Introducing Qedit
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Syntax ColoringSyntax coloring let's you distinguish syntax elements at a glance, makes it easy to find syntax errors, highlights comments, quoted text and keywords, and it works on MPE files, HP-UX files, and Local files. Here is what the screen can look like, but remember that the color scheme is totally under your control.
Edit Multiple Files at OnceHere you see two files being edited at the same time. Qedit for Windows knows not to show you the line numbers at the start of each line of COBOL.
More Information on Syntax Coloring. Two Views into the Same FileQedit for Windows lets you split a document window so that you can get two views into the file. In this example, we are keeping the data declaration in the top view, while working on the code in the lower view.
French Version AvailableMaintenant offert en français In the French version of Qedit, all of the messages and menus displayed by the Qedit for Windows program have been professionally translated into French. Dans la version française de Qedit pour Windows, les messages et les menus qui apparaissent à l'écran ont été traduits par des traducteurs professionnels. French version of Qedit for Windows / Version française de Qedit pour Windows