July 15, 1996
What You Will Find in This News Memo:
The shareware entries that are recommended by the reviewers have a "GET IT!" icon, and the best entries receive the "WINner 95" designation. That is where we found DUNCE (Dial Up Networking Connection Enhancement), a freeware application that automatically presses "Connect" for you on the "Connect To" dialog and supports auto-reconnect. There is also a shareware CD-ROM, which is probably a good idea because Windows95.com can get pretty busy during the day. The CD, which is updated every three months, contains hundreds of megabytes of shareware.
The bottom line: this a very useful and relevant site for Windows 95 users. Highly recommended.
August 4-9
HP WORLD '96 Conference and Expo; Anaheim, California. This promises to be an excellent conference, with thousands of HP users sharing their experience, and hundreds of vendors showing off their latest products. As in past years, we'll be presenting a plethora of tutorials and papers.
The complete schedule is available in the form of either a table or as text.
Please note that Mike Shumko's paper, Migrating Data from MPE to the World, has not been listed in the HP World schedule mailed by Interex. Have no fear! Mike will be bouncing off the podium, handing out important tips on getting your data from the HP 3000 to other platforms. For the most up-to-date information about Robelle and HP World, you can stop by our booth (#615) or visit our Web page at http://www.robelle.com/interex/1996/.
August 12-14
APS Users Conference; Austin, Texas. Marie Reimer and François Desrochers will be traveling to the biggest state in the union to parley with the APS users. Don't miss François' Suprtool presentation on the new features of Suprtool 3.8. [Editor's Note: APS has closed its doors this year to 3rd-party vendors, so we won't be going after all.]
October 28-31
SRN Users Conference; Reno, Nevada. Come and chat with Hans Hendriks at the Software Research Northwest annual user conference. Meet him at the vendor's table, and attend his talk on using Suprtool.
The essays in this book are concise, clear, and eminently readable. Brooks has a way of forcing you to question your implicit assumptions. In the title chapter on schedule slippage, he drives the reader humorously, but relentlessly, to this conclusion:
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.In another essay, Brooks points out:
Chemical engineers learned long ago that a process that works in the laboratory cannot be implemented in a factory in one step. An intermediate step called the pilot plant is necessary....In most [software] projects, the first system is barely usable. It may be too slow, too big, awkward to use, or all three. There is no alternative but to start again, smarting but smarter, and build a redesigned version in which these problems are solved...
Delivering the throwaway to customers buys time, but it does so only at the cost of agony for the user, distraction for the builders while they do the redesign, and a bad reputation for the product that the best redesign will find hard to live down. Hence, plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow.
The 20th anniversary edition includes all of the chapters of the original book, plus a lot of new material. The chapter "No Silver Bullet - Essence and Accident in Software Engineering" was first published in 1986. Brooks asserted that no single software engineering development would produce an order-of-magnitude improvement in programming productivity within ten years. While this paper caused a lot of rebuttal in the software engineering community, Brooks was right -- there has been "No Silver Bullet."
The other chapters discuss why this is so, and Brooks points out one of his mistakes in the first edition, "David Parnas Was Right, and I Was Wrong about Information Hiding." Brooks states, "I am now convinced that information hiding, today often embodied in object-oriented programming, is the only way of raising the level of software design."
If you create, maintain, manage, or are involved in part of the software engineering process, you must read The Mythical Man-Month. From the hard-nosed advice to the amusing anecdotes, you will enjoy this book. [David Greer]
Marie started out as the do-everything person and, being an outgoing person, gravitated towards Sales. She is now juggling the jobs of managing the Marketing and Sales department along with being the Value-Added Reseller Liaison.
Mike and Marie have both spent a considerable amount of time on the phone at Robelle. Let's see, if Mike and Marie each averaged only ten phone calls per day, that's roughly 50,000 calls! Here's to another successful ten years to both of them! [Ken Robertson]
Suprtool 3.8.11 adds access to HP ALLBASE/SQL databases on both platforms by means of the familiar Select command. Suprtool can sort selected records up to twice as fast as Allbase, thus freeing system resources for other applications. For example, if Suprtool's Sort command is used instead of the SQL Select...Order By command, users can reduce their sort times by as much as 50%. The Allbase access module is available immediately as a pre-release, and will be priced as an add-on module to the basic Suprtool package.
