inserts the lines after the current position (*). (See Miscellaneous Points below.)


/add 5             {add new lines after line 5}

    5.1   line a   {Qedit prompts with line number}

    5.2   line b   {you enter line of text and Return}

    5.3   //       {you enter // or Control-Y to stop}


/aq                {add after * line; no prompt}

This is new text

//                 {end the Add command}

Temporary Workfile

If you do not have a named workfile Open when you Add, Qedit automatically builds a temporary workfile for you. This file has a random file name and is created in /var/tmp by default. If you want to have temporary files in a different directory, enter the new path name in the TMPDIR environment variable.


export TMPDIR

Keep in mind that Qedit works with absolute filenames and these names can not have more than 240 characters.

If you make any changes to the file (e.g., by adding lines), Qedit will ask if you want to save your changes when you exit.

Using the Tab Key

By default, Qedit defines tabs every 8 columns across the line (every 10 for Qedit/MPE). You can override these default tab stops using Set Tabs Stop n (every 2 to 15 characters) or Set Tabs 5 10 22 28 ... for completely custom tab stops. When you press the tab key as you Add lines, Qedit correctly inserts spaces in your lines and skip to the correct column on your screen (assuming you are using an HP terminal).

Overflowing Lines or Line Numbers

The Add command continues prompting until you press Control-Y, or you type "//" at the end of a line, or you run out of line numbers. When you exhaust the line numbers possible between two lines, Qedit prints "Error: Already". You can continue by doing a range Renumber on the area where you wish to add more lines. Thus, if your last line added was 4.999, use Renum 4/5 to spread out the lines between 4 and 5.

You can configure Qedit to automatically renumber part of the file so that you do not have to renumber it manually. See the Set Visual Renum option.

Line Wraparound

If you enter a line that is too long, Qedit divides it into several lines. Set Wraparound ON divides lines on "word" boundaries only. Any words that will not fit on the current line are moved to the next line. If only a small number of words are moved to the next line, Qedit prompts you to complete the line. To end the Add when this happens, press Return before typing "//". If you are editing FORTRAN source code, Qedit generates a valid continuation line for you.

Automatically Indenting Lines

AJ for justified is a special option to indent new lines. The linenum you specify must be an existing line. You enter new lines beneath it. Qedit will then indent the new lines by exactly the same number of spaces as the existing line. You can shift the indentation left by typing {'s at the start of a line, or shift it right with }'s. To redefine the { and } characters, use Set Zip.

Modifying a Line During Add

When you know you made a typo, and prefer to fix it now instead of going on, the auto-modify character will help you. Enter the command Set Zip []@{}#, or better yet, put it in your Qeditmgr configuration file. The # character (or other special character of your choice) is called the auto-modify character. It allows you to modify the line you are currently entering. Type "#" at the end of the line, and Qedit redisplays the line for you to modify. When you are done with the Modify, you press Return to continue adding new lines.

Miscellaneous Points to Note

If you have Set Left/Right margins, the new lines added will have spaces to the left and right of the margins. That is, the line you enter will be left-justified within the current margins of the workfile.

The maximum default increment between new lines is 1.0 (or 0.1 for standard COBOL files). You can change this default with Set Increment.

You can ask Qedit to remove nonprinting characters from your input lines using Set Editinput Data ON. If you do not wish to allow the extended Roman-8 characters, use Set Editinput Data ON Extend OFF.

Add (Adding a String as a Line)

Add one new line, with the text coming from a string in the command itself. This is handy when you need some literal text within a User Command or Use file, but don't want to create a temporary file to hold it.

ADD linenum string

(Q=no linenums, J=justified, T=template)

(Default: linenum = *)

The linenum parameter specifies where to insert the new line containing the string.


/add 5 "new line"

   5.1    new line

/add 10.01 "change datasetdata setall"

  10.01   change datasetdata setall

Add (Copying Lines within a File)

Add lines by copying duplicates of existing lines.

ADD linenum = rangelist

(Q=no display)

(Defaults: none)

The linenum parameter tells Qedit where to insert the copied lines. The number of decimal places in linenum tells Qedit how finely to number the new lines:

/add 50 = 1/9           {new lines will be 50.1, 50.2, 50.3...}

/add 50.10=1/9          {new lines will be 50.10, 50.11, 50.12...}

The rangelist parameter tells Qedit which lines to copy:

/add 50.1 = 1/9 10/15 {'1/9 10/15' is the rangelist}


/list 4/8               {how lines look before the copy command}

    4     aaaaaaaa

    5     bbbbbbbb

    6     cccccccc

    7     dddddddd

    8     eeeeeeee

/add 5 = 7/8            {copy lines 7 and 8 after line 5}

    5.1   dddddddd

    5.2   eeeeeeee

2 lines COPIED

/list 4/8               {how lines look after the copy command}

    4     aaaaaaaa

    5     bbbbbbbb

    5.1   dddddddd

    5.2   eeeeeeee

    6     cccccccc

    7     dddddddd

    8     eeeeeeee


/aq 5 = 5               {duplicate line 5 after itself}


Add prints each new line, unless you use AQ. When you copy lines, the rangelist must not include the linenum (e.g., /Add 5 = 4/6 is rejected because it would be an infinite loop). Qedit prints "Error: Already". The lines copied are not deleted from the original location. You now have two copies of the lines (and a copy in the Hold0 file, see Add-Move).

If you have Set Left/Right margins, Qedit prints only the portion of each line within the margins. However, it will actually copy the entire line, including the portion outside of the current margins.

Add (Moving Lines within a File)

Move some lines from one place in the file to another, deleting them from the original position.

ADD linenum < rangelist

(Q=no display)

(Defaults: none)

The linenum tells Qedit where to move the lines. The number of decimal places in linenum determines the line number increment. For example, "/add 5.10<100/200" creates lines 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, etc.

The rangelist tells Qedit which lines to move. Add deletes the original lines after moving them. You still only have one copy of each line.


/list 4/7         {how lines look before the move}

    4     aaaaaaaa

    5     bbbbbbbb

    6     dddddddd

    7     cccccccc


/add 5 < 7        {move line 7 after line 5}

    5.1   cccccccc

1 line MOVED


/list 4/7         {how lines look after the move}

    4     aaaaaaaa

    5     bbbbbbbb

    5.1   cccccccc

    6     dddddddd


Control-Y during a move stops the move, but it also changes the move into a copy. The lines being moved in the current range are not deleted.

Add-Move ignores Set LEFT/RIGHT margins; it moves entire lines. However, it only prints the portion of the line within the current margins.

When you copy or move lines using Add= or Add<, Qedit first puts the lines into a "Hold" file called Hold0. It then counts the lines. If you do not have sufficient line numbers to insert the new lines, Qedit stops and prints "Error: Already". Use Renum to renumber the range of line numbers and then copy the lines from the Hold0 file. See also the Hold command.

/list hold0

/add 55=hold0     {add from Hold file}

Add (Copying Lines Between Files)

Add lines to the workfile from an external file.

ADD linenum = filename [,UNN] [ rangelist ]

(Q=no display)

(Default: entire file)

The linenum tells Qedit where to begin adding the lines from the external file.

The filename tells Qedit which file to copy from. It can be any type of disc file. If any of the lines are too long, they will be truncated with a warning. Use filename,UNN when you are adding from a data file with numeric characters in the last eight columns which are not really sequence numbers.

The rangelist tells Qedit how much of the file to copy. The default is to copy the entire file. If the external file does not have sequence numbers, Qedit assumes that the file is numbered from 1 by the current Set Increment. When you specify a rangelist, Add leaves a copy of the lines from the external file in the Hold0 file, as well as in your workfile.


/add 500.01 = abc       {copy in the file ABC after 500.01}

  500.001 abc line-1    {prints each line copied from file}

  500.002 abc line-2    {prints new line numbers too}


/aq 5 = xyz 5/10        {copy in lines 5/10 of the file XYZ}


/l template "$page"(up) {list page breaks in a file}

    1    $PAGE "xx"     {select the template you want}

   24    $PAGE "yy"

   37    $PAGE "zz"

/add 5=template 24/36   {copy the lines between $pages}


/shut /dev/src/test.c   {establishing "previous" file}

/new cust               {open another file}

/a 1 = $ 50/60          {$ stands for /dev/src/test.c}


Add prints each line as it copies it, unless you use AQ. If Qedit finds invalid sequence numbers in a file, it begins assigning "logical" sequence numbers using the last valid sequence number and the current Set Increment.

If you have Set Left/Right margins, Qedit inserts blanks before the left margin in each line. That is, the lines from the external file are left-justified within the current margins of the workfile.

Append Command [AP]

Appends a string to the end of each line in the rangelist.

APPEND "string" [ rangelist ]

(Q=no display)

(Default: rangelist = *)

Append allows you to add a semi-colon (or any other string of characters) to the end of a line (/AP ";" 5/10). Append prints each line that it changes. If the resulting line would be too long, Append goes into Modify on that line.


/list 25

   25    to the end of the line

/append "!"

   25    to the end of the line!

/ap ")" 1/4

    1       (redo function)

    2       (modify function)

    3       (append function)

    4       (list function)

Backward Command [BA/F5]

Starts "browsing" the current file by displaying one page "backward". You stay in "browse" mode until you enter any command (see List, jumping option).


(F5 key does the same)

In Line mode, Backward and Forward (or F5/F6) throw you into List-Jumping's browse-mode. Qedit displays a screen of text, where the screen size is either 23 lines or what you specify with Set List LJ, then waits for you by asking "More?". Press Return to see the next screen. Typing a line number moves you to the screen starting at that line, pressing F2-F6 does the appropriate action, and F8 or "//" or Control-Y or typing any command gets you out of browse-mode. At the "More" prompt, the * "current" line is the last line displayed.

Before Command [B]

Repeat any combination of the previous 1,000 command lines, with or without editing.


            [ start [ / stop ] ]

            [ string ]

            [ ALL | @ ]

(Default: redo previous line)

(BQ=redo without change)


The Before command allows you to modify the commands before it executes them. If you don't need to change them, use BQ or :Do. Commands are numbered sequentially, starting with 1 for the first command entered and, by default, the last 1,000 commands are accessible. This numbering sequence applies only to the temporary redo stack, because this stack is discarded when you exit Qedit. The numbering sequence in a persistent redo stack, which is accessible across Qedit invocations, continues between invocations. Use the :Listredo or BJ command to display the previous commands. You can redo a single command, a range of commands, or the most recent command whose name matches a string.

The Before command uses Qedit-style Control characters for modifying the commands. The default mode is to replace characters. To delete use Control-D, and to insert use Control-B. If you prefer HP-style modify (D, R, I, and U), use the :Redo command instead of Before, or do Set Modify HP.


/ls /users/obb                {"bob" is not spelled right}

/users/obb not found

/Before                       {redo most recent command}

ls /users/obb                 {last command is printed}

          bob                 {you enter changes to it}

ls /users/bob                 {the edited command is shown}

                              {you press Return}


/listredo -10/                {show last 10 commands}

/before 5                     {redo 5th command in stack}

/bef 8/10                     {redo 8th through 10th}

/b ls                         {redo last ls command}

/b @temp                      {redo last containing "temp"}

/before –2                    {redo command before previous}

/before -5/-2                 {redo by relative lines}


HP-UX reacts to certain control characters which might conflict with the Qzmodify codes. For example, control-D sends an end-of-file signal to HP-UX but is also the delete character in Qzmodify. You should use the HP-UX stty program to change the default end-of-file signal. Please see the section "Control Characters and stty" on page 61 for more details.

If you wish to change any characters within the line, the modify operators are the regular Control Codes used in Qedit:

Any printing characters replace the ones above.

Control-D plus spaces deletes columns above.

Control-B puts you into "insert before" mode.

Control-A starts appending characters at the end of line.

Control-A, Control-D, plus spaces, deletes from the end.

Control-T ends Insert Mode, allowing movement to a new column.

Control-G recovers the original line.

Control-O specifies "overwrite" mode (needed for spaces).

CD Command [CD]

Change current working directory.

CD      [directory]

(Default: $home directory)

You can switch directories using the cd command. The cd command affects your Qedit processes and any processes that you create. When you exit Qedit, you will be in the same directory that you were in when you invoked Qedit.


cd /usr/local/bin

cd                       {return to home}

cd $HOME                 {return to home}

cd ~                     {return to home}

cd $SAVEDIR              {Error!!!}

The last example shows a limitation of cd inside Qedit. You can't refer to a directory name that is saved in a variable, because Qedit simulates the cd command, instead of passing it to your shell program for execution. Qedit does not simulate the shell command processing such as variable substitution. (The three special cases for "home" are hardcoded into Qedit's cd.)

In addition, a few things still do not work well when doing shell commands in Qedit. If you launch a command in the background using "&", the jobs command will not show the status of it. If you set an environment variable, it will not be set for Qedit. Both of these problems are caused by the fact that shell commands are executed by a child process which is unable to change the status of Qedit.

Change Command [C]

Changes one string or column range to another string in some or all of your lines. There are two basic varieties of Change:



replace one string with another


replace a column range with a string


Change (Changing Strings)

Replaces one string of characters by another string, the two strings being separated by a single quote character.

CHANGE "string1"string2" [ rangelist ]

(Q=no display, J=verify, T=CobX Tag)

(Default: rangelist = *)

The string1 tells Change what string of characters to find. The default for string1 is the last string used, and you specify this default via the null string (e.g., change ""xxx"). The null string recalls the last string and the window used with it. If the target string1 occurs more than once in a line, Qedit changes every occurrence.

The string2 tells Change what characters to substitute. In this format of the Change command, only three quote characters are used to define the two strings, not four as you would normally expect. Another oddity is that string2 does not become the current string. This is so that you can do another Change or Find command using "" as the target (i.e., the last string), finding and fixing multiple occurrences of the same string (e.g., find "nad"; CH ""and"; F; CH ""and"; ...). The third difference of string2 is that a null string for this parameter actually means "null". change "very"" 100 means remove "very" from line 100.

The rangelist tells Change what lines to search for string1. The default rangelist is the current line only.

If string2 is shorter than string1 (e.g., change "Robert"Bob"), Qedit shortens the line by shifting the rest of the line left. If string2 is longer (e.g., change "Bob"Robert"), Qedit lengthens the line by shifting characters right. If string2 is so much longer that the line would be too long, Qedit sends you into the Modify command to fix the line by hand.

Change prints each line that it updates, unless you use CQ.


/list 55                 {display line with mistake}

   55     select lines contaning both of two

/change "contan"contain" {change string in current line}

   55     select lines containing both of two


/change "sub"subindex" all    {make a global change}

   10     subindex = subindex + 1

   11     table(subindex) = 0

  213     if subindexway = 0  {oops-bad change!}


/cj "cust"Customer" 200/300   {change with user approval}

  225    Display Customer     {shown for approval}

Change okay (Y,N,or Modify) [No]: yes


/list 9           {display line to review}

    9     The test results were very exciting.

/c "very""        {remove word, change to null string}

    9     The test results were exciting.


/find "wiith"     {search forward for line with error}

   99    the string is combined wiith the second string

/c ""with"        {change "wiith" to "with"}

   99    the string is combined with the second string

Using Alternates to Quote

You may select your own quote character if you find " too much work because it is a shifted key. Among the alternatives are \ : and ' (apostrophe). See the "Glossary" for more on strings and other alternates to quotes.

/c :wiith:with:

/c \wiith\with\

Approving Each Changed Line

Use CJ to give yourself approval over each change before it is updated. With CJ, Qedit displays the line as it would be and asks you for a Yes, No, or Modify answer. Use CJ when you have trouble working out the precise strings to change.

Searching for Two Strings at Once

Because the rangelist can contain a search string, you can actually select lines containing both of two strings:

/c "xxx"filename" all          {"xxx" becomes "filename" in ALL}

/c "xxx"filename" "rename"     {line must contain "rename" too}

Including a Window

The form of Change command just described requires only three quotes per command, but does not allow all options. You cannot specify a special window - you will always use the default Set Window value. To do a Change with a special window, you must specify four quote characters, two for each string:

 CHANGE "string1" (window) "string2" [ rangelist ]

Each string is delimited by two quote characters and the two strings must be separated by a space or a comma. Between the two strings you may insert a window such as (SMART) or (20/30) or (UPSHIFT).

Changing Within a Column Range

If you insert a column window, Qedit changes only the columns within the window. Columns outside the window are untouched:

/change "CUSTREC" (10/39) "CUSTOMER-RECORD"

In this example, "CUSTREC" is expanded to "CUSTOMER-RECORD", but the data at column 40 and beyond is not moved. In addition, the Change must not cause the rest of the window to overflow.

Changing Uppercase and Lowercase

If you specify an upshift window, Qedit ignores the case of letters when matching the target string. It will match words that are spelled with caps or without:

/change "JONES" (upshift) "Fitz-Jones" all

In this example, Change selects lines containing "JONES", "Jones", or even "joneS".

Avoiding Changes to Embedded Words

If you specify a Smart window, Qedit rejects those matches in which the target string is actually in the middle of another word:

/change "FRANK" (smart) "Frank" all

This example selects "FRANK", but reject "FRANKLYN." You can combine Smart and Upshift.

Patterns and Windows

In other commands the window can specify a pattern to match. In the Change command patterns are not allowed, because Change cannot perform pattern changes. However, a string specified in the rangelist portion of the Change command may be a pattern. For example:

/change "CUSTREC" "CUST-REC" "@01@PIC@" (pattern)

                 {change custrec to cust-rec in all lines that}

                 {   also contain "01" and "PIC" in that order}

CobX Tags

Cobol tags are short strings stored in columns 73 to 80 of CobX source files. The Cobol tag value is defined using the Set X command. Once enabled, updated lines and added lines are automatically updated with the tag. They can also be modified manually with custom tag values.

In its regular form, the Change command affects only the text area in columns 7 to 72. If you wish to make changes to Cobol tags, use the T suffix. You can think of it as the Tag option. This option operates only on the tag area itself, columns 73 to 80.

/change "CUST" "SUPP" all

                 {change cust to supp in all lines.   }

                 { cust must be between columns 7 and 72.  }

/changeT "CUST" "SUPP" all

                 {change cust to supp in all lines.        }

                 { cust must be between columns 73 and 80.  }

To to this, the Tag option temporarily changes the margins to (73/80). Qedit displays a warning every time this option is used. Because the margin values have changed, explicit column range in a Window can only be between 73 and 80.

/changeT "CUST" (50/60) "SUPP" all

Warning:  ChangeT: editing the Cobol tag area only (73-80).

Error: Window

/changeT "CUST" (73/80) "SUPP" all

Warning:  ChangeT: editing the Cobol tag area only (73-80).

   10      SUPP0102

1  line changed

Because the margins have been changed, Qedit displays text in the tag area only except when the Justify option is used. In this case, Qedit prompts for confirmation before making the change. It would be hard to determine if a line needs to be changed based only on the tag value. So, when the Justify option is used, Qedit displays the complete line. The user has the option to accept the changes, reject the changes or manually modify the line. If the user chooses to modify the line, only the tag is displayed.

Change (Changing Columns)

Replace some columns in some lines with a new string of characters. Use Change to insert columns, shift text left, or shift text right.

CHANGE column [/column] [(window)] "string" [rangelist]

(Q=no display, J=verify)

(Default: rangelist = *)

Change replaces the target column range with the string in the lines of the rangelist. You can use this to insert a string at a specified column. You can also use it to replace, expand, or contract specified columns.

If you specify a single column instead of a range, Qedit inserts the string before that column and shifts the rest of the line to the right. You can create new columns by inserting blanks in front of a position (e.g., change 5 " ").

If you specify a range of columns, Qedit replaces that column range with the string. The string may be the same length as the column range, longer, or shorter. If the string is shorter than the column range deleted, the rest of the line shifts left. If longer, the rest of the line shifts right. You can remove columns entirely by changing them to a null string (e.g., change 5/7 "").


/change 5"|"all      {draw vertical line of "|"s in file}

/cq 1/2 "" 10/15     {shift lines 10/15 left 2 spaces}


/cq 1 "   " 10/15    {shift lines 10/15 right 3 spaces}


/cq 1(1/8)" " all    {shift columns 1/8 right 1 space}

                     {don't change text beyond column 8}


/change 12/12 ::     {delete column 12 in the current line}


See the discussion of windows under "Changing Strings". Those notes also apply to column changes.

The first column number is usually 1, except for standard COBOL source files, where it is 7 (seven). The last column number depends on the current values for Set Language, Set Length, and Set Right.

Change prints each line modified, unless you use CQ. CJ asks you to verify each change.

Close Command [CL]

Shut the current work file and remove it from the recently accessed file list.


(Default: none)

The Shut command is the normal way to close a workfile. When you Shut a file (or Open another one), Qedit remembers the name of the current workfile in a list of recently accessed files. This allows you to reopen the file using open ?. However, the list is of limited size. If you are not coming back to edit the current file again, use the Close command instead of Shut. This keeps other file names from falling off the bottom of the list.


/open abc

/open def

/close       {close "def" and forget it}

/open *      {current file is now "abc"}

Colcopy Command  [COL]

Copies one or more columns to a different location on the same line.

COLCOPY source [ /source2 ] destination1 [ /destination2 ] [ rangelist ]

(Q=no display, J=verify, T=CobX Tag)

(Default:  rangelist = *)

Colcopy copies text in columns specified by source1 and source2 to the destination columns specified by destination1 and destination2 in the lines of rangelist. Even though Colcopy can modify multiple lines using a rangelist, it really operates on one line at a time. You can not copy columns from one line to another.

Source and destination columns always represent the original location. All changes are based on that assumption.

If source1 only is specified, Qedit copies just that column (length of 1). If destination1 only is specified, the source columns are inserted at that location. If you wish to replace a single column, enter a destination range where destination1 and Destination2 are the same e.g. Colcopy 1 10/10.

/list 1

   1     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

/colcopy 1 10          { insert column 1 at column 10 }

   1     abcdefghiajklmnopqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

/colcopy 1/5 10        { insert columns 1/5 at column 10 }

   1     abcdefghiabcdejklmnopqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

If destination1 and destination2 are specified, text in these columns is replaced by the source text. If the source text is narrower or wider, the line is shortened or expanded as needed.

/colcopy 1 10/15     { copy column 1 to columns 10/15 }

   1     abcdefghiapqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

/colcopy 1/5 10/11   { copy columns 1/5 to 10/11. Line expands. }

   1     abcdefghiabcdelmnopqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

/colcopy 1/5 10/20   { copy columns 1/5 to 10/20. Line shortens. }

   1     abcdefghiabcdeuvwxyz

1 line changed

Trailing Spaces

Trailing spaces on the line are not significant. This means that a line can expand until a non-space character reaches  the current right margin (Set Right). However, trailing spaces from the source text are significant and are  copied in the operation.  If the line can not be expanded further, Qedit displays a warning message and allows the user to modify it.

/list 2

   2     abcd     efghiabcdeuvwxyz

/colcopy 1/8 20        { insert columns 1/8 at 20 }

   1     abcd     efghiabcdeabcd    uvwxyz

1 line changed

/Set right 30

/colcopy 1/5 30        { insert columns 1/5 at 30 }


Warning: Source columns could not be inserted. Please modify. (Warning 2)

   1     abcd     efghiabcdeabcd    uvwxyz

1 line modified

Overlapping Columns

When source and destination columns do not overlap, the results are straightforward. If source and destination columns overlap partially or completely, the results might not be as expected. Keep in mind that:

·         source and destination columns are always based on the original line

·         the destination columns are removed

·         the source columns are put in their place

Approving Each Changed Line

Use COLJ to give yourself approval over each change before it is updated.  With COLJ, Qedit displays the line as it would be and asks you for a Yes, No, or Modify answer.

CobX Tags

Cobol tags are short strings stored in columns 73 to 80 of CobX source files. The Cobol tag value is defined using the Set X command. Once enabled, updated lines and added lines are automatically updated with the tag. They can also be modified manually with custom tag values.

In its regular form, the Colcopy command affects only the text area in columns 7 to 72. If you wish to make changes to Cobol tags, use the T suffix. You can think of it as the Tag option. This option operates only on the tag area itself, columns 73 to 80.

/ColT 73/74 79/80 all     { copies content of columns 73 and 74 }

                        { into columns 79/80                  }

/ColT 73/74 75 all        { inserts content of columns 73 and 74     }

                        { in column 75. Columns 76-80 are shifted. }

To to this, the Tag option temporarily changes the margins to (73/80). Qedit displays a warning every time this option is used. Because the margin values have changed, explicit column range in the source and destination columns can only be between 73 and 80.

/ColT 23/24 79/80 all

Warning:  ColcopyT: editing the Cobol tag area only (73-80).

Error:  The Sourcestart column (23) is not between 73 and 80


/ColT 73/74 79/80 10

Warning:  ColcopyT: editing the Cobol tag area only (73-80).

   10      ME0307ME

1  line changed

Because the margins have been changed, Qedit displays text in the tag area only except when the Justify option is used. In this case, Qedit prompts for confirmation before making the change. It would be hard to determine if a line needs to be changed based only on the tag value. So, when the Justify option is used, Qedit displays the complete line. The user has the option to accept the changes, reject the changes or manually modify the line. If the user chooses to modify the line, only the tag is displayed.

Colmove Command  [COLM]

Moves one or more columns to a different location on the same line.

COLMOVE source [ /source2 ] destination1 [ /destination2 ] [ rangelist ]

(Q=no display, J=verify, T=CobX Tag)

(Default:  rangelist = *)

Colmove moves text in columns specified by source1 and source2 to the destination columns specified by destination1 and destination2 in the lines of rangelist. The source columns are removed from their original location.  Even though Colmove can modify multiple lines using a rangelist, it really operates on one line at a time.

You can not move columns from one line to another. Source and destination columns always represent the original location. All changes are based on that assumption.

If source1 only is specified, Qedit moves just that column (length of 1). If destination1 only is specified, the source columns are inserted at that location.  If you wish to replace a single column, enter a destination range where destination1 and Destination2 are the same e.g. Colcopy 1 10/10. A move means the original columns are removed and the line is shifted left. Then the source text is inserted at the destination.

/list 1

   1     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

/colmove 1 10          { move column 1 to column 10 }

   1     bcdefghiajklmnopqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

/colmove 1/5 10        { move columns 1/5 to column 10 }

   1     fghiabcdejklmnopqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

If destination1 and destination2 are specified, text in these columns is replaced by the source text. If the source text is narrower or wider, the line is shortened or expanded as needed.

/colmove 1 10/15     { move column 1 to columns 10/15 }

   1     bcdefghiapqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

/colmove 1/5 10/11   { move columns 1/5 to 10/11 }

   1     fghiabcdelmnopqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

/colmove 1/5 10/20   { move columns 1/5 to 10/20 }

   1     fghiabcdeuvwxyz

1 line changed

Trailing Spaces

Trailing spaces on the line are not significant. This means that a line can expand until a non-space character reaches  the current right margin (Set Right). However, trailing spaces from the source text are significant and are moved in the operation.

/list 2

   2     abcd     efghiabcdeuvwxyz

/colmove 1/8 20        { move columns 1/8 to 20 }

   1      efghiabcdeabcd    uvwxyz

1 line changed

Overlapping Columns

When source and destination columns do not overlap, the results are straightforward. If source and destination columns overlap partially or completely, the results might not be as expected. Keep in mind that:

·         source and destination columns are always based on the original line

·         the source columns are removed

·         the destination columns are removed

·         the source columns are put in their place

Here is an example:

/list 1

   1     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

/colm 6/20 15

   1     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

1 line changed

Apparently, nothing has changed but, in fact, something did happen to the line. Qedit removed the source columns "fghijklmnopqrst" and tried to insert the original text where column 15 used to be. Column 15 was part of the area that has been removed so Qedit inserts the text where it should have been i.e. between "e" and "u". So, it's putting the original text back where it was.

Moving Passed the Right Margin

Destination columns can exceed the current right margin. In this case, Qedit assumes the columns should be moved to the end of the line. Effectively, the source columns are inserted in the rightmost columns of the line. The destination columns do not have to be a precise value. They just need to be larger than the current right margin. If the right margin is currently set at 80, the following commands yield the same results.

/v right

Set Right 50



   2     abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

/colm 1/5 51

   2     fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz                        abcde

1 line changed

/colm 1/5 88/90

   2     fghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz                        abcde

1 line changed

Approving Each Changed Line

Use COLMJ to give yourself approval over each change before it is updated.  With COLMJ, Qedit displays the line as it would be and asks you for a Yes, No, or Modify answer.

CobX Tags

Cobol tags are short strings stored in columns 73 to 80 of CobX source files. The Cobol tag value is defined using the Set X command. Once enabled, updated lines and added lines are automatically updated with the tag. They can also be modified manually with custom tag values.

In its regular form, the Colmove command affects only the text area in columns 7 to 72.If you wish to make changes to Cobol tags, use the T suffix. You can think of it as the Tag option. This option operates only on the tag area itself, columns 73 to 80.

/ColmT 73/74 79/80 all    { copies content of columns 73 and 74 }

                        { into columns 79/80                  }

/ColmT 73/74 75 all    { inserts content of columns 73 and 74     }

                        { in column 75. Columns 76-80 are shifted. }

To to this, the Tag option temporarily changes the margins to (73/80). Qedit displays a warning every time this option is used. Because the margin values have changed, explicit column range in the source and destination columns can only be between 73 and 80.

/ColmoveT 23/24 79/80 all

Warning:  ColcopyT: editing the Cobol tag area only (73-80).

Error:  The Sourcestart column (23) is not between 73 and 80


/ColmoveT 73/74 79/80 10

Warning:  ColcopyT: editing the Cobol tag area only (73-80).

   10      ME0307ME

1  line changed

Because the margins have been changed, Qedit displays text in the tag area only except when the Justify option is used. In this case, Qedit prompts for confirmation before making the change. It would be hard to determine if a line needs to be changed based only on the tag value. So, when the Justify option is used, Qedit displays the complete line. The user has the option to accept the changes, reject the changes or manually modify the line. If the user chooses to modify the line, only the tag is displayed.

Delete Command [D]

Deletes lines from the workfile.

DELETE [ rangelist ]

(Q=no display, J=verify)

(Default: rangelist = *)

Delete prints each line in rangelist, with an underline character after the line number, as it deletes them, unless you use DQ.


If you do Delete All, you must answer "Y" to a verifying question before the lines will be deleted. This also applies if you Set Check Delete is ON and you delete more than 5 lines.

If you delete the wrong lines, you can cancel the Delete by striking Control-Y. However, you must use Control-Y before you press Return on the next command line. Qedit responds by printing "Undeleted" or "Canceled". Once you have typed in the next command line and press Return, your chance to recover using Control-Y is gone and the previous Delete command is final. You can still undo the deletion using Undo.

Delete All resets the Set Keep Name (default for Keep command) so that a later Keep command will not wipe out the wrong file by mistake.

Confirm Each Deletion

Use DJ to give yourself approval over each delete before it is carried out.  With DJ, Qedit displays the line (even if the Quiet option is used) and asks you for a Yes, No, or Stop answer.

Answer No or Return to keep the line.

Answer Yes to delete the current line. Unlike the basic Delete operation where lines are removed with the next command, lines confirmed in DJ are deleted immediately. They can be recovered with an Undo command.

Answer Stop if you wish to stop the delete process. When you use Stop, lines that have been deleted are not recovered automatically. Use Undo to recover them.


/delete 5/6           {remove lines 5 and 6 from file}

    5    _this is line 5

    6    _and this is line 6!


/dq 2 10/49           {delete lines 2 and 10/49}


/delete "."(1/1)      {delete lines with "." in column 1}

                      {Implied rangelist is ALL}


/del "."(1/1 nomatch) {delete lines without "."}


/d "~"(pattern)       {delete all blank lines}


/dj 3/66

    3    this is line 3

Delete it (Y,N or Stop) [No]:

    4    this is line 4

Delete it (Y,N or Stop) [No]:Y

    5    this is line 5

Delete it (Y,N or Stop) [No]:n

    6    this is line 6

Delete it (Y,N or Stop) [No]:S

1 line Deleted!

Destroy Command [DES]

Purges the current workfile, or a named HP-UX file, after first verifying with the user.

DESTROY [ filename ]

(Default: current workfile)

The filename parameter can be the name of any file that you have write access to, "$" to refer to the "last" file name mentioned in another command, or "*" to refer to either the current workfile or, if none is currently open, the one just Shut.


/destroy /dev/src/test.c

/dev/src/test.c # of lines=162

Purge file [no]? Oui      {that's French for "yes"}

/open ctemp

/des *

ctemp Qedit file, # of lines=15

Purge file [no]?          {Return key means "no"}

File NOT purged

/list datapg2             {check contents of file}

/destroy $                {...then purge it}

Divide Command [DI]

Divides a line into two or more lines at specified columns. Divide can turn a field-oriented record into a series of lines with one field per line. It can also append a blank line after every line in a file. See also VV in Visual. For the opposite of Divide, see the Glue command.

DIVIDE [ ( columnlist ) ] [ rangelist ]

(Default: columnlist = ], rangelist = *)

The columnlist parameter is one or more valid column numbers in ascending order such as (10 20 30), or it may be a (]) for "after end-of-line" (i.e., append a blank line). All characters from the specified column to end-of-line are moved to a new line after the original line.

The rangelist parameter specifies one or more lines in the file. Each line is split into two or more lines according to the column parameter. The default rangelist is the current line.

The default columnlist is "]", except when the Divide command has no parameters or only a "string" rangelist. Then the current line is split at the "current column". When Divide has no parameters, the current column is "]". Following a successful string match, the current column is the first column of the string position in the line(s).


/find "abc";divide     {move "abc..." to a new line}

/list *+2;divide       {move ahead 2 lines, add a blank line}

/divide (20) all       {split every line at column 20}

/divide (20 40) @      {split every line at columns 20 and 40}

/divide (10 20 30)     {split current line at 3 places}

/divide (]) */*+10     {add blank line after lines */*+10}

/divide (20)"Qedit"    {split all "Qedit" lines at column 20}

/divide "Qedit"        {split all "Qedit" lines at "Qedit"}

/divide (])"Qedit"     {add blank line to all "Qedit" lines}


After a Divide command, the current line is the last line divided. To not print the lines, use DivideQ.

Divide works within the current Left and Right margins. That is, characters to the right or left of the current margins are not moved.

When working with COBOLX files, the Divide command does not consider the tag (columns 73 to 80) as part of the data. This means that the current tag data is not moved to the new split line. It also means that you cannot divide a line past column 73.

:Do Command [DO]

The :Do command repeats (without changes) any of the previous 1,000 commands.

DO      [ start [ / stop ] ]

            [ string ]

            [ ALL | @ ]

(Default: repeat the previous command)

Commands are numbered sequentially from 1 as entered and the last 1,000 of them are retained. Use the :Listredo command to display the previous commands. You can repeat a single command (do 5), a range of commands (do 5/10) or the most recent command whose name matches a string (do list). If you want to modify the commands before executing them, use :Redo or Before.


/listredo         {or /bj or ,, }

/do               {do previous command again}

/do 39            {do command line 39 again}

/do 5/8           {do command lines 5 to 8 again}

/do list          {do most recent List command}

/do ls            {do last starting with "ls"}

/do ls job        {do last "ls job" command}

/do @job          {do last containing "job"}

/do -2            {do command before previous}

/do -7/-5         {do by relative line number}

/do 5/            {do command lines 5 to "last"}


To stop a :Do All, use Control-Y.

Exit Command [E/F8]

Exit from Qedit and return to the operating system.

EXIT [string]

The current workfile is closed and Qedit terminates. The F8 user key is the same as Exit.

To close the current workfile without exiting, use Shut.

When you Exit, Qedit checks whether you have any unsaved edits in any of your scratch files. If so, you are prompted to Discard? them, or stay in Qedit to save them.



/open qedit.doc              {open file to work on}

/modify 2482.5/              {do some editing...}




/exit                        {ready to quit for the day!}


To avoid accidental Exit as a result of pressing F8 one time too many, you can run Qedit with the –v option. This forces user approval of Exit.

The string parameter is only allowed when Qedit is running as a server. The string is a message sent to the Qedit for Windows client. The client receives the exit notification, displays the message and disconnects immediately. If no string is specified, a default message is displayed.

Find Command [F/F4]

Finds the next line in the workfile that contains a string. Use Findup if you want to search for the previous line. Find always finds a single line that matches a string. Use the List command if you want to find many lines that match a string.

FIND [string] [linenum]

FIND [string range] [linenum]

(Q=no display)

(Default: string = recent; linenum = *+1)

Find defaults string to be "same as last string" and linenum to be "starting from the next line". This saves having to repeatedly type the string and linenum. Once you have defined your string and starting position, just enter "F" to find the next line.

Find does not start searching at the beginning of your file. Find will start searching for the string at the line after the current line, unless you specify a linenum to start the search. If you want to search from the beginning of your file, use Find string FIRST.

The F4 user key does the same function as Find with no parameters.


/find "exit" first     {find first line with "exit"}

    45     this command will cause an exit from the


/f                     {find next line with "exit"}

    90     after you exit from a module, the program


/f                     {continue finding lines...}


/f                     {...until you reach end of file}

Warning: No Line         {prints error and rewinds}

Error: End of File

/f                     {next Find wraps around!}

Warning: Rewind to FIRST

    45     this command will cause an exit from the


/fq"$page"(1/5);m      {find next $page and modify it}


/fq;c""exit"           {find next string and change it}


/fq;c"""               {find next string and remove it}

/f "start"/"end" [     {find string range and set ZZ}

Lines 5/11 saved in ZZ


The Q option lets you find the line without printing it. Use FQ if you intend to Modify the line after you find it.

Find prints an error when the search reaches the LAST line without locating the string. Then, if you enter another Find without a line number, the search starts from the FIRST line in the file, after printing a warning.

To find/see all occurrences of a string in a file, use the List command.

When a string range is used and a corresponding block is found, the start and end line numbers are stored in the ZZ marker.

Findup Command [FINDU/F3]

Finds the previous line in the workfile that contains a string. Findup can be shortened to ^. Use Find if you want to search for the next line.

FINDUP [string] [linenum]

(Q=no display)

(Default: string = recent; linenum = *-1)

Findup defaults string to be "same as last string" and linenum to be "starting from the previous line". This saves having to repeatedly type the string and linenum. Once you have defined your string and starting position, all you need to enter is "^" or "FINDU" to find the next string.

The F3 user key does the same function as Findup without parameters.


/findup "exit" last   {find last line with "exit"}

    90     after you exit from a module, the program


/findup               find previous line with "exit"

    45     this command will cause an exit from the


/^                    {continue finding lines...}


/^                    {...until you reach start of file}

Warning: No Line      {prints error and rewinds}

Error: Beginning of File

/findup               {next Findup wraps around!}

Warning: Rewind to LAST

    90     after you exit from a module, the program


/findupq;mod          {find string and modify it}


/findupq;c""exit"     {find string and change it}


/findupq;c"""         {find string and remove it}


Refer to the notes under the Find command.

Form Command  [FORM]

Displays information about a self-describing file created by programs such as Suprtool. These programs store information about the record layout such as field names, data types, length.

FORM [ $LP | $LPA | $LPB ] [ filename ]

(Default:  filename = current Text file)

If filename is omitted and a workfile is currently active, Qedit uses the name of the Text file (see Verify Keep). An external filename can be specified. In this case, the name must be the name of the data file.

If the file is not self-describing, Qedit displays the following message:

Error:  File is not self-describing.

Self-describing files on Hp-UX have 2 components: the data file and the data description file. The name of the data description file is the name of the data file followed by the .sd extension. For example,

/home/user1/mydata.dat          { data }

/home/user1/mydata.dat.sd       { data description }

The Form output looks like this:

Self-describing information for /home/user1/mydata.dat

    File: /home/user1/mydata.dat     (SD Version B.00.00)  Has linefeeds

       Entry:                     Offset

          CHAR-FIELD           X5      1  <<Sort# 1 >>

          INT-FIELD            I1      6

          DBL-FIELD            I2      8

          PACKED-FIELD         P12    12

          PACKED*-FIELD        P12    18

          QUAD-FIELD           I4     24

          ID-FIELD             I1     32

          LOGICAL-FIELD        K1     34

          DBLLOG-FIELD         K2     36

          ZONED-FIELD          Z5     40

    Entry Length: 80  Blocking: 1

LP Listing

$lp, $lpa and $lpb send output to a device associated with an environment variable of the same name. For example, to print to the device called Laser with the $lpa option, you must set the |4LPA| environment variable to Laser, as in |2export lpa=laser|. If the LP environment variable is not set, Qedit will attempt to send the output to the default system printer.  But if the LPA or LPB environment variables are not set with a valid device name, an error will occur.

Forward Command [FO/F6]

Starts "browsing" the current file by displaying the next page "forward". You stay in "browse" mode until you enter any command (see List, jumping option).


