Robelle for Ecometry Users
Tammy: Our Ecometry Rep
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Our Products
Qedit for Windows
Robelle and Ecometry
have been working together since 1989, when the Ecometry
product was known as MACS and the Ecomotry Corporation was
known as Smith-Gardner.
As a result, you are already a Robelle customer, even if you don't realize it, since
the Ecometry application uses Robelle's Suprtool
to speed up data access. Suprtool is installed on your system along with
Ecometry and is used extensively by the application. However, you can also use it yourself
to help produce custom reports and debug problems with your data. The big
advantage is the speed with which Suprtool can churn through your large
datasets to find what you need.
Do you need some help with Suprtool? Consider these options:
Who do I call for support? For Suprtool, you call
Ecometry, unless you purchased direct
Robelle support, then call
1-888-robelle. For Qedit, always call 1-888-Robelle.
When do I get the latest version of Suprtool? If you are on Robelle
support, you get it as soon as it is released, or earlier if you request a fix
for a specific problem.
Who Should I Ask For At Robelle?
Tammy Roscoe,
our Ecometry rep, is always a good first choice
(, 1-888-robelle).
Or just ask for Technical Support.
Here is a photo of Tammy at HP World with
Nancy Perau, William Erwin and Susan Wisniewski
from Childcraft.
Direct Robelle Support
To benefit fully from Suprtool, you may want to deal directly with
Robelle and our
technical support team.
We welcome such inquiries
and would be glad to send you printed Suprtool manuals, Quick Reference Guides
and training materials, then answer all your questions.
We have experience with many SG sites who have exploited Suprtool's
power to get more out of their Ecometry system.
Just sign up for Robelle support at
$400 per year.
Qedit for Windows
Many Ecometry users find that Qedit for Windows
improves their productivity impressively when editing source code,
scripts, and data files on their servers. Just look at some of the
Ecometry user testimonials:
From: Chris Koch, Tiger Direct
We bought Qedit for Windows and already I feel like I can't
live without it. It really helps because I have never had much luck
with Edit/3000. I definitely prefer the Windows GUI cut and paste world.
Many more user comments are listed below.
Qedit for Windows is the easiest, fastest solution for windows-enabling your
HP e3000. It brings unprecedented ease-of-use to HP e3000 editing and
script development. Unlike competitive alternatives, Robelle's Windows-enabling
software has been carefully developed in keeping with our corporate philosophy of
providing "solutions that don't get in your way". For ease of integration,
we have designed this solution specifically to accommodate multi-platform flexibility,
allowing MACS/Ecometry users to work with ease in the HP environment.
- Handles all HP e3000 file types including job streams, Suprtool scripts and
data files - common tasks that save Ecometry customers valuable time.
- Real-time editing of HP host files - no download/upload cycle.
- Fast access to multiple files on multiple HP and Windows platforms at the same time.
- Integrated development environment: execute HP host commands such as Listf, Showjob,
run Suprtool, and compile, directly from the Qedit client.
- Flexible cut and paste between files, even if they live on different HP or
Windows servers.
- Powerful data file editing: Qedit supports very large files and full-fledged
column editing.
- Enables fast access to PC and HP files over the Internet.
- Set shortcuts for all directories that need to be accessed: no need to enter
long pathnames.
- Visual interface with split screen, ruler bars, vertical guide lines,
auto-indent, vertical and horizontal scrolling, etc.
- Qedit Scripting Language provides customization and automation for repetitive
editing and operational tasks.
Over Twenty Years as a Leader.
Whether Robelle is solving your critical data problems or easing
your editing tasks, we are 100% customer driven. Our objective is
to dramatically improve and streamline our client's data operations
while fitting in with their existing processes, tools, and work flow.
We back up our technology and customer service commitments with comprehensive
technical support, every hour of every day.
How To Keep Users Away From MPE Colon Access
Brad Rish of Catalog Ventures, an Ecometry user in Chelmsford MA,
asked how to keep users from getting MPE "colon" access.
He wanted to be sure that his users could access only the
programs he wanted them to use. Brad was unaware that
as a user of Suprtool, he already had a Robelle utility
that would do exactly what he wanted. SELECT, a bonus
program that comes free with Suprtool and Qedit, is a
menuing program that allows the system manager to setup
exactly what choices he would like users to see when they
logon. For more information, Suprtool and Qedit users can print the SELECT manual: select.doc.robelle
Here is what Ecometry users have to say about Suprtool and Qedit:
"We were recently asked by our Controller 'What is the best piece of software
you use?'. Undeniably, it was Robelle's Suprtool and Qedit!"
Anthony Ballo
Sr. Business Systems Analyst
Musician's Friend
"Recently I took a Quiz reporting task that was done completely in Quiz and
rewrote it to incorporate Suprtool as a front-end. The job was previously
taking 2-3 hours and now, with Suprtool, it runs in six minutes!"
James M. Dunn
Manager of Software Support
Hammacher Schlemmer
"At many shops, I have used Suprtool to do very fast extracts. The Suprtool
extracts are about as fast as possible, and often much faster (3 to 10
times!) than other solutions.
"I have also used Suprtool to produce extract files for downloading to Excel,
Access, Crystal Reports, etc. Users then find the latest data in a shared
LAN directory when they come in each day, or run on-demand queries as
required. Then they can sort, select, total or whatever on their own PC.
Often a single extract will fill several different user requirements as they
can just ignore data they don't need."
Chris Goodey
System Manager
Qedit For Windows
"I find that I am much more productive using the Windows version of Qedit. I
refuse to go back to line editors or visual mode. Qedit for Windows is just
the easiest, most convenient tool for working on the HP 3000"
Ty Franck
Director of Operations
McGlen Micro
"I just ordered Qedit for Windows. Wow, realtime editing of files on the HP -
I'm impressed! I really like to edit job stream files on the HP with Qedit
and, of course, Suprtool is a must for us. Between the two I can do most any
chore involving custom streams or reports. Qedit eliminates the need to FTP
out of the HP, work over in Notepad, then FTP back to the HP. And I write
enough long Suprtool jobs for it to save me the old edit blues of
EJ Kaluza
MACS/Database Administrator
Carlton Industries, Inc.
"Qedit for Windows is great for creating and editing Suprtool streams.
I really like the find/replace has made my life a lot
easier! I am accustomed to using Qedit/3000 directly on the HP, but
I find Qedit for Windows much easier with its Windows GUI format.
No commands to remember plus I can scroll through the whole file
at once.
"I also used Qedit for Windows to edit a 150,000 line flat
file. I needed to delete it down to about 70,000 records. With
Qedit for Windows, I was able to do the deletions in chunks of
records - a task that I wouldn't have been able to do any other
way than with the Windows version of Qedit.
Chuck Salerno
System Administrator
Design Toscano
"We create many files on the HP that are then downloaded to a PC
and sent to vendors and client, Qedit for Windows makes it very
easy to edit these files before they are downloaded, especially
if we have multiple files that need the same kind of editing.
The windows cut and paste feature makes this kind of data
manipulation very quick and very easy.
"I also use Qedit for Windows extensively when I am trouble shooting
application problems on the system. Qedit for Windows lets me quickly move
from source code to copy code to job code, and I can view multiple files at
the same time. It makes the debugging process much faster. (Qedit for
Windows saved me at least four hours of debugging time the very first time I
tried using it in this scenario - and I hadn't really learned how to use it
Randy Smith
Director of Information Systems
PC Acquisition, Inc.
"I love Qedit for Windows. I use Qedit to search through large
spoolfiles such as our analyzer and system management reports...
actually all kinds of reports. That way you don't have to download
them first and open them with a word processor - what a hassle that
is! I also use Qedit to write job streams which is made easy by
Qedit's multiple file and cut & paste functionality.
I can look at two or more files at the same time and easily
copy and paste between them - even if the files live in different
accounts. For instance, when creating new Suprtool jobs, I just
open a template and copy portions of it to the new job stream. Or
open a file from the test account and do a 'Save As' to
the production account, then just change the job card and you're
ready to go.
"Now I can hear the old-timer saying 'nothing you can't do in Edit/3000
or at the : prompt!' Yes, but it sure as heck isn't as easy - especially
for us young'ns!"