For MPE/iX 5.5, we recommend you use Qedit version 4.4 or later, which was shipped to all customers world-wide in January 1996.
The version of Telnet/iX that comes with MPE/iX 5.5 now allows for inbound connections to your HP3000. Unfortunately users who try this new method of connecting will find that it is not yet fully functional. It does not support the 'user' block mode that Qedit's full-screen editing requires. As of late September/96, Robelle is working closely with HP to see that the next release of Telnet/iX will support Qedit's visual mode.
After updating to MPE/iX 5.5, the native-mode compilers will not be able to read Qedit files. The following instructions we install the Qedit native-mode compiler interface so that all native-mode compilers can read Qedit files.
Assuming that you have Restored the Robelle files onto your system and that you have not done this step before, Stream Savecmdf.Qeditjob to make backup copies of the existing HP command files in the Stdcmd.Sys group. You will need to know the Manager.Sys password:
:stream savecmdf.qeditjob.robelle {wait for it to finish} :listf @.stdcmd.sysThen Stream Qcompxl.Qeditjob to make three changes to the Pub.Sys compiler command files:
:stream qcompxl.qeditjob.robelle
At any point, either within Qedit or at the MPE/iX prompt, you now should be able to compile a Qedit file or a Keep file, just by invoking the normal command file:
:pasxl source {from MPE} :run /pasxl source {from Qedit}
After updating to MPE/iX, none of the compatibility-mode compilers will be able to read Qedit files. If you do not use any CM compilers, you do not need to complete this step. You have to choose an installation method: integral or isolated.
There are two methods of fixing the compilers on your system: integral into Pub.Sys or isolated in the Robelle account. The isolated method is best for new or trial-period users, because it is faster to install and easier to remove later. You can start with the isolated method and convert easily to integral method later.
Integral Method.The compilers in Pub.Sys are "fixed" directly and a segment is added to the System SL. The standard :Cobol and :Pascal commands of MPE will then compile Qedit workfiles. :Sysdump is used to make a new cold load tape for the next time you must boot the system.
Isolated Method. The MPE compilers are copied into the Q.Robelle group and the original compilers are left in the Pub.Sys group. No code is added to the System SL. Because the "Qedit" compilers are not in Pub.Sys, you can not compile Qedit workfiles except from within Qedit.
The job stream Qeditj1.Qeditjob.Robelle makes integral compiler fixes. Use it either to update the fixes to a new version or to re-install the fixes after a MPE update from HP. Because this job modifies the compiler program files in Pub.Sys, you should :Store @.Pub.Sys before starting and save the tape. You will need another small tape for a new Cold Load tape.
Ensure that no one will compile until the installation is complete. Stop all jobs and send an operator warning. Log on as Manager.Sys, modify the first line of the Qeditj1 job to include the passwords, then :Stream the job.
:stream qeditj1.qeditjob.robelleThe job runs Qedify.Pub.Robelle to update the compilers in Pub.Sys and install non-privileged hooks into them, so that they can access Qedit workfiles. The job adds a code segment from Qcompusl.Pub.Robelle into Sl.Pub.Sys and then requests a tape mount for a new cold load tape.
Mount a tape with a write ring and :Reply. Save this tape and use it for any future cold loads. The CM Compiler Interface is now installed. Compiles done inside or outside Qedit will work on either Qedit workfiles or on regular Keep files.
The job stream Qeditj1a.Qeditjob.Robelle fixes the compilers, but isolates the changes in the Q.Robelle group. Ensure that no one will compile until the installation is complete. Stop all jobs and send an operator warning. Modify the first line of Qeditj1a to include the Robelle password, then stream the job:
:stream qeditj1a.qeditjob.robelleThe job uses Qedify.Pub.Robelle to copy the compilers from Pub.Sys to the Q.Robelle group, then "fix" them to read Qedit files. The original compilers in the Pub.Sys group are not modified. Once this step is completed you can use the CM compilers on Qedit files from within Qedit, but not at the MPE prompt.
For MPE/iX 5.5, we recommend Suprtool version 3.8 or later. This version was shipped to all customers world-wide in Spring 1996.
If you call Speed Demon/V from COMPATIBILITY-MODE programs on MPE/iX, you must install the latest version in the System SL.
:stream demon.suprjob.robelleIf you have NATIVE-MODE programs that call Speed Demon/iX, you will only need to reinstall if you installed the routines into the System XL file (XL.PUB.SYS). This is not recommended by either HP or Robelle
If you have compatibility-mode programs that call Suprtool2 from the System SL, you must reinstall the compatibility-mode interface into SL.PUB.SYS. Use our standard installation job:
:stream suprcall.suprjob.robelleIf you have native-mode programs that call Suprtool2, you will only need to reinstall if you installed the routines into the System XL file (XL.PUB.SYS). This is not recommended by either HP or Robelle
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