Here is a sample of what the emailed message to the DBA would look like:
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 12:25 PM To: Subject: Database Analysis Your MACS Databases were analyzed using Robelle's HowMessy. These datasets may require attention: http://marge/IT/Data/MACS.htm Secondaries were > 30 Loadfactors were > 80 [Generated by: abdbchek.streams2]
And here is the database analysis in HTML:
My job stream is the same as Neil's with the following changes:
!setvar _secondary 30 !setvar _loadfactor 80
The edits to this job needed for another Ecometry shop to use it are:
!job jdbcheck,MGR/userpass.SGAII,MACSDATA;outclass=lp,3,1
!comment ** Now, generate the email and send ** ! setvar who "aballo" ! setvar mailserver "mail" ! run MAIL.TELAMON.SYS;info="-t ! -f & ! -s 'Database Analysis' -h !mailserver -m email2"
It doesn't matter which version of Ecometry you have installed - this job should work because the database names have not changed.
Finally, here is Robelle's job stream, modified for Ecometry:
!job jdbcheck,MGR/userpass.SGAII,MACSDATA;outclass=lp,3,1 !comment !comment ============================================ !comment This job is designed to analyze the databases !comment and determine potential problems and email !comment the problem datasets in a report to myself. !comment !comment This way I only know if there is a problem. !comment ============================================ !comment First clean up any files in the messdata !comment group. !comment !setvar _secondary 30 !setvar _loadfactor 80 !purge load@.messdata !file loadfile=loadfile.messdata;save !run MACORD !rename loadfile.messdata,loadord.messdata !run MACITM !rename loadfile.messdata,loaditm.messdata !run MACMAN !rename loadfile.messdata,loadman.messdata !run MACUSR !rename loadfile.messdata,loadusr.messdata !comment !comment Finished analyzing the databases !comment !comment Now summarize the load files into one !comment single file. !comment !purge tonights.messdata !purge suprin,temp > $null !purge > $null !setvar _secondary 30 !setvar _loadfactor 80 !echo if secondaries > !_secondary or loadfactor > !_loadfactor > suprin !run in loadord.messdata numrecs 10000 out tonights.messdata xeq in loaditm.messdata;out tonights.messdata,append;xeq in loadman.messdata;out tonights.messdata,append;xeq in loadusr.messdata;out tonights.messdata,append;exit !purge load@.messdata !purge except.messdata !purge myhtml.messdata !run in tonights.messdata use suprin ext database ext dataset ext datasettype ext loadfactor ext secondaries ext capacity ext entries out except.messdata xeq !setvar filen "myhtml.messdata" export input except.messdata export output myhtml.messdata export html table export col fixed export heading fieldnames export xeq exit !if suprtooloutcount <> 0 then !echo OPEN marge > ftpin !echo USER kickmail >> ftpin !echo kickmail >> ftpin !echo CD /sys/public_html/IT/Data >> ftpin !echo PUT !filen MACS.htm >> ftpin !echo BYE >> ftpin !run FTP.ARPA.SYS < ftpin !comment ** Build a nice email message to send ** !setvar _recs 100 !setvar _size 70 !purge email2 > $null !purge email2,temp > $null !build email2;rec=-!_size,,f,ascii;disc=!_recs !file emailx=email2,old;dev=disc;acc=append;rec=-!_size !echo >>*emailx !echo Your MACS Databases were analyzed using Robelle's >>*emailx !echo HowMessy. These datasets may require attention: >>*emailx !echo >>*emailx !echo http://marge/IT/Data/MACS.htm >>*emailx !echo >>*emailx !echo Secondaries were > !_secondary >>*emailx !echo Loadfactors were > !_loadfactor >>*emailx !echo >>*emailx !echo >>*emailx !echo [Generated by: abdbchek.streams2] >>*emailx !comment ** Now, generate the email and send ** ! setvar who "aballo" ! setvar mailserver "mail" ! run MAIL.TELAMON.SYS;info="-t ! -f & ! -s 'Database Analysis' -h !mailserver -m email2" !endif !deletevar who !deletevar mailserver !deletevar file !eoj
Anthony Ballo
January 11, 2001