Robelle Products and MPE/iX 6.0

If you plan to upgrade to MPE/iX 6.0, please take the time to review these notes. We have thoroughly tested and recommend the following versions of Robelle software for MPE/iX 6.0:


We recommend you use Qedit version 4.6.02 or later for MPE/iX 6.0. If your Qedit maintenance contract has not expired, you would have receive this version in the first quarter of 1998.

We have not added support for the new enhancement of allowing special characters in Posix filenames as yet.


We recommend you use Suprtool version 4.1.04 or later for MPE/iX 6.0. If your Suprtool maintenance contract has not expired, you would have receive this version in the second quarter of 1998. We have not tested previous versions of Suprtool with MPE/iX 6.0.

Specifically, most of the compatibility issues with Suprtool are centered around Image/SQL. Suprtool 4.1.04, will support some of the more recent features such as B-Trees and Master Dataset eXpansion.

The main concern on MPE/iX 6.0 in terms of Suprtool is the new 80 Gb feature of IMAGE. Up until the C.07.14 version of Image, the limit for jumbo datasets was 40 Gbs. In the C.07.14 version of IMAGE, the new limit is 80Gbs. If you need to to take advantage of this then you require Suprtool 4.2.01 or higher.

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