Suprtool 6.7 for HP e3000:
Change Notice
Doc-To-Help Standard Manual
by Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.
Program and manual copyright © 1981-2025 Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.
Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given.
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Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.
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Table of Contents
Introducing Suprtool Version 6.7
CPU Serial Number and CPU Name (HPSUSAN & HPCPUNAME)
Suprtool provides fast access to your data on the HP e3000. With Suprtool, you can perform many necessary DP functions easily, with just a few simple commands. At Robelle we are constantly working on your enhancement requests so that we can include them every year when we release an updated version of Suprtool.
· The $split function has been improved with two set commands set quotechar and set smartsplit. Set quotechar aids in removing quotes from byte type csv fields. Set Smartsplit, in conjunction with set quotechar detects and ignores the split character inside of quotes.
· Support for Eloquence 8.4 on HP-UX and Linux platforms.
· Dynamic Loading of Eloquence routines have been improved.
· STExport/UX/Open now supports Extended SD information.
· STexport has improved buffer handling, and the amount of overhead has been significantly reduced.
· Stexport has new features in the Json command. Namely, Indent and Header and Trailer options to add data to the output file.
· The Oracle Add command parsing has been improved. It would fail if there were more than 62000 tables in the given database/ownername.
· The $CHANGE function has been improved to update data directly in the case of an UPDATE.
· A new function in Suprtool called $change, can change one string to another, in a byte type field.
Set Itemlock does not work in one particular case.
Suprtool/iX is compatible with MPE V, MPE XL, and MPE/iX, including MPE/iX 6.5, 7.0 and MPE/iX 7.5.
Suprtools default prefetch value has been changed from 2 to zero.
Ksam64 files were not assumed to be Self-describing like CM KSAM and KSAMXL files when it was the input file and had labels.
A warning will print if a non-regular SD file is loaded into a Table with the data option.
An error will print if an extract command attempts to reference data when loaded from table that in turn was loaded when using a non-regular SD file, such as KSAM/XL, KSAM64 and CM KSAM.
Suprtool and its associated products run only on CPUs whose serial numbers have been encoded ("showvar hpsusan" on MPE/iX). They also may be encoded with your HPCPUNAME values. If it fails to run and you get an "invalid HPCPUNAME" or "invalid HPSUSAN" error message, contact Robelle for assistance.
The user manual contains the full description of all the Suprtool suite of products including Dbedit, Suprlink, STExport and Suprtool2, as well as usage tips and commands for each. The manuals are up to date with all the latest changes. To see only the changes in the latest version, see the "What's New" section of the manual, or see the change notice.
You can download our manuals and change notices in various formats, and you can order printed (hardcopy) manuals from our web site at:
We have two types of Installations, Tape and Download. We provide links to the Installation instructions on our web site for each type of Install.
All Robelle software is installed via download from our website. If you downloaded the Suprtool production release from our web site, then the instructions can be found here for the ftp download method:
and here for the WRQ download method:
If you have any questions about the upgrade process or run into any problems, please call us. Technical support is available on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific time at 289.480.1060 or you can e-mail your question to
Suprtool is constantly being updated with new features. The following section describes the new enhancements to Suprtool since Suprtool 6.6
The $Split function has two new options in how data is processed, specifically Set QuoteChar and Set SmartSplit, which work together to process “byte-type” fields in a csv file. Set quotechar, defines what quote character was used to in creating the CSV file so that Suprtools split function will know when it is in quotes. When the Split function knows this, it will automatically remove the quotes.
The Set QuoteChar, tells the Suprtool Split function what Quote character surrounds byte type fields in a CSV file. If you need to define the double quote as the Quote character you define by surrounding the double quote with single quotes and vice versa.
The commands:
$set QuoteChar ‘”’ {define double quote as quote character}
$Set QuoteChar “’” {define single quote as quote character}
Set SmartSplit On, in conjunction with Set QuoteChar, will allow the Split Function to ignore any occurrence of a Split Character inside the defined Quote Character.
Impact of Set QuoteChar ‘”’ and Set SmartSplit On.