(F6 key does the same)

In Line mode, Backward and Forward (or F5/F6) throw you into List-Jumping's Browse mode. Qedit displays a screen of text, where the screen size is either 23 lines or what you specify with Set List LJ, then waits for you by asking "More?". Press Return to see the next screen, typing a line number moves you to the screen starting at that line, pressing F2-F6 does the appropriate action, and F8 or "//" or Control-Y or typing any command gets you out of browse mode. At the "More" prompt, the * "current" line is the last line displayed.

Garbage Command [GAR]

Finds and recovers wasted space in the current workfile.


(Q = no summary)

If you keep adding lines to a workfile and editing them, eventually you will get an "Error: Full" message in Line mode or "File nearly full!" in Visual mode, and be unable to add more lines. One method of continuing at this point is to use the Garbage command.


/gar        {minimal command name}

Garbage combines partially full blocks to squeeze out free blocks, but it also searches the workfile for any blocks that have been "lost" (i.e., are no longer on the "free list" or the "text list"). It does not make your file any smaller, it just allows you to continue editing by finding usable space within the file.

Garbage prints a summary of how much space it recovered and how much is available in the file. The summary report can be suppressed using GarbageQ.

5 blocks squeezed out, 2 found, 55 used,

    10 on free list, 9 for expansion.

In this example, Garbage reports that 5 blocks were retrieved via squeezing, 2 lost blocks were found, 55 blocks are currently used to hold text, 10 empty blocks are held on a "deleted-block" list (the free list), and 9 blocks are available if the EOF is expanded toward the LIMIT.

Glue Command [G]

Joins a line with one or more following lines, either concatenated or at specified tab positions. Use Glue to turn a list of fields into a single record-oriented line. See also GG in Visual mode. For the opposite of Glue, see the Divide command.

GLUE [ ( columnlist ) ] [ rangelist ]

(Defaults: columnlist = ], rangelist = */*+n)

The columnlist is a list of ascending column numbers in parentheses such as (10 20 30), or ( ] ) for "after the end-of-line", which is the default.

The rangelist specifies which lines to combine. The default rangelist is the current line plus n. When you specify a range of lines, Glue joins the lines in "pairs".


/glue              {joins *+1 to *}

/gluej             {joins *+1 to * with space between}

/glue;glue         {join *+1 and *+2 to *}

/glue (10) all     {joins lines in "pairs" at column 10}

/glue (10 20 30)   {joins 4 lines into 1 record}

/glue "string"     {glue "string" lines to lines that follow}


If there are not enough lines at the end of a rangelist to fill in each column of the list, Glue does not go beyond the rangelist. If there is not enough room to move all of the characters into the line, as many characters as will fit are moved, the following line is not deleted, and Qedit prints an "overflow" warning.

After a Glue command, the current line is the line last spliced together. To suppress printing of the spliced lines, use GlueQ.

If you don't specify a list of column fields, Glue removes leading spaces from the following lines before moving them. To insert a single space between them, use GlueJ instead. If you do specify columnar fields, Glue treats spaces as valid data and moves them intact. If you specify more than one field, some nonblank data may be overwritten if the columns are too close together or the lines to be glued are too long. You can always use Undo to cancel a Glue command.

If Left or Right margins have been Set, only the text within the margins is copied and the following lines are not deleted.

When editing COBOLX files, the tag area (columns 73 to 80) is not considered part of the data. This means that the tag string on the next line is not moved to the new line. It also means you cannot glue to columns past 73.

Help Command [H/?]

Gives instructions on the use of Qedit. Everything in the Qedit User Manual is also in the Help command. "?" means the same as Help.

HELP  [ command [ ,keyword ] ]

            [ TERMS [ ,word] ]

            [ INTRO ]

            [ NEWS ]

(Default: browse through the entire help file)

(Q = Quick Reference Guide "Quick Help")

The parameters have the following meaning:

 command explains command; lists subsidiary keywords to select.

 command,keyword finds keyword under command.

 command,@ prints everything about the command.

 TERMS [,word] explains word (see "Glossary").

 INTRO explains how to apply Qedit to typical problems.

 NEWS shows any new features in Qedit.


/h text   {explain the Text command and show sub-keywords}

/h text,@ {tell all about Text.  Comma is required}

Quick Help - HQ

HQ looks for entries under the keyword Quick in the helpfile. Quick contains the text from the Qedit Quick Reference Guide, offering the experienced user a review of command syntax.

/hq visual            {full-screen options}

/hq shortcuts         {quick list of shortcuts}


The help file must be on the system for the Help command to work. If the file is missing, Qedit still works fine, but you cannot get any on-line help. The default file name is /opt/robelle/help/qedit. Within the Help command, use "+" to see what levels exist "beneath" you and "?" for "help on Help". The help file is organized into levels: to go back to the previous level, press Return instead of entering a keyword. Press F8 to exit the QHELP subsystem completely and return to Qedit. Use the Prev Page (or Page Up) key on your terminal to review help already printed.

Hold Command [HO]

Lets you explicitly write lines to the Hold file.

HOLD [ filename ] [ rangelist ]

(Default: hold current line)

(Q=hold without display)

(J=append, without erasing)

You can refer to the current contents of the Hold file by the actual file name, "hold", in any of the commands that access external files (Add-File, List, Use).


/hold 50/60        {erase Hold, hold lines}

/holdj 100/198     {append more lines to Hold}

/ho "direct"       {hold lines with string}

/open abc.src

/add 33=hold       {adds held lines to abc.src}

/holdq /etc/profile

/list hold

Implicit Hold

When using the Add command to move or copy lines within a file, Qedit overwrites a file named Hold0 with a copy of the lines. It counts the lines and tries to select a line number increment that will accommodate the number of lines being added to your workfile. So, if the command fails or if you wish to copy the same lines again, you can refer to the Hold0 file. Adding from an external file also holds the lines if you specify a rangelist for the file, and if the file is not the Hold file itself.

/add 55=hold0

/list hold0         {the Hold file is temporary}


By default, the Hold files are created in /var/tmp (/usr/tmp is the default on older versions of HP-UX). If you want to keep your Hold files in a different location, you can enter the new path name in the TMPDIR environment variable.


export TMPDIR

The file name starts with "qhold" and ends with a random string of characters. The Hold0 file ends with ".0". Keep in mind that Qedit works with absolute filenames and these names can not have more than 240 characters.

Every time you use "hold" or "hold0" by themselves as a file name in any command, Qedit replaces the word with the fully-qualified file name of the appropriate Hold file.

/Add 1=hold

translates to

/Add 1=/var/tmp/qholdDAAa05429.0

Justify Command [J]

With Justify, you can do text formatting: center lines, right-justify lines, left-justify lines, and fill text into margins.

JUSTIFY [option] [keyword ...] [rangelist]

(Q=no display)

(Default option: Null or Set Justify)

When the Justify command is processing the range of lines you specified, if you decide not to continue, press Control-Y to stop the formatting.

Options Specify Which Function


Justify Right

right-justify each line

Justify Center

center each line

Justify Centre

Canadian spelling!

Justify Left

remove leading spaces

Justify Format

fill lines, ragged right margin

Justify Both

fill lines, straight right margin

Justify Null

default - no changes - safety


Keyword Parameters of Justify


MARGIN column

right edge, relative to left


maintain 2 spaces after . ? and !

INDENT spaces

indentation for list of points


activate configured indentation

STOP "chars"

break justification when found

START "chars"

start new paragraph


You may shorten options and keywords to the leading letters.

Rangelist Specifies Which Lines

For the Format and Both options, the rangelist specifies some lines to format. Warning: if you type a single line number (e.g., just both 5), Qedit begins formatting lines from that line number to the end of the paragraph. Qedit sees blank lines as end-of-paragraph markers, so if you justify format all you end up with smooth and even chunks of text, set off by blank lines. This is one of the few places in Qedit where a single line number implies a range of lines.

For the Left, Right and Center options, a single line rangelist means a single line. But, you can specify a "string" rangelist to center or justify only lines containing a string. Specifying a "string" rangelist with the Format or Both options is equivalent to specifying a single line number i.e. formatting starts with the line which has the string and continues to the end of the paragraph.

Verification Before Formatting

If Set Check Justify is ON, Justify Format and Both require user verification before formatting more than 5 lines. This should eliminate inadvertent formatting of entire source programs!

You can also use the Undo command to undo the effects of the Justify command.

Left and Right Edges for Justify

Justify works within borders called the left and right edge. The left edge is usually column 1, or column seven 7 in standard COBOL. The right edge is usually the highest column number allowed in the file (e.g., 80 for JOB files). However, if you use Set Left and Set Right to create margins for your file, Justify operates within those limits. Set Left will be the left edge and Set Right will be the right edge. You can also use the Margin keyword to establish the right edge for Justify, but remember that this edge is relative to any Set Left value.


/justify center 5/6    {center lines 5 through 6}

/j right 5/6           {right-justify lines 5 through 6}


/j left 5/6            {left-justify lines 5 through 6}


/j format 5/50         {format lines 5/50 into margins}


/j f 5/6               {splice lines 5 and 6 into one line}


/j both 5              {format a paragraph, even right edge,}

                       {  from line 5 to the next blank line}

Right Justifying Lines

Justify Right shifts each line of rangelist to the right until the last nonblank character is at the right edge. For example:

/justify right margin 50 rangelist

 Input lines:

Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

Tools for HP3000

 Output lines:

                Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

                                 Tools for HP3000

Centering Lines

Justify Center adjusts each rangelist line so that it is centered between the left edge and the right edge. For example:

/justify center margin 50 rangelist

 Input lines:

Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

Tools for HP3000

 Output lines:

         Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

                 Tools for HP3000

Left Justifying Lines

Justify Left removes leading spaces from each rangelist line, until the left-most nonblank character is at the left edge. This will left-justify the lines. Use for this option to recover from an inadvertent Center or Right option. For example:

/justify left rangelist

 Input lines:

                 Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

                    Tools for HP3000

 Output lines:

Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

Tools for HP3000

Filling Words into Tidy Paragraphs

Justify Format adjusts the processed lines so that the words fill the space between the left edge and the right edge, but allows the right edge to be ragged:

/justify format margin 50 rangelist

 Input lines:

The Format keyword performs a

function which is equivalent to .ad l

(left-justify) in nroff and troff.

Uneven lines are converted into lines

of about the same length.

 Output lines:

The Format keyword performs a function which

is equivalent to .ad l (left-justify) in

nroff and troff. Uneven lines are converted

into lines of about the same length.

Making Both Edges Even

Justify Both is similar to Justify Format, except that both the left and right edges of the text are even. This is accomplished by inserting blanks between words. For example:

/justify both margin 50 rangelist

 Input lines:

The Both keyword performs a

function which is equivalent to .ad b

(adjust both) in nroff and troff. Uneven

lines are converted into lines

of exactly the same length.

 Output lines:

The Both keyword  performs  a  function  which  is

equivalent  to  .ad  b  (adjust both) in nroff and

troff.  Uneven lines are converted into  lines  of

exactly the same length.

Null Option

Justify Null is included as an option to serve as a default. If Both were the default option, most of your file would be quickly formatted if you accidentally typed "J 5" instead of "LJ 5".

Configuring the Justify Command

The five options (Right, Center, Left, Format, and Both) and the four keywords (Margin, Two, Indent, and Withindent), configure the Justify command. The hierarchy of configuration values is as follows:

 Startup default (the "default default")

 overridden by

 SET Justify (the configured default)

 overridden by

 Keywords in Justify command

You set your own defaults for the Justify option and keyword values using Set Justify. Once you find the setting you like, you may want to put them in your Qeditmgr configuration file so you won't have to do the Set Justify command every time you run Qedit. For example:

/set justify null margin 50 two on


/justify both 5

to be interpreted as

/justify both margin 50 two on 5

but you can override your own defaults, as in

/justify both margin 60 10/20

which merges with your Set Justify values to produce

/justify both margin 60 two on 10/20

Configuring the Right Edge

The Margin keyword specifies the right-most column for processed lines. This column is needed for the Right, Center, Format and Both options. The value you specify is relative to any Set Left margin that is effective at the time of the Justify command.

Determining the Left Edge

For the Both and Format options, the left margin is determined by looking at the first and second lines of each "paragraph". If the first and second line are indented, the entire paragraph will be indented. Of course, this indentation is relative to any Set Left.

/justify both margin 50 linenum

 Input lines:

     The Both keyword performs a

     function which is equivalent to

.ad b (adjust both) in nroff and troff.

Uneven lines are converted into lines

of exactly the same length.

 Output lines:

     The Both keyword performs a function which is

     equivalent to .ad b (adjust  both)  in  nroff

     and  troff.  Uneven  lines are converted into

     lines of exactly the same length.

Two Spaces at End of Sentence

Normally, when Qedit adjusts text with Format and Both, it inserts one space between each symbol, regardless of the number of spaces between symbols in the input text. If the Two keyword is ON, Justify maintains two blanks after the end of a sentence (i.e., after a . ? or !, or one of those three followed by a quote mark or a right parenthesis and a space). The default for this keyword is OFF.

Justify does not insert two spaces if the input only contains one; it merely maintains two spaces if they are there already (this means you don't have to worry about getting two spaces in a name like Calvin C. Cook).

/justify format two on margin 70  99.5/

Formatting a List of Points

The Indent keyword is a special capability for handling lists of numbered points (1., 2., 3., ...). It assumes that your text is indented and that the numbers for each point appear to the left of that indentation. The Indent parameter specifies the number of spaces at the start of each line that will not contain text to format. Justify leaves anything to the left of this border "as is". In fact, the existence of text to the left of the border acts as an "end-of-point" indicator, eliminating the need for a blank line between points to stop the justification. Indent is relative to any Set Left.

The end of each point in a list is effectively an end of paragraph. Here is a sample of what happens when you attempt to format a list of points without the Indent keyword:

/justify both margin 50 rangelist

 Input lines:

1.  Text which occurs in

    a list of points should also

    be formatted into even lines.

2.  Any text to the left of column 5

    causes a

    "justification break".

 Output lines:

1.  Text which occurs in a list of  points  should

    also  be  formatted  into even lines.  2.  Any

    text  to  the  left  of  column  5  causes   a

    "justification break".

All of the points have been run together into a single point. You can avoid this result by inserting a blank line at each point, or by doing Justify on each point individually, or by using the Indent keyword:

/justify both margin 50 indent 4 rangelist

 Input lines:

1.  Text which occurs in

    a list of points should also

    be formatted into even lines.

2.  Any text to the left of column 5

    causes a

    "justification break".

 Output lines:

1.  Text which occurs in a list of  points  should

    also be formatted into even lines.

2.  Any  text  to  the  left  of column 5 causes a

    "justification break".

Activating Indentation

Withindent activates an Indent value that you have previously configured with Set Justify Indent. Withindent allows you to settle on a single indentation for all "lists of points" without having to respecify that value on every Justify command. You merely specify Withindent when you format a list of points:

/set justify indent 4     {configure potential indentation}

/justify format 5         {this is not a list of points}


/just f with  9           {this is a list of points}

Justification Breaks and Formatting Commands

Justify has options to define characters that start and/or stop justification when found in column one. These options make it much easier to justify text in files which contain embedded commands and special characters for a format program (e.g., Prose, TDP, etc.). The specific characters are defined using the Start and Stop options:

/set justify stop ".+" start "` "

This command says that any line with "." or "+" in column one stops text justification and that line is not changed. Any line with "`" or " " (space) in column one ends justification of the previous paragraph and signals a new paragraph (i.e., that line is formatted as part of the next paragraph).

It's important to note that a "string" rangelist has precedence over Start and Stop characters. In other words, the latter options are ignored.

Here is an example which justifies some text from a Robelle document that consists of both text and embedded Prose formatting directives. Note that lines beginning with "." and "+" are not altered, and the line beginning with "`" properly appears as a new paragraph.

/justify start "` " stop ".+" margin 50 format all

 Input lines:

.for([ T   S:40 // l55 /   "-" pn:1 "-" /]

+    [ S   T:40 // l55 /   "-" pn:1 "-" /])

.par(f` p5 s1 u3).com  Define ` as Start of Paragraph

.ent `|1Welcome to Compare|

.beginkey compare

     Welcome to version 2.2 of Compare -- a

file comparison program for text files.

`Compare answers the question,

"How different are these two text files?"

Compare will tell you whether lines

have been added, or whether a block of

lines is now different.

 Output lines:

.for([ T   S:40 // l55 /   "-" pn:1 "-" /]

+    [ S   T:40 // l55 /   "-" pn:1 "-" /])

.par(f` p5 s1 u3).com  Define ` as Start of Paragraph

.ent `|1Welcome to Compare|

.beginkey compare

     Welcome to version 2.2 of Compare -- a file

comparison program for text files.

`Compare answers the question, "How different are

these two text files?" Compare will tell you

whether lines have been added, or whether a block

of lines is now different.

Keep Command [K]

Creates a standard disc file and writes the workfile into it. Keep is the reverse of Text, which copies a standard disc file into a workfile that you can edit. Use Text when you need to duplicate a file.

KEEP [filename][,options] [ rangelist ]

(Q=no linenums)

(Defaults: rangelist=ALL, filename=last)

Keep Options

Qedit allows several options on the Keep command. Note that the comma preceding the option name is mandatory, and that spaces are not allowed before the comma or the option name.


Keep filename,UNN

unnumbered (same as KQ)

Keep filename,YES

go ahead and purge old file

Keep filename,NO

never purge an old file

Keep filename,XEQ

assign xeq access

Keep filename,IFDIRTY

only if changes made

Keep filename,LF

insert Newline delimiters

Keep filename,NOLF

Do not insert Newline delimiters

Keep creates a new disc file named filename. You can combine several options on the same Keep command. The default filename is the name of the last Text or full Keep (i.e., it does not count if you use a rangelist or have reduced the margins with Set Left or Set Right). If filename already exists, Qedit will ask you to verify that it is okay to purge it unless you specify the ,YES or ,NO option.

Sometimes the file will have sequence numbers in each line (this is called numbered), but you can omit the sequence numbers with KQ, or by specifying the ,UNN option.

Keep transfers rangelist lines from the workfile to filename. The default rangelist is ALL. Warning: Qedit writes only the data within the current left and right margins, so reset the margins first if you want the entire line (e.g., Set Left; Set Right).


/text /src/report.cob        {make a copy}

Scratch file


   14       05  FUNCTION-CODE      PIC X8.

/change "X8"X10"

   14       05  FUNCTION-CODE      PIC X10.

/keep /src/new.cob           {create a new file}

    ...                      {do some more changes}

/keep                        {save again with same name...}

/src/new.cob # of records = 127

Purge existing file [No]? yes  {you must authorize purge!}


/s left 1;s right 50         {define margins as first 50 columns}

/kq /data/nov99              {unnumbered with 50-byte records}


/k notes,UNN,YES             {unnumbered, purge old file}

/keep ,yes                   {keep to last text, purging old}

Absolute File Name

When you are using CD, you may find yourself doing the following: Text file xxx, change to another directory to add from some other files, then Keep to update your original file. Keep defaults to the "absolute" name (e.g., /user/dev/lib/src/xxx). This means you can change to other directories after a Text, but still easily Keep the file back under its original name. In the past, Keep would default to the "relative" name of the Text file (e.g., xxx), saving the file in your current working directory.

Keep Only When Changes Were Made

Keep,Ifdirty only does the Keep operation if the workfile has been modified since the last Text or Keep. This can be useful in scripts that do Changes: by not Keeping files where no string changes occurred, you reduce the number of files that appear on the partial backup. To see whether your workfile is clean or dirty, do Verify Open.

File Modification Timestamp

When you use the Text command on a file, Qedit stores the file's modification timestamp in the workfile. If you try to Keep the file, Qedit compares the stored timestamp with the file's current timestamp. If they are different, it means the original file has changed since you first opened it. Qedit will alert you to the difference by displaying a message similar to the following:

Warning: Original file has been modified since the initial

Text or last Keep

The file timestamp can change for a number of reasons. Here are few examples:

·         Someone else might have been working on that same file with Qedit and saved their changes before you did.

·         The file could have been restored.

·         Maybe you used the file to test a program which modified the file in some way.

Because the timestamp message is just a warning, Qedit continues its processing. It then asks for Keep confirmation. If you answer "Yes", the file will be purged and you might lose someone else's changes. Qedit will also store the new modification timestamp.

If you answer "No", you should compare the contents of the file with your workfile and decide if it is safe to Keep your changes. This is one way to compare the files:

·         Keep the workfile under a different name

·         Use our Compare bonus program to display the differences between the original file and the new version you just created

·         Look at the report and separate the lines that you changed from the ones you did not touch

·         If needed, apply changes to your copy so you are not missing anything important

By default, timestamp checking on Keep is enabled. If you want to change this setting, use the Set Keep Checktimestamp command.

If you want to erase the saved timestamp, you can use the Set Keep Name command.

Variables for Suprtool

Suprtool needs to know two things about a file when inputting a non self-describing file. The Input command can now use two .dotfiles which will be set by Qedit upon keeping a fixed length file.

The first file is ./.qxrecsize, which will have the record size that the keep command and qedit used to make the file fixed length. The second file is ./.qxlf lets suprtool know if the file will have Line Feeds at the end of  each record or not. Currently the .qxlf will only have ON in it.

You can easily turn the contents of the two .dotfiles, into variables by  doing the following:


Set keep var off lf on

Keep myfile,unn


export ROBQXRECSIZE=`cat .qxrecsize`


You can then use the variables in Suprtool by doing the following:

suprtool << EOD

set varsub on

in myfile, rec $ROBQXRECSIZE, LF



Newline Delimiters

Normally, lines in a UNIX file are terminated by a NewLine character. Even the last line of the file has to be terminated. For cases in which the last NewLine character is missing, Qedit is still able to read all the lines. However, if the file is saved back, Qedit adds a NewLine terminator. This makes the new file a little different than the original, even if you have not made any changes to it.

By default, Qedit inserts a Newline delimiter after each line. If you do not want  Newline terminators, use the NOLF option. The only Newline characters written to the file are the ones included in the data. Using the Length option on the Text command disables the  LF Keep feature (Set Keep LF Off). If you wish to override this, you can use the LF option.


When you Text a file and Keep it again, Qedit attempts to duplicate the original file. The form of the Keep file depends upon the current language and Set options, especially Set Keep. To see what the Keep file will look like, use Verify Keep.

Keep will retain the security of your existing file (i.e., the file's ACL) if you answer Yes to the "Purge old?" question.

List Command [L]

Prints lines of the current workfile or an external file either on your screen or to a printer device.

LIST [$option...] [ rangelist ]

(Default: rangelist = *)

LIST [$option...] filename[,UNN] [ rangelist ]

(Default: rangelist = ALL)

(Q=no linenums, T=template, J=jumping)

If you do not specify a filename, List displays lines of the current workfile. If you do specify a filename, List displays lines from that file without Shutting your current workfile. You can refer to the "previous" file by a shorthand method, a "$".

If you specify a single line number as a rangelist and that line does not exist in the current file, Qedit's action depends on the Set List Nearest setting. If the option is Off, the default, Qedit displays a No Line warning. If the option is On, Qedit displays the nearest line. For example, if lines 100 to 120 are missing from a file, here is what would happen:

/List 100

Warning: No Line

/Set List Nearest On

/List 100

   121    This is line #121.

If you are trying to do something similar on an external file, Qedit does not display anything.

Specify filename,UNN when listing a data file which has numeric characters in the last 8 column positions and they are not valid sequence numbers.

When you list lines of your current workfile, Qedit shows only the columns within the current left and right margins, and the default rangelist is the current line (e.g., List = List *). When you List an external filename, margins are ignored and the default rangelist is ALL.


/list 5              {display line 5 only}

/listq 5/            {List-Quiet from 5 to Last}


/list "customer"     {all lines containing "customer"}


/list -5/+5          {display current vicinity}


/l report.cob        {display entire source file}


/l report.cob ]-10/  {print last 11 lines of file}


/l $ "$page"(1/5)    {"$page" in column 1 of previous file}


/set left 55;set right 132  {set margins in wide file}

/listt all           {show template above columns}


/list "bob"  (upshift)      {"bob","BOB","Bob",etc.}


/list "@UPD@MAST@" (pat)  {strings UPD and MAST both in line}

                             {pattern matching}


You can configure permanent options for the List command using Set List; you can also select temporary options within a specific List command. The temporary options are preceded by a dollar sign.

LIST [ $option ... ] [ filename[,UNN] ] [ rangelist ]

The temporary $-options come after the command name and before the external filename and rangelist.

Here are the $-options accepted in the List command:


[$DEVice device ]

The $device option sends output to a specified device. The device must be a valid printer name or class. The following command sends lines 1 through 30 in the current file to the device printer:
list $device printer 1/30

[$lp | $lpa | $lpb | $record ]

$lp, $lpa and $lpb send output to a device associated with an environment variable of the same name. For example, to print to the device called Laser with the $lpa option, you must set the LPA environment variable to Laser, as in export lpa=laser. If the LP environment variable is not set, Qedit will attempt to send the output to the default system printer.  But if the LPA or LPB environment variables are not set with a valid device name, an error will occur. $Record sends output to LPCRT=stdlist via Record mode.


Numeric dump


Remove garbage; combines with Hex/Octal/Dec

$PCL code

LaserJet fonts and orientation


Double-sided printing on certain LaserJets


Outputs even or odd number of pages

[$COLUMNS (range, ...)]

Lists only certain columns
The $columns option allows you to list only the contents of certain columns. You can specify up to four column ranges. The ranges have to be enclosed in parentheses and can be separated by commas or spaces.
A range must have a start column and, optionally, an end column. If only a start column is specified, the end column is assumed to be the same. In this case, Qedit lists only one column. For example
/List $columns (5) {lists only the contents of column 5}
/List $columns (5/10) {lists the contents of columns 5 to 10}
/List $columns (5 20/30) {lists column 5 and 20 to 30}

Column numbers must be valid for the Language of the file. For most files, the first column is 1. For COBOL-type files, the first column is 7. Column numbers must also be within the current left and right margins. The column numbers do not have to be entered in a particular order. For example, the column numbers in the first range can be greater than the column numbers in the second range. The text appears in range order (i.e., range1, range2, range3 and range4). The same column can be included in multiple column ranges. The total number of columns listed cannot exceed the absolute line length maximum (8,172 characters).
Although a template Listing is allowed with $columns, the output might not be very helpful. For example,
/LT $column (15/20)
1 O
2 pp
4 rrrr

List $include is supported with $columns, but included files are treated as if they are the same type as the main file. For example, if you include a COBOL file within a Data file, the COBOL file will start at column one.
You can specify a rangelist (e.g., a search string with $columns). Qedit first searches for the string, which can appear anywhere on the line, then applies the $columns specification.


Double space the listing (or $DBL)


Shift the listing four spaces to the right

[$RIGHTBY spaces]

Shift the listing to the right by the number of spaces
The $rightby option works like the $shift option. It allows you to shift the printed output to the right. The $shift option shifts the output by four spaces. The $rightby option allows you to specify the number of spaces by which the output is shifted. This number can be between 1 and 30.
/List $shift LP {shifts output by four spaces}
/List $rightby 4 LP {also shifts output by four spaces}
/List $rightby 20 LP {shifts output by 20 spaces}


List/search $include files as well


List/search usefiles as well


Override Set List Page option

$LINES count

Override Set List Lines (per page)

$LENGTH characters

Specify the maximum line length


Here is an example that uses three of the $-options:

/list $lpa $double $shift all

This command would list all of the current file to the LPA with double spacing, and the listing would be shifted four spaces to the right. To send the output of the List command to the device called Laser, an environment variable must be set to a valid printer name before running Qedit (export LPA=laser).

When listing an external file, the $-options must come before the file name:

/list $hex $char filename     {hex-char dump of file}

Include Files

Normally, Qedit only searches the current file for a string. If you specify the $include keyword, however, Qedit will also search the $include files for the string.

/list $include "global_variable"

The lines that specify Include files must begin with either "$", "#", "!", or ".". In SPL programs, an exclamation point indicates that the rest of the line should be treated as a comment. So, if a line starts with an exclamation point followed by the word Include, Qedit also assumes this to be a comment and not an actual Include statement.

The $include command must be spelled out in full, and it can be indented from the prefix character ($, #, etc.).

The prefix character can be in any column as long as it is preceded by spaces only. Even though Qedit allows prefix indentation, other programs such as compilers might require prefixes to be in specific columns e.g. column 1.

So, as far as Qedit is concerned, the following examples are valid Include source lines:

$include 'globals.source'

    $include constant.srcinc

    $    include headers

#include <strings.h>

#include "parser/bnf.c"

!   include somefile

.include    chapter1.book

You cannot combine the $use and $include options.

Listing C Include Files

Qedit/UX assumes that any include statement such as

#include <stdio.h>

is a C include file. If the file name starts with a letter, it is qualified with /usr/include/. This is where the standard C include files are located. C file names that start with "../h" are ignored because they indicate Include files for rebuilding the HP-UX kernel.


The $use option is very similar to the $include option. If you specify the $use keyword, Qedit will also search any usefiles for a string. Usefiles are commonly used in PowerHouse source code, Qedit and Suprtool command files, and jobs streams that run Qedit and Suprtool.

/list $use "data.def"

The lines that contain the "use" directive must have the word "use" as the first word in the line. Leading blanks are allowed. Everything after the word "use" is assumed to be a file name.

You cannot combine the $use and $include options.

$Device Option

The List command now has an option to specify the HP-UX print device. For example:

list $device printer 1/10

The above command prints lines 1 through 10 of the current file to the printer name or class called Printer. The name specified after the $device keyword must be a valid printer name or class. If both the $device and $lp keywords are used, the $device takes precedence.

Configuring Printers

By using environment variables before running Qedit, you can define LP, LPA and LPB in your .profile as three different printers on your system.

$LP;export LP

$LPA=serialp;export LPA

$LPB=shipping;export LPB

Merging Options

The $-options in the List command are merged with the Set List options, except that Set List Record ON applies only to the file LP, not LPA and LPB. The $-options can be combined wherever they make sense; they can be used with Jumping, Quiet and Template, and can work on the current workfile or an external file. $-Options may be shortened (e.g., $h = $hex).

Interrupting a Listing

Press the Control-S key to "pause" the listing for review. Then, press Control-Q to resume the listing. On newer HP terminals, the Stop key pauses a listing until you press Stop again. To stop the List command, press the Control-Y key.

Listing External Files

With the List command, you can look at any file on a system to which you have read access security.

/list /etc/profile

Qedit studies the file and determines whether it has sequence numbers or not. If you ask for a rangelist of lines, Qedit implicitly numbers a file without numbers. It starts at line 1.0 and adds the current Set Increment value. If the file has sequence numbers, Qedit uses them, unless it finds illegal numbers or numbers out of sequence. It then prints the following message:

Error: line number out of sequence (001200) - renumbering the rest

The string in parentheses is the incorrect line number. You should make sure it contains numeric digits only and that it is greater than the number on the previous line. To check this information, you should text the file using the Unnumbered option.

After reporting the information, Qedit then assigns new numbers to the lines, starting with the last valid number and adding the current increment.

Qedit uses this shorthand character to refer to the most recent external file name: "$". For example,

/list report.cob "$page"(1/5)

/list $ 500/600

Template Listing

The LT command prints a column-number template before the first line of the listing.

/lqt 5


    training of Qedit users is so easy that you will

Remember that the first column number in a standard COBOL source file is column 7, not column 1. For a COBFREE file, the first column is 1. In addition, if you have done Set Left and Set Right to define margins for your file, the template starts with the Left margin column and ends with the Right margin column.

/set left 20;set right 41

/lqt 5


it users is so easy th

Browsing or "List-Jumping"

When you add "J" to "List" it means list-jumping. This lists the lines specified, but stops every 23 lines (this pause is handy at 19.2K baud). Browse quickly throughout a file, viewing as much or as little of each section as you like. The default rangelist for ListJ is */Last, and ListJ linenum means start jumping at linenum. You can go into Browse mode quickly from Line mode by using the function keys. Press F6 to start browsing at the current line, press F5 to browse starting back a page, and press F2 to roll the screen forward a few lines before starting to browse.

At the end of each screen, ListJ prompts you for "what to do next?" and waits for your reply. If the user presses Return or F6, or types "yes", Qedit displays the next screen. If the user presses F8 or Control-Y, or types "no", Qedit stops the listing. If the user types a line number, a string, or a relative line count (e.g., -50, +5), or presses F2, F3, F4, or F5, Qedit moves to a new location within the file. When you enter any command, Qedit stops the listing, returns to Command mode, and executes the command. When you are on an HP terminal, ListJ enhances and erases the line with the "what to do next?" prompt.

You can combine ListJ with the $include option to browse through the specified files as well as their $include files. You can combine with ListJ with "Q" to display the lines without sequence numbers. Also, you can combine "ListJ" with "T" to print a column template at the top of each screen. In fact, you can combine all three options into "ListJQT" to List-Jump without line numbers, but with a column template.

The screensize can be changed from 23 lines to another number with Set List LJ nn (where nn is some number of lines from 5 to 100). If you put the command Set List QJ On in your Qeditmgr file, you can avoid seeing sequence numbers when you browse.

When List-Jumping reaches the last line of your file, it prints "End! Are you DONE? [yes]" and waits for your answer. "Yes" ends the listing, and "No" starts listing again from the beginning. Set List Endstop On disables this question; List-Jumping just prints the last line of the file and ends the LJ command.

Controlling Printer Listings

When you specify "$lp" (or "$lpa" or "$lpb") in a List command, Qedit looks for an LP environment variable, retrieves the value, and uses this as the device name. The lines that would have been printed on the terminal are written to the printer file instead. At the end of the command, Qedit closes the file, which releases it for printing.

The default Qedit listing to the printer is a raw dump of your lines, with or without line numbers. It has no page breaks, no headings, no title, and no page numbers. However, you can override this default with the Set List command.

Listing to Attached Printer

To list to a printer that is attached to your terminal, use List $record. If you want all listings to $lp to go to the attached printer, do Set List Record On and then List $lp. Qedit will use Record mode on your terminal or PC to print on the attached printer. This option opens a file named LPCRT instead of LP. If you are listing to an attached printer from a terminal, your terminal may remain locked after the printout is completed. This generally happens when you have handshaking enabled. (G-H straps set to No). You can do a soft reset to unlock your terminal.

If handshaking is disabled (G-H straps set to Yes), the List command works and returns control to the terminal, but two "S" characters are printed on the terminal. There is currently no known workaround to these problems.

If you have a LaserJet connected to your PC and are using Reflection, you will want to Set Printer-Passthru-Conv No in Reflection. Otherwise you will find that some characters are printing oddly, such as the square block printing as a plus-minus sign. If you are using Reflection for Windows, the above option may be called "Disable Printer Translation" or "Use Host Character Set." As well, you have to select "Bypass Windows Printing" and disable "Auto Form Feed."

You can combine this option with other listing options such as $PCL or $duplex. You cannot interrupt Record mode with Control-Y, but you can do a soft Reset. This unlocks the keyboard and causes the rest of the output to appear on the screen. You can then stop it with Control-Y.

LP Listings with Headings

To have Qedit do a page break every 60 lines and put a heading with a page number on each page, do List $page On $lp (or $record, $lpa, $lpb). To configure "paging" as the default, do Set List Page On. Two lines at the top of each page are used as a heading. The first line contains the page number, the file name (or the last Text file name in the case of Qeditscr), and the time of the listing, and the second line is blank.

In this mode, Qedit also looks for $title, $page, #pragma page, and #pragma title commands in your file and uses them to create page breaks. The optional string parameter of these commands replaces the date and time in the page heading (e.g., $page "Monthly Staff Review"). A $page or $title command without a string clears the title area of the heading.

To vary the number of lines per page, do List $lines nn, or use Set List Lines nn for a permanent override, where nn is a value between 1 and 256. (Assumes Set List Page On.).

/set list page on lines 59

To print the heading only on the first page, use $lines 0. This causes continuous printing with no page ejects.

/list $lp $lines 0 all     {ignores $page too}

To perform continuous printing with no automatic page ejects but skip to a new page on $Page directives, use $lines 999.

/list $lp $lines 999 all     {skips to a new page on $page only}

To drop the file name from the page heading, do Set List Name Off. (Assumes Set List Page On.)

/set list page on name off

To drop the page numbers from each page, do Set List Num Off. (Assumes Set List Page On.)

/set list page on name off num off

To drop the title from the heading, do Set List Title Off. (Assumes Set List Page On.)

/set list page on title off

To drop the two-line heading from each page while still doing page breaks, use Set List to disable the three components of the heading:

/set list page on name off num off title off

Getting an Even or Odd Number of Pages

There are times when the number of printed pages is important. For example, you could have a printer that is always loaded with pre-printed forms that come in pairs (e.g., Page 1 of 2 and Page 2 of 2) or the paper is folded in certain ways so that a report is easier to tear up and insert into a binder. In both examples, sending a report with an odd number of pages would cause the next output to be on a wrong page.

To prevent this from happening, you can now use the $even or $odd options on the List command and ask Qedit to "round up" the number of pages. The $even option ensures that the output has an even number of pages. Similarly, the $odd option ensures there is an odd number of pages by sending an extra page eject sequence before closing the output file.

These even and odd options are mutually exclusive (i.e., they cannot be both enabled at the same time). If you try use them both on the same command, Qedit uses the last one in the sequence. For example, you can type

/List $even $odd $lpa myfile

Qedit does not see this as an error and uses the $odd option, ignoring $even.

These options only make sense if you are sending the list to a printer, either attached or spooled. They have no effect when listing the file to the screen. For this reason, you have to specify a destination printer using $lp, $lpa, $lpb, $record or $device.

You can also use one of these options as the default by using the Set List command. Specifying a $-option on the List command overrides the Set value. There is currently no way to completely ignore the Set options. If you want both options to be disabled, you have to issue

/Set List Even Off Odd Off

 prior to the List command.

Double-Spaced Listings

When listing to LP, you can force the result to be double spaced with List $double. This feature can be combined with most of the other features of List, including LT, LQ, and Set List Page On. To make all printer listings double spaced, do Set List Dbl On. LQ on a CCTL file disables the Double option because the CCTL codes in the file control the spacing on the listing.

LaserJet Listings

Qedit has two special options for HP LaserJets: $duplex and $PCL. Duplex means double-sided printing, and PCL means Printer Command Language, which is used to select fonts, spacing, and orientation.

$Duplex for Two-Sided Printing. Some LaserJets can print on both sides of the paper; use List $duplex to enable this option.

/list $lp $duplex all

PCL = Printer Command Language. All LaserJets have several sizes of character fonts and can print in either landscape or portrait orientation. To help you take advantage of these features, Qedit has a number of PCL codes that can do all the work for you. PCL stands for Printer Command Language, which is the HP standard for printers. To specify a LaserJet option for a single listing, use List $PCL; to configure all listings, use Set List PCL. To disable the special PCL option, use PCL 0. Get a quick on-line listing of the PCL options with

/hq set,list

Changing Fonts and Orientation

Landscape-Tiny: PCL 1. To list to the LaserJet in the tiny font that prints across the paper sideways (i.e., 16.67 pitch, landscape), use PCL 1.

/list $device printer $pcl 1 all

Landscape-Regular: PCL 2. To list with the regular Courier font in landscape orientation, use PCL 2.

The Standard: PCL 3. The normal default for LaserJet output is portrait orientation (across the narrow side) with the Courier font. However, once you insert a font cartridge into your LaserJet, it may select one of the cartridge fonts as the default instead of Courier. PCL 3 allows you to select the standard Courier font, even if another font cartridge is installed.

Portrait-Tiny: PCL 4. Some LaserJets provide the tiny "Line printer" font in portrait orientation as well as landscape orientation. PCL 4 selects this option.

A4 Special: PCL 5. To print 80 columns, instead of 77, across A4 paper using the standard Courier typeface, try PCL 5. This tightens the spacing between characters.

Legal-Landscape-Tiny: PCL 6. To print tiny letters in landscape orientation on legal-size paper, use PCL 6.

You can combine PCL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 with Page On and Off, with Lines 0, with LQ, with $DBL, with $record, and with $duplex.

Two-Column Listings

If your LaserJet supports "Line printer" font in landscape orientation, you can print listings across the page with two columns of text side by side.

/list $lp $pcl 10 all  {two-column listing format}

/lq $rec $pcl 10 1/200

If you have a legal-size paper tray, you can use PCL 11 to print two wide columns of 110 characters each on a single piece of paper.

A4-Size Paper

Most of the PCL options, with the exception of PCL 5, were designed and tested with North American letter-size paper. PCL 5 is especially for A4 paper; it reduces the horizontal spacing between characters so that 80 columns of Courier output can fit on a single line. In addition, if you add 2000 to a PCL code, Qedit adjusts the number of rows and columns for that option to match A4 paper. For example, to print two-up landscape on A4 paper, use PCL 2010 instead of PCL 10.

In general, selecting A4 paper gives you more space along the long dimension of the paper and less space along the short dimension. If you are happy with the way letter-size rows and columns work on A4 paper, simply do not add 2000 to the PCL code.

