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"They'll have to pry Qedit out of my cold, dead hands."
Pat Shugart, Oaksoft Consulting

... More quotes from our customers



New HP 3000 Book

HP 3000 Evolution:

Edited by Bob Green of Robelle, from articles written by Robelle, by The 3000 Newswire, and by other experts in the HP 3000 field.

This 300-page book contains the latest information on three important topics:
HP 3000 Tune Up
Migrating a 3000 application.

An essential reference for every desk! Order your copy on-line for US$25.

Recent News and Tips

Feedback on Qedit/HP-UX

"I absolutely LOVE QEDIT! It is helping to make the move off the HP3000 at least bearable. I could never have lived with vi."

Rex Dickey, IT Director
Columbia Steel Casting Co., Inc.


HP 3000 Support: Azurri

Azurri Computer Systems offer support (both hardware & software) on all HP 3000 servers (whether currently supported or not by HP). Their support services will continue well past 2006 with no plans to discontinue HP 3000 support. Hat tip for the link to: John Dunlop


HP 3000 Freeware

This Beechglen web site has many useful scripts and programs (store-to-disk format) such as a utility to dynamically change the logon prompt to display a message *before* users attempt to log on, and a command file to translate sybsys and err numbers, plus many others.


Robelle is Moving!

We are moving our Surrey BC office on Friday, March 26th. But since most of us don't work in the office anyway and the telephone lines will be call-forwarded and we have spare servers in California, there should be no disruption in customer service!


Hidden Value for February

The second February column from The 3000 Newswire is up at John Burke's web site, with answers to questions such as "how do I find all the IMAGE databases on a system?" and "What is the command to kill a session that refuses to die?" - lots more good information.


net.digest for February

The February column from The 3000 Newswire is up at John Burke's web site, with good information on patches, Stage/iX, MPE/iX date formats on :Store tapes, and DSCOPY vs FTP.


Feedback from a Customer

John Bawden of QualChoice writes: "Been reading the newsletter since 1988 and it has provided many good tips that have saved me time and effort and increased my HP 3000 knowledge. Robelle's support and service are consistently among the best in the business."


Credit Union Migration Story

Summit is converting a number of sites from MPE to HP-UX every month, using Robelle's Suprtool and Qedit in the process. Here are comments from one credit union.


Information for New Customers

We have added a web page with information for new users of Suprtool and Qedit, including installating the software.


March Robelle Newsletter Online

We have posted our latest newsletter, which customers will receive in the mail as well:

"Qedit and Suprtool rock!"
Allegro's 20th anniversary
Suprtool performance, migration and latest enhancements
Merging lines horizontally in Qedit
And lots of industry news and links.


Why Google is Vulnerable

Read Tyler Cowen's post about Google's competitors and then try these two new search engines: Teoma and Mooter.


Migrating Suprtool to HP-UX

Recently I was asked why Suprtool for HP-UX doesn't work or even exist, when our web site had references to the product all over. I was incredulous, but apparently someone had been saying that Suprtool for HP-UX did not exist!!!!

Well nothing could be further from the truth, and what is even more important we have some great new enhancements and options available! However, one of the biggest questions in the last three weeks is what are the differences between MPE and HP-UX. It is evident that many customers recognize the investment that they have in their Suprtool code and want to know the types of changes they need to make to their code in order for it to work on HP-UX if they move from MPE.


Frank Smith for MPE Training

The Feb 2004 issue of The 3000 Newswire contains a good interview with Frank Smith of Alden Research, who offers certified MPE/iX training. Frank even developed MPE training classes for HP. Contact him via email at or tel: 410.750.2101. Many other MPE consultants also offer MPE training, so it should not be a problem to get training for new staff for quite some time.


Speedware Supports Eloquence

Jean-Marc Jalbert of Speedware writes:

"We officially support Eloquence on Windows and UNIXs. It is supported in the AMXW product, a recent Speedware acquisition. You can do a search on the Speedware Web site to get more info: - Eloquence is also supported in our 4GL and CASE Tools : Speedware V7. We also support Omnidex for Eloquence on Windows and UNIXs."


Allegro 20th Anniversary

Steve Cooper writes: As I reflect back on Allegro's 20 years and my own 26 years in the HP 3000 business, I cannot help but marvel at how lucky we are to be a part of this community. It has been an honor and a pleasure to work in such an exciting, dynamic, and supportive environment...

Click the link above and read what others have to say.


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