>Set QuoteChar ‘”’
>Set SmartSplit On
>in alana
>def record,1,80
>def name,1,30
>def bytenum,1,6
>ext name=$split(record,first,",")
>ext bytenum=$trim($split(record,",",1,","))
NAME = "Neil Armstrong"
BYTENUM = "1234"
NAME = "Peanut
BYTENUM = dadog"
With Set Smartsplit on and defining the Quote character, $split can do some extra work for you. Specifically, with Smartsplit on, the function can pass over the defined split character and treat it like text. The quotechar tells smartsplit when your in data that is byte AND what character remove.
>set smartsplit on
>set quotechar '"'
>in alana
>def record,1,80
>def name,1,30
>def bytenum,1,6
>ext name=$split(record,first,",")
>ext bytenum=$trim($split(record,",",1,","))
NAME = Neil Armstrong
BYTENUM = 1234
NAME = Peanut,dadog
BYTENUM = 4567
This helps the $SPLIT function do more work and often eliminate another pass thru the data.
Suprtool is constantly being updated with new features. The following section describes the new enhancements to Suprtool since Suprtool 6.5
STExport, HP-UX and Open versions now supports extended SD information. STExport will use the SD information if the input self-describing file was created with Set SDExtname On with Suprtool, and Set Sdextname is set to on inside STExport.
STExport, all versions, has improved buffer handling and the amount over overhead has been significantly reduced.
STExport, has three new features in the JSON command. Specifically, INDENT, HEADER and TRAILER.
The Indent option does not impact the Header or Tail lines or the Object Lines.
The commands:
$in jsonin.stexptst
$json oneperline indent 12
$json Object "This is a test"
$out *
Will produce data that looks as such:
{"This is a test":
The Header and Tail options of the JSON command, allow you to maintain two files, whereby the contents of the files are added to the Json stream, at the beginning and end of the output file.
The header and tail files are created to be fixed length files with a record size of 256 bytes.
The options of the Header and Tail command are as follows:
JSON HEADER ADD "This is a string"
There four options for the Header and Tail commands tell STExport to do the following:
The create action opens the specified file name, if the file exists, it will erase the contents of the file.
Allows you to add lines to the specified Header or Tail file, by specifying a string to add the the Head or Tail file.
Deletes the specified filename, for either the Header or Tail File specified.
Sets the name of the header or Tail file and confirms that it exists.
The following STExport code shows using the new features and the impact on the Output.
input jsonin
JSON oneperline indent 12 header create file24h tail create file24t
JSON HEADER ADD ' "Recreation_Membership_File": {'
JSON HEADER ADD ' "description": "Recusers_File_Ver_1",'
JSON HEADER ADD ' "DataType": "Membership",'
JSON HEADER ADD ' "fullFileMember": "Y",'
JSON HEADER ADD ' "MemberActivity":'
output file24a
would produce the following:
"Recreation_Membership_File": {
"description": "Recusers_File_Ver_1",
"fileType": "ACTIVITIES",
"DataType": "Membership",
"fullFileMember": "Y",
The $CHANGE function has been improved to update data directly in the case of an UPDATE.
Suprtool is constantly being updated with new features. The following section describes the new enhancements to Suprtool since Suprtool 6.4
Suprtools $change function returns a string that was changed by the $change function which, takes three parameters. The first is the field, that contains the data you want to change, the from string and the to string, which is to be enclosed in quotes.
Sample Extract Usage:
In the example above the first string of Neal, is the from string, and the to string is Neil.
If you need to change a phrase with a double quote then you can enclosed the strings in a single quote:
extract xml_input=$change(xml_input,’”LP”’,’LP’)
The primary use of the $change function is to update fields using the extract command, however, you can use it in the if command, however, the field you are changing will appear in the output file as the changed record. Note the examples below:
if $change(name,"Neal","Neil")="Neil"
if ("Neil"=$change(name,"Neal","Neil"))
A reminder that if you start the if equation with the constant string first, you need to encase the complete equation in brackets.
Set CleanChar. Set CleanChar to a single character, after a Set CleanChar “<null>” would not come into effect due to the special null flag not being reset. This was in both Suprtool and STExport.
Table, Data and Hold. Suprtool would lose track of Table data field information, on tables held with the hold option in subsequent tasks.