Sometimes in IMAGE/SQL datasets, packed (Pn) and display (Zn) data type fields hold positive-signed data. To get Suprtool to convert these fields to neutral-signed data you can use an arithmetic operation on the EXTRACT command.
In this example we have a zoned display field that was entered with a positive sign, notice the LIST command shows the sign and the OUTPUT command shows it with an alphabetic "E" overpunch.
Item: CUST-ACCOUNT Z8 >get d-sales >extract cust-account >list >output * >xeq >GET D-SALES (8) >OUT $STDLIST (0) CUST-ACCOUNT = +5 0000000E IN=5, OUT=1. CPU-Sec=1. Wall-Sec=1.
Now try the same task with an arithmetic operation on the EXTRACT command:
>get d-sales >extract cust-account = cust-account * 1 >list >output* >xeq >GET D-SALES (8) >OUT $STDLIST (0) CUST-ACCOUNT = 5 00000005 IN=5, OUT=1. CPU-Sec=1. Wall-Sec=1.