You may want to print this page, for reference.
Once you have downloaded the binary file to your PC, you need to upload it to the HP e3000. Start a MS-DOS command window, switch to the directory where you downloaded the binary file, then start FTP:
C:\> cd \download C:\DOWNLOAD> ftp Connected to 220 HP ARPA FTP Server [A0011001] (C) Hewlett-Packard Co. 1990 User ( myname,manager.sys,pub 230 User logged on ftp> binary 200 Type set to I. ftp> put lqprod.bin lqprod;rec=128,1,f,binary;code=store 200 PORT command ok. 150 File: lqprod;rec=128,1,f,binary;code=store opened; data connection will be opened 226 Transfer complete. 9360640 bytes sent in 10.89 seconds (859.88 Kbytes/sec) ftp> quit
Now that you have the STORE file on your HP e3000, you need to install it:
Logon (or stay logged on) as manager.sys,pub to do the restore.
:hello manager.sys,pub :file t=lqprod;dev=disc :restore *t;@.@.@;create;show=short :purge lqprod :stream robelle.job.robelle
Wait for the job to send you a completion message:
========= Robelle.Pub.Sys ================= = Robelle account structure ready. ============================================
Using the codes provided in your e-mail from Robelle, execute the following installation steps:
:hello mgr.robelle,pub :webtrial.qeditjob Please enter the Product Verification Code : n Please enter the Verification Code : n
After a few moments, a batch job will be launched. Wait for the job to send you a completion message:
Install has installed a Demo version of Qedit in .PUB.ROBELLE!
You can now run the trial release from the Pub group: