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Changes in Qedit for Windows 4.7.03

New Features and Enhancements

Saving Automatically

You can now ask Qedit to save your changes at regular intervals. You have to enable the Save Automatically option on the General tab of the Preferences dialog. Once enabled, you can specify the number of minutes between each save.

Note that the option applies to all the files currently opened. Qedit will do a Save on each one. You can not disable the option for some files and enable it for others, nor can you specify a different interval for individual files.

Split a Window Using Menu Commands

Up until now, you could only split windows using the mouse and the split boxes displayed on the horizontal and vertical scroll bars. You can now split a window or a pane in half using the Horizontal or Vertical commands in the Split Window sub-menu of the Window menu.

Open Multiple Local Files

You can now open multiple local files at once. You can use the standard Windows key combinations, SHIFT and CTRL to select them.

Let's assume that, somewhere in the file list, you have 3 files called:


The SHIFT key allows you to select all files between the first and last names selected. If you select ABC.txt, hold the SHIFT key and select GHI.txt. Windows automatically selects DEF.txt along with the other 2 files.

The CTRL key allows you to select files that are not contiguous in the list. Using the previous example, if you select ABC.txt, hold the CTRL key and select GHI.txt, only these 2 files will be selected. DEF.txt will be left out.

Dialogs With Tabbed Formats

The Preferences dialog now uses a tabbed format. The options from the previous Preferences dialog have been separated in groups based on the functionality they apply to. There are 3 groups (or tabs): General, Defaults and Searching. To switch between groups, simply click on the tab description.

The new Preferences dialog

Control Your Intelligent Mouse

Some newer models of mouse come with a wheel that allows you to scroll the screen without moving the pointer to the scroll bar. As you spin the wheel, the text moves up or down. You can control the scroll speed using the Mousewheel Acceleration slider on the General tab of the Preferences dialog.

Display Invisible Characters

You can now display characters that are normally invisible, like spaces and tabs, using the Show invisibles command of the View menu. If you enable this option, space characters will appear as small dots and tab characters as small arrowheads pointing to the right.

You can have this option enabled automatically for all files that you open by selecting the appropriate option in the Defaults tab of the Preferences dialog. You can also select a different color on the General tab of the Preferences dialog.

Invisible characters displayed

Properties Dialog

The Properties sub-menu of the File menu is now a tabbed dialog. The commands in the sub-menu, Information and Options, are now separate tabs.

The new Properties dialog

Problems Fixed