Change Notices and Installation

Robelle is always working on new versions of Qedit and Suprtool. Every year, we send a new version of our products to customers who are on support. We call this the production version of the product. At the same time, there is usually a pre-release version of each product.

Production Versions

Here are the Change Notice and Installation Instructions for the latest versions:

Download Instructions

If you download your copy of our software product, whether new or updated, please click here for download instructions.

Pre-Release Versions

Pre-Release versions of our software are not as widely distributed as our production versions. All Robelle pre-releases have passed our internal test suite, been installed for in-house Robelle use. If you are on support, we will send you a pre-release version of our software upon request.

There are currently no pre-release versions of Qedit or Suprtool.

Historical Change Notices

Here are the Change Notice and Installation Instructions for some of the older versions of our products. Please only use the installation instructions from the change notice if it matches the version that you have:

