
CPU Upgrades and Additions

When you upgrade your HP server, or add a new HP server to your company network, you must contact Robelle to obtain a new authorization code that enables Qedit and Suprtool to run on the new equipment.

If you are upgrading over a weekend and our office is closed, send us this form anyway, then run the Robelle software on the new server and follow the "disaster recovery" instructions to obtain a temporary one-time extension. We will get back to you with a permanent code when we are back in the office.

MPE HP SUSAN Number and Server Model

For an HP 3000 MPE server, collect the unique HP SUSAN number as shown by the SHOWVAR HPSUSAN command and the model name as shown by the SHOWVAR HPCPUNAME command.

HP-UX HP SUSAN Number and Server Model

For an HP 9000 HP-UX server, collect the unique HP SUSAN number as shown by the uname -a command and the model name as shown by the model command.

Product Version Numbers

In order for us to authorize your software, we need to know which product versions you are running.

For Qedit and Suprtool on MPE, just run the program and it will print the version number in the header. Try and

The CPU Upgrade/Addition Form

* These fields must be filled in.

Contact Name*:

Identify the new server you want to run Robelle software on:

What Robelle Products? Host-based Qedit
Qedit for Windows
Product version numbers:

If upgrading, identify the old server to be replaced: Serial#:

Disaster Recovery Done? Yes

Problems gathering this data? Yes, we will contact you.

Optional: Your Robelle Account Number, if you should happen to know it.

If you do not receive a reply within one business day, perhaps you spelled your email address wrong. Try calling Robelle at 1-888-ROBELLE.