Summary of Qedit PCL Codes





A4 Rows

A4 Columns

Letter Rows

Letter Columns

























































two columns








2-up legal*


L/P mean landscape or portrait orientation.

* Note: PCL 6 and 11 were designed to print on North American legal-size paper and will select that size. However, you can see what happens with A4 paper by using 2006 and 2011. Some people have found this useful.

Roman-8 vs. ASCII

The PCL option requests a Roman-8 character set, but some combination font cartridges only supply the ASCII character set (half as many characters means twice as many fonts in a single cartridge). If you ask for landscape Line printer and get landscape Courier instead, your Line printer font probably has the ASCII character set instead of the Roman-8 character set. To request an ASCII font, add 1,000 to the PCL code. For example, if you have a Super Cartridge (55 fonts in one!), use PCL 1001, 1004, 1006, 1010 and 1011. To select both ASCII and A4 paper, add 3000.

Folding Wide Lines

Qedit/UX might have difficulty handling files without Newline delimiters at the end of each line or files with lines longer than 8,172 characters. To be able to access these files, you can use the $length option to  specify the maximum number of characters you want on each line.

:Listredo Command [LISTREDO/F7]

The :Listredo command displays any of the previous 1,000 commands.

LISTREDO    [ start [ / stop ] ]          [;ABS] [;OUT=file]

            [ string ]          [;REL]

            [ ALL | @ ]     [;UNN]

(Default: display previous 20 commands)

(BJ, F7 and ,, are short for Listredo)

Commands are numbered sequentially from 1 as entered and the last 1,000 are retained. You can display a single command, a range of commands, all 1,000, or all the commands whose name matches the string. You can print the commands with ABSolute line numbers (the default), RELative line numbers (-5/-4), or UNNumbered. The OUT option is not available for Qedit/UX. If you want to redo any of these commands, see :Do, :Redo, and Before.


/listredo 5

/listredo 5/10

/listredo help           {print all Help commands}

/bj                      {historical shorthand!}

/listredo -10            {print last ten commands}

/listredo ALL            {print entire redo stack}

/listredo rm             {print all rm commands}

/listredo rm xx          {print all "rm xx" commands}

/listredo @rm            {print all with "rm" anywhere}

/listredo @;rel          {print all, relative numbers}


The :Listredo command can be abbreviated to ",," or BJ, or can be invoked by the F7 function key. Using F7 to invoke Listredo only works in Line mode, not Visual mode. You cannot use ";" to combine commands on the same line.

:Listundo Command [LISTU]

Displays the complete Undo change log of commands that modified text, starting with the most recent and working backward.


Listundo shows the complete Undo change log, including each command, the number of lines updated, deleted, added, or renumbered by that command, and the text lines. Text for deleted lines is preceded by an underscore ("_") as in the Delete command, and the "before" value of lines that were updated has a Greater Than ">".

Commands are printed in reverse order, with the most recent command first. This is the command that would undone by the next Undo command. To stop the Listundo report, use Control-Y.



LS Command [LS]

Display contents of a directory.

LS       names

(Default: current directory)

Qedit has a command called Lsort. Due to Qedit's shorthand command parsing, ls would be interpreted as Lsort. The Lsort command is retained for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit, but Qedit/UX accepts ls to mean the HP-UX ls command.


/ls                  {current directory}

/ls -a               {show hidden files also}

Lsort Command [LSO]

Sorts a range of lines.

LSORT range [ KEYS keylist ]

LSORT string range [ KEYS keylist ]

(Q=no display)

(Default: by entire line)

The simplest Lsort command just specifies a range of lines to be sorted and no other parameters. This means to use the entire line as the key and sort the lines into ascending order, printing them once sorted.

To stop Lsort from printing the sorted lines, use LsortQ. The Lsort command can be abbreviated to "lso", "lsq" (quiet), "lst" (template) and "lsj" (justify). "ls" followed by a space executes the HP-UX shell command. "ls" followed by any other character is executed as a possible shell command.


To sort by some other key fields in the lines (from one to four are supported) or to sort the lines in Descending Order, you need to specify the KEYS keylist parameters. The keylist consists of one to four keys separated by spaces or commas, with a key consisting of either a column range or a starting column and length:

 column , length [DESC]

 column / column [DESC]

Ascending Order is assumed by default, but you may specify DESC to sort this key in Descending Order.


/lsort all           {sort entire file}

/lsortq all          {sort without printing}

/lsort 10/33         {sort some lines only}

/lsort 30/last keys 10,5            {col 10 through 14}

/lsort zz keys 10/20                {col 10 through 20}

/lsort 20/last keys 1,10 20,5,desc  {two keys}

Merge Command [ME]

Merges an external file into the current workfile by line number. Use Merge to apply source-code "changes-files" containing new and revised text, that are distributed by some application vendors.

MERGE filename [ (rangelist) ]

(Q=no display, J=Justified)

(Default: rangelist: ALL)

MergeQ suppresses printing of the merged lines.

The optional rangelist specifies a subset of the external file to merge into the current file.


/text master.src  {start with the master file}

/merge changes    {update changed lines, add new}


To make your own "merge file", create a file that contains edits to be applied to your current workfile. Mark the lines of text that will replace existing lines in your workfile, with the corresponding line numbers. Give new line numbers to any completely new lines of text to be added to your workfile. $Edit Void removes the line number specified in the command and, optionally, lines up to and including a Void= line number. Warning: the Void= parameter cannot accept a decimal point so, for example, you must enter Qedit line 60.1 as 60100. To delete from line 55 to 60.1, you would use the following:

55   $edit void=60100


The default is to replace existing lines with the corresponding line from the external file. The Justified option appends the corresponding line from the external file. Text is appended immediately after the last non-blank character if Set Work Trailingspaces is disabled. If Trailingspaces is enabled, text is appended immediately after the last significant trailing space. If the resulting merged line is too long for the current length, the merged line is truncated. Let's say the current workfile contains:




and the external file contains:




A MergeJ would result in:




If the maximum length was 5, the resulting file would be:

/mergej myfile

    1     11111

Warning:  Result line will be too long.  Truncating merged text.

    2     22222

Warning:  Result line will be too long.  Truncating merged text.

    3     33333

Warning:  Result line will be too long.  Truncating merged text.

3 lines merged

/l all

    1     abc11

    2     def22

    3     ghj33

Modify Command [M]

Editing characters within lines using either Control codes (default Set Mod Robelle), D-I-R-U edits (Set Mod HP), or Control codes with visible feedback (Set Mod Qzmod).

MODIFY rangelist

(Q=no linenum, T=template)

(Default: rangelist = *)

By default, Modify displays the first line and puts the cursor under the first column. You enter an "edit-line" to specify a changes. You use spaces to move the cursor under the word you want to change, then type new characters to replace those in the columns above. For example:

/modify 5

   5    Over 2000 computers use Suprtool.  {prints line}

              750                          {you edit it}

   5    Over 2750 computers use Suprtool.  {prints new line}

        <Return>                           {end Modify}

Each time you press Return, Modify applies your changes to the line and prints the new result. This cycle continues until you enter only a Return (no more edits).

You use nonprinting Control codes for editing, such as Control-D to delete. For visual feedback, do Set Mod Qzmod, which puts your cursor right on top of the line and responds to each Control code by revising the image on the screen (i.e., Control-D actually makes the character disappear from the screen). If you would prefer to use MPE-style edits (D-I-R-U) instead of Control Codes, do Set Mod HP to reconfigure Modify.

To force the line number onto a separate line, use Set Mod Prompt OFF.


/modify 5/         {modify from line 5 until ^Y or end}

/find "corelate";m {find spelling error and modify line}


/mod "q_flag"      {modify all lines with "q_flag"}

Getting into Modify Mode

There are other commands that invoke Modify mode in Qedit:

·         Change, when a line overflows or you use CJ.

·         Add, when you use the auto modify character from Set Zip.

·         Before, so that you can revise and redo a previous command.

·         Redo, also enables you to revise and redo a previous command.

Edit Functions of Modify

Here are the edit functions of Modify and their Control codes, which may be changed with the Set Modify command.







Replace characters (default).



Delete characters.



Insert characters before a column.



Add characters to end of the line.



Divide line in two at this column.



Restart Modify with original line.



End this edit so you can do another.



Same as Append (Control-A).



Same as Before (Control-B).


HP-UX reacts to certain control characters which might conflict with the Qzmodify codes. For example, control-D sends an end-of-file signal to HP-UX but is also the delete character in Qzmodify. You should use the HP-UX stty program to change the default end-of-file signal. Please see the section "Control Characters and stty" on page 61 for more details.

You create Control codes by holding down the Control key while pressing the other key. Most Control codes are invisible and do not move the cursor. In the user manual, the symbol (^) as a prefix stands for the Control key (^-D for Control-D).

Some functions combine two of the Control codes: pressing ^-T then ^-V in the first column of a line splices two lines together (and deletes the second line if it's emptied). Actions not restricted to column 1 may be performed at any point on the line.







^T ^V


Fills current line from next line.

Insert Line

^A ^V


Adds a blank line before current one.

Insert Line

^A ^V


Adds a blank line after current line.

Delete Last

^A ^D


Spaces remove characters at end of line.

Replace End

^A ^O


Replaces from end of line (overwrites).

Delete Line

^T ^D


Deletes current line.


Overwriting Characters

To overwrite characters in a line, type the new characters underneath the ones to be replaced. There is no need to type a control character; "overwrite" is the default edit function. Once you are in Overwrite mode, you can also use the Space bar to erase the columns that you move through. If you have not yet typed any characters, the Space bar just moves your column position to the right one place. You can get into Overwrite mode at any time while in modify by pressing Control-O. Terminate overwrite mode and go into space- transparency mode by typing Control-T.

Start Over Editing a Line

To correct a Modify mistake, enter the Goof control code (Control-G) and press Return. Qedit restores the line to its original contents and restarts the Modify cycle. Control-G does not undo Splits and Splices.

Doing Several Edits in One Line

You can do more than one edit operation in one edit-line if each edit is clearly separated from the preceding and following ones. When the edits are at different ends of the line, you must Terminate the first function so that you can move the cursor right to the next column. The Terminate control code (Control-T) provides this capability.

The following illustrates where to place your control codes (^ stands for the Control key), even though they will not appear on your screen. The first example capitalizes the "r" in "return", then replaces "in error" with "by mistake", which requires inserting the letters "ke." The second example inserts the word "Goof" and a space at the start of the line, and deletes the last two words at the end of the sentence, adding a final period.

/m 13

   13   a return. If you do this in error,      {displays line}

          R                      by mistake     {^codes are: }

 <spaces> R<^T, spaces>          by mista<^B>ke<Return>

   13   a Return. If you do this by mistake,    {redisplays}



   14   control code restores the line for you. {displays line}

        Goof                          .         {^codes are: }

    <^B>Goof <^T, spaces>             .<^D, Return>

   14   Goof control code restores the line.    {redisplays}

Deleting Characters

To delete characters from the line, starting with the current column position, enter the Delete control code (Control-D). Then space to the right the number of columns to be deleted. Any remaining characters in the line are left-shifted to fill in the deleted columns.

In all cases, the columns deleted are those immediately above the cursor, regardless of what other functions have been performed previously on the same line. The Delete function is stopped by the first nonblank character, either Return, a printing character to switch back into Overwrite function, or another control code.

HP-UX reacts to certain control characters which might conflict with the modify codes. For example, control-D sends an end-of-file signal to HP-UX but is also the delete character in modify. You should use the HP-UX stty program to change the default end-of-file signal. Please see the section "Control Characters and stty" on page 61 for more details.

Erasing the Line

To erase from the current column to the end of the line, enter the Delete control code, followed by a Return. If you do this by mistake, the Goof control code restores the line for you.

Inserting Characters

To insert characters in the line before the current column position, enter the Before control code (Control-B). Then type the characters to be inserted. The existing characters starting in the insert column are right-shifted to make room for the new characters.

On the operator's console of Seried 800 compputers, the Control-B character puts the terminal into "maintenance" mode. In these cases, use Control-^ instead. If you do press Control-B on the console accidentally, type "CO" on a Series 800 or 900.

Adding Characters to the End of a Line

To add characters to the end of the line after the last nonblank character in the line, enter the Append control code (Control-A). Then type the characters to be added. This function is independent of the current column position.

Dividing a Line into Two Lines

The Divide control code (Control-V) splits the current line into two lines at the current column position. If a line number is available, Qedit moves all characters from the current column to the end of the line to a new line that is added after the current line. The Goof function recalls the original contents of the line, but does not delete the new line (neither does Control-Y). See also Divide command.

Splicing Two Lines Together

To splice two lines together, you must be on the first column of the first line you wish to splice. Type Control-T, then Control-V, and quick as a wink, all the characters from the second line are appended to the end of your current one. Qedit moves only as many characters as will fit. If all the characters are moved, the second line, now empty, is deleted. See also the Glue command.

Editing Lines with More Than 80 Columns

To modify long lines (i.e., more than 80 columns), use Set Left and Set Right to define a slice through the lines.

/set left 55

/mqt *            {quiet, with template}


ubsequent Sales Follow-up - Completion Ratio Report

Or use Set Modify Qzmodify, it handles long lines without the need to set margins.

Qzmodify: WYSIWYG

You may want to try Set Modify Qzmodify to replace the normal Qedit modify with a "visual" modify (What You See Is What You Get). Qzmodify uses the same Control codes, plus many extensions, but Qzmodify does single-character reads. This allows it to respond immediately and visually to each keystroke, but means that the performance is unacceptable over NS, packet-switching LANs, and the DTC. Once in Qzmodify, type Control-Q for a list of commands.

How to Edit in Qzmodify

In Qzmodify, "what you see is what you get". The cursor rests on the same line as the text you are editing. If you press any printable key (ASCII code 32 or greater), that key either replaces the character the cursor was on, or (if Insert mode is on) inserts the key before that character, moving the rest of line to the right by one character.

When you initially enter Qzmodify you are in Transparent mode--here, a blank simply causes the cursor to move one space to the right. Pressing any other printable character immediately terminates Transparent mode and puts you in Overwrite mode, so the character replaces the one the cursor is on. The three basic modes are:



To enter

To exit



any printable char, ^B, ^O, or ^X



^T, ^B, or ^X


^B or ^^

^T, ^O, or ^X


Qzmodify will not allow you to create a line longer than a maximum specified by the calling program, nor can you accidentally "lose" characters off the right edge when using Insert mode ... Qzmodify beeps when you try to do something illegal. To edit Roman-8 characters, use Set Editinput Extend ON.

Editing Commands

Qzmodify has an extensive set of commands, all of which are invoked via control characters. In this documentation, the symbol ^ means that the following character is a control character (e.g., ^G is control-G). Control characters may be entered as lowercase or uppercase letters (i.e: ^g and ^G are identical).

HP-UX reacts to certain control characters which might conflict with the Qzmodify codes. For example, control-D sends an end-of-file signal to HP-UX but is also the delete character in Qzmodify. You should use the HP-UX stty program to change the default end-of-file signal. Please see the section "Control Characters and stty" on page 61 for more details.


Char Mnemonic


^A append

Go to end-of-line. Moves the cursor to just after the last character on the line. If the line is already at the maximum length, the cursor is placed at the last character.

^B before

Turn on Insert mode. Turns off Overwrite mode. If you enter a character while in Insert mode, it will be put Before the character the cursor is on, and the rest of the line will move one to the right.

^^ before

Control up-arrow...synonym of ^B. Use ^^ instead of ^B if you are on a system console!

^C case

Change case of current character. If the current character is a lowercase letter, it will be changed to an uppercase letter and vice versa.

^D delete

Delete character. Pressing ^D will cause the character under the cursor to be deleted, and the rest of the line to be moved one space to the left.

^L^D delete end

If the cursor is just past the last character in the line, (i.e., you just did a ^L or ^A), then the ^D will delete the last character of the line.

^E erase

Erase to end of line. This will erase all of the text from the cursor to the end of the line.

^F<c> find

Find next occurrence of character <c>. The cursor will be moved to the next occurrence of the character <c> to the right of the cursor. If <c> is not found, you will hear a beep.


Find nth occurrence of <c> where 1<=n<=8.

^G goof

Undo all current modifications. Restores the line of text to its original form. Note: ^V, ^K, ^T^D, and ^T^V cannot be undone.

^H backspace

Move back one character (nondestructive).

^I tab

Skip ahead to the next tab stop.

^J justify

Deletes blanks from the cursor to the first nonblank (does not delete that character).

^K add

Requests Qedit to add a line after the current line. The current line will then be redisplayed for editing and you will get to edit the new line.

^L lengthen

Go to end-of-line...synonym of ^A. Use ^L instead of ^A if you are on a Type Ahead Engine (TAE).

^M return

Marks the end of editing a line. Returns the modified line to Qedit. Note that ^M is the same as Return.

^O overwrite

Initiates Overwrite mode and turns off Insert mode (^B). In Overwrite mode, if you enter a character, it will replace the one on the screen.


Moves up or down some number of lines of text. For example, ^P3- moves back three lines.

^Q query

Displays list of Qzmodify functions.

^S<c> scan

Find previous occurrence of <c>. The cursor will be moved to the first occurrence of <c> to the left of the current cursor position. If <c> is not found, you will hear a beep.


Find nth occurrence of <c> where 1<=n<=8.

^T Transparent

Terminates Insert mode and Overwrite mode. After ^T, if you type blanks, the cursor simply moves right one space without affecting the text. Transparent mode is always turned off automatically whenever a nonblank printable character is entered, then Overwrite mode is turned on.

^T^D delete

If done at column one, this deletes the entire line.

^T^V splice

If done at column one, this will join the next line to the end of the current line and display the spliced line for editing. If not a column one, then is the same as ^V.

^U jUmpback

Move back to the previous tab stop. This is the opposite to ^I. As an aid to remembering them, ^I is the same as pressing the tab key, and ^U is just to the left of ^I on the keyboard.

^V split

Split the current line (at the cursor) into two lines and modify both of them. Note that ^Y restores the text if you decide not to make the change, but you have to manually remove the second split-off line.

^X eXamine

Examine (redisplay) the current line.

^Y abort

Terminates modify without changing the current line.

^W Wordproc

Shifts into "word-processor" mode. In word-processor mode, the next control character is used to select a function. The functions are:


Compress multiple blank spaces to single blank spaces.


Delete Word. Deletes from the cursor to the next blank, and then any following blanks up to (but not including) the next nonblank.


Toggles a flag that remembers if you have an HP 110 (or an HP 2640). The flag is needed because the HP 110 knows only a subset of the "standard" HP 26xx escape sequences, and some of them incorrectly!


Draws a ruled "line"; similar to the ListT command.


Toggles Numbered mode. A line-number prefix will be displayed in front of a line of text only if both of the following are true:- line numbers have been requested (either via a Modify command from Qedit or via ^W^N);- the line number was passed to Qzmodify by Qedit (i.e., you did an Modify command, not an ModifyQ command)


Delete all characters from the cursor up to, but not including, character <c>. Note: <c> must be a printable ASCII character (character code > 31). If the cursor is currently on the same <c>, it is deleted immediately before looking for the first <c>. If <c> is not found, nothing is deleted.


Put the character into the text. This is useful when you want to put a control character into the text. All nonprintable characters will be displayed as periods (.), so they will take up one space on the line.


Downshift all letters from the cursor to end-of-line.


Upshift all letters from the cursor to end-of-line.


Reverse the case (e.g., "a" becomes "A" and "A" becomes "a") of all letters from the cursor to end-of-line.


Toggles the Type Ahead Engine (if you have one) through three states: disabled, enabled, ignored.


Prints the version ID of Qzmodify.


Display the ASCII character code for the character that the cursor is on.


Replace the character at the current column position with the ASCII character whose hexadecimal value is <hh>.


Symbols Used in Qzmodify Command List

<c> is any single character. Qzmodify will search for this character. If <c> is ^W, the search will be for the next word (words are anything delimited by blanks) instead of for a single character.

<#> is zero or more digits. For example, ^P12+ would mean move forward 12 lines. ^P3- would move back three lines.

<n> is one of: ^A, ^B, ..., ^H and is interpreted as the number 1, 2, ..., 8 respectively.

<dir> is a "-" to move "back", or a "+" to move "forward".

<hh> is any pair of hexadecimal digits.

Note: When modifying a line longer than 79 characters, some commands (e.g.: ^D, ^B, ^E) will not update any line of the screen display other than the one you are on. Whenever you want to see an accurate display of your text line, press ^X to refresh the display. This limitation could be fixed, but only at the cost of slowing down response time while editing these longer lines.

Note: You cannot use the special keys on an HP terminal (e.g.: cursor keys, insert char, delete char, clear) because they are designed to either send no characters to the computer when they are pressed or two characters ... and both of these choices cause difficult problems unless you are on an HP e3000 with a Type Ahead Engine. Thus, these keys should not be used. If you use them by accident, a ^X will refresh the display of the line you are editing.

Qzmodify with a Type Ahead Engine

The Type Ahead Engine (TAE) from Telamon can be in one of three states from the Qzmodify viewpoint: disabled, enabled, or ignored. Each is defined below.

Ignored. Qzmodify will not do anything to either encourage the use, or discourage the use, of the TAE. This is usually the initial state (see below).

Enabled. Qzmodify will place the TAE in single-character mode at entry, and restore it to Line mode at exit. This means that the HP3000 won't lose typed ahead input anymore, and that the special keys (e.g., cursor keys) will work nicely.

Disabled. Qzmodify will disable typeahead (by sending ^A^V to the TAE) at entry, and enable it at exit. In this mode, the TAE is effectively taken out of the "circuit".

With Qedit, you configure TAE-treatment as part of the Set Modify Qzmodify command:

Set Mod Qzmodify     {ignore the TAE}

Set Mod Qzmod TAEOFF {TAE exists, disable it}


Set Mod Qzmod TAE    {TAE exists, enable it}

When the TAE is present and enabled, you can use these extra commands:



Toggles the Type Ahead Engine through three states: disabled, enabled, ignored.


The HP26xx left-arrow key will move the cursor 1 space to the left.


The HP26xx right-arrow key will move the cursor 1 space to the right.

up arrow

Move up to the prior line of text, leaving cursor in the same column. The terminal screen is scrolled DOWN, so the line you were just editing is moved down 1.

down arrow

Move down to the next line of text, leaving cursor in the same column. The terminal screen is scrolled UP, so the line you were just editing is moved up 1.

delete char

Deletes the character under the cursor (like ^D).

insert char

Turns on Insert mode (like ^B).

insert line

Asks Qedit to add a new line after the current line.

delete line

Asks Qedit to delete the current line.


Moves cursor LEFT to the blank just after the nearest "word" on the left of the cursor. Valid only if a Type Ahead Engine is present and enabled. Only available on HP264x terminals.


Moves cursor RIGHT until it reaches the start of the next "word" (will not move past current end of text.) Valid only if a Type Ahead Engine is present and enabled. Only available on HP264x terminals.


Hpmodify: No Control Characters

Set Modify Hpmodify replaces Qedit's standard Modify in all places with MPE-style editing (D for delete, I for insert, R for replace, U for undo, > for append, >D for delete at end, >R for replace at end, and D> for clear). We suggest Hpmodify when using Qedit over finicky datacomm networks, since it does not require any Control codes.

Hpmodify Keys - Reference





INSERT. If text follows the i, this text is inserted in the current line, starting at the position of the i.


REPLACE. If text follows the r, this text replaces the same number of characters in the current line, beginning at the position of the r.


DELETE. Deletes a character from the current line for each d specified in the edit line. Note that "d d" does not specify a range as it does in MPE V but simply deletes one character above each d. Multiple d's may be followed by an Insert or Replace operation.


DELETE. Deletes to the end of the current line from the position specified by d>. May be followed by an Insert or Replace operation.


APPEND. If text follows the >, this text is appended to the end of the current line. If a > without text is positioned beyond the end of the current line, then a simple replacement is performed instead.


DELETE. Deletes from the end of the current line, right-to-left. Multiple d's and Insert and Replace strings may be specified after > .


REPLACE. Replaces characters at the end of the command line. The last (rightmost) character of the replacement string is at the end of the line.


CHANGE. Changes all occurrences of one string to another in the current line starting at the c. The search string and replace string must be properly delimited. A proper delimiter is a nonalphabetic character (such as ' " or /) The substitution is specified as cdelim search-string delim [replace-string [delim]]. Omitting the replace-string causes occurrences of search-string to be deleted, with no substitution.


UNDO. A single u in column one cancels the most recent edit of the current line. Using the Undo command twice in a row cancels all edits for the current line and re-establishes the original, unedited line. If u is placed anywhere other than column one of the current line, then a simple replacement is performed. Undo makes sense only if you have a line on which you have performed some editing that can be "undone."


Simple replacement. Any other character (not i, r, d, d>, >, >d, >r, c, or u) will be put into the current line at the position above where it is placed, replacing any existing character. Simple replacement also occurs for the editing characters i, r, c, or > if they are not followed by text; or if > appears at or beyond the current end of line.


Hpmodify Examples





First occurrence undoes the previous edits. The u must be in column one.


Second occurrence undoes all edits on the current line. The u must be in column one.


Replaces the current text with xyz starting at the position of r.


Replaces the current text with xyz starting at the position of x.


Inserts xyz into the current line, starting at the position of the i.


Deletes three characters, one above each d.

d xyz

Deletes a single character above the d, skips one space, then replaces the current text with xyz starting at the position of x.


Deletes two characters, then inserts xyz in the current line starting at the position of the i.

d d

Deletes one character above the first d, skips two spaces and deletes a second character above the second d. It does not delete a range of characters, making it unlike the MPE V version of Redo.

d d>xyz

Deletes a single character above the first d, skips two spaces and deletes to the end of the line beginning at the second d, and then places xyz at the end of line.


Appends xyz to the end of the current line.


Deletes the last two characters from the end of the current line and then places xyz at the end of the line.


Replaces the last three characters in the current line with xyz.


Appends xyz to the end of the line. In this case, the i command is superfluous, because > accomplishes the same result. Using >xyz would be sufficient.


Changes all occurrences of ab to def, starting at c.


Deletes all occurrences of "ab" starting at c.


Replace the current text with cxyz, starting at c. Because delimiters have not been specified (as they were in the previous two examples), this is a simple replacement with the four characters.


New Command [N]

Creates a new, empty Qedit workfile and opens it. This can be either an unnamed extra scratch file or a named workfile. The advantages of a workfile are that you can instantly Open and Shut it, and that it compresses your data. You can use Text to make a copy of a Qedit file when you wish to protect the work you have done.

NEW   filename [,language [ (size) ]


(Default: extra scratch, 3200 lines)

Qedit shuts the current file and builds filename, which it then opens for editing. If you leave out filename, Qedit creates a new extra scratch file and assigns it a number (1,2,3..) so that you can recognize it in Verify Open and Open ?. Up to eight extra scratch files are allowed (see also the TextJ command). You cannot Exit without discarding or saving any edits you have done in an extra scratch file.

The language defaults to the current Set Lang value, but can be overridden.

If you want to force creating a Wide-Jumbo format, you should set the Length to a value larger than 1,000 before issuing the New command.

/Set Length 2500

/New newwork

These commands create a new permanent workfile called Newwork. If you want to create a new scratch file, enter the New command by itself.

The optional size is ignored by Qedit/UX. The maximum number of lines in a Qedit/UX workfile is 99,999,999.


/new                       {create an extra scratch file}

/new memos                 {create an empty file named Memos}

/set lang job              {define file as 80-column records}



/new frankie               {build frankie}

/aq 1=johnny               {memos was shut automatically}

Building Workfiles with Text

You can also create new workfiles while doing a Text command.

/t frankie=johnny             {build Frankie file ...}

                              {and copy Johnny into it}

Open Command [O]

Instantly opens or reopens a Qedit file for editing or browsing, as opposed to the Text command which creates a copy of a file for editing.





(Default: edit primary scratch file)

Qedit shuts the current workfile and opens filename. The filename must exist (see New and Text) and must be a Qedit workfile or scratch file. You cannot Open a Keep file - you must first Text it into a scratch file.

Open filename,Browse opens a workfile for browsing in Qedit. You can use the List command, including List-Jumping, Hold, Visual mode HH and ZZ, and any other functions of Qedit which do not modify the file. Open-Browse protects you from making unplanned changes to a file.

If you try to Keep the file with its original name i.e. you enter a Keep without a filename, you will get an error.

/Open workfile,browse

/Verify Keep

Set Keep Name txtfile


File opened with Browse, please specify a Keep file name

You can still force a Keep by specifying an explicit filename as in:

/Open workfile,browse

/Keep txtfile

TXTFILE.DATA.ACCT,OLD 80B FA # of records=16

Purge existing file [no]? y

Open filename,Defer opens the workfile without write access, but acquires write access later if you attempt to modify the file. Set Open Defer On makes Defer the default and Open filename,Nodefer overrides that command.

It is important to remember that certain workfile attributes and settings are normally saved when the file is opened with write access. Some of these settings are the ZZ marker, the current line marker (*), and a new default Keep name modified with Set Keep Name. If you open a workfile in Browse mode, these settings are not updated unless the file is re-opened with write access.

To reopen the file most recently accessed, do open *; for the file before that do open *-1, then open *-2, and so. To select from a list of recently accessed files, do open ?.


/open mail             {want to edit Mail}

/c "stop"start" @

/open *                {reopen previous file}

/list all

/open ?                {select a recent file}


/open *-1              {select file before last}

/list "function"

/open *-2              {select file before that}

/hold 400/500

/open                  {edit scratch file}


Since you must Open a file before editing, any command that requires an Open file creates a scratch file if none is Open.

If you attempt to Open a file which is not a Qedit workfile, you see a message similar to the following:

/open qpart2

Error:  Cannot open a non-Qedit file.  Use Text command.

You need to Text this file, not Open it.

The Open Stack

Qedit maintains an Open-Stack of the ten most recently Opened files. One of these is always reserved for the primary scratch file. You can have up to eight extra scratch files (see TextJ and New), which take priority over named workfiles in the Open-Stack. To reopen one of these files, do an open ? command. Open ? prints the list and prompts for a relative file number, starting with zero for the most recent (same as Open *).

Open *-n allows you to open one of the recently accessed files directly. Open *-2 opens the third file in the list, since zero is the first.

When you open any file it moves to the top of the list and the other files are pushed down one position. The Close command shuts the current workfile and removes it from the list of recently accessed files. This is useful to stop desired file names from dropping off the bottom of the list. If the file is a scratch file, you are prompted to Discard Changes.

Set Open Defer On

If you use Set Open Defer On, the Open command does not acquire write access to a workfile until you make a change to it. The workfile is opened with read access by default, unless Qedit knows you are going to be writing to it (as when Text or Add force an Open). If you only browse through the file, the Last-Mod date does not change. This includes full-screen mode viewing. However, if you make any changes to the file or use Set Left/Right/Length /Lang, Qedit reopens the workfile with write access.

It is important to remember that certain workfile attributes and settings are normally saved when the file is opened with write access. Some of these settings are the ZZ marker, the current line marker (*), and a new default Keep name modified with Set Keep Name. If you explicitly open a workfile in Browse mode or use Set Open Defer On, these settings are not updated permanently unless the file is re-opened with write access.

You can override the current Set Open Defer value by doing Open filename,Defer or Open filename,Nodefer.

There are a few error conditions that may occur if you attempt to modify a file because now someone else can edit the file while you have it open. For example, you cannot obtain write access if someone else already has write access to the file. In Visual mode, you may see the error "Unable to reopen file with write access. Concurrent usage/backup?".

If "Error:  File open by another Qedit Process" appears when you try to open a file, it means that someone else is editing the file.

If you are working in Visual mode, someone can delete the lines you want to edit after Qedit has displayed them on your screen. If this happens, Qedit does not update your screen and displays this error message: "File has changed since page last displayed. Another user?"

Crash Recovery

Qedit ensures the validity of workfiles after a system crash or program termination. It checks to see whether the file was properly closed the last time. If the file was in the midst of Renumber, Qedit completes the renumber. If the file was in the middle of a Text, Qedit clears the file so you can do the Text over again. In all other cases, Qedit prints a RECOVERY warning and searches through the file to eliminate any duplicate lines. After a RECOVERY, examine the area of lines that you were last editing. A few lines may be missing or out-of-date, but that is all.

File Modification Timestamp

When you use the Text or Keep commands on a file, Qedit stores the file's modification timestamp in the workfile. If you Shut the workfile to do something else, the next time you Open it, Qedit will compare the stored value with the file's current timestamp. If they are different, it means that the original file has changed either since you last worked on it or since the last time you saved your changes. Qedit will alert you to the difference by displaying a message similar to the following:

 Warning: Original file has been modified since the

 initial Text or last Keep !

The file timestamp can change for a number of reasons. Here are few examples:

·         Someone else might have been working on that same file with Qedit and saved their changes before you did.

·         The file could have been restored.

·         Maybe you used the file to test a program which modified the file in some way.

Because the timestamp message is just a warning, Qedit continues its processing. However, if you want to be sure you are not missing important data, you should compare the contents of the file with your workfile and decide if it is safe to continue editing your copy.

This is one way to compare the files:

·         Use Verify Keep and write down the default Keep name

·         Keep the workfile under a different name

·         Use our Compare bonus program to display the differences between the original file and the new version you just created

·         Look at the report and separate the lines that you changed from the ones you did not touch

·         If needed, apply changes to your copy so that you do not miss anything important

It is important to remember that certain Qedit commands will shut and open workfiles on your behalf. The timestamp warning might appear when you do not expect it.

By default, timestamp checking on Open is disabled. If you want to change this setting, you can use the Set Open Checktimestamp command.

Proc Command [P]

Calls internal procedures to downshift and upshift lines.

PROC [ DOWN | UP ] [ rangelist ]

(Defaults: previous proc)

For DOWN and UP, the default rangelist is the current line (*); PQ shifts quietly (i.e., without printing the lines); and PJ shifts with user verification (i.e., PJ prints each shifted line and asks you to approve it).

Built-In PROCs to Shift Up or Down

The Up and Down Procedures put Roman-8 characters into uppercase or lowercase if Set Editinput Extend is On. Otherwise, they only operate on A-Z and a-z.

The first time that you use Down or Up after running Qedit, they ask you to configure them. There are 4 options: 1 means to shift every alpha character in the lines, 2 means to skip over characters enclosed in double quotes ("), 3 means to skip over characters enclosed in single quotes ('), and 4 means to skip over characters enclosed in either double quotes or single quotes. If Down (or Up) finds a line with unmatched quotes, it prints a warning and stops (unless the lines are part of a COBOL program, in which case unmatched quotes are okay).

/open qedit.doc         {open document file}

/list 415.1             {display a line}

  415.1   You will need to Purge the old file.

/proc down 415.1        {try it lowercase}

Set Shift DOWN?  1(@) 2(") 3(') 4(" or ')  [0]:2

  415.1   you will need to purge the old file.

/proc up 415.1          {try it uppercase}

Set Shift UP?  1(@) 2(") 3(') 4(" or ')  [0]:2


/proc down              {lowercase is better}

/proc 410/415           {downshift some more lines}

/pq 420/1002            {many more! quietly}

/pj up 1003             {upshift with approval}

 1003     >GET D-LINE (Okay?) yes

If you always configure the shifting routines to the same option (e.g., skip strings with double quotes), you can use Set Shift to define the configuration:

/set shift down 2 up 2

Q Command [Q]

Prints a message on $stdlist.

Q         [ "string" ]

(Default: print a blank line)

The string of up to 80 characters is printed on $stdlist.

Use the Q command to print prompts from usefiles. This works especially well when you use a file quietly.

:Redo Command [REDO]

Enables you to modify and repeat any of the previous 1,000 command lines.

REDO [ start [ / stop ] ]

            [ string ]

            [ ALL | @ ]

(Default: redo the previous command)

The :Redo command allows you to modify the commands before it executes them. If you don't need to change them, use the :Do command. Commands are numbered sequentially from 1 as entered and the last 1,000 are retained. Use the :Listredo command to display the previous commands. You can redo a single command, a range of commands, or the most recent command whose name matches a string.

The :Redo command uses MPE-style commands (D, I, R, U and >) to modify a line. The following are some common commands. A complete list of commands appears at the end of this section. The default mode is to replace characters. To delete, type DDDD under the characters to be removed. To insert, type I under the insertion spot, then the new characters. To undo your changes, type U. To append to the end of the line, use >xxx. To delete from the end of the line, use >DD. To replace at the end of the line, use >Rxxx. And to erase the rest of the line, use D>. See below for a complete list of edits.


/ls /users/obb        {"bob" is not spelled right}

/users/obb not found

/Redo                 {redo most recent command}

ls /users/obb         {last command is printed}

          bob         {you enter changes to it}

ls /users/bob         {the edited command is shown}

                      {you press Return}


/listredo all

/redo 5             {redo 5th command in stack}

/redo               {redo previous command}

/redo -2            {redo command before previous}

/redo 8/10          {redo 8th through 10th}

/redo -10/          {redo -10 through last}

/redo rm            {redo last rm command}

/redo rm test.c     {redo last "rm test.c"}

/redo @test         {redo last containing "test"}

Editing in :Redo

:Redo uses the same edits as the MPE/iX :Redo command, except that control characters in lines are printed as dots "." so that you can see them. Use Set Modify Hpmodify to select these MPE-style edits for all commands. If you prefer the Qedit-style edits, use Set Modify Robelle to select Qedit editing for all commands, including :Redo. If you prefer Qzmodify, use Set Modify Qzmodify to select Qzmodify editing for all commands.

Persistent Redo

Redo commands can be saved in a permanent file and can therefore be used from another session. You can use the Set Redo command to specify a file name to save your redo commands. Please see the Set Redo command for details.

:Reflect Command [REFLECT]

Executes a Reflection command on your PC. Qedit checks whether the command succeeds or fails. :Reflect allows you to control a PC from within your Qedit Usefiles and shell scripts (send and receive files, backup your PC, execute PC programs, etc.).

:REFLECT reflection command

(Defaults: none)


/reflect type mreport.crt

/reflect shell lotus

Version of Reflection

The :Reflect command depends on Reflection's ability to accept commands using an escape sequence, and to be able to pass back a status code indicating whether the command succeeded. These features are implemented in the following versions of Reflection:

·         Reflection 1 for DOS version 1.40 or later

·         Reflection 3/7 for DOS version 1.55 or later

·         All versions of Reflection for Windows

·         All versions of Reflection for Macintosh

Debugging PC Errors

If the :Reflect command fails, Qedit will display the Reflection error-\code. For an explanation of Reflection error-\codes, refer to the Reflection Command Language reference manual.

Using Line Mode

Some Reflection command files work fine when executed from the Alt-Y command line, but fail (possibly leaving your terminal in a locked state) when invoked with Qedit's :Reflect command.

The reason is that Qedit's :Reflect command sends an escape code to Reflection to invoke the command. Then Qedit waits for Reflection to send back a status code to indicate when the command is finished. While Qedit is waiting for the result code from Reflection, it isn't capable of executing other Qedit commands -- it's already executing a Qedit command! The only thing that Qedit is capable of doing while it's waiting is to execute any shell commands that Reflection might send to the HP 9000. The reason shell commands must be accepted is that Reflection sends a command to run unxlink2 whenever a file transfer is requested.

As long as the command or command file doesn't attempt to transmit any data to the HP 9000, :Reflect will probably work the same way as Alt-Y.

For example, here is a Reflection command file that works from Alt-Y, but not from :Reflect.


; This command file gets me out of Qedit, logs me off

; the HP 9000 and exits from Reflection.


transmit "exit^M"

wait 0:01:00 for "[no]:"

transmit "yes^M"

wait 0:01:00 for "$"

transmit "exit^M"

wait 0:01:00 for "terminated>"

wait 0:00:05


Also see the chapter "Qedit Issues and Solutions" for more information.

Renumber Command [REN]

Renumbers a range of lines or the entire workfile.

RENUM         [ firstline ] [ maxincr]

                         [ startline / stopline ] [ maxincr ]

(Default: entire file from 1.0 by current increment)

If you specify a range of lines (e.g., 101/102), Qedit spreads out the line numbers in that range to allow as much space as possible between each line. The numbers of the startline and stopline are not changed.

If you do not specify a range, Qedit renumbers the entire file, starting at 1.0 or from the optional startline value.

If you specify a maxincr value, Renum will attempt to renumber with that increment. If it must use a smaller value, it will print a warning. If you do not specify a maxincr value, Renum attempts to use the current Set Increment value which defaults to 1.0 (except for standard COBOL which is 0.1).


/ren             {assign new numbers to all lines}

/list 10/11      {show current line numbers}

   10     The Renumber command

   10.2   has two basic modes:

   10.21     1.  renumber an entire file

   10.211    2.  spread out a range of lines

   11     to make room for new lines.

/add 10.21       {attempt to add a line}

Out of line numbers.  Suggest Renumber.

/ren 10/11       {spread out line range evenly}

/list 10/11      {check new lines numbers}

   10     The Renumber command

   10.2   has two basic modes:

   10.4     1.  renumber an entire file

   10.6     2.  spread out a range of lines

   11     to make room for new lines.

/add 10.4        {now you can add some lines}

   10.5        (usually from 1.0 by 1.0).

   10.51   //


If you keep adding new lines at the same spot in a file, Qedit will assign incremental line numbers such as 3.01, 3.011, but it cannot add a line between 3.011 and 3.012. The smallest increment between lines is 0.001. When you run out of line numbers, Qedit warns you. You can Renumber a range of lines or the entire file to get around this problem.

Replace Command [R]

Replaces lines with new text, either from Stdinx or from the Hold file.

REPLACE [ $HOLD ] rangelist

(Q=no printing, T=template, J=justified)

(Default: rangelist = *)

Replace $hold looks for new lines of text in the Hold file (see the Hold command) and uses each to replace one of the lines of the rangelist. Replace without $hold prints each line of rangelist, then waits for you to type a new line at the keyboard. Pressing Return only erases the line! Replacej indents the new line the same number of columns as the original line. $Hold can be abbreviated to $h.


/rq $hold 50/70     {replace from the Hold file}

/rq $h 50/70        {replace from the Hold file}

/rep 5              {replace line 5 only}

    5     LINE 5      {prints existing contents}

    5     NEW LINE 5  {prompts you with linenum}

Column Editing with $Hold

You can use the $hold option of the Replace command to do extensive column editing:

/lt @


     1    *****************

     2    *   Page One    *

     3    *****************

     4    *****************

     5    *   Page Two    *

     6    *****************

/holdq 4/6      {hold the second page of text}

/deleteq 4/6    {now delete those lines}

/set left 20    {set your left margin to starting column}

/repq $hold 1/3 {overlay from the Hold file}

/set left 1     {don't forget to reset left margin}

/lt @


     1    *****************  *****************

     2    *   Page One    *  *   Page Two    *

     3    *****************  *****************

You can copy columns of text from one position in a line to another by setting margins with the Set Left and Set Right commands, holding the columns of text that you want to copy, setting new margins, and replacing the new column range with the text in the Hold file.

Set Command [S]

Changes configuration options of Qedit.

SET     keyword [ value ... ]

You can use Qedit in its default mode, as it comes out of the box. To get the most out of Qedit, you will eventually want to try some of the optional features. To see all of the Set options available and their minimal abbreviations, type Verify All at the prompt.

/set modify hp                {select MPE-style modify}

/set visual save on update on {full-screen options}

Each Set command may specify one keyword from among those listed below.

Here is a list of the Set keywords:



Where to find Qedified compilers and help files.


Redefine Qedit commands or create new commands.


Do not abort in batch on errors.


Verify Delete or Justify > 5 lines, hold programs.


Apostrophe means Control Character ('7 = Bell).


Reserve memory in DL area for user Procs.


Remove line noise; allow Roman-8.


Expand tab characters into spaces when Texting.


Minimum sectors/extent for Keep and New.


Attach an external program such as MPEX to Qedit.


Override file names on Help, Hint, Qzmodhlp files.


External files default to FORTRAN, not SPL.


Disable the "hint of the day".


Override default path for cmd/prog files (MPE V).


Default increment between added lines.


Override batch/session mode.


Margins and options for justifying and centering.


Format of the next Keep file.


Type of program or text to be kept in this file.


Left margin for edit, list, keep (default=1).


Maximum characters per line for a Lang=Text file.


Default Lib= for the :Run command.


Restricting features of Qedit available to user.


Format of LP listings; also LJ options.


Type of modify (Robelle, HP or Qzmodify).


Default modes for Open Command (Defer, etc.)


Switch back to old pattern-matching.


Switch Qedit execution to a new MPE subqueue.


Replace "/" with new prompt string.


Right margin for edit, list, keep, etc.


Default RL= value for the :Prep command.


Configure how to up- and down-shift.


Configure how spell checks lines and words.


Print CPU and wall time of each command.


Whether to suspend on Exit or not.


Set "tab" key and columns; set on terminal.


Adjust number of terminal display columns.


Print number of lines processed by a command.


Recognize User Defined Commands in Qedit.


Disable/enable ability to "undo" changes.


Full-screen options (save fkeys, update, etc.).


Print warning messages (or not!).


Which COBOL compiler, etc.


Rules for string search (columns, upshift, etc.).


Default size/function of workfiles.


Move words to next line when long line Added.


Tag changed lines in COBOL file with string.


Configure auto-modify, first, last, all, etc.


To configure Qedit to operate as you like best, put your favorite Set commands in a file named /opt/robelle/qeditmgr. These commands will apply to every user that invokes Qedit. If you can't build /opt/robelle/qeditmgr or you don't think your Set options will appeal to everyone, create the file $HOME/.qeditmgr with your personal Set commands.

A typical configuration file for a COBOL shop might look like this:

{These are default Qedit values for all users:}

set lang cobolx all on {always use 80 columns}

set x date list off    {mark changed lines with date}

set check on           {verify delete/format of >5 lines}

set vis save 1         {Visual saves function keys}

z=listj */last         {define Z command}

set shift down 3 up 3  {shift everything but strings}

Syntax of Set Commands

The syntax descriptions that follow list the initial values. These are also the defaults that are used if you omit values in Set commands. For example:

Set Foo [ ON|OFF ]

(Default: ON)

(Initially: OFF)

The (imaginary) Foo keyword may be set ON or OFF. Initially when Qedit starts up it is OFF. Thereafter, if you type Set Foo without specifying ON or OFF, the default will be as though you had specified ON.

Error Messages

If you type a Set command that Qedit does not understand, you usually get an error message telling you specifically what is wrong, sometimes suggesting valid values. Occasionally you will see the error message

Error: Param.

This is Qedit's catch-all message for when you have typed something that it doesn't like, and cannot guess what you meant.


Set Account accountname

(Initially: same as the Qedit program)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Alias aliasname To aliasdefinition

Qedit commands have priority over any external commands, such as shell commands and scripts. The fact that Qedit commands can be abbreviated to a few characters (e.g., C for Change) and combined with various suffixes (e.g., CQ for Change Quiet) has caused some problems with seemingly different external commands.

The new Set Alias command now allows you to override Qedit's command priority. Aliases are always executed first. For example, "at" is the abbreviation for Qedit's AddTemplate command (i.e., add new lines with a column template). If you want to use the UNIX "at" command, you can get at it only by explicitly using the exclamation mark prefix (!at).

Using the Alias feature, you can now use

/Set Alias "at" to "!at"

From that point on, entering "at" would always call the shell command.

The alias name and definition must be enclosed in a string delimiter such as quotes. You must use the same delimiter for both items.

/Set Alias "SPJ" to "!ls /home/joe/spj*"            {valid}

/Set Alias \SPJ\ to \!ls /home/joe/spj*\            {valid}

/Set Alias "SPJ" to \!ls /home/joe/spj*\            {invalid}

/Set Alias \SPJ\ to "!ls /home/joe/spj*"            {invalid}

The alias name can have up to 50 characters. It can contain only alphabetic characters. Although the alias should not contain numeric digits, special characters or spaces, the Set command does not currently prevent you from using these characters. If you do use them, the alias feature will not work properly. If you use an alias name that has already been defined, the new definition replaces the old one.

The alias definition can contain up to 77 characters and can include one or more commands. The definition can contain any command that can normally be entered at the Qedit prompt, including other aliases.

You can use Qedit's command stacking feature to enter a series of commands and create something that resembles a macro command.

Set Alias "Five" to "First;F 'string';List */*+5"

The length of all alias names and definitions cannot exceed 2,500 characters.

Stacked commands are separated by a semicolon (;). If you use UNIX commands or shell scripts, you might have to use semicolons to separate parameters. This will confuse Qedit. There are different ways to work around this problem.

You can put the command in another shell script that does not require parameters.

/echo find . -name core -exec rm {} \\\; > myscript

/chmod +x myscript

/Set Alias "SPJ" To "myscript"

The last option is to enclose the command and its parameters in parentheses.

/Set Alias "SPJ" To "L 1;(!find . -name core -exec rm {} \;);V"

If the command itself contains parentheses, you will have to use the shell script approach.

Function Key

Set Alias Fkey keynumber To aliasdefinition

You can also assign an alias definition to a function key. Let's say you want the F1 key to perform a series of commands, simply enter

/Set Alias Fkey 1 to "ls /home/joe"

The function key number can only have a value of 1 through 8. The function key aliases only work in Line mode. In full-screen mode, they are redefined to the standard Visual meanings.

You can define function keys by specifying the escape sequence they transmit. For example, the F1 key sends ESC+P. Thus you could use

/Set Decimal On

/Set Alias '27"p" To "ls /home/joe"        {'27 is the ASCII code}


Set Alias Ignorecase [ ON | OFF ]

(Default: On)

(Initially: Off)

On HP-UX, alias names are case-sensitive by default (i.e., spj and SPJ are not the same). You can disable sensitivity with Set Alias Ignorecase On, in which case spj is considered the same as SPJ.


Set Alias Trace [ ON | OFF ]

(Default: On)

(Initially: Off)

If you are nesting aliases and are experiencing problems, you can enable the alias trace with Set Alias Trace On. Qedit then displays aliases as it executes them.


Set Alias aliasname OFF

If you want to remove a single alias, you can use Set Alias "SPJ" Off.


Set Alias Reset

If you want to remove all your current aliases, enter Set Alias Reset.


Set Autocont [ ON|OFF ]

(Default: ON)

(Initially: OFF)

Normally, Qedit aborts in batch mode if errors occur. Set Autocont ON disables this abort. If the ON|OFF parameter is omitted, ON is assumed.


Set Check [ [ Delete | Justify ] ON|OFF ]

(Initially: both OFF, Hold Ask)

Causes Qedit to ask for approval before performing certain tasks.

Set Check Delete On asks approval before deleting more than 5 lines. Set Check Justify On asks approval before formatting (i.e., Justify Format or Both) more than 5 lines. Both options are OFF by default. Set Check ON turns them both on and Set Check OFF turns them both off. Or you can adjust them individually.

When Check Delete is ON, you are asked before deleting more than five lines.

/dq 1/10

Delete 10 lines [no]? yes

Regardless of whether Check is ON or OFF, you can always undo the effects of a Delete or Justify, using the Undo command.


Set Decimal [ ON|OFF ]

(Default: ON)

(Initially: OFF)

If you need to find nonprinting characters, you can enable the Decimal option. When this option is active, character strings in Qedit can refer to characters by giving the ASCII character code in decimal, preceded by an apostrophe:

/set decimal on    {enable entry of control codes}

/list '7           {list all lines with Bell}

/c "~" '27 all     {change "~" to Escape}

Set Decimal ON disables use of the apostrophe (') as a string delimiter, and the use of ' as part of a string in the Change command.

Whenever you use the apostrophe with Set Decimal On, you have to use a space as a delimiter between the search string and the replacement string. This means that you cannot use the abbreviated syntax, as in

/c "abc"def" all

Qedit is able to determine that "abc" is the target string and "def" is the replacement string. With Set Decimal On,  the space between the target string and the replacement string is mandatory. Also, it is possible to mix ASCII code values and regular characters. Regular characters must be enclosed in another set of string delimiters. For example,

/c '27"&d@" '27"&dJ" all  { target=<ESC>&d@, replacement=<ESC>&J }

/l "abc"'13              { target is abc<CR> }

/l '9"ColumnData"'9    { target is <tab>ColumnData<tab> }

DL size

Set DL [ size ]

(Default: 132)

(Initially: 132)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Editinput option value ...

             Data ON|OFF

             Command ON|OFF

             Extend ON|OFF

             Asian ON|OFF

(Initially: Data=OFF, Command=OFF, Extend=ON, Asian ON)

Normally Qedit accepts whatever you type as being valid. However, if you are connected to the computer via a phone line you will probably find that strange, nonprinting characters are getting into your files. These are generated by line noise. You can use Set Editinput Data or Set Editinput Command to tell Qedit to remove nonprinting characters from your input. However, nonprinting characters include useful characters such as BELL and ESC. You can explicitly insert nonprinting characters into your text using Set Decimal and Change, or using the WP or W$ function of Set Mod Qzmod.

Set Editinput Data ON removes "noise" from text added to your file in Line mode (it has no effect on Visual mode).

Set Editinput Command ON removes "noise" from commands.

If you don't want to edit Roman-8 characters in either Line or Visual mode, use Set Editinput Extend OFF. This tells Qedit to discard the Roman-8 characters as noise, rather than allow them through as valid characters. The default setting is ON for the benefit of European users. When Extend is ON, UPSHIFT string windows will work on Roman-8 characters (e.g., List "ü" (up)).

Asian terminals use a two-character code for each symbol in the language. When you set Extend ON, you also set Asian ON by default. This validates all possible character codes from 128 to 255, not just 161 to 254 as used by the Roman-8 character set.

If you want Roman-8 characters, but don't want Qedit Visual mode to display undefined control codes (such as decimal 130, which might be included in a file as a printer control), use Set Editinput Asian OFF. Otherwise, some terminals change the value of the codes, and other terminals just drop the codes from the file. When you turn Asian OFF, Roman-8 characters may still be displayed and edited, but control codes from 128 to 160 are displayed as dots (".") with a question mark to the left of the line, indicating that they can only be edited in Line mode, not Visual mode.


Set Expandtabs ON | OFF

(Initially: Off)

When Qedit encounters tab characters in an external file, it can either copy them as is or it can expand them into the appropriate number of space characters (using the Set Tab Stops value). The default is to leave them as is, in the file. You can enable the removal of tab characters by expansion into spaces through use of Set Expandtabs On. However, there are some applications that use tab characters as field separators in their data files.


Set Extentsize keepfile [ workfile ]

(Initially: 100, 30 sectors)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Extprog [ program [ parm ] [ Com [ ON|OFF ] ] ]

(Default: none)

(Initially: none)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Filename Help | Hint | Qzmod filename

(Initially: /opt/robelle/help/qedit)

By default, Qedit looks for the help file as /opt/robelle/help/qedit. You may force Qedit to open specific file names with the Set Filename command. The Hint and Qzmod options do not apply to Qedit/UX. They are still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.

/set filename /usr/local/help/qedit



(Default: ON)

(Initially: OFF)

When Qedit is TEXTing in a file, it must decide what language type that file has. If the file is a Qedit file, there is no problem, because the language type is stored as a field within the file.

If the file is a Keep file, Qedit examines the record length, and position of the sequence number field. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to distinguish between SPL, PASCAL and FORTRAN source files, since all have sequence numbers in columns 73-80. If the current language is set to FORTRAN, Qedit treats the external file as FORTRAN. If the current language is not set to FORTRAN (i.e., to JOB, COBOL, SPL, etc.), Qedit treats the file as an SPL (or Pascal) file. If a file is mistakenly created as SPL or Pascal, you can change it to FORTRAN with Set Lang FORTRAN. You can also resolve the ambiguity by specifying the language after the file name when you Text it (e.g., /text abc,fortran).

If you primarily edit FORTRAN source files, you can avoid this problem with Set FORTRAN. When this option is set, Qedit will always resolve decisions on external files in favor of FORTRAN, regardless of the current language setting. You may then have to convert the occasional file from FORTRAN to SPL or Pascal.


Set Halfbright ON|OFF

(Initially: ON)

Certain monitors do not support halfbright display enhancements very well. Some messages and prompts are hardly visible. To prevent Qedit from using halfbright, enter Set Halfbright Off.


Set Hints ON|OFF

(Initially: ON)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Hppath "path list"

(Initially: "!hpgroup,pub,pub.sys")

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Increment linenum

(Initially: depends)

The default increment between new lines is 1.000 in SPL, FORTRAN, Pascal, TEXT, RPG, JOB and COBFREE, and 0.100 in standard COBOL. You can override this value with Set Increment. The linenum is a number between 0.001 and 10,000. This increment is also used as the default increment in Renumber and in assigning line numbers to external files that lack them.

Qedit will sometimes pick an increment smaller than your requested one. For example, if you Set Inc 0.2 and do Add 55.2, Qedit will increment by 0.1 based on the number of decimal places in 55.2.


Set Interactive [ ON|OFF ]

(Default: no change)

(Initially: depends)

If you run Qedit from a Session, Set Interactive is ON. If you run Qedit with Stdin or Stdlist redirected, Set Interactive is OFF. When it is OFF, Qedit will abort on any error, will assume the default answer to any question, and will generally act as if there is not an intelligent being typing the commands. When it is ON, Qedit waits for answers to questions and does not trim trailing spaces from input lines (allowing you to enter // plus a space as a data line in the Add command).

Entering Set Interactive with no ON or OFF parameter does not change the current setting.


Set Justify [ keyword [value] ... ]

(Initially: NULL function, TWO OFF)

The Set Justify command allows you to configure Qedit for the type of justify operations that you are going to use most frequently. These are then the defaults.

For example, the command

/set justify margin 70 two on null


/justify both 5       {J=justify, B=both}

to be interpreted as

/j both margin 70 two on 5

See the Justify command for further details.


Set Keep [ option value ]...

(Default: same as Text file)

Determines the format of the next Keep file. Attributes are taken from the previous Text or Keep, or they are based on the current Set Lang value. Qedit attempts to duplicate the Text file as much as possible when doing the Keep. Use Verify Keep to display the current Set Keep values, including the default file name.

The options you can set for the Keep file are ASCII, CCTL Checktimestamp, Code, Lab, Name, Num, Var, Cobfree and Bytestream. All options are accepted by Qedit/UX for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit. However, you should only use the CHECKTIMESTAMP, NAME, NUM and VAR options.


(Initially: ON)

Files can be either ASCII or Binary. Qedit takes this value from the file that you Text, but will revert to ASCII ON for any new workfile. Even though Qedit will create binary files with Keep, it is not recommended for use in editing binary files. The reason is that Qedit treats Carriage Return as end-of-line, which may truncate some records. ASCII files have their records padded with blanks; Binary files are padded with zeros (nulls).

Set Keep Bytestream ON|OFF

(Initially: OFF)

POSIX introduces a new type of file called Bytestream. These files do not necessarily have record structures that are similar to typical files on MPE. Bytestream files come from the UNIX environment. To application programs, they simply appear as a stream of bytes (hence the name). To MPE, these are variable-length files in which each record contains only one byte.

When a Text command is used on an existing bytestream file, Qedit is able to recognize the file and preserve its attributes on a Keep command. To create a new bytestream file, you have to use Set Keep Bytestream On.

Because bytestream is sort of an extension to variable-length files, these two options are closely linked. If you use Set Keep Bytestream On, the Variable option is also enabled. If you use Set Keep Bytestream Off, the Variable option is also disabled. If you use Set Keep Variable Off, the Bytestream option is also disabled. You can still enable Variable by itself, without enabling Bytestream.


(Initially: OFF)

Ordinary ASCII files have the CCTL value OFF. When CCTL is ON, the first column of each record must contain a carriage control value. Some of the common values are "1" for new page, "+" for overprint, and " " for normal single-space. When Qedit prints a file with CCTL in quiet-mode (i.e., no line numbers and no template), it interprets the carriage control values.

Set Keep Checktimestamp ON|OFF

(Initially: ON)

Qedit stores the file modification timestamp in the workfile. It uses the timestamp to determine whether the file has been modified since either the initial Text command or the last Keep command was used. By default, timestamp checking on Keep is enabled.

If you want to disable this feature, type

Set Keep Checktimestamp Off

If you wish to see the current saved timestamp, you have to use Verify Info.

Saved modification timestamp 2005/10/14  18:29:02

Trailing spaces in workfile are trimmed

Set Keep Cobfree ON|OFF

(Initially: On)

Qedit uses the file extension (.cbl, .CBL, .cob or .pco) to identify COBOL source files. The .pco extension is typically used to identify Cobol source files that needs to be processed by the Oracle pre-compiler.

If Qedit detects this attribute, it assumes the lines have a specific format. In particular, it looks for the presence (or absence) of sequence numbers in the first six (6) columns of each line.

If these columns do not contain numeric digits or spaces, Qedit assumes the file is a free-format source file without a sequence number. The file is then assigned the COBFREE language.

The Set Keep Cobfree option controls the format of the file when you Keep it back. If this option is enabled (On), it means you allow Qedit to save files in the COBFREE format (i.e., without sequence numbers). If this option is disabled (Off), it means you don't want to create COBFREE files. When this option is disabled, Qedit converts the file to COBOL, assigns it sequence numbers and writes them to the saved file. A warning is displayed before this occurs.


Warning: Lines are now numbered.

         Language changed from Cobfree to Cobol.


Purge existing file [no]?

Set Keep Code nnn

(Initially: <null>, 0)

Any file can have a special file code to help identify what kind of data it contains. Qedit workfiles, for example, always have a Code of 111, while COBOL source files have a Code of 1052 (EDTCT).

You can create files with any code you like using Set Keep Code and the Keep command. However, the file code cannot be changed if the Language is COBOL or COBOLX.

Set Keep Label num

(Initially: 0)

This value is set to the number of user labels attached to the file, when you Text it. Text filename,Labels will copy the user labels into the new file. Keep will append those labels to the file, unless you do Keep filename,Nolabels. If you want to change the number of user labels to be created on the new Keep file, do Set Keep Label n.

Set Keep LF ON|OFF

(Initially: ON)

To write Newline delimiters, use Set Keep LF ON. A delimiter is added at the end of each line whether there was one or not in the original file.

To create a file without Newline delimiters at the end of each line, use Set Keep LF OFF. The only Newline characters written to the file are the ones included in the data.

Set Keep Name [ filename ]

(Initially: <null>)

The default name for Keep is the same name as the last Text or full Keep command, if any. A "full" Keep is one without a limiting range or margins. The default is invoked when you do a Keep without any parameters. You can set the default name with this command.

If you do not specify a file name, the default Keep name is erased as if this was a brand new file. If you erase the default Keep name or replace it with a new name, the saved modification timestamp is erased.

Set Keep Num ON|OFF

(Initially: ON)

Keep files may or may not have sequence numbers. In standard COBOL files, the sequence numbers are in columns 1 through 6. In all other files they are in the last eight columns. When Qedit copies in an external file it remembers whether that file was numbered or not (if not, new sequence numbers are assigned to each line in the workfile).

When you set the language to Job or Text, Qedit turns the Num flag Off. This means that default Keeps of these files will be without sequence numbers. You can always override the Qedit default by doing an explicit Set Keep Num prior to the Keep.

Set Keep Var ON|OFF

(Initially: ON)

All HP-UX files are inherently variable-length. However, if you turn Set Keep Var Off, Qedit/UX will keep your file with trailing spaces appended to each record to fill them out to the current Set Length value. There will still be a newline character at the end of each record. This appears to be what COBOL expects for a data file.


Set Language lang

(Initially: SPL)

The lang codes accepted by Qedit are:

COBOL, COBOLX [ALL], SPL, FORTRAN, Pascal, RPG, Job, Text, Data, CC, CPP, PowerHouse (PH), COBFREE, Html, XML, Java and QSL (Qedit Scripting Language).

Initially when Qedit starts the language is assumed to be SPL, but this may be changed when you Text a file ("SPL" stands for Systems Programming Language, which is an obscure software tool on the original HP e3000 system; files have 80-character records with columns 73-80 containing a sequence number). You can override this default this with Set Lang. When you Set Lang, you also reset the Window, the Length, the Left margin, and the Right margin.

The "language" sets the following file attributes:

1.      Increment between lines

2.      Number of digits in line number

3.      Placement of line number (left or right)

4.      Maximum data line length

5.      Number of first data column

6.      Name of compiler program file

7.      Delimiters for Set Window (SMART)

8.      Numbered or not for Keeps

The following chart shows the values set for each language:


















Special, not "-"









Special, not "-"









Special, not "'"









Any special









Special, not "_"


















Any special









Any special









Any special









Special, not "_"









Special, not "_"









Special, not "-"









Special, not "-"



























Special, not "_"









Special, not "_"



COBOL and COBOLX are identical, except that COBOLX allows data to extend into columns 73-80, while COBOL does not. This is a protection against compile errors for those programmers who do not use columns 73-80 for comments. You can force all COBOL files to be in COBOLX format by using

/set lang cobolx all on

This is useful when you are using Set X to tag program changes with a string or the date. You can change from a non-COBOL to a COBOL language, if the highest line number in your file is less than or equal to 999.999.

The COBOL and COBOLX languages follow the COBOL standards very carefully. These standards describe the format of a statement. Most, if not all, compilers support the standards. Some compilers, however, allow a source file to be in a different format. Here is a quick summary of the differences between COBOL, COBOLX and COBFREE:






Line numbers

columns 1-6

columns 1-6


Control column

column 7

column 7

column 1


columns 8-72

columns 8-72

columns 1-1,000



columns 73-80


Starting column




Variable length




Record length





The Data Language setting defaults to 256 characters per record, but it can handle up to 8,172 characters in a Wide-Jumbo workfile. In a workfile of Jumbo format, the limit is actually 1,000. To use Data, your workfile must be in Jumbo or Wide-Jumbo format, which supports longer lines and more of them (99,999,999 instead of 65,535). If a non-Jumbo workfile is open, you will have to shut it before you can use Set Lang Data and create a new workfile. To check whether your open workfile is Jumbo or not, use Verify Open. If you see "No Recall" in the display, you are using an old workfile. If you see "Jumbo" or "W-Jumbo" after the Language value, you are using a Jumbo file.

Because RPG is a column-oriented language, SMART searches on RPG source files are performed in DUMB mode.

In FORTRAN, spaces in the middle of names have no significance (i.e., CUST BOOK is the same as CUSTBOOK).

If a workfile is empty, you can set the Language to anything you like.

When you change Language, you change the maximum line Length. If Length is reduced, as in going from Job to SPL, the lines are not actually truncated to the shorter Length. They are only permanently truncated if you modify the lines. Therefore, you can switch back to the previous Language at once and still recover the full lines. (Note: when you switch from COBOLX to COBOL, lines with comments are actually stripped of their comments.) Of course, when you Keep your file, only the data within the new margins are kept.


Set Left [n]

(Default: first column)

Set Left specifies a temporary left margin for your file. Existing data to the left of the margin is not changed (unless you delete a line). When you copy or move a line with Add, the entire line is moved. If you add new lines, they will contain spaces to the left of the margin.

Set Left applies to all Qedit commands, including Visual, Modify, List, and Keep. Don't forget to reset Set Left when you want to Keep a file.

Set Left resets the Set Window columns for string searches. See also Set Right.


Set Length nn

(Initially: from file TEXTed)

Most files have a fixed record length determined by the Language setting (e.g., SPL, COBOL, etc.). Workfiles with Language Text or Data can have their maximum line length set to a custom value. "Text" defaults to 256, but can be set to any value between 1 and 256 columns. "Data" defaults to 256 as well, but can be set to lengths of up to 8,172.

Set Length will reset the Set Left/Right margins and the Set Window columns for string searches.

When you reduce the Length, you should treat data beyond the new Length as gone, unless you immediately reset the Length. As soon as you begin modifying lines, Qedit begins reducing lines to their new maximum length. If you wish to reduce the line length temporarily, use Set Right.


Set Lib G|P|S

(Initially: S)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Limits [ option value ] ...

            Sys OFF

            Run OFF

            Colonreq OFF

            Hold n

            Proc x

(Initially: Sys ON, Run ON, Colon OFF, Hold 10, Proc 4)

Set Limits Sys Off disables the execution of shell commands from within Qedit. It also prevents Qedit for Windows users from accessing host commands.

Qedit normally accepts shell commands with or without a prefix (colon or exclamation mark). To enforce the use of a prefix for shell commands, use Set Limits Colonreq ON.

These are one-way options -- once disabled, they cannot be enabled again by the user.

The rest of the options do not apply to Qedit/UX. They are still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set List [ option value ] ...

The Set List command controls the format and functions of the List command. The valid options are:



page breaks on List LP

Lines nn

lines per page with PAGE ON


file name on each PAGE


number on each PAGE

Title ON|OFF

title on each PAGE


double-spacing of List LP

PCL nn

LaserJet fonts and orientation

Record ON|OFF

use attached printer via Record Mode

LJ nn

lines per screen for List-Jump


"quiet" for List-Jumping (no seq#)

Endstop ON|OFF

no "End?" question in List-Jumping.


outputs even number of pages


outputs odd number of pages

Nearest ON|OFF

displays warning or nearest line


For more information on Set List options, including examples, see the List command. For a quick list of the PCL values and their meanings, see also the Quick-Help: /hq set,list


Set Maxdata nnnn

(Initially: no stack expansion)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Modify [ option [ value ] ... ]

            Qzmodify | HP | Robelle

            Prompt ON|OFF


Set Modify controls what style of line modify is used throughout Qedit. The defaults are Qedit-style (^D for delete) in Modify and Before, with MPE-style (D for delete) in Redo only. Set Mod HP forces MPE-style in all places, while Set Mod Robelle selects Qedit-style and Set Mod Qzmod selects Qzmodify (a "what you see is what you get" version of the Qedit-style). If you type Set Modify with no parameters you go back to the defaults.

You also use Set Modify to control placement of the Modify line number and redefine the Qedit-style control codes.

Prompt Option: Where to Print Line Number. Robelle Modify normally prints the line number on the same line as the data. This makes lines look alike in List, Delete, Add, and Modify, and also makes maintaining your tab stops simpler. On the other hand, placing the line number on a separate line makes it easier to press Control-Y and re-enter edits. Set Mod Prompt OFF separates line and number ("_" represents the cursor):

/set modify prompt off

/modify 10.2


Now is the time for all good people


/set modify prompt on

/modify 10.2

   10.2   Now is the time for all good people


You can also use the Quiet option not to see line numbers at all.

Replacing Modify with Hpmodify. If you prefer the MPE-style edits provided in the :Redo command, do Set Modify Hpmodify.

Qedit will accept DDD to delete characters, Ixxx to insert xxx, Rxxx to replace with xxx, and U to undo. Other edits include > to append, >D to delete from the end, >Rxxx to replace from the end, and D> to clear the line. HP-style modify does not support tab stops and always prints the line number on a separate line from the data. See :Redo command for a complete list of edits. Hpmodify applies in Modify, Redo, Before and modify in Change and Add.

Forcing Redo to Use Qedit-Style. If you like the Qedit-style modify better than HP style and want to use it even in Redo, do Set Modify Robelle.

Replacing Modify with Qzmodify. To make Qzmodify the style throughout Qedit, use this command:


(Default: disable Qzmodify)

The TAE options apply only if you have a Telamon Type Ahead Engine:

·         TAEOFF means to disable your Type Ahead Engine.

·         TAE means to enable your Type Ahead Engine.

·         The default is to ignore the Type Ahead Engine.

Qzmodify replaces the regular Qedit modify with a routine that allows "visual" editing on HP terminals. Once you do Set Mod Qzmod, all modify operations within Qedit will use Qzmodify, including Before, Redo, modify from within Change, and the Modify command. To disable use of Qzmodify, enter Set Modify with no parameters.

Qzmodify uses single-character reads, which you may find are a significant drain on the resources of your HP e3000. Qzmodify will work over DS lines, but will be very slow. However, avoid Control-Y and Break, because there are bugs in DS that confuse the state of the terminal. Qzmodify does Setmsg OFF on your session and Setmsg ON when it is exits; use Set Vis Msg OFF to leave Setmsg OFF all the time.

For details on the Qzmodify edit codes, either enter Qzmodify and type Control-Q or see the Modify command.

Changing the Control Characters. You can change the default code assigned to any function in the Qedit Modify command by using Set Modify:

 ^Set Modify (B ^x D ^x T ^x G ^x L ^x O ^x V ^x A ^x)

The Modify command uses nonprinting control characters for function codes. These characters have ASCII values between 1 and 31 which are generated by holding down the CONTROL shift key while striking another key. For example, the code for Before is Control-B (^B, decimal 2). Because many terminals use specific control codes for local functions (i.e., Control-B may clear the screen), Qedit allows you to change the control codes assigned to Modify functions. However, the control codes for Qzmodify cannot be redefined.

Using Set Modify, any or all of the control function codes can be changed. The current codes are displayed in the Verify command. Each control-function change consists of the first letter of the function name, followed by a space, then the circumflex character and the desired control letter. For example:

/set modify (t ^Z)

This specifies that Control-Z (equal to decimal 26) is the control key for the TERMINATE function. Certain control codes are not allowed and will be rejected. Each function must be assigned a unique control character from among these:

A  B  C  D  G  K  L  N  O  P  R  T  U  V  W  Z  \  ]  ^  _


You can control the behavior of Qedit when opening workfiles. With the first option, you can get Qedit to warn you if the workfile you are working on is not synchronized with the file it is based on. The second option helps you preserve timestamps on workfiles so that you have a better idea when the workfile has actually been accessed and modified.

Set Open Checktimestamp ON|OFF

(Initially: OFF)

Qedit stores the file modification timestamp in the workfile. It uses the timestamp to determine whether the file has been modified since the initial Text command or since the last time the Keep command was used.

By default, timestamp checking on the Open command is disabled. If you want to enable it, type

Set Open Checktimestamp On

Set Open Defer ON|OFF

(Initially: Off)

The Open command is used to access a Qedit workfile for editing. Normally, the workfile is opened with write access, which updates the "Last Modified Date" of the file, even if you don't actually make any changes to it. However, by doing Set Open Defer On you can instruct Qedit to "defer" the write access until a modification is attempted. Qedit opens the workfile with Read Access initially, then reopens it with Write Access later if it is necessary to post a modification to the file. See the Open command for more details.

It is important to remember that certain workfile attributes and settings are normally saved when the file is opened with write access. Some of these settings are the ZZ marker, the current line marker (*), and the new default Keep name modified with Set Keep Name. If you explicitly open a workfile in Browse mode or use Set Open Defer On, these settings are not updated permanently, unless the file is re-opened with write access.


Set Pattern Old|New

(Initially: New)

Qedit uses "@", "#", "?", and "~" to define a pattern to be matched. The original pattern-match logic in Qedit did not allow you to look for a pattern that contained a literal "@". The current pattern-match logic allows "&" as an "escape" character. This means that you can look for any reserved pattern-match character by putting & in front of it. For example,

/list "@first&@second@" (pat)

Note that the "escape" character does not match the ASCII escape character, whose value is decimal 27 or octal 33. In this case "escape" means the same as the "transparency" character in VPLUS/3000 pattern-matching: the next character following the escape is to be treated as a literal instead of a pattern-match metacharacter.

Two other characters have been reserved for future use: ^ and !.

To reset Qedit to the old pattern-match logic, use Set Pattern Old (the default is Set Pattern New).


Set Priority CS | DS | ES

(Initially: logon priority)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Prompt "string"

(Initially: "qux/")

The default prompt string is "qux/", but you can change that with Set Prompt.

set prompt "Qedit /"

set prompt "Sys2 /"


Set Redo [ filename ]

(Default: none)

(Initially: temporary file)

Commands entered at the Qedit prompt are saved in something called the redo stack. You can recall commands from this stack by using other commands such as Before, Do and Redo. By default, the redo stack is stored in a temporary file and discarded as soon as you exit Qedit. This does no allow the stack to be preserved across Qedit invocations.

Set Redo allows you to assign a permanent file as the redo stack, allowing the stack to be available for future Qedit invocations. To assign the Myredo file as a persistent redo stack, enter

/Set Redo Myredo

If the file does not exist, Qedit creates it. Otherwise, Qedit uses the existing file. All your subsequent commands are written to the persistent redo stack. The setting is valid for the duration of the Qedit session. As soon as you exit Qedit, the setting is discarded. Next time you run Qedit, you will get the temporary stack. If you want to use a persistent stack every time you run Qedit, you have to insert the Set Redo command in one of the Qeditmgr files.

If the file name is not qualified, the redo stack is created in the current working directory. This may be desirable if you want to have separate stacks. If you prefer to always use the same persistent stacks, you should qualify the name.

The Verify command shows which stack is currently in use. If it shows <temporary>, then Qedit is using the default stack. Anything else is the name of the file used on the Set Redo command.


When Qedit uses the default, the temporary stack is only accessible to that particular instance of Qedit. You can run as many Qedit instances as you need, and each one gets its own redo stack. You will never have concurrency problems.

If you start using a persistent redo stack, however, you might start running into concurrency problems. A persistent redo stack can be used only by one Qedit instance at a time. If you try to use a persistent redo stack that is already in use, you will get the following message:

/Set Redo Myredo

The redo file is already in use.

Unable to open file for REDO stack

In this situation, Qedit continues to use the redo stack active at the time and lets you continue working as normal.

Suprtool, STExport and Suprlink also have the ability to have permanent redo stacks. It is advisable to have separate redo stacks for each product, because they will write commands to each other's redo stack if you supply the same file name.

For example if you use the command

set redo myredo

you will have a redo stack called Myredo for your Qedit commands. If you exit Qedit and run Suprtool and supply the same Set Redo command, your Suprtool commands will be written to the same file that is used for your Qedit commands.

This command is ignored if Qedit is run in server mode.


Set Right [ n ]

(Default: same as Set Length)

(Initially: same as Set Length)

Set Right fixes a right margin for listing and editing lines in your workfile. Any existing data to the right of the margin is retained unchanged while you edit to the left of the margin. Set Right also resets the Set Window columns. See Set Left for setting the other margin.

Remember, the left and right margins apply to most commands, including Visual and Keep. To reset the margin to the far right edge, Set Right with no parameter.

RL file name

Set RL [ filename ]

(Default: none)

(Initially: none)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Shift [ DOWN n ] [ UP n ]

(Default: none)

(Initially: both 0)

Configures string logic for the built-in PROCedures, DOWN and UP. Valid values are 0 through 4:



not configured


shift every character in the line


ignore characters within double quotes


ignore characters within single quotes


ignore characters within either single or double quotes



Set Spell [ option value ]...

(Default: <null>)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Statistics [ ON|OFF ]

(Default: OFF)

(Initially: OFF)

If you turn Set Stat ON, Qedit prints the CPU and wall time after each command.


Set Stringdelimiters POSIX | "DelimiterList"

(Initially:  |\~%:'")

The initial list indicates the characters that can be used as valid delimiters.

The single quote (') is removed from the list if Set Decimal is enabled (On). Quote characters (") are always valid delimiters (i.e., they cannot be removed from the list).

From full-screen mode's homeline, a tilde always represents the most recently accessed line number. If the tilde is removed from the delimiter list, it also becomes a reference in line-mode to full-screen's mode most recently accessed line.

The delimiter list itself must be enclosed between a pair of valid delimiters. The new delimiters must be chosen from the initial list. If you do not remember what the initial list is, simply enter the Set String command with a letter or a numeric digit as a list. For example,

/Set String "a"

Error:  Not an acceptable quote char: a

        select from |\~%:'"

You can reduce the list to just a few characters. If you want to reduce it to just a colon (:) and a number sign (#), enter:

Set String ":#"

From that point on, only quotes, colons and number signs can surround a string.

/List "filename"

/Find #procedure#

/Delete :badline:

/Change 1/7 \oldtext\ @       {this is invalid now}

The Posix option allows you to easily bring the delimiter list down to three characters: quotation marks ("), a backslash (\) and a colon (:). This option is useful when working with file names that contain a lot of special characters. It reduces the number of parsing errors.

There is no easy way to bring the defaults back. You have to enter the Set String command with all the characters in the initial list.


Set Tabs ^char HP [ ON|OFF ]

(Default: Control-I, HP ON)

When you enter lines in Add, Modify, or Replace, Qedit looks for and interprets "tab" keys. Each time Qedit finds a "tab", it fills the input line with blanks to the next tab position. The default positions are every eight columns. If there are no more positions, Qedit terminates the current line and saves the remaining text for the next line.

Using Set Tabs, you can define the logical "tab" key to be any nonprinting control code such as BELL (^G, decimal 7) or a printing character such as tilde (~). Control-I is the default because it is the character most commonly used as the hardware TAB key on terminals. All HP terminals generate a Control-I when TAB is pressed.

/set tabs ^i

/set tabs "~"

Set Tabs Hp Off tells Qedit not to set physical tab stops on your terminal (for example it does not work on 2640 or non-HP terminals). With Set Tab Hp On (the default), Qedit will update your terminal's tab stops at once. With Hp On, each time you switch from Add to AQ (or any similar change that would shift the tabs left or right on the screen), Qedit also resets the tab stops.

When using the TAB Key, remember that you must not backspace past the last tab stop. If you do, Qedit will never see the TAB key.

Set Tabs STOP columns | NULL | nn nn nn nn ...

(Default: every 8 columns

NULL means no tabs)

By default, Qedit sets the tab stops every 10 columns (MPE) or 8 columns (HP-UX). You can override this with Set Tabs NULL to set no tab stops, Set Tabs STOP n (every 2 to 15 columns), or Set Tabs with a custom list of column numbers. The maximum number of custom tab stops is 32. Remember that the columns of input text are numbered differently depending on the source language. In SPL, Pascal, FORTRAN, RPG, Text, Data and Job, the first column is numbered 1; in standard COBOL, it is 7. You cannot set a tab in the first column.

