If you know which column they are in, then Suprtool can find specific characters:
>define myfield,31,1 >if myfield = ^13 {ascii 13 = carriage return}
Otherwise you can use Qedit to find these records (if the fields in DATAFILE are not all ASCII, use Set Left and Set Right to isolate the ASCII portion):
/set decimal on /list datafile '13 {'13 = carriage return }
But this customer didn't have Qedit (yet...) so we found the following Posix shell solution which finds any lines in the file called DATAFILE that have non-printable characters.
:run sh.hpbin.sys;info="-L" shell/iX> grep "[[:cntrl:]]" DATAFILE
We took this approach because the expected regular expression for carriage returns: grep "\r" DATAFILE did not work.
Any ideas or other methods? Send your suggestions to Paul Gobes at Robelle.
January 18, 2001