HP-UX 11.0 no longer supports block mode
Qedit's visual mode fails in HP-UX 11.0
Hewlett-Packard has changed its terminal drivers to 'Streams PTY' and
discontinued support of block mode starting with
HP-UX 11.0. This will cause the full-screen visual mode in
Qedit/UX to fail on HP-UX version 11.0.
What can you do?
Robelle contacted Hewlett-Packard but has been unable to get them to
change this policy. As a result of this decision, Qedit for HP-UX
customers have the following options:
- Complain directly to the HP Response Center that block mode
should continue to be supported. HP is more likely to act if more
customers make their opinions known. In your call please refer to our
open call id "A5361935" and also let us know your new call id
so we can keep the pressure on HP.
- Use 'screen mode' instead of 'visual mode' in Qedit/UX. This
is the full-screen mode designed for VT terminals which uses
Ctrl-keys for editing functions.
Some terminal
emulators, like Reflection, can support both HP and VT terminal modes.
The Qedit command "set visual screen on"
then function key "F1" will test if you can use this mode.
The Qedit command "help VT" will give you more information.
- Switch to using 'Qedit for Windows' client/server editing by
upgrading your version of Qedit for HP-UX to include the server
option. We have extended the deadline to December 31, 1998
for 'early discount' server upgrades for HP-UX 11.0 customers only.
Robelle apologizes for any inconvenience this change has caused. If we
can be of any assistance, please contact us by telephone, e-mail or
fax. For pricing information regarding the Qedit for Windows upgrade,
please contact