/set tabs stop 8    {every 8 columns (9 17 25 33 ...)}

/set tabs 5 10 15   {SPL,FORTRAN,RPG,Job,Text,Pas}

/set tabs 12 16 20  {COBOL}

/set tabs null      {cancel all tabs}


Set Term Columns nnn

(Default: 80)

(Initially: 80)

When you run Qedit, it tries to determine the number of columns in the display width of your terminal. The default is 80. You can override this value by setting the display width manually and putting the correct value in the RCRTWIDTH variable. If the variable is not set, Qedit queries your terminal for the width. If you change it manually from within Qedit, you can force a re-query by doing Set Visual Stop. However, there is an easier way.

On most terminals, Set Term Columns nnn adjusts the display width of your terminal. You must be on an HP-type terminal whose width can be varied, and the column value nnn can be between 80 and 999. It is better to use this command to change the number of columns than to do it manually because the command also adjusts your terminal listing file width, and other parameters within Qedit.

Set Term Columns is effective only for Line mode. When you enter Visual mode, Qedit may adjust your display width to suit the file being edited and resets the width when you exit completely from Visual mode or Qedit.

If you have set RCRTMODEL to 1234, Qedit assumes the terminal or emulator has limited capabilities. Qedit assumes the display width can only be changed manually. So, if Set Term Columns is used, Qedit displays:

Please change display width and press Enter:

and waits for confirmation from the user.

When you execute a command via the Home line and find yourself at the "Next Visual?" prompt, Qedit may not have reset your display width because you often immediately press Return to go back into Visual mode. Flipping the width frequently is slow, erases your display memory, and sometimes causes irritating screen flicker.


Set Text Exclusive ON|OFF Cobolfixed ON|OFF

(Initial: Exclusive OFF, Cobolfixed OFF)

Exclusive Access Control

When you text in a file, Qedit creates a workfile and copies the contents of the original file into it. The original file is then closed. This means that other users on the system can text in the file and make changes of their own. This is great for concurrency but not so great for version control.

A new option, Set Text Exclusive, provides increased control over files that you are editing. To enable, simply enter:

/Set Text Exclusive On

When this option is enabled, files that you text in are kept open for read-only access. This means the files are still accessible to compilers and other programs with non-conflicting access including Qedit with Set Text Exclusive disabled. In the latter case, a user will be able to text the file in but will not be able to save changes with a Keep command. When Set Text Exclusive is enabled, a user requires read and write permissions to be able to Text in a file. If he only has read permission, he has to use the Browse option on the Text command even if the file is not currently accessed.

Once Set Text Exclusive is enabled for all users and a particular file is being worked on, subsequent Text commands immediately fail with:

Error:  File open by another Qedit process

On a system where Qedit is the editor of choice, we recommend that Set Text Exclusive be inserted in the /opt/robelle/qeditmgr file.

Once a file has been texted in, the user retains control over it. The file is released when:

·         another file is texted in

·         the workfile is closed explicitly by a Shut command or implicitly by a New or Open command

·         the workfile is purged e.g. purge *

·         Qedit is terminated

All these operations signal Qedit that the work is done on this file. When the workfile is shut (explicitly or implicitly), Qedit tries to clear its contents. If the file is clean (i.e., has not been modified), the file is erased. If the file has been modified, Qedit prompts for a confirmation:


Reminder: you have not saved the changes to /home/bob/testisql.c


Clear file [no]?

If you answer No, nothing happens. The workfile remains open, the original file is still in use and a warning is displayed.

File NOT cleared

Files still open. When Text Exclusive is On, workfile must be cleared to Shut.

If you answer Yes, the workfile is cleared and the original file is released. This accomplishes two things:

·         releases the file so it can be used by someone else and does not remain blocked

·         forces the user to stop and decide what should be done with the changes

·         forces the user to text the file in again to make sure he has the latest version

Fixed-length Cobol Source Files

By default, all UNIX files are processed as variable-length files. If needed, you can override this option using Set Keep Var OFF. Some Cobol  compilers prefer to have fixed-length records. It can quickly become tedious to enter the Set Keep command after every Text command, not to mention the likelihood of forgetting to do it.

If you wish to force all Cobol source files to be processed as fixed-length files, use Set Text Cobolfixed ON. Every Cobol source texted in from that point will be fixed-length. If a file has already been texted in, the Keep command will switch to fixed-length records automatically. Qedit displays a warning in this case.

qux/v text

Set Text Exclusive OFF Cobolfixed OFF

qux/t mysource.cob

26 lines in file

qux/v k

Set Keep Ascii OFF Cctl OFF COde 0 Lab 0 Num ON Var ON Checktimestamp ON

Set Keep COBfree ON NAme /users/robdev/qedit/test/file1CobFixed

Set Keep LF ON

qux/s text cobolfixed on

qux/k testcob.txt

Warning:  Set Text Cobolfixed is On. File will have fixed-length records.

/users/robdev/qedit/testcob.txt #Records = 26

Purge existing file [no]? Y


qux/set keep var on

qux/t mysource.cob

26 lines in file

qux/v k

Set Keep Ascii OFF Cctl OFF COde 0 Lab 0 Num ON Var OFF Checktimestamp ON

Set Keep COBfree ON NAme /users/robdev/qedit/test/file1CobFixed

Set Keep LF ON


Set Totals [ ON|OFF ]

(Default: ON)

(Initially: ON)

Shows the number of lines changed, deleted, added, texted and moved by each command.

The total line is considered a "warning" or status-type message. Therefore, Set Warnings Off will disable Set Totals, as will Option Nowarn in a User Command.


Set UDC [ON|OFF|filename] [ LOCK ]

(Default: ON)

(Initially: OFF)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Undo ON|OFF

(Initially: ON in session, OFF in batch)

"Undo" is the ability to cancel the effect of previous commands that modified your file. By default, Undo is enabled for interactive use and disabled in batch use of Qedit.

Set Undo allows you to override that default, or even disable Undo around some very large editing tasks, to speed it up.


Set Varsub  ON | OFF

(Default:  Off)

When this option is enabled, Qedit parses entered commands looking for variable names. If a variable name is found and currently exists, its value is substituted before the command is executed. If the variable does not exist, the variable name is left unchanged.

Warning: The trailing comments limitation is an incompatibility with older versions.

Qedit commands are added to the Redo stack before the substitution occurs i.e. with the variable name. So, if the variable value changes between the time the command is entered and the time it is retrieved from the stack, the results may be different. It's also important to note that commands related to Redo stack operations such as Listredo, Do, Before can not have trailing comments enclosed in curly braces anymore. The comments are not removed and likely cause a syntax error.

/listredo  { see which commands I have entered so far }

Bad option, expecting ;UNN ;ABS ;REL or ;OUT


     1) t testisql

     2) l "$myvar"

     3) s varsub on

     4) l "$myvar"

     5) setvar myvar "qed"

     6) l "$myvar"


Variable names are identified by a leading dollar sign "$". For example, $HOME is replaced with the current value of the HOME environment variable. Some Qedit commands such as List have an extensive series of $-options which, as their name implies, also start with a dollar sign. These options have precedence over environment variables. In other words, if a variable has the same name as a $-option, the substitution does not occur. The only workaround is to change the name of the variable to something that does not conflict.

If you wish to prevent variable substitution and have Qedit interpret the dollar sign at face value, insert a backslash immediately in front of it as in \$HOME.

The tilde is a special character with different meanings in Qedit. Among other things, it can be a string delimiter or a shortcut pointing to the most recent current line in full-screen mode. In HP-UX shells, it's also commonly used to designate the user's home directory.

Here's how Qedit handles the tilde character. If it's still part of the string delimiter list (Verify Stringdelimiter), it is used as such. If it's not part of the list and is entered by itself on a line, it's interpreted as the most recent current line of full-screen mode. If it's not part of the list, Set Varsub is enabled and is used anywhere else in a command, it's replaced with $HOME. The Varsub feature would then substitute the appropriate value.

Set Varsub On automatically removes the tilde from the string delimiter list.


Set Visual keyword [ value ] ...

(Default: see Visual)

The Set Visual command controls how Visual mode operates. The following section shows how to change the number of lines per screen, how to set where the current line will appear, and other options. New users should use Set Visual Update On. This option does an automatic screen update whenever you press any function key. This saves your changes even if you forget to press Enter when changing screens.

Here are the Set Visual options, with the minimal abbreviations shown in capitals:



show 0 to 9 lines above * line?


allow for KEA! emulator to widen to 500 columns


define printable substitute for "Bell"


show 0 to 99 lines below * line?


use block-mode emulation in Visual


change size of screen buffer


carry 0 to 9 lines to next page?


clear all of display memory or not?


keep cursor near original current line after cut-and-paste


return to full-screen after Open at Next Command prompt


define printable substitute for "Esc"


redefine the GG/VV field separator (~)


use fewer enhancements in the status line


hide +1,+2 line tags with display enhancement


put cursor on home line or * line?


accept screens without line feeds


enable Insert Character on your terminal


load function key labels?


do not change terminal right margin


leave Setmsg OFF or mesg n on exit from Visual


renumber screen if out of line numbers?


adjust number of lines on UP (F2)


save and restore existing function keys?


define printable substitute for "ShiftIn"


define printable substitute for "ShiftOut"


reset Visual mode, forces restart.


define printable substitute for tab characters


make Qedit work with Telamon Type Ahead Engine


automatically update screen every time?


whether to go beyond 80-columns of display?


enable wordwrap in Reflection?



Set Visual Above n


By default, the * line is the first text line on the page. Set Vis Above specifies that from 0 to 9 lines are to be shown above the * line.


Set Visual Attachmate OFF | ON


When enabled and used in conjunction with the Attachmate's KEA! Terminal emulator, Qedit is able to work with up to 512 colums.


Set Visual Bell 'nnn | "char"


If you edit text containing Bell characters, they will appear as dots with a "?" at the left of the line. Otherwise, they would disappear from your file when you press Enter because Bells are not saved in display memory. To get around this problem, you can define another character as a translation for the Bell character. For example, Set Vis Bell "|" defines "|" to represent Bell.

When Visual needs to print a Bell on the screen, it prints a "|" instead. When Visual sees any "|" on the screen, it converts it into a Bell internally. To avoid turning every occurrence of the "alias" character in your file into a Bell, Visual prints a "?" for any line with a valid alias already in it and will not let you update that line in Visual mode (use Modify instead).


Set Visual Below nn


By default, Visual shows 19 lines below the * line. Set Vis Below can change this to 0 through 99 lines. Qedit reads and writes a fixed number of characters per screen (see Set Visual Buf). If you Set Vis Below to a large number of lines such as 99, Qedit may not have room in the screen write buffer for all of the lines requested. Qedit prints an error message, attempts to reduce Set Vis Below to a value that will work, and returns you to Line mode. You type "vis" to restart Visual mode.


Set Visual BLockemulation ON | OFF


This feature does not work on the hpterm terminal emulator at the moment.

Full-screen editing as implemented on HP3000 computers only works on HP-UX versions earlier than 11.0. On HP-UX 11.0 or later, full-screen editing is available in Screen mode (Set Visual Screen On) on VT-type terminals or in Visual Blockemulation emulation (Set Visual Blockemulation On) on HP-type terminals.

As its name implies, Blockemulation emulates block-mode operations by reading each line one by one instead of reading the whole screen in a single operation. Depending on the type of connection, this process might take a few seconds as the cursor moves down the screen. Otherwise, it works the same as ordinary block-mode.


Set Visual Buf nnnn

By default, Qedit reads and writes a maximum of 10,000 characters per screen. Set Vis Buf will increase or decrease the size of the screen buffer. The minimum size is 2,000 characters and the maximum is 30,000. Increasing the buffer size may increase the load on your network -- watch for hangs, delays, and write errors.


Set Visual Carry n


The F5 and F6 keys move the screen display Backward and Forward one page. In doing this, they carry over one line from the previous display for context. You can vary the number of lines carried over from 0 to 9 with Set Vis Carry.


Set Visual Cleardisplay OFF


This option tells Visual mode not to clear all of display memory before writing the next page of text. Instead, Visual erases enough lines at the start of display memory to make room for the Visual screen. This means that a Home Down will still show you what was last done in Line mode and a Home Up will redisplay the Visual screen. When you press Enter, only the Visual screen is transferred, up to the // template line.

Do not use this option if you only have a couple of pages of display memory, or with hpterm on HP-UX workstations (although it works fine with PC terminal emulators and Qedit/UX).

In Reflection for Windows (versions earlier than 3.70), changing the display width also clears display memory, beyond the control of Set Vis Cleardisplay. If you want to retain your display memory, you also need to use Set Vis Widen Off.


Set Visual Cutcurrent ON | OFF


This option tells Qedit where to put the current line marker after a cut-and-paste operation. By default, Qedit sets the current line at (or near) the first pasted line. If you turn the option Off with Set Visual Cutcurrent Off, Qedit tries to keep the current line as close as possible to the current line position before the paste operation.

This option only affects full-screen mode editing.


Set Visual Editonopen ON | OFF


While in full-screen mode, you can enter shell commands at the home line. Doing so causes Qedit to temporarily switch to line mode and prompt you for more commands with next command [visual]. You have to hit return or enter visual to return to full-screen mode.

There is one exception to this. If you enter an Open command at the prompt, Qedit automatically switches back to full-screen mode after opening the file. This is the default behavior.

If you wish to disable this option, use Set Visual Editonopen Off. When disabled, an Open command is treated as any other command. In other words, Qedit continues to prompting for more commands until you explicitly tell it to go into full-screen mode.


Set Visual Esc 'nnn | "char"


If you edit text containing Esc characters, most will appear as dots with a "?" at the left of the line. Otherwise the escape sequence would be executed by your terminal and be lost. To get around this problem, you can define another character as a translation for the Esc character. For example, Set Vis Esc "\" defines "\" as meaning Esc.

When Visual needs to print an Esc on the screen, it prints a "\" instead. When Visual sees any "\" on the screen, it converts it into an Esc internally. To avoid every valid occurrence of an alias character turning into an Esc, Visual mode looks for alias characters that already occur. Any line with a valid alias in it is printed with a "?" and Visual will not let you update it (use Modify instead).


Set Visual Field 'nnn | "char"


When you divide a line with VV or glue lines with GG, Qedit looks for a special character in the first line as the field separator. The field separator is the ~ (tilde) by default, but you can redefine it to another character with Set Vis Field if you have many natural occurrences of the tilde in your text. For example, Set Vis Field "|" redefines the field separator as |.


Set Visual Halfbright ON


The standard status line uses display enhancements all across the screen to highlight the status fields. For a status line with fewer display enhancements, use Set Vis Halfbright On.


Set Visual Hidetags ON


The Hidetags option replaces the +1,+2,+3 line tags on your screen with a Security Video enhancement and some line drawing characters. This makes the Visual screen cleaner and less confusing. However, the option only works if your terminal supports both Security Video and line drawing. It works on the 700/92, the 2392, the Cumulus terminal, and with Reflection 1 for DOS. It fails with hpterm (HP-UX), on some versions of Reflection for Windows and Macintosh, and all versions of Session.


Set Visual Home ON | OFF


After processing the Enter key or a function key, Visual places the cursor on the ===> line. This makes it convenient to enter a command. You must then press Return a few times to move the cursor down into the text. Set Vis Home Off puts the cursor at the first column of the * line instead. After a Find or Findup, this means the cursor will appear on the first character of the found string.


Set Visual Ignorelf ON


Normally, when Qedit reads the screen it finds a Return and line feed at the end of each line. Qedit uses this information to divide the characters of the screen read into lines and then match them up with the lines in your file. However, some networks strip the line feed from the lines, sending only the Return. In this case, Qedit will print an error such as "Missing status line" and the qscreen dump will indicate that Returns were found without line feeds. It may be easier to reconfigure Qedit than your network: the Set Vis Ignorelf On option directs Qedit to accept screens with only a Return at the end of each line and without the line feed.

Qedit enables the Ignorelf option whenever it is being run on the Qcterm terminal emulator.

If you are using the Minisoft 92 terminal emulator from Minisoft Inc., you should always enable the Ignorelf option.


Set Visual Inschar ON


By default, Visual mode disables Insert Char and you must enable it after each time you press Enter or a function key. Set Vis Inschar On tells Visual to enable Insert Char each time it displays the screen.


Set Visual Label ON | OFF


When you memorize the eight function keys, you can speed entry into Visual by disabling the "labels" on the screen. Use Set Vis Label OFF. This only works with a 2645 terminal, where the labels must actually be painted into the display memory every time a new page is written.


Set Visual Marginfixed ON | OFF


Qedit normally adjusts the terminal right margin and display width based on the file's record length. This caused some terminal emulators like hpterm to behave erratically.

When Marginfixed is enabled, Qedit does not change the terminal settings. It assumes the right margin is the physical display width. This should work properly as long as the user let's Qedit poll the terminal for the information. If the user decides to override this function by setting the RCRTWIDTH variable or change the width with Set Term Columns, Qedit trusts that the user has set the terminal properly.

Users should be aware of two things when Set Marginfixed is ON. If a file is narrower than the configured width, nothing prevents the user from entering text beyond the file's right edge. This extra text will simply be ignored.

If the file is wider than the configured width, Qedit tries to display as much text as it thinks it can. This causes the text to overflow. However, instead of truncating the extra characters, the emulator writes them out on the last displayable column. For example, if a file has 100 characters but the configured width is 80, the first 79 characters are  displayed correctly. Characters 80 through 100 are written to column 80. The net result is characters 80 to 99 are lost and character 100 ends up in column 80 on the screen.


Set Visual Msg ON | OFF


Visual always disables messages from other users (using Setmsg OFF on MPE and mesg n on HP-UX). On MPE, this is why a Showjob will show QUIET. Normally, Visual re-enables messages upon Exit (using Setmsg ON on MPE and mesg y on HP-UX). If you want messages to be left disabled at all times, use Set Vis Msg OFF. These same rules apply to Qzmodify.


Set Visual Renum ON | OFF


When you insert lines, Qedit attempts to assign them new line numbers between the existing lines. Sometimes this is impossible, as between 500.01 and 500.011. In this case, Qedit will renumber the lines on your screen to make room for the new lines. Qedit uses the appropriate Increment value that ensures proper renumbering. The value it chooses might be different from the current Increment value.

Although this value also affects operation of the Add command in Line mode, it does not affect the Divide command.

You can disable this option with Set Vis Renum Off.


Set Visual Roll nn


The F2 key means "roll the current screen up" by 6 lines. You can vary the number of "roll" lines from 1 to 20 by doing Set Vis Roll nn. You can also do an individual "roll" of any size by pressing Home Up, typing +n or -n and F7.


Set Visual Save Fast | ON | OFF | 1


Set Vis Save ON causes Qedit to save your function keys upon entry into Visual and reset them again on exit. If you only want to save the keys on the first entry into Visual (and reset them to the same values on every Exit), use Set Vis Save 1.

The 700/92 terminal and Reflection have the ability to save and restore the current user function keys within the terminal memory. If you do Set Vis Save Fast, Visual will take advantage of this feature, which is much faster and invisible to the user. This feature only works on Reflection if the Terminal ID is configured to 700/92 and on versions greater than 3.3 (DOS), 3.6 (Macintosh), or 3.7 (Windows). If Qedit decides that you do not have this feature, it will revert to a regular Set Vis Save On.


Set Visual Screen ON | OFF

This option, only available on HP-UX, controls which full-screen editing interface Qedit will use. When it is set to Off, Qedit uses Visual mode. When it is set to On, Qedit uses Screen mode. On HP terminals, Off is the default; on VT terminals, On is the default.


Set Visual SI 'nnn | "char"


If you edit text containing ShiftIn characters, they will not appear on the screen. Even worse, if there is ShiftIn character but no ShiftOut character preceding it on a line, the ShiftIn character disappears from your file when you press Enter. This is done "on your behalf" by the terminal or terminal emulator. To get around these problems, you can define another character as a translation for the ShiftIn character. For example, Set Vis SI "|" defines "|" to represent ShiftIn.

When Visual needs to print a ShiftIn on the screen, it prints a "|" instead. When Visual sees any "|" on the screen, it converts it into a ShiftIn internally. To avoid turning every occurrence of the "alias" character in your file into a Shiftin, Visual prints a "?" for any line with a valid alias already in it and will not let you update that line in Visual mode (use Modify instead).


Set Visual SO 'nnn | "char"


If you edit text containing ShiftOut characters, they will not appear on the screen. From the location of ShiftOut, the display switches to the alternate character set which typically is the Line Drawing set. When you press Enter, the terminal or terminal emulator automatically inserts an escape sequence in front of the ShiftOut. The escape sequence is <esc>)B. To get around this problem, you can define another character as a translation for the ShiftOut character. For example, Set Vis SO "|" defines "|" to represent ShiftOut.

When Visual needs to print a ShiftOut on the screen, it prints a "|" instead. When Visual sees any "|" on the screen, it converts it into a ShiftOut internally. To avoid turning every occurrence of the "alias" character in your file into a ShiftOut, Visual prints a "?" for any line with a valid alias already in it and will not let you update that line in Visual mode (use Modify instead).


Set Visual Scrollup 'nnn | "char"


You can enter a minus sign in one (or both) copy/paste columns in full-screen mode. A single character scrolls up the number of lines defined in the |5Set Visual Roll option. Enter 2 minus signs to scroll up twice the number of lines and so on.

The minus sign is the default scrollup character. You can change it to another character that you may find easier to type. It must be a printable character and must not be a valid copy/paste code. Valid codes are: A B C D F G H J M P R V Z ? !. Use Set Visual Scrollup "c" to change the character.

You can enter Set Visual Scrollup "" to reset it back to the default character.


Set Visual Stop

The Set Visual Stop command resets Qedit to an uninitialized state. On your next function, Qedit will re-identify your terminal and re-check the entire context. Use this when changing your terminal configuration while inside Qedit.


Set Visual Tab 'nnn | "char"


If you edit text containing tab characters, most will appear as dots with a "?" at the left of the line. Otherwise the tab characters would be executed by your terminal and be lost. To get around this problem, you can define another character as a translation for the tab character. For example, Set Vis Tab "\" defines "\" as meaning tab.

When Visual needs to print a tab on the screen, it prints a "\" instead. When Visual sees any "\" on the screen, it converts it into a tab internally. To avoid every valid occurrence of an alias character turning into a tab, Visual mode looks for alias characters that already occur in the text. Any line with a valid alias in it is printed with a "?" and Visual will not let you update it (use Modify instead).


Set Visual TAE ON | OFF


To make Visual mode work with Telamon's Type Ahead Engine, use Set Vis Tae On. Qedit sends out a Control-A "A" upon entry to Visual mode and a Control-A "V" on exit. These special codes disable and re-enable the TAE. However, Control-A may be a code for your modem or network and could cause a problem. If you do not have a TAE, the "V" may appear on your screen upon exit from Visual mode.


Set Visual Update ON | OFF [ Except 7 ]


If you find that you are losing work by pressing F5 or another function key before you have saved your screen work with the Enter key, this option is for you. When Set Vis Update is ON, Qedit does an automatic screen update with every function key. This makes it almost impossible to lose your changes, but it does slow down Visual mode. However, you may do *> F7 or *< F7 to move ahead or back one page, without updating the current page. Note: to refresh the screen, type * in the home line before pressing any function key or Enter.

If you want to be able to execute a command via F7 without updating the screen, use Set Vis Update On Except 7.


Set Visual Widen 76 | 80 | OFF


The Widen option controls whether and when Visual will request and use more than 80 display columns on your terminal. For example, you can control whether to switch the 700-series terminal into 132-column mode and widen Reflection's Display Memory. The default value is Set Vis Widen 80, which causes Visual to go into wider-mode whenever Length is greater than 80 columns. Therefore, with this value Visual will switch your 700 series terminal into 132-column mode and expand the width of Reflection's Display Memory. Set Vis Widen Off restricts Visual mode to at most 80 columns.

Reflection version 5.x and later allows you to set the display width to a value between 80 and 512. Qedit can detect this feature and use it whenever possible. Qcterm emulates a 700/92 terminal but supports up to 200 columns. Full-screen mode takes advantage of the extended width when appropriate.

If Visual switches into 132-column mode when the Length value for your file is higher than 80 columns, this means that a Job file with exactly 80 columns will not go into 132-column mode and you won't be able to see columns 77 through 80. However, you can reconfigure Visual to switch into 132-column mode when Length is greater than 76 by doing Set Vis Widen 76.

Some new versions of Reflection will automatically switch into 132-column display when Qedit asks to widen display memory. To have Qedit follow the Set Vis Widen rules, you must have Reflection 4.2 for DOS, Reflection 3.6 for the Macintosh, Reflection 4.0 for Windows; add 20,000 to the value in your RPCVERSION variable. In some versions of terminal emulators, you have to explicitly tell the software which type of graphics adaptor you have. You need to refer to your computer manual, or use the MSD utility program included with newer versions of DOS and Windows. The RCRTMODEL variable is also useful for controlling 132-column mode.

Qcterm emulates a 700/92 terminal and can have a display width of 80, 132 or 200 columns. Qedit takes advantage of these widths when necessary.


Set Visual Wordwrap ON | OFF


The Set Vis Wordwrap option enables wordwrap for new lines. This makes Visual mode much better for entering memos and documentation. If you have Reflection 4.00 for DOS or Reflection 5.0 for Windows, Set Vis Wordwrap allows you to keep typing at the end of your line. There is no need to press Return. The overflow words will automatically be moved to the following line. Words will not be split arbitrarily.

The Reflection Wordwrap feature only works when entering new lines. It does not work with INS CHAR. Because it does not work in Line mode, Qedit enables and disables it as you enter and exit Visual. The Reflection configuration setting called Force-80-Columns must be set to No for Wordwrap to work properly. If you cannot turn off this setting for compatibility with other software, then try Set Visual Widen Off in Qedit.


Set Visual XX [ startline [ / endline ] ]


Set Visual XX defines the lines that should be excluded from the full-screen mode display. Excluded lines are replaced by a single line.

--- Excluded Area --- 10/34.5

This line shows the line numbers which are currently excluded. If no parameters are specified, the current excluded area is reset. An excluded area must have a start and an end line. If only startline is specified, the excluded area is incomplete. An appropriate message is going to be displayed on the status line next time the user goes into full-screen mode.

To complete the excluded area, enter another Set Visual XX command with another line number. This number is going to be used as the endline. Of course, you can specify both startline and endline on a single command.

/Set Visual XX 5      { Sets the start line. XX incomplete. }

/Set Visual XX 10     { Sets the end line. XX=5/10          }

/Set Visual XX 5/10   { Sets XX to 5/10 }

Labels in Line Mode

This is not a Set command, but an environment variable value.

Normally, Qedit always displays the modes keys except within Visual mode. You have the option of displaying the User Keys instead, or removing the labels from the screen. This is done by setting a shell variable before running Qedit:


%setenv RLABELDEFAULT 2                {C shell}

Valid values for this variable are as follows:

 0 don't care, Qedit displays modes

 1 terminal has NO labels (2645)

 2 display user keys

 3 display modes keys

 4 remove labels from screen

 5 display default F1-F8 key labels

 6 display the Qedit labels

These values define which key labels will be displayed when you are in Line mode rather than Screen mode.

Technical Notes

Qedit turns echo off (echo is reset to its previous state on exit), disables the Break key, and disables messages from other users (:Setmsg OFF on MPE and mesg n on HP-UX). Visual disables your Type Ahead Engine (if you have one and have not done Set Vis TAE Off), and puts your HP terminal into block-mode, page-mode, but with Format off. Qedit loads the function keys with their default values, and writes descriptive labels for them.


Set Warnings [ ON|OFF ]

(Default: OFF)

(Initially: ON)

When you put commands in a usefile for an end-user, it is often irritating to have Qedit print numerous warnings and status messages (i.e., Shut Qeditscr, * = 55, Warning: Noline, etc.). Set Warnings OFF will suppress all of those warnings. It also suppresses printing the line when you enter a line number to move the current position (i.e., /55 sets * to 55, but does not print line 55).


Set Whichcomp keyword value ...

(Initially: COBOL, FORTRAN 66, Pascal V, IN Robelle)

This option does not apply to Qedit/UX. It is still accepted for compatibility with the MPE version of Qedit.


Set Window ( [ window ] )

(Default: all columns, exact match)

Set Window establishes the default window, or conditions, for string searches in all Qedit commands. You can override the default by specifying an explicit window in any command (e.g., list ".BEGINKEY" (1/10 UPS) ). Once a window is set, it remains in effect until the next Set Window command. See the Change command and the "Glossary" for further details on window.

The window itself consists of two parts: a range of column numbers to search, and four independently enabled options that determine how to select a line.

 ( [ column / column ] [option ...] )

A column is a number between the Left and Right margins of the file. Qedit searches only the specified range. An option is one or more of these:



select lines with[out] string


upshift before searching [or not]


ensure match is a "symbol" [or not]


string is a pattern to find [or not]


string is a regular expression to find [or not]


The default window is all columns, Nosmart, Noupshift, Match, Nopattern and Noregexp.

A pattern may include at-signs (@) to match anything, # to match a single numeric character, ? to match a single alpha-numeric, and tilde (~, wavy line) to match zero or more blanks. Any other character must be matched exactly. (To match a pattern character itself, precede it with an ampersand: "& ".) For example, to look for "QEDIT" followed by "TOOL" in the same line, use:

/set window (pattern upshift)

/list "@Qedit@Tool@"

Either or both parts of the window can be Set in one command:

/set window (1/10)

/set window (smart upshift)

/set window (1/20 upshift)

/set window (pattern)

To reset the window to the defaults, enter:

/set window ( )


Set Work keyword value ...

(Initially: Block 8, Temp ON, Labels OFF,
Jumbo ON, Random ON, Trailingspaces ON, Size 3200)

Set Work specifies the default size, attributes and functions of Qedit workfiles. Most of Set Work does not apply to Qedit/UX. However, Set Work Jumbo, Set Work Random and Set Work Trailingspaces do apply. The syntax of Set Work is as follows:

Set WORK [ options ]



Control use of Jumbo workfiles

default ON



Control use of random scratch file name

default ON



Preserve or remove trailing spaces

default ON


Jumbo. Jumbo Off disables use of Jumbo workfiles. It can also be used if you want to build an original format workfile. For example,

/set work jumbo off

/new oldfmt

/set work jumbo on

Workfile. By default, Qedit creates a workfile named /var/tmp/qscr.xxxxx whenever it needs it. /var/tmp is used by default. If you want to specify a different location, enter the new path name in the TMPDIR environment variable. Keep in mind that Qedit works with absolute filenames and these names can not have more than 240 characters.


export TMPDIR

You can force Qedit to use only the file named QEDITSCR by using Set Work Random Off.

Trailing Spaces. By default, Qedit preserves trailing spaces on all lines in a variable-length file. Set Work Trailingspaces ON requests that Qedit preserves trailing spaces and make them significant characters. The option also allows creation of odd-length lines.

Once enabled, all workfiles created or opened from that point will have trailing spaces preserved. To check the current status, do:

/Verify Work       { Checks global setting }

Set WOrk Jumbo ON Block 8 Labels OFF Temp ON Size 3200 Random ON

Set WOrk TRailingspaces ON

/Verify Keep       { Checks current workfile }

Set Keep Ascii OFF Cctl OFF COde 0 Lab 0 Num OFF Var ON Checktimestamp ON

Set Keep COBfree ON NAme /home/user1/afile.txt

Set Keep LF ON

/Verify Info

Saved modification timestamp 2003/04/30  13:23:17

Trailing spaces preserved

The last line shows that trailing spaces are preserved in this workfile. If the option is disabled, that line reads Trailing spaces trimmed. Disabling the global setting with Set Work Trailing Off does not disable the option in the workfile. You have to clear the workfile after disabling it.

The Trailingspaces setting is stored in the workfile so it's recognized when the file is opened in the future. These workfiles may contain data specific to Trailingspaces. This may cause unexpected behavior if opened with versions prior to 5.4.11. Because trailing spaces are now treated as significant characters, Keep files created from these workfiles may be different from Keep files created with an older version.


Set Wraparound [ chars | ON|OFF ]

(Default: ON)

(Initially: OFF)

The Wraparound option is intended to make line-overflow in the Add command more friendly. When it is enabled and a line-overflow occurs during entry of new lines, Qedit splits the long line between two "words" and prompts you with the overflow words on the next line. An appropriate continuation line is generated for FORTRAN and COBOL source files. There is no wraparound capability in Visual mode, due to limitations of the HP terminals. The Reflection for DOS terminal emulator, however, can do wraparound in Visual mode. See Set Visual Wrap for details.

The chars option allows you to specify the maximum number of characters you will be able to type before pressing the Return key. You can specify any number of chars between 150 and 5000. When Wraparound is ON, and no chars parameter is specified, the default maximum number of characters that you can type before pressing Return is 256.

When you do an Add command, you can "burst" enter an entire page without looking at the screen. Do not press Return at the end of each line -- just keep typing. Qedit will put the words into lines for you. Press Return once only at the end of each page of text.

At the end of a paragraph (or any other time that you need to do an "end of line"), type Control-C and start typing the next line. Do not put a space after the Control-C unless you want the next line indented. For a blank line, press Control-C twice in succession.

You end the Add command as always by entering "//". Then you may use Visual or Modify to correct any typing mistakes you may have made. Qedit will fill the words into lines that are less than or equal to the current Set Length value. To create lines of a specific length, use Set Lang Data and Set Length.


Set X keyword value ...


(Initially: <null> List ON Tab OFF Local OFF Global OFF)

Set X configures automatic tagging of source changes in COBOL programs. The syntax of Set X is as follows:

Set X [ options ]


define the tag content

default is a null string

List ON | OFF

control the display of tag columns

default ON

Tab ON | OFF

allow manual editing of tag columns

default OFF

Local ON | OFF

tag value saved in workfile

default OFF

Global ON | OFF

allow use of local tags

default OFF


reset global and local tags



To check on the current tag value and options, use Verify X.

If you want all COBOL changes to be tagged, all files must be have Set Lang Cobolx, not Set Lang Cobol. You can enforce this for all users by putting Set Lang Cobolx All On into your Qeditmgr file.

Tag format. The Set X command allows several formats for the date tag, plus the ability to replace, precede or follow the date with a short string. Once you have configured your "X" tag, Qedit will automatically mark all changed lines in COBOLX files with that tag in columns 73 to 80.

The dateform parameter can be any of these options:





22 NOV99


22 Nov99










DDMMMYY and CCYYMMDD occupy 8 characters, but YYMMDD, MMDDYY and DDMMYY occupy only 6. Therefore, the last three can be combined with a string giving your initials, before or after today's date.

/set x "rg" yymmdd       {tag is "rg991122" }

Null vs Blanks

Entering Set X without parameters, Set X Null, or Set X "" effectively turns off the tagging feature. Tags on modified lines are not changed. Lines without tags do not get one. Lines that already have tags retain their current values.

This is different from setting the value to blanks, as in Set X " ". With this setting, tags on modified lines are actually cleared.

List. The List option tells whether the comment tag should be shown during normal editing and listing of lines. The default value is ON, but you can disable listing with S X List OFF. Even though the comment tag is not listed, it is still part of the line and is retained when you Text or Keep the file.

When you edit a COBOLX file in Visual, Qedit sets the right margin in column 72 (instead of column 80). In this way, you can see the comment field (columns 73 through 80) but it won't shift left when you delete characters.

Line Overflow

Tagging can be disabled by specifying an empty string.

Set X Null

Set X ""

While disabled, the text and tag areas are treated as one. As such, edit commands, such as Change, are applied to the complete line.

Also, if a tag is specified and the List option is On, tag values are treated as part of the text.

If a line has a tag value and an edit operation, such as Change or Modify, causes the line to expand, Qedit reports an overflow error. To avoid this, you can Set X to Null, but you would have to remember the previous setting. A better solution is to turn the List option Off temporarily. The X value is preserved, but the tag area cannot be edited.

Margins. For those users who still must enter and edit the tag field manually, Set X Tab On puts Qedit's Visual right margin at column 80 instead of column 72. This makes it much easier to edit those columns because you can tab to them.

Local Tag. Users can define a tag that is specific to the workfile currently opened. The local tag value is stored in the Qedit control blocks. Thus, the local tag is preserved when you Shut the workfile. You can also control the tag display for a specific workfile with the List option.

To enable the local tag option, simply enter

/Set X Local On

From that point, any changes to the tag are recorded in the workfile. The statement above sets the local tag to a null value. You can specify the new value on a similar statement so that it can be used immediately. Because a local tag is workfile-specific, if you switch to a different workfile, the local tag option is automatically disabled and Qedit starts to use the default tag again.

If you want to stop using the local tag, enter Set X Local Off. This clears the local tag value and Qedit starts using the default default tag. Enabling the local option again does not return the tag to its previous value.

If you are strictly using the Text and Keep commands to edit your source files, the information is lost as soon as the workfile is purged or cleared.

Global. By default, users can define their own local COBOL tag. If this is undesirable, system managers can enforce the use of a single tag for all COBOL files by using

/Set X Global On

Once enabled, users are not allowed to use the Local option of the Set X command. They can still use the Set X command, but only the global tag value can be changed.

To allow the use of local COBOL tags again, simply enter

/Set X Global Off

The global tag has priority over any local tag. If you are accessing a workfile with a local tag and you disable the Global option, Qedit resumes using the saved local tag.

/Set X "localtag" Local On

/Verify X

Set X "localtag" Local On Default "ME990204" List ON Tab OFF


/Set X Global On

/Verify X

Set X "ME990204" Global On List ON Tab OFF


/Set X Global Off

/Verify X

Set X "localtag" Local On Default "ME990204" List ON Tab OFF

When the local option is enabled, the first tag shown on the Verify output is the local value. It is followed by the words Local On. The global tag is displayed after the keyword Default.

Null. If you want to reset all COBOL tags currently in use (global and local), use the Set X Null command.

Change Confirmation. The justified option, "SetJ", displays the current X values including the active tag, the default tag and the local tag settings. It applies the changed settings entered on the command and, lastly, it displays the revised settings. When none of the Cobx tags are set, the output is:

Set X values before this command:

Active tag value=, List ON

Default tag value=, List ON

Local tag value. NONE  List  NOT SAVED


Set X values AFTER the command:

Active tag value=, List ON

Default tag value=, List ON

Local tag value. NONE  List  NOT SAVED

The first 4 lines show the current settings. The last 4 show the settings after the requested change has been applied. When there is no tag value, Qedit displays an empty string or the word "NONE". When the List option displays as "NOT SAVED", it means the Local feature is enabled but the List setting has not been explicitly set yet.

If the tag values are set, the result strings are displayed as in:

/set x local off

/set x "GB" yymmdd

/set x local on

/setj x "LC" yymmdd

Set X values before this command:

Active tag value=, List ON

Default tag value=GB011213, List ON

Local tag value. prefix=     suffix=     dateform=0 List  NOT SAVED


Warning:  Local ON: only updates tag for this workfile, not defaults.

Set X values AFTER the command:

Active tag value=LC011213, List ON

Default tag value=GB011213, List ON

Local tag value. prefix=LC   suffix=     dateform=2 List  NOT SAVED

In this example, the first Set command turns Local X off. The second Set command changes the default tag to the prefix "GB" followed by the current date in year-month-day format. The third Set command turns Local X back on and, finally, the SetJ command sets the local tag to the prefix "LC" followed by the date in the same format. Looking at the SetJ output, there is the then-current default tag, "GB011213", with List enabled. There was no local tag and List was not set at that point.

The new local tag is applied and produces a warning. After the change, the active tag is the local one and List is enabled (default value). The default tag is unchanged. The last line provides details on how the local tag was constructed. The List option still shows as NOT SAVED because it has not been changed explicitly after Local X was turned on.

Verify. The Verify command displays detailed information about the local and default settings.

/verify x

Set X Tab OFF "ME011214" List ON

/set x local on

/verify x

Set X Tab OFF Local On "LC011214" List ON Default: "ME011214" List ON


Set Zip characters

(Initially: []@{} )

The Set Zip command changes the special abbreviation keys provided in Qedit. The Zip list of characters is positional and without quotes:


1st character


[ is the default

2nd character


] is the default

3rd character


@ is the default

4th character


{ is the default (see Add)

5th character


} is the default (see Add)

6th character


OFF by default (inactive)


Therefore, the default Zip list is: []@{}. The only way to reset ZIP to its default value is to re-enter these codes in a Set Zip command.

Auto-Modify in Add. The "auto-modify" character (the 6th one) is disabled by default. If you do Set Zip []@{}_ to specify "_" as the "auto-mod" character, whenever you end a command line, or a new text line in Add, with an underline, Qedit puts you into Modify on that line.

For example, Set Zip [%:~+? specifies [ for FIRST, % for LAST, : for ALL, ~ for shift-left, + for shift-right, and ? for auto-modify. You may specify any special characters you like for these functions, but each must be unique and must not conflict with the other characters configured in Qedit (e.g., TAB, $).

