After you have marked a block of text to move or copy, (with a cc or mm) and then attempt to paste in on another page, you will receive an error:
NO UPD: bad format in left 4 columns (see qscreen)The immediate work around is to change the language to job, while editing in visual mode and switch back to cobx when you want to save the file. This may interfere with you tags however, it is provided as an immediate work around.
We have developed a patch for Qedit 5.4 and Qedit 5.5, which is the current production version. We patched the production version of Qedit and put it on our web site on Monday, July 26, 2004 at 1:30pm EST.
If you encounter the problem and want the new version you can just redo the download and install the production version using the same codes you were given previously. You can download the patched version and follow the instructions from here: you no longer have your codes, you can go thru the full process and request codes starting from this URL: you are confident, you can also patch the program file yourself using adb.
The steps involved to do the patch are as follows:
The bold lines below are what you type in. The "$" is not a prompt, but rather a command that you need to type in full.
If you do not see output from adb on the line that starts with visutil_pagerea, that matches exactly what is shown above (for your version of course), then just copy the backup version that you made over top of the version that you just patched and contact with the output from your adb session. We can either diagnose what went wrong or recommend that you download the patched version.