Recently I was asked why Suprtool for HP-UX doesn't work or even exist, when our web site had references to the product all over.
I was incredulous, but apparently someone had been saying that Suprtool for HP-UX did not exist!!!!
Well nothing could be further from the truth, since we ported Suprtool to HP-UX over 10 years ago. And what is even more important is that we have some great new enhancements and options available.
One of the frequent questions recently is "what are the differences between MPE and HP-UX?" It is evident that many customers recognize the investment that they have in their Suprtool code and want to know the types of changes they need to make in order for it to work on HP-UX.
Currently, by default you can use the standard Image commands against Eloquence. The "standard Image" commands in Suprtool are: Base, Get, Delete, Put, Update and any of the Dbedit commands.
We have the option to use these same commands against Oracle databases using Suprtool with the IMAXSoft option. This means that you can port your scripts directly over from MPE to HP-UX with very few changes. Of course you must acquire the OpenTurbo product from IMAXSoft (but their call conversion libraries are also handy for converting an IMAGE database and associated programs to Oracle quite painlessly). Here is the web link:
We are also working with another vendor to utilize their libraries, which will give us another option for migration. The goal here is to open even more database options for Suprtool/UX, such as DB2 support.
If you have your own
call conversion library, please email me and we would
be glad to look at supporting it in Suprtool/UX:
And, we are working on a generic option that should work for anyone who has their your own libraries that convert Image calls to Oracle (or any other database); providing instant Suprtool support instead of having to contact Robelle and wait a month for a new R&D pre-release.
All of these options are slated for the production version of Suprtool 4.8 and are available starting with the pre-release version 4.7.12, due by the end of February, 2004.
If you do not want to use the IMAXSoft option or another call conversoion library, you can still access Oracle using Suprtool's Open and Select commands. These commands correspond to the Base and Get commands, so the script conversion from MPE to HP-UX can be mostly mechanical.
If you had a script on MPE that reads a whole database:
base mydb get orders out orders,link xeqThis would be:
open oracle username password select * from orders out orders,link xeq
Suprtool and STExport allow control over whether or not line feeds will be written to the output file or not. For details please see the Output Commands for both Suprtool and STExport.
This year we managed to add Output=Input and Totals to a file to Suprtool version 4.9 and we are working on the list above more this year as well.
Neil Armstrong, Suprtool Architect, November 2005