Shut Command [SH]

Closes the current workfile. May also rename it.

SHUT [ filename ]

(Default: close with same name)

With no filename parameter, Qedit merely stops editing the current file. Although Qedit will close the current workfile for you when you Open another one, you may sometimes want to Shut explicitly. One thing that Shut does is guarantee that all of your changes are actually posted to the disc and will not be lost if the system fails or you disconnect yourself by attempting to make a phone call on your modem phone. To post your changes to the disc without closing the workfile, specify any shell-command (e.g., ls).

You may want to leave your terminal for lunch, in which case it is a good idea to Shut your current file. You can always use Open * to reopen it when you return.

/shut              {you may shorten Shut to SH}

/open *            {reopen same file later}

If you are using a scratchfile and specify a filename parameter, Qedit saves the scratchfile as a permanent Qedit workfile. In this case, the filename must not exist. If you are using a Qedit file, Qedit renames it before closing.

qux/t myfile1

'Language' is now DATA             {copy of myfile1 in scratchfile}

20 lines in file

qux/sh myfile1

Retained existing file for you.    {myfile1 already exists. No change.}

qux/sh myfile1.work                {renamed to myfile1.work}

qux/open *

Open /home/user1/myfile1.work Current = 1 Margins = 1/80

qux/sh myfile1.newwork

File renamed.


/open crept45.dev    {open source file to edit}

/modify 5/  ...      {make some changes...}

/shut                {close workfile}

Spell Command [SP]

The Spell command is not available in Qedit/UX.

Text Command [T]

Copies a file into Qedit. Use Text to convert a file into Qedit format or to make a copy of an existing file. After a Text, the new copy is "open" and ready to edit or browse.

TEXT  filename [,type]

            filename [,SAVETABS]

            filename [,BROWSE]

            filename [,NEW]

            filename [,SETINCR]

            filename [,LABELS]

            filename [,LENGTH size]

            workfile [,workformat] [ (size) ] = filename [,type]


(J=extra scr file, same as ,NEW)

(Defaults: size = 50% bigger)

If you do not specify a workfile, Qedit checks to see if you have a workfile Open and it is empty. If it is, Qedit will Text filename into it. If not, Text uses the primary scratch file. If you do Text xx,New or TextJ, Qedit creates an extra scratch file to receive the copied file. You can have up to eight extra scratch files (as well as the primary scratch file) and switch among them with Open ?.

Use filename,type to override the attributes that Qedit assigns to your file. Use workfile,workformat to override the attributes assigned to the workfile. See below for details.

The Text command works on any file that you can read, but it truncates records longer than 8,172 columns and prints a warning. You can use Qedit to edit binary files.

The Text filename,Browse command copies a file into Qedit, but it won't let you modify the file. You can use the List command, including List-Jumping, Hold, Visual mode HH and ZZ, and any other Qedit functions that do not modify the file. There are two advantages to Browse mode: it protects you from making unplanned changes to a file, and it does not update the Mod-Date of the file.

An asterisk (*) as filename means the workfile most recently shut.

If you do specify a workfile name, Qedit shuts your current workfile and creates a new workfile to hold a copy of filename.

If you try to Keep the file with its original name i.e. you enter a Keep without a filename, you will get an error.

/Text txtfile,browse


File opened with Browse, please specify a Keep file name

You can still force a Keep by specifying an explicit filename as in:

/Text txtfile,browse

/Keep txtfile

TXTFILE.DATA.ACCT,OLD 80B FA # of records=16

Purge existing file [no]? y


Make copy of source file, change and save it:

/text hwsy.src       {copy Hwsy.Src into scratch file}

/modify 10           {make changes}

/keep                {save changes}

Absolute File Name

When you Text a file, Qedit remembers the absolute path name of the file, not the relative name. This becomes the default for the Keep command. If you Keep with an explicit name, Qedit remembers the absolute path of that name. If you do Set Keep Name xxx to override the default Keep name, Qedit remembers xxx as a relative name, not as an absolute name. This gives you all the options you need to take advantage of the cd command within Qedit.

How to Text Several Files?

Qedit has a primary scratch file that is referred to as "Qeditscr". Any time you take the default options for Opening or Texting a file, your work will be in the Qeditscr primary scratch file.

What if you want to edit two or more files and copy lines between them? You could Text the first file, Hold the desired lines, Keep your changes, then Text the second file and insert the lines. However, if you are doing a large number of edits, the constant Text and Keep operations are inconvenient.

A faster method is to Text each file into an extra scratch file of its own. Then use the Open ? or Open *-n command to switch quickly among them. By default Text always copies the file into the primary Qeditscr scratch file. However, Qedit can supply up to eight extra scratch files. Use the New option (text abcdef,new) or do Text-J (textj abcdef).

The New command can also create extra scratch files. Warning: If you do New;Text file,New you will create two Extra Scratch Files, not one.

Saving Your Work

When you Exit, Qedit checks whether you have any unsaved edits in any of your scratch files. If so, you are prompted to Discard? them, or stay in Qedit to save them. Qedit also asks you to Discard your changes if you Close a scratch file, which removes it from the Open-Stack and purges the file.

Clearing the Workfile

Sometimes Qedit will ask you if it is okay to clear the existing contents of the scratch file and sometimes it won't. If you have not made any changes to the scratch file since you last did a Text or Keep, Qedit assumes that you have another copy of the lines and it is okay to delete the copy in the scratch file.

In batch, the answer to the "Clear?" question will always be "yes". If you know the answer you want, you can append it to the file name parameter just as you do in the Keep command:

/text abc,yes

/text def,no

Using Set Keep for File Attributes

When you Text a file, Qedit remembers as many attributes of the file as possible. When you later Keep the file, Qedit attempts to reproduce the original file. The Text command does an implicit Set Keep command to record what it has discovered about the Text file.

Using TextQ for Numeric Data Files

TextQ means "text quiet" or "text unnumbered" and is the same as using ,UNN after the filename. Use TextQ to edit any data file that may contain numeric digits in the last eight columns. Otherwise, Qedit may interpret those digits as sequence numbers, if the first five records of the file contain data that looks like ascending sequence numbers.

Treatment of Sequence Numbers

Qedit retains whatever sequence numbers it finds in the external file. If Qedit finds an invalid number, it begins assigning new numbers starting from the last valid number and adding Increment.

If the file does not have sequence numbers, Qedit assigns new ones, starting at 1.0 and going up by a calculated increment. The calculated increment is based on the file's current characteristics such as the number of records.

This works well in the majority of cases. However, there are cases where the calculated increment is not accurate enough or the user wishes to have a specific increment. This can be done by setting the increment with the Set Increment command. Then, use the Setincr option on the Text command.

/Text bigfile                {Use calculated increment}

/Set Increment .02           {Set the increment value}

/Text bigfile,Setincr        {Override the calculated increment}

Files with Header Records

Text has an option to skip 1 to 9 records before deciding the "language" of the external file. The format is as follows:

 TEXT lines/filename

 where lines is the number of lines to skip over.

This is useful with source files from external sources, such as IBM machines, that may have control cards without sequence numbers, followed by a numbered COBOL source program. By skipping the control cards, Qedit may recognize the file as a COBOL program, instead of a Job file.

Tab Character

By default, Qedit retains tab characters in a file when it Texts the file. However, another option is to expand the tab characters into spaces (to the next tab as established by Set Tabs Stop). You can expand tabs on a specific file by using the Expandtabs option on the Text (or List or Add-File) command. To force all file accesses to expand tabs, do Set Expandtabs On (the default is Off). With Set Expandtabs On, use the Savetabs option to access a file without expanding tabs into spaces:

/text srcfile,expandtabs

/set expandtabs on

/text dbfile,savetabs  {override Set Expandtabs On}

If you are editing files with tab characters, see Set Vis Tab.

Overriding Qedit's File Type

Sometimes Qedit will interpret the format of the external file incorrectly. You can override the file type that Qedit would assign by appending a file type keyword to the file name:



















forces Jumbo workfile












The keyword may be shortened to any leading substring, but the comma is required. You cannot use this option to force Qedit to warp a file into something that it is not. You can only use it to resolve ambiguities (i.e., between FORTRAN, Pascal, and SPL, which look the same).

/text funny              {this should be a COBOL file}

Language is now JOB      {but it has a file code of 0}

678 lines in file

/text funny,cobol

Language is now COBX

678 lines in file

File Modification Timestamp

When you use the Text command on a file, Qedit stores the file's modification timestamp in the workfile. You can display the timestamp by using the Verify command. Qedit uses the stored timestamp to perform some verification if you try to either Keep the file or Shut and re-open the workfile.

$File Keyword

File names containing special characters might cause problems to Qedit. For example,

/Text file:name

Error:  Extra or invalid character in Text command

If you run into this problem, you can use the $file keyword instead. The $file keyword can be used wherever a file name is expected, such as in Text, Add, List. The syntax is:


$File is a reserved keyword, which is followed by an optional equal sign and the actual file name enclosed in string delimiters. Without doing anything to the string, Qedit tries to open the specified file. The previous example now becomes:

/Text $file="file:name"

10 lines in file

Implicitly Folding Wide Lines

When texting files, Qedit assigns a language to the file. This is done by looking at file characteristics such as the file extension. Each language has a set of predefined attributes. One of these attributes is the maximum line length. As it reads the file in, Qedit is able to detect lines exceeding the maximum length. When that occurs, Qedit folds the line. Characters exceeding the maximum are moved to separate lines.

Since folding lines is equivalent to inserting new lines, Qedit has to renumber the file from that point. When all this occurs, Qedit displays a warning message. For example, if Qedit is texting in a Cobol line which maximum length is 80, a line with 200 characters is going to turn into 3 lines.

qux/t /home/demo/longline.cbl

'Language' is now COBX


Warning:  Found line(s) over 80 characters. Lines folded and renumbered.

Error: line number out of sequence (001200) - renumbering the rest

See line 1.2

16 lines in file

Line 1.2 is the beginning of the long line. The file now looks like this.

1     This is really the first line.

1.1   This is the second line.

1.2   This line is too long. Qedit will split it into multiple lines of roughly

1.3   the same length. Line folding is not smart. In other words, words can be s

1.4   plit in the middle.

1.5   "commit work" cw

Originally, lines 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 were together forming one very long line.

Explicitly Folding Wide Lines

There are 2 file types on UNIX: files with Newline delimiters at the end of each line and files without Newline delimiters. By default, Qedit/UX can not handle files without Newlines or files with lines longer than 8,172 characters. It is possible to edit these files by folding the content into manageable pieces. This is done using the Length option. Use this option to specify the size of each line. The maximum value is 8,172.

When reading the file in, each Qedit/UX read retrieves the specified number of characters until it reaches the end of the file. Lines will all have the same size except the very last line, if the total size of the file is not evenly divisable by the specified size. For example, if the file contains 8,000 characters and the specified Length is 80, Qedit/UX creates 100 lines. If the file contains 8,020 characters, there will be 100 lines of 80 characters and the last line will only have 20 characters.

If the Length option is used, Qedit/UX assumes the file does not have any Newline delimiters even if it actually had some.  These characters are processed as if they were part of the data. In this case, Qedit/UX automatically disables Set Keep LF. To insert Newline delimiters at the end of each line, you can enable the option with

/Set Keep LF On

or use the LF option on the Keep command as in

/Keep myfile,lf

Undo Command [UN]

Reverses the effect of the previous command that modified text, after showing you the command and asking your permission.


(Default: the last editing task)

Undo prints the command to be undone and how many lines it actually updated, added, deleted, and/or renumbered. The commands can only be undone in reverse order, one at a time, and no commands can be skipped. Therefore, you don't have to specify which command to Undo; you are always presented with the next one, then asked if you want to actually undo it.

If you want to see the commands in the Undo Stack, use the Listundo command.

After an Undo, another Undo will cancel the command that was one further back. In this way, you can Undo back to the time the file was first Texted or Opened. If you Undo one step too far, you can cancel your preceding Undo task using the Undo Redo command. This option is accepted until there are no more Undo tasks to be cancelled. Once you enter a non-Undo edit command, you have approved your Undo tasks and they can no longer be cancelled.

Or, you can use Undo All to undo all the updates since the last Text or Open. If you don't like the results after an Undo All, you can put the file back in the edited state by doing another Undo (i.e., you can Undo the Undo All).


/cq "Bob"Robret" all  {mistake in Change}

23 lines changed

/undo                 {reverse Change command}

Command to Undo:  CQ "Bob"Robret" all

   ( Update:8 )       {shows actual update counts}

Undoing Changes in Visual Mode

You can use the Undo command to cancel changes in Visual mode as well as in Line mode. All of the changes you make on the screen before pressing Enter are treated by Qedit as one "undo-able" command, except for cut-and-paste operations. Qedit always executes your cut-and-paste operation last after updating the file with any other changes, no matter what order the changes were made in. This means that you can choose to undo just the cut-and-paste operation, or undo it and all of the other changes. You can continue undoing your previous changes from each Enter, one at a time, until your file is back to its original state.


An Undo cannot be undone, except by Undo All.

The Undo change log is reset by a Text command (but not a Keep), by a Delete All, or by shutting the file. The Undo log is temporary and is not retained if you exit Qedit or log off the system. You cannot go back and undo changes that you made to a file after you leave Qedit.

You can Undo any text-altering commands since the last Text or Open command, except for Delete All. Delete All can be canceled before the next command line is executed using Control-Y.

In the unlikely event that the undo log file (i.e., "undolog") overflows, Qedit will print a warning message and disable the Undo feature. Undo is disabled in batch by default, and active in session usage. Using the Set Undo command you may override this default or disable Undo for a particularly large edit, to save overhead.

/set undo on

/set undo off

Up Command [UP/F2]

Starts "browsing" the current file by displaying one page, starting about six lines forward. You stay in "browse" mode until you enter any command (see List, jumping option).


(F2 key does the same)

In Line mode, Up (or F2) puts you into List-Jumping's browse-mode. The starting location is a few lines ahead of the current position, where the actual number of lines is determined by the Set Visual Roll amount. Qedit displays a screen of text, where the screen size is either 23 lines or what you specify with Set List LJ, then waits for you by asking "More?". Press Return to see the next screen, typing a line number moves you to the screen starting at that line, pressing F2-F6 does the appropriate action, and F8 or "//" or Control-Y or typing any command gets you out of browse-mode. At the "More" prompt, the * "current" line is the last line displayed.

Use Command [U]

Executes part or all of the commands in a file.

USE filename [ rangelist ]

(Q=no display, J=no open error)

(Default: * means current or last workfile, range=all)

Qedit opens filename and reads command lines from it, instead of from Stdin. "*" as the filename either closes the current workfile and Uses it, or Uses the workfile most recently closed, including a scratch file. Execution continues until the last line of the usefile or until you strike Control-Y.

Qedit prints the commands on Stdlist, unless you do UQ. To print instructions to the user even when UQ is in effect, put Q commands in your usefile.


/use fixspell              {execute a list of Changes}

ch "reveiw"review" @       {commands are printed}

ch "corelate"correlate" @

/use $ 30/                 {rangelist, last file}


/use *                     {* = last Open workfile}

/use fixit 2/5             {do lines 2/5 only}

/use compile "extfile"     {do lines with string}

 {See the Q command for a sample usefile that compiles}


The Use command temporarily redirects Qedit's command input device, reading commands from a file. The same features and restrictions apply to the commands in a usefile as would apply to commands typed on the terminal. For example, a command cannot be continued from one line to the next, usefiles do not accept parameters, etc.

The usefile can be of any file type allowed in Text or Add. Although Qedit allows nested usefiles, you cannot have nested loops.

If the usefile does not exist, UJ suppresses the error message that would be printed, allowing optional Use commands in Qeditmgr files.

Verify Command [V]

Prints the status of Qedit, the current workfile, and Set options.

VERIFY [ @ | ALL ]

              [ keyword ...]

(Default: show nonstandard options)

The default is to show the options which are not in their default state. Verify All shows every Set option in the exact form that Qedit accepts (the shortest form is shown in uppercase).

The keywords may be any Set option, or Alias, Exit, Proc, Prog, Run, String, Lastfile, Visual, Version, Z for Zave, or ZZ for the marked range.


/verify            {show nondefault values}

/ver open          {describe the Open workfile}

/ver visual        {Visual mode status and options}

/v @               {print full status on Stdlist}

/verify version    {Qedit version number}

/verify string     {current "string" for F3/F4}

/verify lastfile   {previous file for List $}

/v $               {abbreviation for previous file}

/verify exit       {does Qedit suspend on Exit?}

/verify zz         {currently marked range}

Visual Command [VI/F1]

Switches to full-screen editing at the current line, at a specified line, or at the next occurrence of a specified string.

VISUAL [ linenum | "string" ]

(Default: linenum = *)

Qedit allows you to edit text in "full-screen" mode on most HP terminals that have block-mode, and on PCs equipped with terminal emulators such as Reflection and AdvanceLink. You use the terminal's special keys to edit the screen, instead of using Qedit commands. When the image on the screen suits you, press Enter and Qedit reads the screen and records the changes in your file. For full details, see the "Getting a Quick Start with Full-Screen Editing" chapter.


/visual    {start full-screen editing now}

/vis 45    {start full-screen editing at line 45}


/vi "go"   {find "go" then change to full-screen}


For a help screen that summarizes most of Visual mode, type a "?" in the top screen line (at the ===>) and press the F7 key.

If you are a novice, use Set Vis Update ON. Qedit now automatically reads your updated screen when you browse or use a function key.

Other tips: Do not add more than 60 lines before pressing Enter. If you have trouble at 9600 baud try turning your terminal down to 2400 baud. Avoid the Clear Display key; if you press it by mistake, type "*" in the top screen line and press F7 (this will refresh the screen). To save and restore your function keys, use Set Vis Save ON. To get out of Visual, use the F8 function key.

Visual Blockemulation on HP-UX

This feature does not work on the hpterm terminal emulator at the moment.

As of HP-UX 11.0, HP has dropped support for block-mode terminals. For this reason, full-screen editing as implemented on HP3000 computers only works on HP-UX versions earlier than 11.0. On HP-UX 11.0 or later, full-screen editing is available in Screen mode (Set Visual Screen On) on VT-type terminals or in Visual mode emulation (Set Visual Blockemulation On) on HP-type terminals.

Blockemulation emulates block-mode operations by reading each line one by one instead of reading the whole screen in a single operation. Depending on the type of connection, this process might take a few seconds as the cursor moves down the screen.

In most cases, Qedit is able to detect that block-mode is not available and activates Visual Blockemulation automatically. If it does not, use the Set Visual Blockemulation command.

Visual Blockemulation also has the following limitations:

·         Does not allow more than 20 contiguous blank lines

·         Can not add more than 30 new lines at a time

·         Can not display more than 260 characters on a line

Visual Blockemulation sometimes can not detect it has read all the lines. To workaround this, Qedit assumes that 20 contiguous blank lines indicates a potential transmission problem and stops reading the screen. If you have to insert more than 20 empty lines, make sure you insert less than 20 and hit Enter. Repeat until you have all the lines you need. Of course, you can use the Add command outside of Visual mode.

Similarly, you can not add more than 30 new lines to the current screen before transmitting your changes. Make sure you insert lines in smaller numbers then hit Enter or use the Add command.

Visual Blockemulation can not display more than 260 characters on each line. To edit wider lines, change the Set Left and/or Set Right values.

Right Margin and Display Width

Full-screen mode can take advantage of most features available on the terminal or emulator it's running on. A couple of these features are the ability to adjust the display width and the right margin based on the file's record length. Unfortunately, these features are not implemented equally well on all devices and may cause undesirable behavior.

For example, the hpterm emulator supports display width larger than the standard 80 columns. However, Qedit can not change the display width using the usual escape sequences. Setting the right margin also caused problems for some users. That's why we introduced the RCRTMODEL 1234. This tells Qedit that the terminal can be polled to determine the current display width and has basic block-mode capabilities.

At the same time, we introduced Set Visual Marginfixed. When RCRTMODEL is set to 1234, Marginfixed is automatically enabled. In this case, Qedit does not try to change the display width nor does it change the right margin. It assumes both are set by the user and have the same value. If needed, a user can manually enable Marginfixed on a terminal or emulator other than hpterm.

Words Command [W]

The Words command is not available for Qedit/UX.

Zave Command [Z]

Saves or recalls a string of Qedit commands.

Z [ = [commands] ]

(Default: if no commands, Z= prompts)

Use Z= to save some Qedit commands for later use. Use ";" to combine multiple Qedit commands. If Qedit does not find anything after the "=", it reads the commands from the terminal. Qedit saves the commands and you can execute them again at any time by typing Z. There is only one "Z" in Qedit. When you enter a new Z string, you lose the existing one.

When you type Z with no = sign, Qedit inserts the saved commands in place of Z. The total length of the Z string plus the remainder of the original line must be 80 characters or less.


/z=           {redefine value of Z string}

list */last   {you enter new line of commands}

/z            {use Z to mean "list */last"}


/z=l*-5/*+5   {define z as "list vicinity"}

/fq "trish";z {find string and display around it}

/z=f"`|1@"(p); a*=*; c"`".ent "

              {find string that matches pattern; copy line}

              {change a string in the new line}


You can display and edit the current Z string only if you entered the Z string at the same time as the Z= command.

/z=q "hi"



/redo z=

/Z=q "hi"




Although the line saved in Z need not be a complete command, it is recommended that incomplete strings not be put in Z, as they may be upshifted.

"ListJ *" is a useful command string to save. Just type Z, and Qedit will start listing from your current position. When you find what you want, press Control-Y to stop the listing.

ZZ Command

Marks a block of lines so you can refer to them in any command.

ZZ [ line [ / line ] | OFF ]

ZZ [  [ string range ] | OFF ]

(Q=no display)

(Default: * becomes start or end of block)

ZZ line/line marks a range of lines, while ZZ line marks the start or end of a range. ZZ marks one range only, not a rangelist. To mark a single line, say 5, use zz 5/5.

ZZ OFF cancels the currently marked range, eliminating the half-bright display enhancement in Visual.


/zz  5/10

/change "prog"program" zz


/find "procedure open" (up)

/zz                      {mark start of block}

/find "@end;~{open}@" (pattern up)

/zz                      {mark end of block}

/keep savefile zz        {save block in a file}

/verify zz               {check current range}

/zz off                  {cancel current range}


The marked range is adjusted for Renum operations. Use Verify ZZ or List ZZ to check the currently marked range. ZZ is also valid as a cut-and-paste operator in Visual mode.

Using a string range on a Find command automatically updates the ZZ marker. For example:

/v zz


/find "start"/"end" [

Lines 5/11 saved in ZZ

/v zz

ZZ 5/11

Calculator Command [=]

The calculator evaluates an expression and prints the result.

=expression [,O | D | B | H | A | # % $]

Any command that begins with an equal sign (=) is treated as an expression to be evaluated. An expression consists of numbers and operators, followed by an optional display format. The operators can be addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), or exponentiation (**). The value of the expression is printed immediately on Stdlist.

=20+15             {add two numbers together}


=20*15             {multiply the same numbers}


=20-15             {subtraction}


=20/15             {divide, print precise result}


=20**15            {20 raised to the 15th power}


Order of Evaluation

Unlike most programming languages, the calculator always evaluates the calculation from left to right. This is similar to an electronic calculator, where each keystroke is operated on immediately. You can use parentheses to force the calculator to evaluate the expression in a different order.

=14+16+15/3       {compute an average}


=14+16+(15/3)     {add 14, 16, and the result of 15/3}


=14+((16+15)/3)   {divide 16+15 by 3, then add to 14}



A number in the calculator expression may be followed by a percent sign (%). The calculator assumes that you want to qualify the number as a percentage.

=125*5%           {what is 5% of 125}


=125+125*5%       {add 5% of 125 to 125}


=125+(125*5%)     {oops, we needed to change the order}

Result=131.25     {this looks like the answer we wanted}

The last two examples show the importance of the order in which calculator evaluates the expression. We needed to use parentheses to force calculator to evaluate our expression in the correct order.

Display Formats

A calculator expression may be followed by a comma and a display letter. The default is decimal (#) and the options are Hex ($ or H), Octal (% or O), Double (D), ASCII (A) and Binary (B). With these options, the result is treated as a 32-bit integer.

=10,%            {standard octal format}


=-10,%           {negative number in octal}


=100,$           {hexadecimal}


In Double format, calculator prints the double result as two octal numbers. The first number represents the high-order 16-bits and the second number represents the low-order 16-bits.

=10,d             {treat result as two 16-bit octal words}

Result=%000000 %000012

=1000000000,d     {high-order 16-bits are nonzero}

Result=%035632 %145000

=-10,d            {note negative value, 2's complement}

Result= %177777 %177766

In ASCII format, up to four characters are printed in hexadecimal, decimal, and ASCII display format.


Result=$2020: 32,32 :"  "

=%20161 %72145,a

Result=$2071: 32,113:" q"  $7465:116,101:"te"

In Binary format, the high-order 16-bits are examined. If these bits are not zero, they are printed as two groups of eight bits. A one (1) means that the bit is on and a zero (0) means that the bit is off. The low-order 16-bits are always printed as two groups of eight bits.

=10,b             {high-order 16-bits suppressed}

Result=%(2)00000000 00001010

=-10,b            {note negative value, 2's complement}

Result=%(2)11111111 11111111 %(2)11111111 11110110

=1000000000,b     {high-order 16-bits are nonzero}

Result=%(2)00111011 10011010 %(2)11001010 00000000

Input Format

The calculator supports different input formats for numbers. Octal values are prefixed with a percent sign (%) and hexadecimal values with a dollar sign ($). Decimal is assumed by default, but decimal values may be prefixed with # if desired. An ASCII string of up to 4 characters is entered in quotes. The result of the last calculation is referred to using #.

=%12              {octal 12 or decimal 10}


=%12,o            {octal input and octal display format}




=%177766          {octal number that is really negative}





Result=$6162: 97,98 :"ab"  $6364: 99,100:"cd"

Calculator Help

The calculator offers a number of options. You can refresh your memory on the calculator's abilities by entering

=?                {? gives help}

                  {prints a summary of = functions}

Troubleshooting and Error Messages


When Qedit encounters an error condition, it prints an error message (Error: xxx) or a warning message (Warning: xxx). For file errors, Qedit prints the intrinsic name (Fopen), the file system error number (Err. 50, or a message for common errors) and the file name, if available. An error message will cause the rest of the command line to be skipped, and, in batch mode, will cause Qedit to terminate with an error abort. A warning message, on the other hand, does not stop the rest of the command line from being executed, nor does it cause Qedit to abort in batch mode.


Most error and warning messages are self-explanatory. The older, more cryptic ones are explained below.





The line number that would next be created already exists in the workfile; duplicate line numbers are not allowed. This error often stops an Add command.

Com Name.

The first character of a line or after a semi-colon is not a valid command.


The external file you have referenced does not contain any lines.


Caused by an end-of-file on stdin (e.g., pressing Control-E). This error always terminates Qedit.


Equals sign (=) is missing from the command (example: Add 5 FILE); most are optional.


A command is followed by extra characters when it should be ended (example: A 500?).


Unable to close a new workfile or Keep file.


Unable to perform a control operation (such as logical rewind) on a file.


Unable to get file status.


An invalid file name has been specified (e.g., K 123).


Unable to open a file. Most common reasons are "no such file" and "bad file name" (example: L ABC1234567).


Unable to read sequentially from an external file. There is no good reason for this error that we are aware of.


Unable to read a block from a workfile. Almost always indicates a "broken" Qedit workfile.


The current workfile is full, and the last line added is lost. You are either out of disc space or your file has 65,535 lines (if original-format workfile).


Unable to write to a file (example: L LP,ALL; K KFILE).


Unable to write a block to the current workfile. Probably indicates a confused workfile.

In Use.

The external workfile cannot be accessed, because it is being edited on some other terminal, or someone aborted Qedit with the file open. You can recover such files by Opening them.

'Language' is now xxx

The current language setting has been changed by Open, Text or Set Lang. This may also change the INCR, WINDOW, etc.


The command contains an invalid line number (example: L 5.9999).

LP Open.

Unable to open a file to the LP.


Illegal control character in a Modify line; an ASCII character with a value less than 32, that is not in the Set Modify list of codes.

No Line.

A specific line number is required, but does not exist (example: AJ 100, when line 100 doesn't exist).

No Open.

A workfile must be Opened before any editing can be done.

No Write.

The workfile cannot be Opened with write access. Someone else may be editing the file, or you may not have proper security access to the file.


A data line has been entered (Add, Replace) or created (Change, Modify) that is greater than the maximum length allowed by the current language setting. Or, a file has been Texted that is too large for the workfile (the Text is rejected; you may have to adjust Set Work Block to allow for line lengths greater than 60 bytes average).


A parameter of the command is illegal (example: S Work Size ABC)


A required left or right parenthesis is missing (example: Set Window (Up)). Many are optional.


Unable to load the procedure named from the library specified; you may have specified the wrong library, or spelled the procedure name incorrectly (example: P ROUTINE-1,S,1).


In a range, the second line number is less than the first (example: List 4/3).


The file just Opened was not closed properly the last time it was used; the file is being recovered. See Open command.


An illegal size in a new workfile (example: New ABC(1B3)).


The string is not correctly formatted; either the ending quote is missing, or the string is too long (example: C 1,"ABC!,510).


Format error in the target area of the Change command (example: C 53,"ABC",1).

Too High.

In Renumber, the starting line number is too high. Qedit cannot find an increment small enough to renumber all of the lines in the file. (example: Ren 99999). Choose a lower starting line number.


Format error in column search window (example: Set Window (1020,MART)).


Quit Errors

After serious file system errors, Qedit will print the file system error and the following message, and then abort:

Warning: This error can only occur if 1) your UNIX file system is

corrupted, 2) your hardware has problems, 3) you have exceeded your

disc space limits, or 4) Qedit has a bug.

Make a copy of your workfile before attempting to Open it again.

If Open does not recover it satisfactorily, contact Robelle.

Errors in Visual

There are a number of problems that you may encounter when using Visual. We have tried to list all of them here.

Using Visual with X.25

When configuring X.25 pads, be certain to configure large enough buffers. Visual can transfer up to 30,000 bytes in a single read (see Set Visual Buf).

Using Visual on HP-UX

Visual mode should work on HP-UX, providing you have an HP terminal or an HP terminal emulator. You must configure your terminal for Transmit and Receive XON/XOFF Pacing or you risk file system errors.

You must also configure the host prompt to be a DC1 (Control-Q). Because there are few block-mode applications for HP-UX, the host prompt is often configured as null.

Terminals Supported by Visual

Visual will work on most HP terminals with block-mode, such as the 700/9x, and 2392. It also works on most emulators of HP terminals, such as Reflection for DOS, Windows, and Macintosh; AdvanceLink for DOS and Windows; and Session for Windows and Macintosh.

Visual may work over DS, but only one machine away and only if you define sufficient buffers for your DSLINE.

Visual does not work on the 2640/41/44, 2621, 125, 120, 110, or the 700/4x terminals.

Problems with 700/9x Terminals

Occasionally a 700/92 or 700/94 terminal will refuse to work properly in Visual mode. Symptoms include Qedit saying that it is not a supported terminal, or giving the infamous "No // at end" message, when the "//" is clearly on the screen. We have found that resetting the terminal to factory default settings sometimes sets this right again. This is more than a regular soft or hard reset, more than turning the terminal off and on: it is a special reset, involving a reboot of the terminal firmware from ROM.

Verify the baud rate at which the terminal is configured, then log off the host, and power off the 700/9x terminal. Wait a few seconds, then turn the terminal back on WHILE HOLDING DOWN THE "D" KEY. Keep the "D" key pressed until you hear a beep. The terminal will show the message "default configs used". Set the baud rate, and ensure that the Xmit Pacing and Recv Pacing fields are both set to XON/XOFF. Log on again and try Qedit Visual mode.

Visual Error Messages

Here are the messages that may appear if you encounter errors in Visual mode.

Define String: press Home Up, Clear Line, type "string", press Enter. You cannot use F3 or F4 (Findup, Find) until you have defined and found the string once. Press Home Up, type "string" (or ^"string" for Findup), then press F7 or Enter.

Parameter missing or illegal in home line. You have typed a command in the home line that Qedit cannot understand because it is incomplete or typed incorrectly.

Not enough line numbers to add new lines. If you add too many lines in one area, Qedit can run out of unique line numbers to assign to new lines. Check that Set Vis Renum is ON (it is by default). Unfortunately, even this will sometimes not make room. In this case, Qedit writes your screen image to a disc file named qscreen (the file is temporary on MPE) and does not update the lines.

A recovery method is to renumber that part or all of your file and then copy in the lost lines from the qscreen file. Since qscreen contains a screen image, you will need to remove certain rows and columns to extract the raw text:

 Press F8 to return to Line mode

/renum all;list *-10/*+10

/list qscreen            {now select line range to copy}

/add 100.10=qscreen 5/23 {text lines only}

/change 1/4 "" 100.10/*  {remove columns}

No // at the end, so no UPDATE (see qscreen).

If you press the Clear Display key and then press Enter, Qedit will read your screen and object to it. Qedit looks for // in the first two columns of the last screen line -- the one containing the column template. If Qedit does not find these two slashes, it concludes that you have done a Clear Display, or deleted the template line, or typed in so many new lines or characters that Qedit does not have a big enough buffer to read the entire screen. Qedit then appends your screen image to the qscreen file and does not attempt to update the lines. If the Clear Display was legitimate, type // in column 1 after the last line.

Missing or invalid status line, no UPDATE (see qscreen). Under some circumstances the start of the status line is not transmitted properly to Qedit, even though the rest of the screen is okay. Therefore, Qedit now looks for the line number field in the status line, enhanced as Inverse Halfbright. If that is not found you will get the message "Missing or invalid status line". Your screen has not been updated, but it has been appended to the qscreen file. You can do list $char qscreen to see what was actually received by Qedit or to recover your lines.

Home line (===>) not transmitted, no UPDATE (see qscreen). If Qedit detects the status line as the first line of your screen, you will get the error message "Home line (===>) not transmitted". This either means that you deleted the home line or data was lost at the start of your transmission or you inserted too many lines with Set Vis Cleardisplay Off. Your screen has not been updated, but has been appended to the qscreen file. You can do list $char qscreen to see what went wrong or to recover the data.

NO UPD: bad format left 4 columns (see qscreen). Qedit uses + and - indicators in columns 1 and 2 to keep track internally of which line on your screen has which line number. If you move the lines around (not using cut-and-paste) so that these indicators are out of sequence, Qedit objects. Qedit does not update your lines, but it does write them to qscreen. If you move lines around on the screen, you should erase the +n to -n indicators.

Cannot update. To Exit, press * F7 (refresh), then F8 (exit). Set Vis Update is ON and you have pressed F8 to exit. However, Qedit is unable to update the current screen likely due to the bad screen format described above. To exit, first refresh the screen (* in the ===> line, press F7), then press F8 again.

Inconsistent or badly formed cut-and-paste task (DD/MM/CC/HH). If you put both a CC and an MM on the same screen, you will get this error message. It means that the indicators you have used do not combine in a logical way. Check the Status line to see what cut-and-paste function is pending. You may also see this message if you enter an unknown indicator (e.g., NN instead of MM).

Duplicate cut-and-paste task; press F7 to reset DD/MM/CC/HH. Only one cut-and-paste function is permitted per update. For example, you cannot copy a block of lines to the Hold file with HH, and on the same screen use R to replicate a line.

Cut-and-paste operations are limited to 32000 lines or less. The maximum number of lines that you can move, copy, hold or delete in a single task is 32000.

Problem accessing Hold file; unable to cut-and-paste. When you use HH, HJ, AH, BH, PH, or FH, Qedit must access a temporary file called Hold. When you use MM, CC, DD, JJ, RR, A0, B0, F0, or P0, Qedit must access a file called Hold0. This message means that an error has occurred in accessing this file. Does another process in your session have it open? Or are you out of disc space?

File full. Part update. Suggest Exit, see qscreen. If you add enough lines to a workfile, eventually it will fill up! Visual will then be unable to add in the new lines from your screen. When this happens, Qedit appends a copy of your screen image to the qscreen file (from this file you can recover the lines that were not added, if you desire). To expand a workfile named ABC, do Text ABC and Shut *.

File nearly full! Qedit will warn you when your workfile has only a block or two left. This is your advance warning that soon you must do a Garbage collection in your workfile, or expand the workfile.

Read error on CRT. Try again or reduce speed. Screen mode only works with HP-type terminals and emulators. If you use a VT terminal or emulator, you should use Screen mode for full-screen editing. Refer to the appropriate section for a discussion on working with VT terminals.

You might also get this error if you run certain combinations of HP-UX and the Windows 95 TCP/IP stack. If you think you might be in this situation, please contact our technical support staff for details.

File Formats


This appendix describes the format of Qedit workfiles and external files.

Qedit Workfiles

The Qedit workfile provides both random and sequential access to variable-length lines of text. The workfile is broken into blocks. Each block contains several Qedit lines (the exact number depends on the length of the lines). The lines in a block have contiguous line numbers and are extracted from the block by Qedit.

Block 0 of the workfile has a special format because it contains the control and indexing information.

The first Qedit line is always in block 1, and the start of block 1 points to the next sequential block in the file, which need not be block 2. Each block points to the next, and end-of-file occurs when the forward pointer is zero.

There are three different formats of Qedit workfiles: original, Jumbo, and Wide-Jumbo. All formats work in Qedit for MPE and Qedit for HP-UX, but the default for MPE is the original format while the default for HP-UX is Wide-Jumbo.

Original Format Workfiles

The original Qedit workfiles have a block size of 512 bytes and can hold up to 65,535 lines with a maximum length of 256 characters.

Within an original format data block, the structure is as follows:

Word Within Block    Contents            Comment

      (000)      Forward-pointer   First word in block

      (001)      Line-number       First word of first line

      (002)        (cont.)

      (003)      Data and Indent   Descriptor for first line

      (004)      "AB"              Contents of first line

      (005)      "CD"

      (...)        (cont.)


 (Data+003)      "YZ"              End of first line

 (Data+004)      Line-number       Start of second line

 (Data+005)        (cont.)

 (Data+006)      Data and Indent

 (Data+007)      "12"


      (...)      "89"              End of last line

      (...)      Binary-zero       Unused portion of block.

      (...)        (cont.)         Binary-zeros are missing

      (255)        (cont.)           if the block is full.

The following definitions are used above:

Forward-pointer: block number of the next block (16-bit unsigned).

Line-number: a 32-bit integer containing the line number in binary (1,000 = 1.0).

Data: the number of words of data in the line (byte).

Indent: number of full words of blanks before the data (byte).

Qedit Version Number

Open stores the version number of the Qedit program file into the workfile that it opens. A 16-bit integer is stored at word offset 363 of Block 0. The format is, for example, 4258 for version 4.2.58, 4300 for 4.3, and 4301 for 4.3.01.

Jumbo Workfiles

The Qedit Jumbo workfile is an extension of the original Qedit workfile. This format allows files to be up to 1,000 characters wide, and up to 99 million lines long. The blocks are 1024 bytes long instead of 512.

Wide-Jumbo workfiles allow lines of up to 8,172 characters and limit the number of lines to 99 million. The blocks are 8,192 bytes long instead of 1,024 for Jumbo workfiles.

As in the old Qedit format, each block in Jumbo or Wide-Jumbo contains several Qedit lines (the exact number depends on the length of the lines). The lines in a block have contiguous line numbers and are extracted from the block by Qedit.

Block 0 of the workfile has a special format because it contains the language of the file and the number of lines, and provides indexing.

The first Qedit line is always in Block 1, and the first word of Block 1 points to the next sequential block in the file. Each block points to the next, and end-of-file occurs when the forward pointer is zero.

Within a data block, the structure is as follows:

Word Within Block    Contents            Comment

      (000)      Block type        First double-word in block

      (002)      Forward-pointer   Second double-word in block

      (004)      Line-number       First word of first line

      (005)        (cont.)

      (006)      Data length       Descriptor for first line

      (007)      Indent

      (008)      "AB"              Contents of first line

      (009)      "CD"

      (...)        (cont.)


 (Data+004)      "YZ"              End of first line

 (Data+005)      Line-number       Start of second line

 (Data+006)        (cont.)

 (Data+007)      Data

 (Data+008)      Indent

 (Data+009)      "12"


      (...)      "89"              End of last line

      (...)      Binary-zero       Unused portion of block.

      (...)        (cont.)         Binary-zeros are missing

      (511)        (cont.)           if the block is full.

The following definitions are used above:

Forward-pointer: block number of the next block (32-bit unsigned).

Line-number: a 32-bit integer containing the line number in binary (1,000 = 1.0).

Data: the number of words of data in the line (16-bit word).

Indent: number of full words of blanks before the data (16-bit word).