When should prefetch actually be used? As per Marguerite Bryan of the HP Response Center in issue #20 of the IMAGE Support Newsletter, you may use prefetch when
1. The system has adequate memory available to manage the increased data page locality as well as adequate processor capability to handle increased concurrency of processes.
2. The application makes numerous calls to DBPUT, DBDELETE, or most recently DBUPDATE to critical items. Other TurboIMAGE intrinsics only read or update data, not pointers or counters where multi-block access is a real issue.
3. As PREFETCH is intended to increase database concurrency, multiple users must be processing data before the benefit can be realized. Prefetching data blocks offer little or no benefit to single processes executing against a database.
The problems have been found in TurboIMAGE versions C.04.06 through C.04.08 on MPE/iX release 4.0. This problem is documented in detail in SR 5000-668673 and can be fixed by installing the patch TIXFX04 (TurboIMAGE C.04.09).
Here's our job stream for cleaning up old (random, permanent) Qedit workfiles:
!job cleanqed,manager.sys;outclass=archive,1 !comment !comment 4 June 1996 HH Deletes old Qedit workfiles (QED) !comment !comment Run once weekly. !comment !run main.pub.vesoft yespurge qed#####.@.@(code="QEDIT" and ACCDATE < today-1 & and not opened) exit !eoj
This problem may occur if you are using the Netbase product from Quest Software to access a file on a remote machine. Suprtool/iX 3.8 does not identify these files correctly. Select one of these three solutions:
1. Patch the program.
2. Disable Prefetch.:run sompatch.pub.sys sp> open suprtool.pub sp> mod get_open_file+290 get_open_file + 290 48960160 {must see this number} 44b60050 {you type this in} 48960160|44b60050 {double check what is returned here} sp> modify get_open_file+294 get_open_file + 294 d2d61ff0 {must see this number} 08000240 {you must type this in} d2d61ff0|8000240 {double check what is returned here} sp> exit Total number of patches being applied 1
You can disable prefetch globally by adding this Set command to the Suprmgr.Pub.Sys file.Set Prefetch 0 {zero}
3. Request the latest version. The bug has been fixed in the latest pre-release, which is available on request. If you are already running a pre-release version of Suprtool and you need the patch, please call tech support for a new pre-release tape.
Here's an example of a daunting report:
We can simplify this report by complicating the Suprtool output phase. In this example, we'll need three passes to change the duplicate data into spaces.ACCT CONTACT-NAME ADDRESS-TYPE 206J Fred Flintstone MAIN 206J Fred Flintstone INVOICE 206J Fred Flintstone TAPE 206K Freakazoid! MAIN 206K Freakazoid! INVOICE
Let's first get the records that are the originals by using Dup None. We won't forget to Set Squeeze Off so that we have enough room to append records in the second pass.
Next, we'll get the records that are duplicates and extract the duplicate data as spaces. Notice that we are extracting the account number twice in order to preserve the sort information for the last pass.>get d-address >define my-acct acct-no >extract my-acct,acct-no,contact-name >extract address-type >output bigfile,link >sort my-acct >sort contact-name >dup none key >set squeeze off >xeq
>get d-address >define my-acct acct-no >extract my-acct,acct-no=" ",contact-name=" " >extract address-type >sort my-acct >sort contact-name >dup only key >output bigfile,append >xeqLet's take a look at our report.
And there we have it -- a much more readable report. Of course, we could also customize the headings, but I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader. [Ken Robertson]>in bigfile >sort my-acct >extract acct-no / address-type >list standard >xeq ACCT CONTACT-NAME ADDRESS-TYPE 206J Fred Flintstone MAIN INVOICE TAPE 206K Freakazoid! MAIN INVOICE
Our solution? Use Qedit's Lsort command instead of Suprtool:
/text filex,unn /lsort first+1/last-1 keys 1,10 /keep,yes
You must have Set Decimal On in order for this to work. You can also change strings composed of multiple values of nonprintables. For instance, you may want to append line breaks to your file so that it is compatible with a specific PC application./set decimal on /changeq '27"&dJ" '27"&dD" all
It's probably a good idea to use the "quiet" option when you change nonprinting characters because you may get unexpected results. The terminal or terminal program can magically get its configuration changed when displaying an escape sequence. Worse yet, an escape sequence can even trigger a "transmit" function, sending whatever is on the display to the host computer. For example, the accidental transmission of rm * (remove all files!) is known in computer jargon as a "bad thing."/appendq '13'10 all {carriage-return line-feed}