Top Ten Tech Support Questions

Check out the Bonus Tech Support Questions below.

If you are a new Robelle user, also check the New Customer web page.

  1. What does the 'Unknown HPSUSAN' error mean?

    When you upgrade your computer, the new computer usually has a different HPSUSAN (HP System Unique Serially Assigned Number) from the old one. Your Robelle software has a list of authorized HPSUSANs, so when you move the Robelle software to the new computer, the software refuses to run. Just complete this form to get the new CPU licensed.

    If it is the weekend and you need to you get your Robelle software running again immediately, follow the "disaster recovery" instructions and then complete the form as well (important!).

  2. What Robelle versions do I need for my version of MPE?

    See the charts on our support page.

  3. What is the latest version of Qedit or Suprtool?

    Visit the "What's New?" page.

  4. We are doing disaster recovery testing. Can you send me codes?

    You can run the EXTEND.PUB.ROBELLE program with the DISASTER entry point to convert your Robelle software into 10-day expiring demonstration versions which will run on any CPU. This mechanism can only be used once, so if you need more time for testing, you'll need to contact us to make special arrangements. For extended testing, we have a product rental option.

  5. Qedit
  6. I cannot connect to my host in Qedit for Windows.

    There are a number of problems that can cause connection to a host to fail (new firewall, expired server demo, etc.). Read our Debug-Your-Connection page.

  7. Why doesn't my file have the latest data when I read it in Suprtool (or Qedit)?

    Assuming that you have checked your logic and you are on MPE, the reason is usually either that there is a File equation involved or that you have both a temporary file and a permanent file with the same name! Robelle software follows File equations and also looks for temporary files first, then permanent ones. Do a Listeq command to check for file equations that might interfere with your file name, then reset them. Do a Listftemp @.@.@ command to see what temporary files you have. Suppose your data file is named xxx. If you see a temporary file named xxx, either purgetemp xxx or do rename xxx,xxx1 to change the name of your permanent file and that should solve your problem.

  8. Suprtool
  9. How to convert a J4 Number into human readable format ?

    Suprtool has several ways to convert binary numbers (e.g., J4, I2, P8) into human-readable ASCII form. You can use STExport or Suprtool's Output,Ascii or Output,Display commands.

    If you want to convert only some of your numeric fields, you can use Suprtool's numeric conversion to convert binary fields to display fields. For example, here is a conversion of a J4 field to an Z18 field:

       define mynumber 1,18,display
       get dataset
       extract some-fields...
       extract mynumber = binary-number
       output filename

    Note that if you wanted to go directly to an X18 field you can use the $edit function (This solution requires Suprtool version 4.8 or higher):

       define mynumber 1,18,byte
       get dataset
       extract some-fields...
       extract mynumber = $edit(binary-number,"999999999999999999")
       output filename

    If you are not up to date on a more recent version, this would need to be a two step process:

       define mynumber 1,18,display
       get dataset
       extract some-fields...
       extract mynumber = binary-number
       output filename
       define byte-number 1,18,byte
       in filename
       extract some-fields...
       extract byte-number = mynumber 
       output filename

    Note that this technique also works for converting a number from one numeric type to another number type.

  10. How to convert ASCII to Binary data?

    The answer is the same as for the previous question, but in reverse. Define the X18 field as type Display, then define a new J4 field, and extract the X18 field into the J4 field. Read our application note and study this example:

       get dorders
       define fromfield,orderpartnum,18,display
       define tofield,1,8,integer
       extract tofield=fromfield
       output dordbin

    So this will convert the data in most instances, however if you have commas and decimal points and signs in the data you need to use the $number function:

       get dorders
       define fromfield,orderpartnum,18,byte
       define tofield,1,4,integer
       extract tofield=$number(fromfield)
       output dordbin
    The $number function will take in free-format "numeric" data and convert to binary, in an intelligent manner. You require Suprtool 4.9 or higher to have support for the $number function. Read our application note

  11. How do I do lookup from a Table?

    It seems that Suprtool can only work on one dataset at a time, unlike Quiz which can link to many datasets. However, the Suprtool Table command and the Suprlink functions allow you to work with multiple datasets, and they can be much faster than a traditional link.

  12. info on qedit
  13. How do I use MPE/IX Variables in Qedit?

    You can use MPE/iX variables in Qedit commands by prefixing the Qedit command with a colon and a slash (:/). The colon tells Qedit to send the command to MPE, which knows how to dereference variables, then the slash tells Qedit that it is really a Qedit command, not a MPE command.

    Or, use the new Set Varsub command (in version 5.4.11) and you can insert variables in all commands. And this works on HP-UX also!

Bonus Tech Support Questions