External Files

As well as its own workfiles, Qedit recognizes "external" files of other formats (in List file, Add 5=file, Text file, etc.). When Qedit opens an external file, it determines the language of the source program in that file according to the following chart. Files with a ".cbl," ".cob", ".CBL" or ".pco" extension are treated as COBOL source files. In this case, Qedit does not assume there is a sequence number in the first 6 columns; it checks the first 5 lines of the file. The .pco extension is typically used to identify Cobol source files that needs to be processed by the Oracle pre-compiler.

If the lines contain only numeric digits in these columns, Qedit assumes the file contains sequence numbers and uses them appropriately. These numbers are written back to the file when a Keep command is executed.

If the lines only contain spaces in these columns, Qedit assumes the file is unnumbered and automatically assigns numbers during the Text operation. If some of the lines have a sequence number already, this number is replaced with Qedit's calculated number. When the file is saved, the sequence numbers are replaced by spaces.

If the first 6 columns do not contain either numeric digits or spaces, Qedit assumes the file is free-format and assigns it line numbers in the same way that numbers are assigned to Text files. The file format might change on a Keep command, depending on the Set Keep Cobfree option.

When accessing files, Qedit checks the extension of the file, if any. It then tries to determine the language based on the extension. Currently, the following languages are recognized:







H, C













Extensions are not case-sensitive i.e. cbl is the same as CBL.


Record Size (bytes)

Leading Columns (1-6) Contain

Last 8 Columns of First Line

Current Language Setting*

File Code / Ext.

Num / Unn?

















6 digits







6 digits



not ext.




no digits

no digits






no digits

8 digits






no digits

8 digits






no digits

8 digits

not Ftn/Pas





6 digits







no digits







no digits







no digits


not Ftn/Pas





no digits

no digits






8 digits







8 digits







no digits







no digits or spaces







no digits







no digits







no digits







no digits







 * see Set FORTRAN ON.

In this table, the "File code / Ext." column indicates how Qedit determines which language to use. Code means it uses the file code only. Ext. means it uses the file extension only. Both means it checks the file code and the file extension.

Qedit maps an ASCII external file into one of these file formats. Qedit checks the last eight columns of each of the first five lines for an ascending sequence number. If five lines with valid sequence numbers are found, the file is treated as a Numbered file. Qedit may sometimes mistake a data file for a source file with sequence numbers. If there is an ambiguity in identifying the language of an external file, you can direct Qedit to the proper choice by appending a file type to the file name in the Text, List, and Add commands. For example, /List abc,unn;Text def,pascal.

External files with 80-character records and no valid SPL sequence numbers are treated as RPG files, if the current language setting is RPG; otherwise, they are treated as JOB files.

Regular Expressions


Regular expressions might look like wildcards used in the Pattern search option. Regular expressions are sometimes compared to wildcards but, in fact, they are much more powerful and can be much more complex. You have to practice in order to use them efficiently and to their full potential. For brevity, we will often refer to regular expressions simply as regexp.

In Qedit's line-mode, you can use regular expression in most places where you can use a string or pattern. In fact, you specify regular expressions in Qedit similar to the way you specify patterns, by specifying the "regexp" keyword in a window:

/list "Robel+e"(regexp)  {Robelle or Robele}

/change "[rR]obel+e?"(reg) "ROBELLE"  {robell Robele...}

Although all regexp implementations share a basic set of metacharacters and syntax rules, other tools and programs might have different extensions and variations than Qedit. For example, the alternation metacharacter "|" (equivalent to an "or" function) is not provided in Qedit. As the first implementation of regular expressions in Robelle products, this version of Qedit might not have all the extensions you are currently familiar with. We will be looking at other tools as we explore the possibility of extending our own implementation in future releases.

If you are interested in learning more about regular expressions, you should get a copy of Mastering Regular Expressions written by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl and published at O'Reilly & Associates, Inc. This book covers most regular expression implementations, the differences between each one, how most regexp engines work and some tips on how to get the best performance from each type.


Qedit supports the following metacharacters:



Start-of-line anchor


End-of-line anchor


Matches any character


Optional character


Matches zero or more of the preceding character


Matches one or more of the preceding character


Start a character class


End a character class


If first character in character class, negate class


Subpattern start


Subpattern end


Anchor Characters.

In general, a regexp can find a match anywhere in the text as long as it appears on a single line. There are two exceptions to this rule. The start-of-line (^) and the end-of-line ($) anchors. They are called anchors for very good reasons. These anchors actually indicate that the match must occur at fixed positions within the line.

The start-of-line anchor specifies that the string must appear at the very beginning of the line. If you enter


the line will be selected only if the string "abc" is the first thing on the line. Thus,

abcdefghij         {will be selected}

xyzabc             {will not be selected}

Similarly, the end-of-line anchor specifies that the string must appear as the last thing on the line. In this example,


the lines must end with the string "abc." There must not be anything else after it, not even spaces.

abcdef             {will not be selected}

xyzabc             {will be selected}

You can combine the anchors to verify that lines contain only a certain string and nothing else. Simply use


Every line has a start and an end anchor. If you search for the start or the end anchor (^ or $) by itself, Qedit matches all the lines in the file.

TIP: If you edit your file in full-screen mode with Set Visual Home Off, searching for the start-of-line anchor moves to the next line and puts the cursor at the first position. If you search for the end-of-line anchor, Qedit goes to the next line and puts the cursor after the last character on the line (if the last character is visible).

If the anchor characters are used anywhere else, they lose their metacharacter status and become ordinary characters.

Match Any Character.

The period, or dot, is used to match any character. The character can be of any type. As long as there is something in that position, there will be a match. For example,


selects any line that contains the strings "abc" and "xyz" separated by a single character. That character can be anything (e.g., 1, w, #, etc).

Optional Character.

You can check the absence or presence of a character by following it with a question mark (?). In a regexp, the question mark indicates that the preceding character is optional. If it is present, it must appear only once.

ab?c      {matches only "ac" and "abc"}

Repeating Characters.

There are different ways you can check for the repetition of characters. If there is potential for a character to appear more than once, you can use the asterisk (*) or the plus sign (+) quantifier. These quantifiers are applied only to the character to their immediate left.

There is a very small difference between the two quantifiers. The asterisk represents zero or more occurrences of the preceding character. In other words, the character is optional, but, if it is there, it can appear multiple times. The plus sign represents one or more occurrences. This means the character must appear at least once, but it can appear multiple times.

ab*c      {matches "ac," "abc," "abbc," etc.}

ab+c      {matches "abc," "abbc," but not "ac"}

Character Class

When you have to check for a fixed string of characters, it is easy enough to simply type it at the actual regexp. Entering "abc123" will only find exact matches. What if you want to find the string "abc" followed by a numeric digit? There are no specific metacharacters for digits or alphabetic characters. However, regular expressions have a concept called character class to address these issues. Actually, character class is a lot more powerful and flexible than metacharacters for specific types of text.

A character class is enclosed between brackets. The closing bracket can be left out. However, it is good practice to code it explicitly to avoid ambiguity.

Note that most regexp metacharacters listed above lose their meaning inside a character class. The start-of-line anchor acquires a different definition and a new metacharacter, hyphen (-), appears.

A character class is a list of possible values for a specific position in the string. The character class can be as long as needed. A character class for numeric digits would be


Note, the list does not have to be in sorted order. You could have entered the digits in reverse order or in random order and the character class would still be valid. It is just harder to verify that all digits are included. Similarly, a character class for lowercase letters would be


It is really important to understand that a match occurs if one of the characters in the class is found. Using the "abc" example above, if we want to find this string followed by a digit, we would enter

abc[0123456789]    {matches "abc0", "abc1", etc.  to "abc9"}

To further restrict the search, we could have used

abc[13579]         {matches "abc" followed by one odd digit}

Because a character class is only a list of possible values, you can mix and match all the characters in the ASCII code table.

p[imy246!.*]e      {matches "pie," "pme," "p4e," "p*e," etc.}

This example would find text starting with the letter p and ending with an e that encloses a single character matching one of the letters a, m or y, one of the digits 2, 4 or 6, an exclamation mark (!), a period (.) or an asterisk (*). Note the period and asterisk are not metacharacters anymore.

Of course, if the character class contains many possible values, it can be tedious and error-prone to enter each character. The hyphen is a character-class metacharacter that can be used as a range indicator. Simply specify the first and last characters in the range. Numeric digits could then be coded as [0-9]. Lowercase letters could be coded as [a-z]. You can also combine ranges with single values, as in


A character class range is based on the ASCII character set. You could specify a range of


and it would be perfectly valid. In this case, the range would include all uppercase letters, a series of special characters ([,\,],^,_,`) and all lowercase letters. Typically, you would enter the character with the smallest ASCII value as the lower limit and the character with the largest value as the upper limit. Qedit accepts characters even if they are reversed (i.e., the largest value first) as in:


Qedit detects this situation and swaps the values internally so [a-z] and [z-a] are really equivalent. To avoid ambiguity, it is recommended that you use the first format.

The hyphen is interpreted as a range indicator only if it is at a logical place between two other characters. If it is somewhere else in the class, it is used at face value.

[-a-z]      {hyphen and lowercase letters}

[a-z-]      {lowercase letters and hyphen}

[a-z-9]     {lowercase letters, hyphen and digit 9}

[a-z0-9]    {lowercase letters and digits 0 to 9}

Negated Character Class.

The caret (^) takes on a different meaning inside a character class. It is used at face value anywhere in the class, except if it is the first character in which case the caret negates the whole class. This means a match is found if the text does not contain any of the characters in the class.

p[246^]e           {matches "p2e", "p^e", etc.}

p[^246]e           {matches "pae", "p3e", etc.}

In the last example, the caret negates 2, 4 and 6. The regexp is true if the text starts with the letter p, ends with the letter e and encloses a single character that is not 2, 4 or 6.

Repeating Character Class.

Because a character class is interpreted as a single character, you can use the optional (?) and quantifier (* and +) metacharacters to further qualify a character class. For example, if we want to allow one or more numeric digits after the "abc" string, we could use the following regexp:


Escape Character

Other characters used in a regular expression might also have special meanings. The most important one is probably the escape character. In Qedit, the backslash is the escape character. A metacharacter, however, loses its special meaning if preceded by a backslash. In the example,


square brackets indicate a character class. This regexp would match "abc1," "abc2" or "abc3." If we escape the square brackets as in


the square brackets are then used as literals. This means they are now part of the string. The only matching value is then "abc[123]."

If you want to search for a backslash, simply enter two of them in a row (\\). The only exception to this is the start-of-line metacharacter. Because it (^) is also a valid escaped sequence (see next section), there is no way to tell Qedit to search for the caret as a literal. You should use an expression with the corresponding hexadecimal value.


Escaped Sequences in Regular Expressions

The escape character can be combined with other characters to represent nonprinting characters. Qedit recognizes the following escaped characters: (These should not be confused with escape sequences that control the display on HP-type terminals. They are also not metacharacters.)





ASCII escape character (ESC)


Form feed


New line (line feed)


Carriage return




Horizontal tab


1-3 octal digits representing a character's ASCII value


1-3 hex digits representing a character's ASCII value


Control code (e.g., Control-G (^G) is the Bell character)


 For example, you would use:

\t          {all lines with a tab character}

\e&d@&      {terminal escape sequence ESC&d@}

Escaped characters can be used anywhere an ordinary character is used, including a character class and to declare a character range.

Backreferences in Regular Expressions

We have seen basic expressions in which almost everything revolves around single characters of text. Even character class lists are really used to match a single position.

You can use parentheses to divide a long regular expression into smaller portions. Each portion then becomes a regexp on its own. This does not affect the way a string search is done. However, each subpattern can then be used in a replacement operation.

Subpatterns are numbered from 0 to 9. Subpattern 0 is reserved and represents the complete matched string. Note that subpattern 0 is implicit and is always available, even if the expression does not contain parentheses. Explicit subpatterns are numbered from 1 to 9, starting from the left of the expression.

Subpatterns can be referenced in a replacement regexp by using the escape character, a backslash, followed by the subpattern number. When applying the replacement string, backreferences are substituted with the actual matching text. Backreferences can be used as many times as needed. Each reference ends up with the original text.

Let's say we have a file that contains a series of phone numbers. In North America (and possibly other countries), phone numbers contain a 3-digit area code followed by a 3-digit exchange number and, finally, a 4-digit individual number. Unfortunately, in our case, the phone numbers are just series of 10 numeric digits without separators. For example,




We would like a fast and easy way to format them so that the numbers are easier to read. To find all these strings, we can use the following regexp:


We use the [0-9] character class to specify that we are expecting only numeric digits.

In this example there are three subpatterns in the regexp. Each subpattern is enclosed in a set of parentheses.

The first subpattern (\1) repeats the numeric character class 3 times. It represents the digits in the area code. The second subpattern (\2) also has the character class repeated 3 times. It represents the exchange number. The third and last subpattern (\3) repeats the character class 4 times. It represents the individual number.

Subpattern \0 represents all 10 digits.

To reformat this information, we can now combine backreferences with other characters to arrange the numbers any way we like. Let's say we want to put the area code in parentheses, insert a space after it and insert a dash (-) between the exchange number and the individual number. We would use the following substitution string:

(\1) \2-\3

The list would appear as follows:

(123) 456-7890

(111) 222-4444

(908) 737-4456

You can use subexpressions to reorder the text in lines. For example, if we want to reverse the telephone numbers (show the last four digits first, then the first three digits of the telephone number, followed by the area code), we could use

Last: \3 Middle: \2 Area: \1 Complete: \0

This substitution string produces the following list (assuming that we started with the same data in this example and used the same regexp):

Last: 7890 Middle: 456 Area: 123 Complete: 1234567890

Last: 4444 Middle: 222 Area: 111 Complete: 1112224444

Last: 4456 Middle: 737 Area: 908 Complete: 9087374456

Escaped Characters in Replacement String

Escaped sequences can also be used in the replacement string of a Change command, making it easier to insert special characters.

All escaped sequences are valid in the replacement, except for octal values (these are coded using octal digits). For example, "\007" can be used to represent the bell character. However, backreferences in the replacement string are represented by \n, where n is a digit from 0 to 9. Because of that, \007 might be interpreted as backreference \0 followed by the literal 07 (bell character).

To work around this limitation, a backslash followed by a digit in a replacement string is always assumed to be a backreference. To specify special characters using numeric values, you should use hexadecimal notation (e.g., \x007).

Qedit Glossary


Certain symbols and terms are common to many Qedit commands. They are defined here, in alphabetical order.

The slots for variables within the command definitions are highlighted in the text. You replace these variable fields with your real-life item. For instance, the syntax for the Use command is "Use filename". You replace the term filename with any valid filename. For example,

 /use sample.quse



You can abbreviate many Qedit commands. You can shorten command names, for example, to a single letter, unless more than one command starts with the same letter. If that's so, enter enough of the command name to distinguish it. The reserved words First, Last, and All can be replaced by [, ] and @ in Qedit commands. Sometimes you can even dispense with the command completely: /? means help, /\ means back one line, /55 means go to line 55, /"string" means find this string, /^"string" means search backwards for this string, and a simple Return means go ahead one line.


Although Qedit is primarily designed for interactive editing, all commands except Visual can be used with stdin or stdlist redirected. If either stdin or stdlist is redirected, Qedit assumes that it is in batch mode. There are two differences in operation:

An error causes Qedit to terminate in batch mode, but only skips the current command line in session mode;

Where a "Yes-or-No" question is asked in session mode (e.g., "Clear?"), the question is printed with an implicit "Yes" answer in batch mode (e.g., "Clear? Yes").

In both session and batch, a "warning" message is nonfatal. Set Autocont ON causes errors to be nonfatal in batch mode. New work lines can be Added in batch, but because Control-Y cannot be used, the Add should be ended with "//".


Qedit will treat any command that begins with an equal sign ("=") as an expression to be evaluated. To add two numbers together:


Result= 637.0

An expression consists of numbers and operators. The operators can be addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), or exponentiation (**). The value of the expression is printed immediately.

For a complete description of calculator, type help calc.


Individual character positions within lines are called columns and have column numbers. See template for a method of drawing a column template above any line. Column numbers are referenced in the Change command and string windows. For example:

/change 1/4 "" 23                      {delete first 4 columns in line 23}

/change 1 " " 4/9                      {insert 2 columns at front}

/l "begin"(1/10)                       {find "begin" in first 10 columns}

A column is an integer number between the lowest column of the line and the highest column. The lowest column number is 7 for standard COBOL, and 1 for SPL, FORTRAN, Pascal, RPG, Text, COBFREE, Data and Job files. The highest column number is 72 for standard COBOL, SPL, Pascal and FORTRAN files, 1,000 for COBFREE, 256 for TEXT, 80 for COBOLX, RPG and Job files, and 8,172 for Data files. When in doubt as to column numbers, use LT to list a line with column headings. Shorthand: (1) = (1/1), ([/30) = (first column/30), (30/]) = (30/last column).

Using Set Left column and Set Right column, you can set margins in specific columns. Any existing data beyond the margins is retained, but new lines added will have blanks outside the margins.


Qedit accepts two basic types of commands: those such as Add, Change and Text that can be combined on a line using semicolon to separate them; and those such as who and ls which can only appear once on a command line because semicolon is reserved for separating parameters.

/text abc;modify 5                     {two Qedit commands}

/ps                                    {one shell command}

/new abc;who                           {Qedit and shell command}

We call the first style "qedit" commands and the second style "shell" commands, although they are all equally Qedit commands. With the first style, the command name can usually be abbreviated to one letter (Add is A), although some commands require several letters (Findu for Findup). With the "shell" style, the command name must usually be spelled out completely.

/vi                                    {"vi" means Visual}

/c "abc"xxx" all                       {"c" means Change}

/ls                                    {means show files, not lsort}

Control Character

You create a control character by holding down the Control key while you strike another key. Control plus "A" generates Control-A. These are normally nonprinting characters, but they may do things to your terminal. For example, Control-G rings the bell. We assume that Control-Y is your interrupt character and that you do not use Control-D for end-of-file. Qedit uses control characters for a number of purposes:

In Modify, control characters specify the edit functions:

·         Control-D for delete, Control-B for before, etc.

·         Control-Y stops execution of the current Qedit command.

·         Control-H causes the cursor to backspace one position in the current line.

·         Control-I skips to the next tab position.

·         Control-X cancels the current input line.

·         Control-S pauses a listing that is printing too fast for you to read.

·         Control-Q resumes a listing that you have paused with Control-S.

Editing control characters can be tricky. If you use Set Editinput to clean your text of line "noise", Qedit will not let you enter control characters in Add or Replace. If you use Modify, it treats all control characters as edit functions. If you use Visual, the block-mode terminal strips all control characters from the text. There are three things that you can do: 1) use Set Decimal ON and insert control characters using Change "$" '26, 2) use Set Editinput Data OFF and enter them using Display Functions in Add and Replace, and 3) use Set Mod Qzmod and insert them using Control-W, Control-P (put).


CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) is a generic term used to refer to the terminal. It refers equally to "real" HP terminals, clones of HP terminals made by other companies, and PCs that run terminal emulation software.

Current Line

The current line is the line you last accessed. You can refer to it using the special character "*" instead of a linenum. For most commands, * is also the default rangelist. For example, VIS sends you into full-screen mode around the current line.


When Qedit asks you a question, it puts the "default" answer in brackets (e.g., Purge file? [no] ). The default is usually the option that would do the least harm to your file. That is, "do not complete the task", "do not erase the file", or "do not upshift the line". If you press Return to the question, Qedit will take the default. In batch processing, there is no one available to answer the question, so Qedit must decide on the proper answer for you. Qedit assumes that you want your batch task to complete, so it always selects the option that will complete the command successfully. That is, "do clear the file", or "do upshift the line".

External File

Although you can only edit the workfile that is currently Open, Qedit accesses files for other purposes than editing.

Qedit reads external files in the Add, Hold, List, Merge, Text and Use commands:

/add 100.1=tfile                       {adds lines from "tfile" at line 100.1}

/list tfile                            {lists the contents of "tfile"}

/text tfile                            {makes a copy of "tfile"}

/use tfile                             {executes Qedit commands from "tfile"}

/merge tfile                           {merge in contents of "tfile"}

/hold sample 1/5                       {write lines 1/5 of sample to Hold file}

Qedit recognizes three types of external files:

·         Other Qedit workfiles.

·         NUMBERED text files. Each record contains a line number field. The lines are sorted by the line number. This is the file created by a Keep command.

·         UNNUMBERED text files. Records with no line number field. These are created by a KQ command or by Keep file,UNN. The language is set to Data.

File Names

A filename is any valid HP-UX file name and is used in Qedit commands to identify a workfile for editing (Open, New, Text) or an external file to be accessed in some way (Add, Keep, List, Text and Use). Qedit accepts file names up to 240 characters long, containing underbars (_) and dashes (-). The following commands all contain valid file names:

/open qedt3p1.source                   {open file for editing work}

/add 50.1 = abcd.pub                   {copy in lines from a file}

/new qedt3p2.qedit                     {create a new Qedit workfile}

/keep test.c                           {convert workfile to Keep file}

/text /GREEN/BOB/temp-dash

/list /GREEN/BOB/temp_underbar

File names that include special characters might cause problems to Qedit. For example,

/Text file:name

Error: Extra or invalid character in Text command

If you run into this, you can use the $file keyword instead. The $file keyword can be used wherever a file name is expected such as in the Text, Add, List commands. The syntax is:


$File is a reserved keyword, which is followed by an optional equal sign and the file name enclosed in string delimiters. Without doing anything to the string, Qedit tries to open the specified file. The previous example now becomes:

/Text $file="file:name"

10 lines in file

Full-Screen Editing

To use the full-screen editor of Qedit, use the Visual command. This feature works on most HP terminals with block-mode and provides many powerful features, including navigation while in Visual mode.

Hold File

There are two Hold files. You can explicitly save lines in the file called Hold by using the Hold command, or HH /HJ in Visual mode. Lines are written to the Hold0 file every time you move or copy with the Add command (MM, CC, and DD in Visual mode). You can refer to the contents of these files by their file names in any of the commands that access external files, such as Add-File, List, and Use.

J Option

You may append one or two option letters to a command name: Q, T, or J. For example, the List command has these options: LQ, LT, LJ, LQJ, and LQT. The J option specifies left-justified or "jumping" or other options. For example:

/lj                                    {List-Jumping to browse; type N to stop}

/lqj                                   {List-Jumping without sequence numbers}

/cj"*"."                               {verify each change before updating}

/aj *                                  {add-justified after *; same indentation}

/rj 423                                {replace-justified; same indentation}

/hoj 1/9                               {append rangelist to end of holdfile}

Jumbo Files

Introduced in Qedit 4.3, Jumbo files are files in a new Qedit file format. They are similar in structure to original Qedit files, but Jumbo files can hold lines up to 1,000 characters. In addition, Jumbo files can contain up to 99 million lines.

Starting in Qedit 4.6.57, there is a new workfile format known as Wide-Jumbo. These expanded Jumbo files can hold lines up to 8,172 characters.

If you pass a Jumbo file to a program that knows about Qedit files but not Jumbo files, the file will appear to be empty to the program.

Keep File

A Keep file is a disc file that is created by the Keep command of Qedit. See external file. A Keep file cannot be edited per se, because you cannot insert lines in it. A Qedit workfile is designed to hold the same data as a Keep file, but more compactly and with the ability to insert lines. Use the Text command to copy a Keep file into Qedit format.


Qedit works on files of standardized formats called languages. Most are programming languages: COBOL, FORTRAN, SPL, and Pascal. The "language" Data is provided for files with a nonstandard line length (e.g., Set Length 45, Set Length 132), but less than or equal to 1,000 columns per line. The "language" Text is like the language Data, but for lines with less than 256 columns. The language of a file tells Qedit how long the records may be, where the sequence number goes, and much more.

For Qedit workfiles, the language is assigned to the file when it is created (see Set Lang, New and Text).

Qedit also determines a language for each external file (COBOL, COBOLX, SPL, FORTRAN, Pascal, RPG, Job, Text) by looking at the maximum record length, the file name extension and the format of the first record. When external files are accessed, Qedit determines these attributes following rules that are defined in appendix B. There is no need to specify the Lang explicitly, unless there is an ambiguity (e.g., /Text datafile,UNN because the file has numbers in last eight columns).


The Set Left command allows you to set a left margin for lines in your workfile. When you do this, existing data to the left of the margin column is retained unchanged, even though you may edit the rest of the line. Of course, if you Delete a line, the entire line is gone. You can also use Set Right to create a right margin.


The maximum length of lines in a Qedit workfile is 8,172 columns, if the file has Set Lang Data. Other Lang values are limited to length 80 or less (72 for SPL, FORTRAN, and Pascal, 74 for COBOLX and 66 for COBOL without the comment columns). For Text and Data files, the maximum line length can be defined using Set Length (maximum is 256 for Text, and 8,172 for Data).


A line is a sequence of characters within a Qedit workfile. It has a length which may vary as the line is edited and a maximum length. Many Qedit commands are based on the line. List displays lines, Delete deletes lines, etc. If you use margins (Set Left, Set Right), you can only list and edit the portion of the line within the margins. Each unique line has a linenum that determines its position within the workfile.

55.01 Sample line of text.


Each line in the workfile has a linenum (e.g., 999.99) that determines its relative location in the workfile. Because each line number has a fractional part, lines can be added between existing lines. For example:

/add 1.1

1.1 line inserted between 1 and 2.

1.2 line inserted between 1.1 and 2.

1.3 //

/list 1/2


1.1 line inserted between 1 and 2.

1.2 line inserted between 1.1 and 2.


The smallest increment that you can have between two lines is 0.001. After adding enough lines in a single spot, you will not be able to add any more. For example, lines cannot be added between 5.111 and 5.112. When this happens, use Renum to renumber all or part of your file, or use Set Vis Renum On.

The simplest form of Qedit commands refers to a single linenum:

·         nnnnn.nnn: 1 1.0 1.05 .05 100 1000 10000.001

·         FIRST: the first line in the file (lowest line number)

·         LAST: the last line in the file (highest line number)

·         [ : default abbreviation for FIRST

·         ] : default abbreviation for LAST

·         : the most recently accessed line

Examples of commands that refer to a single linenum are:

/add 50.1                              {add new lines at line 50.1}

/c "X"Y" 100                           {change X to Y in line 100}

/delete last                           {delete the last line in the file}

/list [                                {list the first line in the file}

/modify *                              {modify the "current" line}

/replace ]-1                           {replace penultimate line in file}

/list 200.1                            {list line 200.1, if it exists}

Qedit also supports relative line numbers, as in List LAST-5 or Modify *-5/*+5.


Using Set Left and Set Right you can define margins for your workfile. The existing data outside the margins is unchanged when you edit within the margins. This can be extremely useful for editing files with more than 80 columns per line.

Memory Lock

Qedit has commands for enabling and disabling the terminal Memory Lock. This is so that you can leave the User Keys displayed on your terminal and still access the Memory Lock function:

 /$                                    {or $+enables memory lock}

 /$-                                   {disables memory lock}

To use memory lock when prompted for a command, just move the cursor up to the desired line, type "$" and hit Return. This feature does not work in Visual mode.


You can ask Qedit to look for a pattern instead of a specific string by using the Pattern window option:

 /list ".@key@" (pattern)

The command above displays all lines that contain a period in column 1, and the string "key" with anything in between and at the end. The string window can also specify Upshift to ignore case and Nomatch to select lines that fail to match.

Qedit will only find the pattern within a single line of text, not spanning two lines.

The special characters in a pattern are:

·         @ to match anything, including nothing

·         # to match a single numeric digit

·         ? to match a single alphanumeric character

·         ~ (tilde or wavy line) to match zero or more spaces

·         & match next character (use to match "@")

·         ^ (reserved for future use)

·         ! (reserved for future use)

Important: At-signs (@) are needed at both ends of a pattern if you want to search for a pattern at any spot in the line. List "QEDIT" (PATTERN) matches only lines consisting of "QEDIT" only, starting in column 1.

The Nomatch and Pattern options are ignored for the Change target string. If you try to use them, Qedit prints a warning.

Here are some sample commands containing window options:

/list "bob" (upshift)                  {"bob","BOB","Bob",etc.}

/list "@BOB@" (pattern)                {lines containing "BOB" anywhere}

/list "BOB@" (pattern)                 {lines with "BOB" in column 1}

/del "&@@" (pattern)                   {delete lines starting with @}

/mod "@fix@QEDIT@"(pat)                {lines with two strings}

/delete "~" (pattern)                  {delete all blank lines}

/list "^[A-Z][a-z]*" (regexp)          {lines starting with an uppercase}

Quiet-Q Option

You may append one or two option letters to a command name: J, T, and Q. For example, the Add command has these variations: AddQ, AddT, AddJ, AddQT, and AddQJ. The Q option means QUIET, without line numbers, or without printing the lines processed. For example:

/lq 5/10                               {list lines 5/10 without line numbers}

/kq paul                               {save lines without line numbers}

/aq 5.01                               {add new lines, but don't prompt}

/aq 10.00=abc                          {add file without printing the lines}

/hq 45.1/.9                            {replace Hold, but don't print lines}

/cq "X"Y"                              {change X to Y, but don't print line}


A range is just a series of lines defined by a starting line number, a slash (/) and an ending line number. ALL is short for FIRST/LAST and @ is short for ALL. If the ending line is left off, Qedit assumes LAST. You can shorten a range like 516/516.554 to 516/.554.

/a 20=100/120                          {copy range 100/120 after line 20}

/c "X"Y" */200                         {change X to Y in current line to 200}

/delete all                            {delete the range ALL}

/keep tF3 [/200                        {write the range [/200 to a file}

/list 100/                             {list the range 100 to LAST}

/m 1111/.99                            {modify the range 1111/1111.99}

/list last-10/                         {list the last 11 lines in the file}

/l @                                   {list the entire workfile}

/zz 5/10;l zz                          {mark a range, then list it}


Qedit commands usually contain a part called the rangelist. A rangelist is simply a sequence of line ranges separated by spaces or commas. Here are some sample ranges:




a single line


lines 1 through 4, inclusive


lines 25 through 100.1


lines 100 through the LAST line


lines FIRST through LAST


area around current line

Here are some sample rangelists:




lines 1 and 5

1/5 10/20

lines 1 through 5 and 10 through 20


lines 25 and 33 through 100

A rangelist can contain overlapping lines. Qedit does not try to resolve the ranges into a list of ordered, unique lines. The ranges are processed as they appear in the list.




lines 30 to 40, then 1 to 10

1/10 5/20

lines 5 to 10 are processed twice


process the entire file twice

A rangelist can also contain a string search:




search the entire file for "strg"

"strg" 10/20

search only lines 10 through 20

A rangelist can include up to 10 strings (see String for definition). Strings are separated from each other by an OR or AND keyword. Each string can have its own search setting such as column range and options. OR and AND keywords can not be mixed in a rangelist.

When OR is used, each string is compared in turn against the text. As soon as a match is found, the line is selected. Thus, most commonly found strings should be placed at the beginning of the list to increase speed.

For example,

/List "abc" or "xyz"                { search for "abc" or "xyz" }

/C 1/2 "ME" "abc" (u 30/35) or "xyz" (50/60 s)

    { search for caseless "abc" in columns 30/35 or smart "xyz" in columns 50/60 }

When AND is used, all strings are searched for on each line and all strings must be found for the line to be selected. The strings do not have to be in the same order. As soon as one string is not found, the line is rejected.

For example,

/List "abc" and "xyz"

    { search for "abc" and "xyz". Both strings must be present, }
    { anywhere on the line, in any order                        }

/C 1/2 "ME" "abc" (u 30/35) and "xyz" (50/60 s)

    { search for caseless "abc" in columns 30/35 and         }

    { smart "xyz" in columns 50/60                           }
    { If either string is missing, the line is not selected. }

The complete rangelist is saved and used when the "previous string" syntax (i.e., a null string) is entered. For example, /List "".

Each command has a default rangelist. The following commands default to "*", the current line:

Add, Append, Change, Delete, Find (start search at *), Hold, List, Modify, Proc, Replace, Visual (enter Visual mode at current line), ZZ.

Justify defaults to "*" for Center, Left, or Right, and to */end (maintaining blank lines between paragraphs) for Format or Both.

Before, Do, and Redo defaults to the last command entered.

Relative Line Numbers

When you tell Qedit which line you are interested in, you can either specify the exact line number, as in

/list 5 or /list last

or you can specify a position relative to an exact line, as in

/list *+6 or /list last-1

The first lists a line that is 6 lines after the current line and second lists the second from last line in the file. The "*" is optional. Relative line numbers can go forward or backward 10,000 lines.

To modify the text around the current line, use

/modify *-5/                           {use Control-Y to stop the Modify}

/modify -5/                            {the * is optional}

Qedit will even let you use relative line numbers when looking at an external file, as in

 /list invoice.job last-10/last


You can use the Set Right command to define a right margin for the lines in your file. Any data beyond the margin will remain unchanged as you edit the data to the left of the margin. You can also set a left margin with Set Left.


The Qedit string window has an option to match strings even if they differ in case. If you want to match "speed demon", "SPEED DEMON" or even "Speed Demon", do:

/list "speed demon" (upshift)

If you want to change the case of letters in your text, use either Proc DOWN (downshift entire lines), Proc UP (upshift entire lines), ^W^S^D in Qzmodify (downshift from cursor to end of line), ^W^S^U in Qzmodify (upshift to end of line), or ^C in Qzmodify (reverse case of cursor).


Most Qedit commands can specify a string of characters to be searched for in the workfile. Only lines containing the string are processed by the command. A string is delimited by quote characters ("SAM") or by one of these other special characters:

 '  \  ~  :  |  %

The delimiter list can be customized with the Set Stringdelimiters command.

The maximum length of a string is 80 characters. Apostrophe is a valid string delimiter when Set Decimal is OFF (handy because ' is an unshifted key on many keyboards). All these delimiters can be used within Qedit commands. Some delimiters, like the colon, cannot be used in an implied search or on the home line (===>) in full-screen mode.

/QEDIT                                 {find the next occurrence of the word QEDIT}

/:QEDIT:                               {colon prefix identifies a system command}

You can specify more precise string matching by appending a window to the string ("SAM" (UPSHIFT), etc.). A null string ("") refers to the previous string entered, with the same window as before. For example:

/c "QEDIT"Quedit"@                     {change spelling in all lines}

/l 'QEDIT' (upshift)                   {match uppercase and lowercase}

/find \withh\                          {find spelling error; fix it}

/change \\with\


The TAB key can be used to skip logically to the next Tab stop (also physically, if Tabs are set on the terminal). If more Tabs are included in a line than there are Tab stops, a new work line is created. The default tab key is Control-I (TAB), but it can be changed (Set Tabs "_"). The default Tab stops are every 10 columns (MPE) or every 8 columns (HP-UX), but you can set the tabs to whatever columns you like with Set Tabs.

Template-T Option

You may append one, two, or three option letters to a command: Q, J, or T. For example, the List command has these variations: ListQ, ListT, ListJ, ListQJ, and ListQT. The T option causes a column-number template to be printed once before the command is processed. The T option is most useful with Add, List and Modify.

/LQT 1                                 {T=template of column numbers}



Visual Editing

Besides the traditional Line mode editing that Qedit supplies, it has another editor built into it, a full-screen editor entered via the Visual command.


A window is used to limit the extent of string matching. Normally, specifying a string in a rangelist implies processing all lines where the string occurs anywhere within the line, regardless of starting column and surrounding context.

With a window, string matching can be restricted to a specified column window (example: 10/30 means column 10 through column 30). Shorthand: (1) = (1/1), ([/30) = (first column/30), and (30/]) = (30/last column). Use a (1/132) window with "TEXT" files to reduce the record width to 132 columns. The column numbers begin with 7 in COBOL and 1 in the other languages.

The complete syntax for a window is: ( [column/column] [ keyword]...)

The window keywords are

Window keyword












A single window may specify multiple options separated by spaces or commas and following the column range, but if Pattern is included the Smart-NoSmart option is ignored. That is, (Upshift Pattern) makes sense, but (NoSmart Pattern) does not. The options are independent and setting or resetting one does not change the others.

With the Smart keyword, Qedit matches a string only if the string is preceded by a "special" character, or the start of the window, and is followed by a "special" character, or the end of the window. In SPL, the apostrophe is not "special". In COBOL, the hyphen is not "special". In Pascal, the underline is not "special". In FORTRAN, embedded spaces are allowed.

When you specify Nomatch, Qedit selects the lines that do not contain the string. The default of course is MATCH to select lines that do contain the string.

With the Upshift window keyword, Qedit ignores the case of letters in deciding whether to find a match.

Pattern means that the string in the window is to be treated as a pattern to be matched (i.e., "@UPD@MASTER@"). It may be combined with Upshift.

Regexp means that the string in the window is to be treated as a regular expression to be matched (i.e., "UPD.*MASTER"). It may be combined with Upshift.

Here are some example uses of windows:

/list ".begin" (1/10 upshift)          {.begin in 1st 10 cols}

/list "@begin@end@" (pattern upshift)  {...begin...end...}

/list "^begin.*end$" (regexp noup)     {begin...end}

A window can be specified permanently with the Set Window command, or temporarily after any string in a rangelist. For example:

/set window (smart)                    {use Smart for all string searches}

/list "sum"                            {defaults to Smart searching}

/l "Sam" (upshift)                     {upshift in this command only}


Qedit manipulates a collection of text lines that is called a workfile. The workfile is a compact disc file with a permanent name that you can edit. Use New or Text to build them. The scratch file is a special workfile that is the default, temporary workfile.

To provide the fastest possible response time, Qedit does not write every word that you type out to the disc. Thus, after a system crash (or phone disconnection), you could lose up to 10 lines of text. If you wish to force Qedit to post your changes to the disc, you can either Shut the workfile or do an HP-UX command (e.g., ls).

Qedit saves the "context" of the workfile (i.e., Set Left/Right, current line number, Set Length, etc.) when you Shut it. When you Open the workfile again, Qedit recalls the same context. The Open command prints a compact warning of any features it sets from the user label.

Special Characters

Certain nonalpha and nonnumeric characters like * and / have special meaning within Qedit:

Means Help, Nonprinting Characters, Alphanumeric (in Patterns) or Optional (in Regexp)

Typing a question mark in the Visual home line or in response to the Line mode prompt (/), is a request for on-line Help. In Visual you can get more detailed assistance by typing Help, instead of "?," in the home line.

When Visual prints a ? at the start of a line, it means that the line contains nonprinting characters, which are replaced by dots (.).

Question mark "?" in patterns matches a single alphabetic or numeric character:

/list "BASE??"(pattern)                {"BASE" plus 2 alphanumerics}

A question mark (?) in regular expressions qualifies the preceding character and makes it optional. This means the character may or may not be there. In either case, the search is successful.

/list "cancell?ed" (regexp)            {"canceled" and "cancelled" are found}

Means Hex, Memory Lock, List Option, Previous File or End-Of-Line (in Regexp)

Dollar sign is used by Qedit to enable (/$) and disable (/$-) memory lock at the current line.

In the calculator, $ is the prefix for a hexadecimal value (=$FF).

The List command has a variety of temporary options preceded by $. For example:

/list $octal 5/6                       {octal dump}

/list $incl abc                        {Include files}

$ can be used as a shortcut to refer to the "previous" file name referenced in a Qedit command. For example, after List XXX, the $ file name is XXX. If you already have an open workfile or scratch file, a Text or Open command makes Qedit shut the current workfile. Thus, the $ file name now contains the previous workfile name. If you are not using a workfile, then $ is not updated by the Text or Open command. However, it is updated by a Shut command without a file name. You can use $ as a shortcut in commands that refer to an external file name (Open $, Add 1 = $, List $, Use $, etc.). Verify $ shows you the name of the "previous" file.

A dollar sign ($) in regular expressions identifies the end of a line. It takes on this meaning only if it is the last character in the regexp. If used anywhere else in the expression, the dollar sign is used as a literal.

When it represents the end of a line, the dollar sign can find a successful match only when the string is the last thing on a line.

/list "The END$" (regexp)              {line must end with "The END"}

Means Findup, Control-Char, Start-of-line (in Regexp) or Negate (in Regexp)

The circumflex character (^) is a short name for the Findup command. In documentation, it often indicates a control character (^A is Control-A). If you are not on an HP terminal, you can use ^1 through ^8 to simulate the user function keys in Line mode. That's circumflex-1, not Control-1!

The circumflex (^) in regular expressions identifies the start of a line. It takes on this meaning only if it is the first character in the regexp. If used as the start-of-line, it indicates that the string must be the first thing on that line for a successful match.

/list "^Once upon" (regexp)            {line must start with "Once upon"}

If it used anywhere in the expression and is not preceded by a backslash, it is used as a literal.

If the circumflex (^) in a regular expression is preceded by a backslash (\), it indicates a control-character combination. The character to the right of the circumflex makes up the actual control character.

/list "\^G" (regexp)                   {Control-G or Bell character}

The circumflex (^) in a character class within regular expressions negates the list of characters in the class. It takes on this meaning only if it is the first character in the class. If used anywhere else in the class, it is used as a literal.

If used as a negation, it indicates that the match is successful if the character in the specified position of the text is not in the class list.

/list "[^abc]" (regexp)                {successful if not "a," "b," or "c"}

Means Nonprinting, Reset, Decimal Point or Any Character (in Regexp)

The most common use of a period is as a decimal point in line numbers: 12.3.

Visual, Qzmodify and List $char use a period to represent nonprinting characters in displays.

A period as a command at the Visual home line means "reset the current Cut and Paste task".

A period or dot (.) in regular expressions is a placeholder for any character.

/list "[a.c]" (regexp)                 {one character between "a" and "c"}

Means Shell Script or Too Long

Put an exclam "!" at the start of a line to indicate a shell script or command.

/!ls                                   {list current directory}

When a line is too long to print on the Visual screen, Qedit prints an exclamation mark at the start of the line.

Means Octal or String

Percent (%) means either an octal value (%454) or a string (/list %xxx%).

Means Current, Refresh, Multiply or Quantifier (in Regexp)

In the calculator, * means multiply, as in =5*30.

In Visual, an * at the ===> command lines tells Qedit to Refresh the screen. When using Set Vis Update On to automatically update the screen, *> or *< moves ahead or back one page, without updating the current page.

You can refer to the current line in your workfile by means of "*" (e.g., Modify *-10/*+10). "*" is usually the default rangelist for a command if you do not specify one. The *-pointer is moved by these commands:


Status of "*" After the Command


last line added.


last line changed.


previous or next line, it depends.


last line found or end-of-file.


last line found or start-of-file.


last line held.


last line updated.


no change to current line.


last line listed.


last line sorted.


last line modified.


last line passed.


last line replaced.


first line in file.


*-line of last page displayed.

An * can also refer to the "current" (or recent) workfile; as in Open * or Use *. The * shortcut refers to the currently open Qedit workfile unless none is open, then it refers to the one most recently Shut.

An asterisk (*) in regular expressions indicates the preceding element might repeat zero (optional) or more times in the text.

/list "op*q" (regexp)                  {"p" might be missing or appears many times}

Means Previous, String, Literal Match (in Regexp) or Special Characters (in Regexp)

If you enter only a Return in a command line, Qedit increments the current line pointer to the next line and displays it.

If you enter a command line containing only a backslash ("\"), Qedit decrements the current line to the previous line and displays it. Entering several backslashes ("\\\") displays backwards several lines.

You can also use \ as a string delimiter (e.g., /list \xxx\).

A backslash (\) in regular expressions is used to indicate the next character must be used as a literal. It removes any special meaning this character might otherwise have.

/list "\[" (regexp)                    {"[" is not start of character class}

A backslash (\) in regular expressions might qualify the next character as a special, nonprinting character. These are special characters:

·         \b Backspace

·         \f Form feed

·         \n New line (line feed)

·         \r Carriage return

·         \s Space

·         \t Horizontal tab

·         \e ASCII escape character (ESC)

·         \DDD 1-3 octal digits representing a character's ASCII value

·         \xDDD 1-3 hex digits representing a character's ASCII value

·         \^C Control code (e.g,. Control-G (^G) is the Bell character)

Means Prompt, Range Delimiter, Stop, Exit, or Divide

Qedit uses the slash "/" in many places:

·         As the delimiter in a line range (e.g., 500/600).

·         As the delimiter in a column range (e.g., Change 1/2 "").

·         // (two slashes) terminate input in the Add command

·         (same as Control-Y).

·         In Visual, / at the ===> line means Exit from Visual mode.

·         In the calculator, as a divide (e.g., =100/5).

Means FIRST, [default] or Start Class (in Regexp)

Left bracket ([) is short for the FIRST line in the file, by default. This abbreviation can be changed with Set Zip.

/list [                                {list first line}

In questions, Qedit shows the default answer in square brackets:

Purge existing file [No]?

In the documentation, [ and ] indicate optional fields in commands (e.g., List [rangelist ]).

Left square bracket ([) in regular expressions indicates the start of a character class.

/List "x[abc]z"                        {character class starts with "a"}

Means LAST or End Class (in Regexp)

Right bracket (]) is short for the LAST line in the file, by default. This abbreviation can be changed with Set Zip.

/delete ]                              {delete last line}

In the documentation, [ and ] indicate optional syntax fields (e.g., Delete [rangelist]).

Right square bracket (]) in regular expressions indicates the end of a character class.

/List "x[abc]z"                        {character class ends with "c"}

{ }
Are for Comments or Indentation

Qedit commands can have comments attached to them, as long as they are enclosed in curly braces:

/keep test.c,yes    {update disc file}

Qedit recognizes these comments at the "qux/" prompt or in usefiles. Qedit also accepts comments on the home line in Visual mode, and at the More? prompt in Browse mode.

Braces are also used in the Add Justified and Replace Justified commands to indicate a change of indentation.

Means ALL

The at sign (@) means "all" in some fashion:

/list @                                {all lines in a file}

/help list,@                           {all information about List}

/l "Cu@"(pattern)                      {all strings starting with "Cu"}

The abbreviation for "all lines" is @ by default, but can be changed with the Set Zip command.

Means Literal Match

Ampersand (&) in a pattern-match string means to match the next character literally, even if it is an "@" or other character with pattern meaning:

/list "&@@"(pat)                       {all lines starting with "@"}

Means Shell Commands or String

Colon ":" at the start of a command line indicates a shell script or command:

/:who                                  {show users logged on}

Colon is also a valid string delimiter:

/list :barbara:

Means Multiple Commands

Semicolon ";" combines two or more Qedit commands on a single line:

/list 5/10;add 5.5

Entering several semicolons (";;;") displays forward several lines.

When combining Qedit commands, be sure to use the same quote character in all of them.





If you want to include HP-UX commands in the list and their syntax requires semicolons, Qedit might not be able to parse the list correctly. To work around this problem, you can put parentheses around the whole command. For example,

/list 5;!find . -name testfile -exec cat {} \; fails

/list 5;(!find . -name testfile -exec cat {} \;) works fine

If some commands require semicolons and parentheses, you have to put the problematic command in a shell script and use it in the command list instead.

Means a List

Comma "," separates items in a list:

/modify 5, 10, 20/30, 44

Most commas are optional in Qedit.

Means Copy or Calculate

Equal sign "=" usually means copy something:

/add 5 = inclfile                      {copy "inclfile" into your file}

/add 5 = 10/20                         {copy lines 10/20 after line 5}

/text w2 = w1                          {build "w2" and copy "w1" into it}

Equal sign at the start of a command means to calculate something:

=10+25                                 {evaluate the expression}

Result= 35.0

Means Move, I/O Redirection or Backward Page

Less than "<" in the Add command means to move the lines instead of copying them:

/add 5 < 10/20                         {move lines 10/20 after line 5}

Less than "<" in an HP/UX command means to read input from an external file.

!a.out < test.script

Less than "<" in the Visual home line means to move backwards one or more pages.

===><3                                 {move back 3 pages after Enter or F7}

Means Forward Page, I/O Redirection, Modify or Qhelp

Greater than ">" in the Visual home line means to move forward one or more pages.

===>>5                                 {move ahead 5 pages}

Greater than ">" in an HP-UX command means redirection of output to a file other than stdlist.

 /ls > ls.result

The ">" symbol is used as a subcommand of HP-style modify, invoked as part of the Modify, Redo or Before command, and meaning "end of line".

">" is the prompt when in the QHELP subsystem.

Means String

Double quotes are the nominal string delimiter in Qedit (List "BOB"). However, you can use any of several special keys for string delimiters in a command:

/find "witth"                          {double quotes as quote}

/find :witth:                          {use colon instead of quote}

Means Start Parameter, Command or Subpattern (in Regexp)

Left parentheses "(" introduces the size of a file, a window for string matches, and is always matched by an ending ")".

 /list "string" (smart upshift)

Left parentheses "(" can be used to enclose commands which include commas or semicolons that might be confused with delimiters. Qedit considers everything between the left and right parentheses as one command. This is mostly useful when multiple commands appear on one line.

/F "test";(listspf o ;seleq=[owner=mgr.acct]);Li */*+5

Left parentheses "(" are used to divide regular expressions into smaller portions called subpatterns. Left parentheses identify the start of a subpattern.

/List "x(abc)z"                        {subpattern starts with "a"}

Means End Parameter, Command or Subpattern (in Regexp)

Right parentheses ")" completes a file size, a window for string matches, and is irresistibly attached to "(".

/list "Robelle" (upshift)

Right parentheses ")" completes command enclosure which include commas or semicolons that might be confused with delimiters. Qedit considers everything between the left and right parentheses as one command. This is mostly useful when multiple commands appear on one line.

/F "test";(listspf o ;seleq=[owner=mgr.acct]);Li */*+5

Right parentheses ")" identify the end of subpatterns inside regular expressions.

/List "x(abc)z"                        {subpattern ends with "c"}

Means Ahead Some Lines, Add or Quantifier (in Regexp)

Plus (+) means move ahead a relative number of lines.

/mod *+1

A plus sign at the Visual home line means move roll ahead a number of lines.

===>+15                                {roll ahead 15 lines}

Plus in the calculator means add (e.g., =5+10).

A plus sign (+) in regular expressions indicates the preceding element might repeat one or more times in the text.

/list "op+q" (regexp)                  {"p" must be there one or more times}

Means Back Some Lines, Minus or Range (in Regexp)

Minus (-) means back a relative number of lines.

/list *-20/

Minus in the Visual home line means roll back a number of lines.

===>-10                                {roll back 10 lines}

Minus in the calculator means subtract (e.g., =1010-40).

Minus (-) in a character class within regular expressions indicates a range of characters. It takes on this meaning if it appears between two other characters. If it appears at the beginning or end of the class, it is used as a literal.

/list "[a-z]" (regexp)                 {range of lowercase letters}

/list "[-az]" (regexp)                 {character class "-," "a" and "z"

Means Numeric Pattern

In pattern-matching, crosshatch "#" matches a single numeric character:

/list "rec##"(pattern)                 {"rec" followed by 2 digits}

In the calculator, you can use # to include the previous result in the next calculation.

Means Spaces (Pattern), Recent Page or Field

In a Pattern, ~ (tilde) means to look for zero or more spaces.

At the Visual home line, the ~ (tilde) command means display the page that you most recently left. It actually corresponds to the Visual current line "*". So, it can be used from line-mode to reference that line.

The tilde is also used in Visual mode as a field separator within text lines that are to be divided (VV) or glued (GG).


How to Contact Robelle


You can contact us at the following address:


Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.

7360 – 137 Street, Suite 372

Surrey, B.C. Canada V3W 1A3


Phone:  604.501.2001

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E-mail: sales@robelle.com

E-mail: support@robelle.com

Web:    http://www.robelle.com/


For our international distributors listing, please consult our web site.



- means back some lines or minus............................... 313

- means range (regexp).................................................. 313

! for shell commands........................................................ 65

! in Visual mode....................................................... 23, 306

! means shell script......................................................... 306

# means numeric............................................................. 314


memory lock................................................................. 304

previous file....................................... 120, 145, 151, 304

$ means end-of-line (regexp)........................................ 305

$double option

List command............................................................... 149

$even option

even number of pages................................................. 154

$file. 250

$include option

List command............................................................... 149

$lp options...................................................... 127, 146, 150

$odd option

odd number of pages................................................... 154


List command............................................................... 146

$record option

List command............................................................... 146

$shift option

List command............................................................... 149

$use option

List command............................................................... 150


octal number................................................................. 306


ampersand in patterns........................................ 236, 310

( means command........................................................... 312

( means parameter........................................................... 312

( means subpattern (regexp).......................................... 312

) means command........................................................... 312

) means parameter........................................................... 312

) means subpattern (regexp).......................................... 313


current file............................................................ 120, 307

current line.................................................................... 306

* means refresh the screen............................................... 36

* means repeating (regexp)........................................... 307

. means any character (regexp)..................................... 306

. means reset Visual cut-and-paste................................. 29

... (dot-dot-dot)................................................................... 12


prompt and range delimiter........................................ 308

/ to exit from Visual.......................................................... 27

// ends line input................................................................ 93

? in Visual mode................................................................ 23

? means alphanumeric (pattern)................................... 304

? means optional (regexp)............................................. 304

@ means ALL................................................................. 309

[ means character class (regexp).................................. 309

[ means FIRST or [default]........................................... 308

[default]...................................................................... 12, 308

] means end class (regexp)............................................ 309

] means LAST................................................................. 309

^ (circumflex)..................................................... 50, 51, 305

^ means control character (regexp).............................. 305

^ means negate (regexp)................................................ 305

^ means start-of-line (regexp)....................................... 305

{braces} for comments............................................ 92, 309

~ (tilde)

blank pattern...................................... 119, 236, 297, 314

field separator........................................................ 31, 226

most recent screen....................................................... 314

+ means ahead some lines or add................................. 313

+ means repeating (regexp)........................................... 313

< means move.................................................................. 311

= means copy................................................................... 311

===> commands................................................................ 34

> means forward page.................................................... 311


RCRTMODEL............................................................... 70

132-column mode

controlling..................................................................... 232

512-column width........................................................... 223

700/92 terminal.................................................................. 22

700/9x and Visual........................................................... 271

A4-size paper................................................................... 156

abbreviating...................................................... 91, 243, 289

absolute file name.................................................. 142, 247

access log............................................................................ 82


Set 192

ACD security................................................................... 144

Add command.................................................... 48, 95, 238

adding a string as a line.................................................... 97

adding lines.................................................................. 47, 95

AdvanceLink keystrokes.................................................. 25


Set 192

Alias Fkey

Set 194

Alias Ignorecase

Set 194

Alias Off

Set 194

Alias Reset

Set 194

Alias Trace

Set 194

all lines.............................................................................. 309

Already error.................................................................... 267


changing exit key........................................................... 87

Alt-Y Reflection command........................................... 186

Alt-Y versus Reflect......................................................... 85

ampersand (&)

pattern-match....................................................... 236, 310

anchors.............................................................................. 282

Append command........................................................... 101


Hpmodify...................................................................... 174

appending to the end of a line....................................... 167

approval of changes

Colcopy......................................................................... 113

Colmove........................................................................ 117

approval of Changes....................................................... 107


Set Keep........................................................................ 200

Asian character sets........................................................ 197

attached printer................................................................ 153

Attachmate....................................................................... 223


Set 62, 195

autoindent........................................................................... 96

auto-renumbering..................................................... 96, 229

backreferences................................................................. 287

backslash means display previous line........................ 307

backslash means literal (regexp).................................. 307

backslash means special (regexp)................................ 308

Backward command....................................................... 102

batch.................................................................................... 62

definition of.................................................................. 289

Before command............................................................. 103


Set Visual option............................................................ 23

bell characters in Visual.......................................... 23, 223

binary files....................................................................... 200

blank lines

deleting................................................................. 119, 298

block-mode......................................................................... 20


Justify............................................................................ 137

Bourne shell....................................................................... 59

braces for {comments}..................................................... 92

brackets........................................................................ 11, 12

browse............................................. 49, 102, 128, 152, 254


Open............................................................................... 178

Text................................................................................ 246

browsing through your file....................................... 27, 44

building a workfile.......................................................... 177


Set Keep........................................................................ 201

-c cmdstring option........................................................... 63

C shell.................................................................................. 60

calculator.......................................................... 94, 263, 290

carriage control................................................................ 201


ignoring................................................................ 108, 301

CC cut-and-paste (copy).................................................. 28


Set Keep........................................................................ 201

cd command..................................................................... 105


Justify............................................................................ 136

Change command..................................................... 52, 106

change tagging

COBOL......................................................................... 238

changing line casing....................................................... 182

character class.................................................................. 283

character range................................................................ 284


Set 118, 135, 195


Set Keep........................................................................ 201

Set Open........................................................................ 211

circumflex (^).................................................................. 305

clearing the screen.......................................................... 225

clearing the workfile....................................................... 248

Close command............................................................... 111

closing workfile............................................................... 244


Set Keep........................................................................ 201

Set Lang........................................................................ 205


tagging changes............................................................ 238

COBOL comments......................................................... 240

COBOL left margin........................................................ 135


Set Text......................................................................... 219


Set Lang............................................................... 205, 238

Cobx tags

Change........................................................................... 108

Colcopy......................................................................... 113

Colmove........................................................................ 117


Set Keep........................................................................ 202

Colcopy command.......................................................... 112

Colmove command......................................................... 115

colon for shell commands.............................................. 310


definition of.................................................................. 290

column changes............................................................... 109

column editing................................................................. 189

column range in list........................................................ 147


copy................................................................................ 112

copying.......................................................................... 189

move.............................................................................. 115

removing....................................................................... 109

shifting........................................................................... 109


Set Term option........................................................... 217

columns of display memory............................................ 73

Com Name error.............................................................. 267

combining commands.............................................. 92, 310

comma means a list........................................................ 311

command history

Shell.................................................................................. 66

command names.............................................................. 291

commands........................................................................... 91

comments in commands................................................... 92

Compare/UX program...................................................... 11

completion codes............................................................... 86

configuring full-screen mode........................................ 230

configuring Qedit..................................................... 61, 190

configuring Visual.......................................................... 222

Confirm deletion............................................................. 118


recovering after ^B...................................................... 167

console messages.............................................................. 81


automatic....................................................................... 195

control characters............................................ 12, 195, 291

control codes for editing....................................... 165, 169

Control-A codes

TAE................................................................................ 232

Control-B on the console............................................... 167

Control-D in modify......................................................... 61

Control-S to pause.......................................................... 151

Control-Y to stop a command................................ 93, 151

Control-Y to undelete....................................................... 54

conventions........................................................................ 11

Copy command.................................................................. 97

copying a block of text..................................................... 29

copying a file into Qedit................................................ 246

copying columns............................................................. 189

copying from a file............................................................ 99

copying lines...................................................................... 97

copying text in Screen...................................................... 45

copying text in Visual....................................................... 28

CPU time.......................................................................... 215

crash recovery.................................................................. 180

creating columns............................................................. 109


definition of.................................................................. 292

CRT model variable................................................... 69, 72

CRT width variable........................................................... 73

curly braces { }................................................................ 309

current line

definition of.................................................................. 292

position on screen............................................... 223, 224

cursor movement........................................................ 23, 42

cut-and-paste............................................................... 28, 45

cut-and-paste between files....................................... 30, 34


Set Visual option......................................................... 225


Set Lang........................................................................ 206

data files

texting............................................................................ 248

DC1 73

DD cut-and-paste (delete)................................................ 28


Set 35, 195

default answers.................................................................. 12

default text formatting

Justify............................................................................ 137

defaults.............................................................................. 292


Set Open option........................................................... 211

deferred write access............................................. 179, 211


ask approval.................................................................. 195


confirm.......................................................................... 118

Delete command....................................................... 54, 118

deleting a block in Screen................................................ 45

deleting a block in Visual................................................ 28

deleting blank lines................................................ 119, 298

deleting characters.......................................................... 167

delimiters.......................................................... 35, 107, 301

Destroy command........................................................... 120


MPE versus HP-UX...................................................... 76

dirty workfile.......................................................... 141, 142

Discard changes on exit................................................... 63

display enhancement

cut-and-paste................................................................... 29

display width

Visual............................................................................. 258

display width in Line mode........................................... 217

Divide command............................................................. 121

divide function

Modify........................................................................... 167

divide function (VV)

Visual............................................................................... 31


Set 196

Do command.................................................................... 122

dot-dot-dot ….................................................................... 12

Double option

double-spacing.................................................... 149, 155

double-sided printing

LaserJet......................................................................... 147

downshifting lines........................................................... 182

Duplex $-option

List................................................................................. 147

duplex printing................................................................ 155

edit several files at once.......................................... 58, 247

editing columns............................................................... 189

editing the text

Screen............................................................................... 43

Visual............................................................................... 24


Set 23, 97


Set Visual option......................................................... 225

EDITOR variable.............................................................. 64

embedded words............................................................. 108

Empty error...................................................................... 267

end-of-line........................................................................ 282

EOF In error..................................................................... 267

equal sign......................................................................... 290

Equals error...................................................................... 268

error abort

override......................................................................... 195

Error Already..................................................... 96, 99, 188

Error Full.......................................................................... 129

Error in Visual CRT read error..................................... 273

Error in Visual Cut-and-paste.............................. 272, 273

Error in Visual Define string........................................ 271

Error in Visual File full.................................................. 273

Error in Visual No update............................................. 272

Error in Visual Not enough lines................................. 271

Error in Visual Parameters............................................ 271

error log............................................................................... 82

error messages........................................................ 267, 271

errors in Visual................................................................ 270


Set Visual option............................................................ 23

escape character.............................................................. 285

escape character in Visual...................................... 23, 226

escape sequences............................................................. 195

escaped sequences in regular expressions.................. 286

escaped sequences in replacement string.................... 288

even margins

left and right................................................................. 137

even or odd number of pages........................................ 147

exclude lines, full-screen........................................ 32, 233


Set Text......................................................................... 218

executing commands in a file....................................... 255

Exit command.................................................................. 123

exit from Visual................................................................. 27

exit keystroke

Reflection........................................................................ 87

exit screen mode................................................................ 44

exit with verify................................................................... 63

expanding a workfile...................................................... 273


Set 197

extension, file.................................................................. 278


Set 197

external command process............................................ 197

external files....................................................................... 99

definition of.................................................................. 292


Set 197

Extra error........................................................................ 268

F1 function key.................................................................. 26

F2 function key......................................................... 26, 254

F3 function key.................................................................. 26

F4 function key.................................................................. 26

F5 function key......................................................... 27, 102

F6 function key......................................................... 27, 128

F7 function key......................................................... 27, 158

F8 function key.................................................................. 27

fast scrolling....................................................................... 43

Fclose error...................................................................... 268

Fcontrol error................................................................... 268

Fgetinfo error................................................................... 268

field separator in Visual (~).......................................... 226


modification timestamp..................................... 201, 211

file extension.................................................................... 278

file format

Jumbo........................................................... 206, 276, 294

original................................................................. 275, 276

Wide-Jumbo................................................ 206, 276, 294

file formats....................................................................... 275

file full..................................................................... 129, 273

file name

definition of.................................................................. 293

file names

hardcoded........................................................................ 67

log 82

File nearly full!................................................................ 273

file open error.................................................................. 180

file timestamp................................................ 142, 180, 250

file type

override......................................................................... 249


Set 198

Filename error................................................................. 268

filling text

even left margin........................................................... 136

Find command.......................................................... 50, 124

Findup command...................................................... 50, 126

fold lines........................................................................... 251

Fold lines, List................................................................. 157

Fopen error....................................................................... 268

force disconnection......................................................... 123

Force-80-Columns in Reflection.................................. 233

Form command............................................................... 127

form feed causing Return/Line feed.............................. 86


Justify............................................................................ 136

formatting listings with Set List................................... 152

formatting text................................................................. 134


Set 198

Forward command.......................................................... 128

Fread error........................................................................ 268

Freaddir error................................................................... 268

Full error........................................................................... 268

full file..................................................................... 129, 273

full-screen after Open..................................................... 225

full-screen editing......................................... 257, 293, 302

function key labels.......................................... 73, 228, 234

saving............................................................................. 229

function keys............................................................... 26, 93

Fwrite error...................................................................... 268

Fwritedir error................................................................. 268

G/H straps........................................................................... 73

garbage collection........................................................... 129

Garbage command.......................................................... 129

Gather command...................................................... 98, 188

GG cut-and-paste (glue).......................................... 31, 226

global COBOL tag.......................................................... 241

glossary............................................................................. 289

Glue command................................................................ 130

glue function (GG)

Visual............................................................................... 31

goof in modify................................................................. 166

goto linenum...................................................................... 44


Set 198

Set Vis option............................................................... 226

handshaking........................................................................ 73

header records.................................................................. 249

Help command.......................................................... 54, 131

HH cut-and-paste (hold).................................................. 28


Set Vis option............................................................... 227

highlighted line

cut-and-paste................................................................... 45


Set 199

HJ cut-and-paste (hold-append)...................................... 33

Hold command......................................................... 99, 132

Hold file..................................................... 33, 65, 132, 293

name substitution......................................................... 132

replacing from.............................................................. 189

Hold0 file................................................................... 99, 132

Hold0 file in Visual mode................................................ 33

holding programs

restricting...................................................................... 207

home line............................................................................ 22

home line command

truncated.......................................................................... 37

home line commands........................................................ 34

home line not transmitted

error................................................................................ 272


Set Modify option............................................... 174, 209

Hpmodify editing

examples........................................................................ 175

reference........................................................................ 174


Set command................................................................ 199

hpterm...................................................................... 225, 227

hpterm emulator................................................................ 70

HP-UX and Visual.......................................................... 270

HP-UX versus MPE.......................................................... 76

I/O redirection................................................................. 311

IBM files.......................................................................... 249

identifying the terminal.................................................... 69

ignore case in string search........................................... 108

ignore line feed option................................................... 227

ignoring case in string search....................................... 301

implicit commands............................................................ 93

implicit hold..................................................................... 132

In Use error...................................................................... 268

Include file prefix character.......................................... 149

Include files............................................................. 149, 150

incorrect line numbers.................................................... 248

increase size of workfile................................................ 273


Set 97, 199

indentation........................................................................ 139

indenting a list of points................................................ 138

indenting line automatically............................................ 96

initial command line......................................................... 63

Insert Char........................................................................ 228

inserting characters.................................................. 50, 167


Set 199

interrupting a listing....................................................... 151

J option............................................................................. 294

JJ cut-and-paste (justify).................................................. 32

Join command.................................................................... 99

joining lines....................................... 31, 46, 130, 135, 168

Jumbo files..................................................... 206, 276, 294


List................................................................ 102, 128, 254

justification breaks.......................................................... 139


ask approval.................................................................. 195


Set 137, 200

Justify command............................................................. 134

KEA! Terminal emulator............................................... 223


Set 200

Keep command......................................................... 55, 141

Keep file........................................................................... 294


Screen............................................................................... 42

Visual............................................................................... 23

keyboard remapping......................................................... 87

Korn shell........................................................................... 59


Set Keep........................................................................ 202

labels for function keys.................................................... 73


definition of.................................................................. 294


Set 204

Language warning.......................................................... 268

LaserJet............................................................................. 155

fonts and orientation................................................... 155

leading spaces

removing....................................................................... 135


Justify............................................................................ 136

Set 206

left edge

floats in Justify............................................................. 138

left margin................................................................. 23, 295


Set 207

Length, Text option........................................................ 251


Set 207


Set 207


definition of.................................................................. 295

line feeds missing........................................................... 227

Line mode display width............................................... 217

line numbers

strange........................................................................... 248

line overflow.................................................................... 238

Line range........................................................................... 89

linenum............................................................................. 134

definition of.................................................................. 295

Linenum error.................................................................. 268


fold................................................................................. 251

length............................................................................. 295

Lines option of List........................................................ 153


Set 153, 208

List command.................................................................... 48

$-options........................................................................ 146

list double-spaced........................................................... 155

list of files......................................................................... 160

list of points

formatting...................................................................... 138

list without file name on page....................................... 154

list without page numbers.............................................. 154

list without title............................................................... 154

listing column ranges..................................................... 147

List-Jump................................................................... 49, 152

Listredo command.......................................................... 158

Listundo command......................................................... 159


Set List option.............................................................. 152

local COBOL tag............................................................ 240

log file names..................................................................... 82

log files................................................................................ 81

errors................................................................................ 81

long lines............................................................................. 96

looking at the file.............................................................. 48

LP listing......................................................... 127, 146, 150

LP Open error.................................................................. 268

ls command...................................................................... 160

Lsort command................................................................ 161


Justify............................................................................ 138

margin, full-screen.......................................................... 258


reset in Visual............................................................... 228

margins.................................................................... 206, 214

Add command....................................................... 97, 100

copying lines................................................................... 98

definition of.................................................................. 296

moving lines.................................................................... 99

margins in Visual............................................................ 240

marking a block in Screen............................................... 45

marking a block in Visual................................................ 28

marking a block of lines................................................ 262


Set 208

maximum line length...................................................... 207

means multiple commands.............................................. 92

memory lock.................................................... 93, 296, 304

Merge command............................................................. 162

merge horizontal............................................................. 162


justified.......................................................................... 162

merging files.................................................................... 162

message line....................................................................... 41

metacharacters................................................................. 281


invalid status line error............................................... 272

missing columns.............................................................. 248

missing line feeds........................................................... 227

MM cut-and-paste (move)............................................... 28

modification timestamp................................................. 142

erase............................................................................... 203


Set 209

setting codes................................................................. 210

Modify command............................. 50, 96, 164, 210, 243

Modify error..................................................................... 268

move by words................................................................... 43

moving cursor

Screen............................................................................... 42

Visual............................................................................... 23

moving lines....................................................................... 98

moving text in Screen....................................................... 45

moving text in Visual....................................................... 28

MPE versus HP-UX.......................................................... 76

multiple search strings................................................... 299


Set Keep........................................................................ 203

Name option of List........................................................ 154

names of commands....................................................... 291

Nearest, List command.................................................. 145

negated character class................................................... 285

New command................................................................. 177

new extra scratch file........................................................ 59

NewLine character............................................................ 88

next line display.............................................................. 307

next page function........................................................... 128

No Line error................................................................... 269

No Open error.................................................................. 269

No Write error................................................................. 269

Nomatch window option...................................... 297, 303

nonprinting characters............................................. 97, 195


Set Keep........................................................................ 203

Num option of List......................................................... 154

numbered files................................................................. 248

numerical expressions.................................................... 263

off-line listing.................................................................. 152


Set option...................................................................... 211

Open command......................................................... 55, 178

open stack......................................................................... 179

operator's console (Control-B)..................................... 167

optional character............................................................ 283

Overflow error................................................................. 269

overlapping columns

Colcopy......................................................................... 113

Colmove........................................................................ 116

overlapping lines in a rangelist..................................... 299

overwriting characters............................................. 51, 166

page numbers

remove from listing..................................................... 154

Page option of List.......................................................... 153


start and stop................................................................. 139

Param error....................................................................... 269

Paren error........................................................................ 269


default for Qedit............................................................. 60


Set 212

Pattern window....................................................... 297, 303

pattern-matching............................................................. 297


not allowed in Change................................................ 108

pause during printout...................................................... 152

pausing listings................................................................ 151

PC control from Qedit...................................................... 86

PC emulators...................................................................... 72

PC keyboards

Visual............................................................................... 25

PCL setting

List command............................................................... 155


two spaces after............................................................ 138

Permanent redo................................................................ 212

Persistent redo................................................................. 212


language........................................................................ 203

port number........................................................................ 81


Maxdata......................................................................... 208

RL default..................................................................... 214

previous file..................................................................... 304

previous line display....................................................... 307

previous page function................................................... 102

primary scratch file........................................................... 58


attached to terminal..................................................... 153

printers.............................................................................. 150


Set 212

Proc command................................................................. 182

Proc error.......................................................................... 269


Set 212

Purge command............................................................... 120

Q command...................................................................... 183

qaccess archive library..................................................... 11

qcat. 10, 76

Qcterm................................................................................. 22

Qcterm version.................................................................. 72

QEDCURWFILE variable............................................... 74

Qedhint.Help.Robelle..................................................... 199


workfile formats........................................................... 275

Qedit file formats............................................................ 275

Qedit version number..................................................... 276

Qeditmgr files..................................... 61, 67, 68, 150, 191

QEDITMGRTRACE variable......................................... 74

QEDPROMPTEDPWD variable.................................... 74

QEDSTOREDPWD variable.......................................... 74


Set List option.............................................................. 152


recovery using.............................................................. 271

quick help......................................................................... 131

Quiet mode

reset in Visual............................................................... 228

Quiet option..................................................................... 298

quote characters................................................................. 35


alternate......................................................................... 107

quotes means string........................................................ 312

Qzmodify.......................................................................... 168

Set Modify.................................................................... 210


definition of.................................................................. 298

Range................................................................................... 89

Range error....................................................................... 269

rangelist............................................................................... 49

definition of.................................................................. 298

overlapping lines.......................................................... 299

rangelist in Justify command........................................ 134

RCRTMODEL variable................................................... 69

RCRTSTRAPSGH variable............................................ 73

RCRTWIDTH variable.................................................... 73

read-only access..................................................... 178, 246

Record mode

List option............................................................ 146, 153

recovery from Reflection exit......................................... 86

recovery of workfile....................................................... 180

recovery using qscreen................................................... 271

Recovery warning........................................................... 269


Set 212

Redo command................................................................ 184

Reflect command..................................................... 86, 186

Reflection........................................................................... 22

Reflection and LaserJets................................................ 153

Reflection commands in Qedit.............................. 86, 186

Reflection for Windows................................................. 153

Reflection Force-80-Columns...................................... 233

Reflection keystrokes....................................................... 25

Reflection version............................................................. 72

refresh line.......................................................................... 51

refresh the screen............................................................... 36


anchors.......................................................................... 282

backreferences.............................................................. 287

character class.............................................................. 283

character range............................................................. 284

escape............................................................................ 285

escaped replacement................................................... 288

escaped sequences....................................................... 286

metacharacters.............................................................. 281

negated class................................................................. 285

optional character........................................................ 283

repeating characters..................................................... 283

repeating class.............................................................. 285

single character............................................................ 283

subpattern...................................................................... 287

Regexp.............................................................................. 303

Regular Expression......................................................... 303

relative line numbers...................................................... 300

remapping the keyboard................................................... 87

removing columns.......................................................... 109

removing garbage from listings.................................... 147

renaming workfile........................................................... 244


automatic................................................................ 96, 229

Renumber command...................................................... 188

renumbering.............................................................. 96, 188

repeating characters........................................................ 283

repeating class................................................................. 285

Replace command........................................................... 189

replacing a string............................................................... 44

replacing words................................................................. 50

replicating a block in Visual............................................ 28

reset 700/9x terminal...................................................... 271

reset cut-and-paste...................................................... 29, 45

reset Visual (Set Visual Stop)................................ 69, 231

reset ZZ............................................................................. 262

restarting Modify on a line............................................ 166

restricting users............................................................... 207

retain current line............................................................ 225

Return means display next line..................................... 307


Justify............................................................................ 135

Set 214

right margin...................................................................... 300

Colmove........................................................................ 116

justify............................................................................. 138

right margin in Visual.................................................... 258

Right margin, Visual...................................................... 228


Set 214

RLABELDEFAULT variable................................ 73, 234


Set Mod option............................................................. 209

ROBELLE environment variable................................... 75

roll amount....................................................................... 254

roll up function................................................................ 254

Roman-8 characters........................................... 23, 97, 196

Roman-8 versus ASCII.................................................. 157


132 columns................................................................. 233

RPCVERSION variable................................................... 72

RR cut-and-paste (replicate)............................................ 30


lib=................................................................................. 207

restricting...................................................................... 207

running Qedit with Reflection........................................ 85

-s option.............................................................................. 63

save 55

saving function keys....................................................... 229

scratch file.......................................................................... 64

screen layout

Screen............................................................................... 40

Visual............................................................................... 21

Screen mode

startup............................................................................... 40

troubleshooting............................................................... 40

scrollup character, full-screen mode............................ 231

search again........................................................................ 45

search and replace............................................................. 44

search string....................................................................... 44

searching for two strings at once.................................. 107

searching for words........................................................... 49

Self-describing files........................................................ 127

semicolon............................................................................ 92

semicolon means multiple commands........................ 310

server process..................................................................... 79

Set command................................................................... 190

Set commands in Qeditmgr............................................. 62

Set Open Defer................................................................ 179

Set Text............................................................................. 218

Set Visual command....................................................... 222


Text command.............................................................. 248


reset in Visual............................................................... 228

several files

editing.............................................................................. 58

shell command history..................................................... 66

shell command limitations............................................ 105

shell commands........................................................... 65, 94


setting variables.............................................................. 69


Set 214

shiftin character in Visual................................................ 23

ShiftIn characters in Visual........................................... 230

shifting case (uppercase and lowercase)..................... 301

shifting columns.............................................................. 109

shifting listings to the right........................................... 149

Shifting Output................................................................ 148

shiftout character in Visual.............................................. 23

shiftout characters in Visual.......................................... 230

Shut command.......................................................... 55, 244


Set Visual option............................................................ 23

single file edit

-s option........................................................................... 63

Size error.......................................................................... 269

Smart string matching........................................... 108, 303


Set Visual option............................................................ 23

sorting lines...................................................................... 161

spaces, preserve trailing................................................. 237

special characters............................................................ 304


Set 215

splicing lines............................................ 31, 130, 135, 168

splitting lines............................................. 31, 46, 121, 167

Start and Stop

Justify options.............................................................. 139

start Qedit server............................................................... 17

start-of-line....................................................................... 282

status line..................................................................... 22, 41

straight margins............................................................... 137

string delimiters............................................... 35, 215, 301

String error....................................................................... 269

String range........................................................................ 89

string replacement

Hpmodify...................................................................... 175

string search........................................................ 35, 49, 235


changing........................................................................ 106

definition of.................................................................. 301

maximum length.......................................................... 301

stty.. 61

subpatterns....................................................................... 287

Substitution, variable...................................................... 220

Super Cartridge............................................................... 157


Smart search........................................................ 108, 303


Set Visual option............................................................ 23

tab character..................................................................... 249

tab character in Visual................................................... 231

tab characters in Visual.................................................... 23

tab stops.............................................................................. 67


whether to expand....................................................... 197


Set 96, 216, 301


Set Visual option......................................................... 232

Target error...................................................................... 269

Tell messages in Visual................................................. 228

template................................................................... 151, 302

template line

Visual screen................................................................... 22

Term Columns

Set 217

TERM variable and Screen mode.................................. 40

terminal config

changing........................................................................ 231

terminals supported by Visual...................................... 270


Set 218

Text command................................................................. 246

building workfiles........................................................ 177

Text into extra scratch file............................................... 59

text lines

Screen screen.................................................................. 41

Visual screen................................................................... 22

texting data files.............................................................. 248

TextJ command............................................................... 247

tilde (~)

blank pattern............................................... 119, 236, 297

field separator............................................... 31, 226, 314

most recent screen....................................................... 314


file 142

Title option of List.......................................................... 153


listing without.............................................................. 154

Too high error.................................................................. 269


Set 220

trailing spaces

Colcopy......................................................................... 112

Colmove........................................................................ 115

trailing spaces, preserve................................................. 237

trial users............................................................................. 16

troubleshooting Screen mode.......................................... 40

truncated home line........................................................... 37

two spaces at end of sentence....................................... 138

two-column listings........................................................ 156

two-sided printing........................................................... 155

Type Ahead Engine...................................... 170, 173, 234

typeahead codes

suppressing................................................................... 232


see User Defined Commands.................................... 220

undefined control codes................................................. 197

Undelete..................................................................... 54, 118


Set 220

Undo command............................................... 54, 159, 252

Undo edit

Hpmodify...................................................................... 175

Undo in Visual mode............................................... 36, 252

unnumbered files............................................................. 203

unprintable characters.................................................... 195

Up command.................................................................... 254

up lines (|)........................................................................... 12

updating Visual screen................................................... 232

uppercase versus lowercase.................................... 92, 301

Upshift window option................................. 297, 301, 303

upshifting lines................................................................ 182

Use command.................................................................. 255


searching....................................................................... 150

User Defined Commands.............................................. 220

Set 220

-v option.............................................................................. 63


Set Keep........................................................................ 203

Variable substitution...................................................... 220

variable-length files........................................................ 203


how to set........................................................................ 69

variables that drive Qedit................................................. 68

Varsub, Set....................................................................... 220


now Qzmodify..................................................... 168, 210

Verify command............................................................. 256


configuring.................................................................... 222

Set 222

Visual and 700/9x........................................................... 271

Visual command............................................ 257, 293, 302

Visual error messages.................................................... 271

Visual mode....................................................................... 68

saving function keys................................................... 229

startup............................................................................... 20

VV cut-and-paste (divide)...................................... 31, 226

wall time........................................................................... 215

warning messages........................................................... 267

warnings........................................................................... 235

what you see is what you get........................................ 210


Set 235

wide lines......................................................................... 251


create.............................................................................. 177

Wide-Jumbo files............................................................ 294


Set Visual option......................................................... 232

width of display memory................................................. 73

width, display in Visual................................................. 258

window.................................................................... 108, 297

definition of.................................................................. 302


Set 235

Window error................................................................... 269

windows and Change..................................................... 107


Justify............................................................................ 139

word processing.............................................................. 134


move by........................................................................... 43

Words command............................................................. 260


Visual............................................................................. 233


Set 177, 236

workfile............................................................................. 177

definition of.................................................................. 303

temporary........................................................................ 95

workfile format................................................................ 275


Set 96, 238

write access

deferred......................................................................... 211


Set 205, 238

Set Global..................................................................... 241

Set Local....................................................................... 240

X.25 networks................................................................. 270

XX cut-and-paste (exclude)............................................. 32

XX, Visual....................................................................... 233

Zave command................................................................ 261


Set 243

ZZ command.................................................................... 262

ZZ cut-and-paste (mark).................................................. 33